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First Eagles - General Files - Hanger, Menu Screens

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41 files

  1. Woe-style Hangars for the three non-flyables

    Here are some 1024x768 sized WOE-style hangar screens for the three stock non-flyable aircrafts in First Eagles. Included are instructions for making them flyable. Also there are 5 Loading Screens and 1 Loadout Screen in this pack. Hope you enjoy!
    Thanks to Sopwith Snipe for the inspiration
    See you in 2.0!
    --Jackson M.


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  2. Planning Map Icons

    This is a set of icons which will enhance the mission planning map (the one you see in the Hanger Screen, not the one you see during the mission.) This works best in campaigns - With these installed, you will see the correct roundels for all planes in the air and flags identifying the ground units. These icons also work in single missions, although ground units won't show up.
    Historical Notes - To distinguish between German and Austrian planes, I added red stripes to the Austrian icon. During the war, Austrian, Bulgarian, and German planes all used similar markings.
    I also included a roundel for Serbia, which is identical to the US roundel. During the war, Serbians mostly flew French planes without changing the markings.

    Installation instructions:
    You will need to extract and change the PlanningMapScreen.INI which is in the MenuData.cat file. Detailed instructions are included in the Read Me file.


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  3. First Eagles loading hangar.rar

    - Loading and Hangar screens for most of the available planes
    - Planes: 1914 - 1918
    - Works best with Guitarclassic55's replacement menue available here: http://combatace.com/files/file/6685-guitarclassic55s-replacement-menu-screens-with-movie/
    - Make sure you edit the aircract INI files (HangarScreen= and LoadingScreen= entries)
    - Make sure you make an according copy of your existing files!


       (2 reviews)



  4. WW1 Medals Pack for FE - Beyond the Western Front

    Designed to complete my just updated WW1 Alternative Medals Pack for FE, this new Pack provides you with rich panels of decorations, for four air forces who fought bravely on fronts far away from Flanders or Verdun, with limited resources but some few worthy native models – namely the Russian Imperial Military Air Fleet, the Italian Military Air Corps, the Austro-Hungarian Imperial and Royal Aviation Troops, and the Ottoman Aviation Squadrons.
    Generally speaking, awards for enduring service have been assigned highly demanding requirements, to hang on to Ojcar’s Armchair Aces dynamic campaigns allowing to go through that long-term World War in its seemingly never-ending aspect. As usual, each panel includes several decorations from allied countries: thus, as an Imperial Russian officer before the fall of the Tsar, you may be awarded decorations from the grateful sister nation of Serbia; and as a Russian pilot keeping on fighting a hopeless war by 1917, you may be conferred prestigious Orders by the Kingdom of Romania desperately relying on its stumbling Slavic ally. I chose to have the citations display the decorations’ names in original language without subtitle, as you can notice on the screenshots. Be easy, the awards you deserved are still announced in English on the Debrief Screen, and listed in English on the Medal List Screen.
    Two Nations lists are provided, the first one devoted to campaigns and missions taking place before early 1918, and the second and default one reassessing the state of the belligerents from early 1918 on (before and from early 1917 regarding Russia). You’ll have to juggle with both lists according to the period of the War when you plan to fly your campaigns. Everything has been designed, when swapping the pre-1918 for the 1918 medals file during an extensive career, for the decorations you were awarded before April 1918 both to be preserved with original look and citations, and not to be awarded a second anachronistic time thereafter. The pre-1918 list grants much more lenient criteria to be awarded the same distinctions you could also receive later spending more sweat, and prevents you to get awards unavailable before 1918.
    A complete set of musics includes national anthems and marches devoted to each nation's overtures and successful debriefings sequences. Other interesting optional assets include optional lists of awards, designed for pilots of the belligerent nations of the Western Front fighting over Venetia, Galicia or Palestine, as well as optional lists of ranks with tweaked sequence of promotions allowing you, IMHO, much more realistic careers if used with Ojcar’s long-term campaigns.
    This Pack is a huge lot, and has been repeatedly re-engineered by a psychotic perfectionist. Each list of medals includes many links to other files, sometimes to my Western Front pack’s contents, and not all of the available panels have been tested on the long term. Please report all of the quirks, crashes, and other non-appearances of medals or citations you could experience. I shall then edit the Pack according to the problems found.
    IMPORTANT : There was an important warning in the ReadMe file of the latest upgrade of my WW1 Alternative Medals Pack for FE, to inform downloaders that this updated version had reshuffled orders of precedence, and that the decorations in each panel had their code names modified and their personal numbers reallocated, in such a way that it may certainly alter the lists of honours received already in any of your ongoing Allied or German campaigns. With this in mind, I have designed this ‘add-on’ “Beyond the Western Front” in order that it is actually a ‘stand-alone’. I mean that you won’t need to have installed any older or upgraded version of my Pack for the Western Front to enjoy the medals lists and bonuses enclosed here for the four Nations of Russia, Italy, Austria and Turkey. Still, you need to have installed the latest version of my Pack for the Western Front to use the optional medals lists.

    January 2016 modifications: Corrects a couple of graphical and regulation mistakes on the Italian panel, also adds a wound stripe (Distintivo di Ferito). Beware, these amendments could alter the Italian awards received during your ongoing campaigns started with my December 2015 panel.


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  5. WWI Alternative Medals Pack for FE - December 2015 update

    Welcome to my latest update, December 2015, for this Medals Pack intended to provide your campaigns on the Western Front with a more complete immersion into the WW1 universe.
    Compared with my latest update in July 2010, you will notice many changes, especially the appearance of new lists of awards for the Belgians and for two more German States, and some conspicuous increase in the already existing lists. The available panels now cover Germany, the United Kingdom & British Empire, France, Belgium, and the United States. About Germany, four panels are actually provided, allowing you to embody a pilot from either one of the main four federated kingdoms of Prussia, Saxony, Bavaria, or Wurtemberg – and to receive awards accordingly. Each Allied panel includes several awards from other Allied countries, each panel for the German Kingdoms includes several awards from other German States.
    Two Nations lists are provided, the first one devoted to campaigns and missions taking place before early 1918, and the second and default one reassessing the state of the belligerents from early 1918 on. You’ll have to juggle with both lists according to the period of the War when you plan to fly your campaigns. Everything has been designed, when swapping the pre-1918 for the 1918 medals file during an extensive career, for the decorations you were awarded before April 1918 both to be preserved with original look and citations, and not to be awarded a second anachronistic time thereafter.
    The pre-1918 list grants much more lenient criteria to be awarded the same distinctions you could also receive later spending more sweat, and prevents you to get awards unavailable before 1918. This pre-1918 list also allows you to explicitly fly as distinct nations both of the British air components existing before the Royal Air Force: the Royal Flying Corps, and the Royal Naval Air Service, both of them with their own lists of ranks, awards and citations.
    Generally speaking, the requirements for awards for enduring service have been now revised upwards by large, to hang on to Ojcar’s Armchair Aces dynamic campaigns allowing to go through that long-term World War in its seemingly never-ending aspect. Each panel includes several decorations from allied countries (or from other German States in the case of the Second Reich). I chose to have the citations display the decorations’ names in original language without subtitle, as you can notice on the screenshots. Be easy, the awards you deserved are still announced in English on the Debrief Screen, and listed in English on the Medal List Screen.
    A complete set of musics for all occurrences has been enriched, and sometimes modified since my latest update in July 2010. Several themes from the soundtrack of “The Blue Max” replace the game's default themes (Main Screen, Base Screen, Options Screen...), while national anthems and marches are devoted to each nation's overtures and successful debriefings sequences.
    This Pack is a huge lot, and has been many, many times entirely re-engineered on a new basis. Each list of medals includes many links to other files, and not all of the available panels have been tested on the long term. Please report all of the quirks, crashes, and other non-appearances of medals or citations you could experience. I shall then edit the Pack according to the problems found.
    VERY IMPORTANT : Be aware that in comparison with the former July 2010 update of this pack, this updated version has reshuffled orders of precedence and that the decorations in each panel had their code names modified and their individual numbers reallocated. This may certainly alter the lists of honours received already in any of your ongoing Allied or German campaigns. So think twice before installing this December 2015 update if you have current campaigns underway, and prefer installation when beginning new campaigns.


       (2 reviews)



  6. FE2 "Aces Over North Africa" PhotoShop 1024x768 Menu Templates

    FE2 "Aces Over North Africa" PhotoShop 1024x768 Menu Templates
    By Viper
    A set of "Aces Over North Africa" Flight and Menu Templates for First Eagles2.
    Requirement: Photoshop or other graphics program that can edit Photoshop PSD files.
    You can created your own FE2 "Aces Over North Africa" menus. Load the Photoshop Menu Template you want to customize. Load the picture you want to use into Photoshop. Edit/Change/Resize the picture you want to use and copy it over the Red Background layer of the Photoshop Menu Template. Merge all the layers and save the file as a jpeg (jpg) image. Copy the new menu screen to the FE2 Menu folder. Done...
    Also included: 2 minute Prop plane wav sound file in the Flight Folder.
    Use these however you want, just give me some credit...Thanks and Enjoy!


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  7. FE2 First Eagles2 1024x768 PhotoShop Menu Templates

    FE2 First Eagles2 PhotoShop 1024x768 Menu Templates
    By Viper
    A set of "Aces of the Great War" Flight and Menu Templates for First Eagles2.
    Requirement: Photoshop or other graphics program that can edit Photoshop PSD files.
    You can created your own FE2 menus. Load the Menu Template you want to customize into Photoshop. Load the picture you want into Photoshop. Copy the picture and place it over the Red Background layer. Merge all layers and save as a jpeg (jpg). Copy the new menu screen to the FE2 Menu folder. Done...
    Also included: 2 minute Prop plane wave in the Flight Folder. A collection of WWI Pilot photos in the Pilotdata folder.


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  8. SF2 FirstEagles2 Silver Series Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens

    SF2 FirstEagles2 Hi-Res Silver Series 1024x768 Menu Screens
    By Viper
    This package contains a new version of my 1024x768 FE2 menus that are in the new Silver Border format like my 1920x1080 menus.
    This mod includes custom WWI Air War themed menu, campaign and pilot screens. No other (Hangar, Loading) screens or INI files are changed. You should unzip the file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are MANY alternate screens (Inlcuding some vintage black/white version) I have in there that you might like better.
    If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up your MENU, FLIGHT, CAMPAIGNS and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
    To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed MENU, FLIGHT, CAMPAIGNS and PILOTDATA folders into your FirstEagles2 mod folder.
    Recommendation: I recommend that you RENAME your original MENU folder. The new copy from my package will then install cleanly and not conflict with any other mod you may have installed into the MENU folder.
    My Win97 folder was..(yours may be different)...
    C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\FirstEagles2\


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  9. SF2 FirstEagles2 Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens

    SF2 FirstEagles2 Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens
    By Viper
    This mod includes custom WWI Air War themed menu, campaign and pilot screens. No other (Hangar, Loading) screens are changed. You should unzip the file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are some alternates of the screens in there that you might like better.
    If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up (copy) your MENU, FLIGHT, and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
    My Win97 mod folder was...(Yours may be different)...
    C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\FirstEagles2\
    * Menu Install...
    To install, simply unzip and copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" (and not the folder itself) into your FirstEagles2 Mod folder.
    To uninstall, simply delete the current MENU, FLIGHT, PILOTDATA folder and rename your backed up copies to be the active folders.
    * Optional Campaign Screens install...
    In the "Optional" folder, I have some upgraded Campaign screens. These are just the screens, nothing else is changed. Also, I've not tested them, so use them at your own risk. If you back up (make a copy) your "Campaigns" folder, there shouldn't be any risk. Copy the Optional "Campaigns" folder to your FirstEagles2 Mod folder and over write if asked.
    My Win97 mod folder was...(Yours may be different)...
    C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\FirstEagles2\
    If you don't have a "Campaigns" folder, then you're running the stock Campaigns. If this is the case, you can just copy the optional "Campaigns" folder into your FirstEagles2 Mod folder. If you don't like or want them, you can just delete the "Campaigns" folder from your FirstEagles2 Mod folder and the game will go back to using the stock Campaign screens.


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  10. SF2 FirstEagles2 Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens

    SF2 FirstEagles2 Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens
    By Viper
    This mod includes custom WWI Air War themed menu, campaign and pilot screens. No other (Hangar, Loading) screens or INI files are changed. You should unzip the file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are MANY alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.
    If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up your MENU, FLIGHT, CAMPAIGN and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
    To install, simply unzip and copy the Flight and Menu folder to your StrikeFighter2 FirstEagles2 Mod folder.
    My Win97 folder was..(yours may be different)...
    C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\FirstEagles2\


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  11. WW1 Pilots Pack - Beyond the Western front

    A new batch of pilots pics covering the non-Western fronts: Russians, Italians, Austro-Hungarians and Ottomans. This mod exists in two files: with or without national flags inserted.
    November 2014 Update: adds Ottoman pilots and many new pics for existing nations, including Russians in colors. |Total: 28 Italians, 20 Russians, 30 Austrians, 10 Turks]


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  12. HD Menu Screens for First Eagles 2

    HD 16:9 menu screens for First Eagles 2 (1920 x 1080) created for myself
    This is a set of Images only - no ini files or changes


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  13. Air & ground counters for FE

    This mod provides you with a batch of colorful, reduced-size, more immersive counters, devoted to each of the nationalities that could be present in First Eagles, including possible new theaters. Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and division device show the ground units, those with national ensigns and warships shapes the naval units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units.
    This pack may seem redundant after Stephen1918's. However, I was preparing these counters since long as part of a major upgrade for my former Medals Pack for FE. As this work still needs time, I provide the counters here in a separate delivery: they won't be included any more in the new Medals Pack. My counters are also different from Stephen's in two regards, in continuity with my former various counters packs for SF1: first, I kept loyal to the smaller 24x24 size for FE1, enjoyable on large-scale maps with crowded stacks; and second, I kept on using the colors of national uniforms and usual aircraft skins as my counters' background colors, rather than generic colors by sides, thus favoring immersion over immediate readibility. This makes my pack an alternative rather than a redundancy: the choice is still yours.

    Of course, this mod provides all of the counters needed for the nations present in First Eagles' campaigns on the Western Front, and also in the add-ons available at Combatace giving access to the Italian and Eastern Fronts. Some variant counters have been included, for aesthetic purpose only, for example several German air counters to reflect the changes in German markings and development of camo skins.

    Ottoman counters have been added for operations on the Palestine map, Romanian counters considering a possible extension of the Eastern Front, Bulgarian, Serbian and Greek counters for a possible development of a Balkan Front. Soviet and Polish counters have been added in the case of scenarios about the Russian Civil War or the Soviet-Polish War.

    Ground counters have been included for units of the British Empire present on various fronts ( Australia, Canada, India and New Zealand ); and there are even ground counters for “anecdotal” units which once served on the Western Front, such as the two Portuguese divisions decimated during Operation Georgette ( April 1918 ), or the Polish and Czech Legions wearing French blue uniforms engaged during the last offensives in Champagne. However, safe for the Australians and Poles, none of these nations is listed in the game's Nations file (FirstEagles/Flight folder). This can be remedied by small tricks explained in the ReadMe file.

    Finally, naval counters have even been included for FE2 air-sea scenarios or campaigns taking place in the North Sea, or elsewhere yet to come ( Adriatic, Baltic, Dardanelles... ).

    A small folder has been added to fix a problem in my former Medals Pack for FE, that prevented the counters of the Royal Naval Air Service ( a new Nation created especially for that mod ) to appear on the Planning Map. It will be fully solved in a later upgrade for that mod, yet to come.


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  14. WWI Pilots Pack for FE

    You can see here a very small sample of an extensive lot of new pretty faces for your flying machine's log book / carnet de vol / Soldbuch. Now with more than 200 pictures! Huns, Frogs, Aussies, Limeys and Yanks, I hope everyone will find what he's after.
    This mod exists in two files: with or without national flags inserted.


       (3 reviews)



  15. Belgian Medal Pack

    Hi Folks,
    here comes the announced belgian medal pack. Together with the allready available skins you can now fly as a pilot of the belgian crown.
    Many thanks to Capitaine Vengeur's assistance, allowing me to use some of his medals. His "alternative medal pack july 2010" is also needed!
    If you don't have it yet, download it first.
    The package includes:
    - medals
    - belgian names list
    - belgian ranks list
    - a few belgian pilot pics
    Installation Instructions are included.
    Hope you will have fun with it.
    Hermann the Hun


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  16. WWI Austro-Hungarian and Italian aces photos

    This is a small collection of photos about WWI Austro-Hungarian and Italian aces to put into the "PilotData" folder.I done this work for a little update about the mod "Battle of Caporetto" by quack74 and also for remember the brave pilots which fought during this war.
    With the photos you will find also information about the pilots,I hope you like them.
    Ice Man


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  17. World War 1 Aircraft Desktop Theme for Windows XP

    This isn't a mod for any of the flight sim games. This is a desktop theme to change the look of Windows XP. It's inspired by guitarclass55's really cool menu and loadout screen mod for First Eagles.
    I've included 2 files to download.
    Part 1) WWIAircraft.zip is the desktop theme file set. To use: just unzip to the root directory of the drive in which windows is installed (usually drive C:), and all the necessary files will be copied to the correct locations.
    Part 2) XPUxthemeDLLPatch.zip This is a patched file for windows XP's uxtheme.dll. This isn't necessary to install to make the theme work, but using it will allow the WoodGrain.msstyles file included to change the color scheme of the taskbar, windows frames, etc. to a sort of wood grain pattern that matches the look of the desktop theme. If the patched uxtheme.dll file isn't used to overwrite your original windows uxtheme.dll file, the WoodGrain.msstyles file won't work. The WWI Aircraft theme will still work, just not the color scheme. So, using this patched file is optional. For those who would like to use the patched uxtheme.dll file, I've included an MS Word document that gives explicit instructions on how to replace the stock windows uxtheme.dll file. The only part in the Word document you don't have to follow is where it tells where to go and download the patched file, I've included them in this download. One is for windows with service pack 1 and the other is for service pack 2.
    Again, this theme is for WinXP only. I'm almost possitive it won't work with windows Vista. So you guys with Vista shouldn't try to use it. It could wind up doing some evil deviltry to your operating system.


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  18. Guitarclassic55's pre-April 2008 campaignscreen.ini

    This campaignscreen.ini should fix the campaign screen if you're using Guitarclassic55's Replacement Menu Screens without the April 2008 patch. There was a slight change made in the patch to the campaignscreen.ini; this is should fix the problem.
    If you have installed the April 2008 patch, DO NOT INSTALL THIS FILE -- you should be fine already.
    If you're not using Guitarclassic55's replacement menus, DO NOT INSTALL THIS FILE.
    INSTALLATION - Simply change the filename from campaignscreen.txt to campaignscreen.ini, then drop it into the MENU folder of First Eagles, overwriting the previous file.


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  19. Guitarclassic55's Replacement Menu Screens WITH MOVIE

    FIXED CORRUPTED ZIP FILE - MOVIE VERSION should be good to go now
    INTRODUCTION - Guitarclassic55's Replacement Menu Screens with MOVIE
    GREETINGS! Thanks for downloading Guitarclassic55's Replacement Menu Screens for First Eagles. I created these because I felt the stock screens were a bit lacking in ambience and I wanted more visual immersion from the WWI era.
    Unfortunately, because most of the new screens "call" the same global INI files (which I have modified), you can't pick and choose which ones you'd like to use. I'm afraid that for the most part, it's either use these, or the stock ones, or other custom screens by someone else. The one exception: I did create new versions of the stock hangar screens but they should co-exist peacefully with any custom hangar screens that you have already installed along with custom aircraft.
    There are two versions of Guitarclassic55's Replacement Menu Screens available for download, with only one difference:
    Version 1. The Main Screen includes a "movie" in the antique watch face. Kind of cool but sometimes takes a little longer to load, and the download size is much larger. (65 MB)
    Version 2. Same as above, but the Main Screen does not include the movie. (31MB)
    In every other way, the two are identical.
    The stock screens that are replaced:
    Main Screen
    Campaign Screen
    Debrief Screen
    Loadout Screen
    Medal List Screen
    Multiplayer Screen
    Options Screen
    Pilot Record Screen
    Planning Map Screen
    Roster Screen
    Single Mission Screen
    In addition, the Hangar screens for the twelve flyable stock planes/variants are included. The Loading screens have not been included but may be added at a later date.
    One other change - Planning Map Screen Icons - the air and ground icons of the individual countries for the planning map have been reduced to 75% of their original size. I found the maps extremely cluttered at times, so this gives a bit cleaner look in my opinion. Anyone wanting even smaller (50%) icons may contact me for them. If you prefer the original stock size icons, simply open the MENU folder, find the BMP files that begin with "MAPICON..." and delete them.
    First, first, and FIRST! – copy the MENU folder (located in the root First Eagles directory, whatever you decided to call it when you installed the game) and all its contents, then paste the copy somewhere safe just in case you want to go back to your previous menus.
    NOW - unzip the version of the Replacement Menus that you have chosen, then copy the MENU and OBJECT folders and paste them in the root First Eagles directory. You will be warned that the folders already exist. Click YES TO ALL (I believe) and all the contents will go into the proper folders. Read the next paragraph only if you feel you need more explanation.
    [The object here is to ADD the files, NOT get rid of everything that's already there. So if you followed the directions correctly, assuming that I gave them correctly (crossing fingers) you'll have new files in the MENU folder, and new files in the twelve stock aircraft sub-folders inside AIRCRAFT which is inside OBJECTS.]
    And guess what... that's it! The wonderful simplicity of ThirdWire's modding system.
    You can:
    1. Do a clean re-install of the whole game. Not recommended if you have other custom things, like planes, campaigns, texture sets, maps, etc., OR
    2. If you want to get rid of everything from the mod EXCEPT the new hangar screens:
    A. Locate your backed-up original MENU folder.
    B. Find the MENU folder in the root directory of your First Eagles (or whatever you named it) folder and delete all contents.
    C. Paste all contents from the backed up MENU folder into the MENU folder inside the First Eagles root folder. That should do it.
    3. If you also want to get rid of the new hangar screens:
    A. Go to FIRST EAGLES/OBJECTS/AIRCRAFT/AlbatrosD3 and delete the file "AlbatrosD3_hangar.bmp"
    B. Repeat the same process in the eleven other stock plane folders inside the AIRCRAFT folder. The folders, and files are:
    AlbatrosD3OAW - delete AlbatrosD3OAW_hangar.bmp
    AlbatrosD5 - delete AlbatrosD5_hangar.bmp
    AlbatrosD5A - delete AlbatrosD5_hangar.bmp
    CamelF1_110 - delete CamelF1_hangar.bmp
    CamelF1_130 - delete CamelF1_hangar.bmp
    CamelF1_150 - delete CamelF1_hangar.bmp
    FokkerD7 - delete FokkerD7_hangar.bmp
    FokkerD7F - delete FokkerD7_hangar.bmp
    FokkerDr1 - delete FokkerDr1_hangar.bmp
    SE5a - delete SE5a_hangar.bmp
    Spad12 - delete Spad13_hangar.bmp
    The Chat record on the Debriefing Screen may or may not be functional. I've never flown multiplayer so I have no idea whether this works or not. If it does not and you'd like it fixed, let me know and I'll try to do so.
    I'm not aware of any other problems... but something may surface that I didn't catch. If you find something, please let me know. You can PM me through the forum, or leave a message on the forum itself, or e-mail me directly at jimdickson@fastmail.fm.
    Thanks to jarrko for the background picture on the mainscreen, used also altered by me for the options screen. Thanks to kout for his original alternate mainscreen, which planted the seed and got me hooked on doing this in the first place. His work is excellent and inspiring. Thanks to sockboy and Barkhorn for their testing. Though brief, it was a pleasure working with you, guys. Thanks to p01ppy for the idea to use a small chalkboard for the hangar screens. He even offered to let me use his hangar screen work as a basis for mine; I initially wanted to but found it too intimidating because his work is also most excellent... so I went in another direction.
    I hope you enjoy what I've come up with. There's a lot I could change still, but it is after all a game, something to be enjoyed. It was fun putting it all together... too much more though and the fun would begin to go away for me. Perhaps I'll take another pass at it sometime in the future.
    [Jim Dickson]
    Prince Edward Island, Canada
    May 2008


       (5 reviews)



  20. Guitarclassic55's Replacement Menu Screens NO MOVIE

    INTRODUCTION - Guitarclassic55's Replacement Menu Screens NO MOVIE
    GREETINGS! Thanks for downloading Guitarclassic55's Replacement Menu Screens for First Eagles. I created these because I felt the stock screens were a bit lacking in ambience and I wanted more visual immersion from the WWI era.
    Unfortunately, because most of the new screens "call" the same global INI files (which I have modified), you can't pick and choose which ones you'd like to use. I'm afraid that for the most part, it's either use these, or the stock ones, or other custom screens by someone else. The one exception: I did create new versions of the stock hangar screens but they should co-exist peacefully with any custom hangar screens that you have already installed along with custom aircraft.
    There are two versions of Guitarclassic55's Replacement Menu Screens available for download, with only one difference:
    Version 1. The Main Screen includes a "movie" in the antique watch face. Kind of cool but sometimes takes a little longer to load, and the download size is much larger. (65 MB)
    Version 2. Same as above, but the Main Screen does not include the movie. (31MB)
    In every other way, the two are identical.
    The stock screens that are replaced:
    Main Screen
    Campaign Screen
    Debrief Screen
    Loadout Screen
    Medal List Screen
    Multiplayer Screen
    Options Screen
    Pilot Record Screen
    Planning Map Screen
    Roster Screen
    Single Mission Screen
    In addition, the Hangar screens for the twelve flyable stock planes/variants are included. The Loading screens have not been included but may be added at a later date.
    One other change - Planning Map Screen Icons - the air and ground icons of the individual countries for the planning map have been reduced to 75% of their original size. I found the maps extremely cluttered at times, so this gives a bit cleaner look in my opinion. Anyone wanting even smaller (50%) icons may contact me for them. If you prefer the original stock size icons, simply open the MENU folder, find the BMP files that begin with "MAPICON..." and delete them.
    First, first, and FIRST! – copy the MENU folder (located in the root First Eagles directory, whatever you decided to call it when you installed the game) and all its contents, then paste the copy somewhere safe just in case you want to go back to your previous menus.
    NOW - unzip the version of the Replacement Menus that you have chosen, then copy the MENU and OBJECT folders and paste them in the root First Eagles directory. You will be warned that the folders already exist. Click YES TO ALL (I believe) and all the contents will go into the proper folders. Read the next paragraph only if you feel you need more explanation.
    [The object here is to ADD the files, NOT get rid of everything that's already there. So if you followed the directions correctly, assuming that I gave them correctly (crossing fingers) you'll have new files in the MENU folder, and new files in the twelve stock aircraft sub-folders inside AIRCRAFT which is inside OBJECTS.]
    And guess what... that's it! The wonderful simplicity of ThirdWire's modding system.
    You can:
    1. Do a clean re-install of the whole game. Not recommended if you have other custom things, like planes, campaigns, texture sets, maps, etc., OR
    2. If you want to get rid of everything from the mod EXCEPT the new hangar screens:
    A. Locate your backed-up original MENU folder.
    B. Find the MENU folder in the root directory of your First Eagles (or whatever you named it) folder and delete all contents.
    C. Paste all contents from the backed up MENU folder into the MENU folder inside the First Eagles root folder. That should do it.
    3. If you also want to get rid of the new hangar screens:
    A. Go to FIRST EAGLES/OBJECTS/AIRCRAFT/AlbatrosD3 and delete the file "AlbatrosD3_hangar.bmp"
    B. Repeat the same process in the eleven other stock plane folders inside the AIRCRAFT folder. The folders, and files are:
    AlbatrosD3OAW - delete AlbatrosD3OAW_hangar.bmp
    AlbatrosD5 - delete AlbatrosD5_hangar.bmp
    AlbatrosD5A - delete AlbatrosD5_hangar.bmp
    CamelF1_110 - delete CamelF1_hangar.bmp
    CamelF1_130 - delete CamelF1_hangar.bmp
    CamelF1_150 - delete CamelF1_hangar.bmp
    FokkerD7 - delete FokkerD7_hangar.bmp
    FokkerD7F - delete FokkerD7_hangar.bmp
    FokkerDr1 - delete FokkerDr1_hangar.bmp
    SE5a - delete SE5a_hangar.bmp
    Spad12 - delete Spad13_hangar.bmp
    The Chat record on the Debriefing Screen may or may not be functional. I've never flown multiplayer so I have no idea whether this works or not. If it does not and you'd like it fixed, let me know and I'll try to do so.
    I'm not aware of any other problems... but something may surface that I didn't catch. If you find something, please let me know. You can PM me through the forum, or leave a message on the forum itself, or e-mail me directly at jimdickson@fastmail.fm.
    Thanks to jarrko for the background picture on the mainscreen, used also altered by me for the options screen. Thanks to kout for his original alternate mainscreen, which planted the seed and got me hooked on doing this in the first place. His work is excellent and inspiring. Thanks to sockboy and Barkhorn for their testing. Though brief, it was a pleasure working with you, guys. Thanks to p01ppy for the idea to use a small chalkboard for the hangar screens. He even offered to let me use his hangar screen work as a basis for mine; I initially wanted to but found it too intimidating because his work is also most excellent... so I went in another direction.
    I hope you enjoy what I've come up with. There's a lot I could change still, but it is after all a game, something to be enjoyed. It was fun putting it all together... too much more though and the fun would begin to go away for me. Perhaps I'll take another pass at it sometime in the future.
    [Jim Dickson]
    Prince Edward Island, Canada
    May 2008


       (4 reviews)



  21. FE Menu Screens BETA

    Here are the screens that I've been working on. If you'd like to test them, please refer to the README enclosed.


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  22. Alternative menu for First Eagles

    Alternative menu for First Eagles
    (1) extract all files
    (2) copy all files to the \MENU folder in your WWI folder
    NOTE: the First Eagles menu set is a work in progress and these files are provided as is.
    © 2008, Kout
    These files are made available under the Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 1.0 license
    (Please visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ for details.)
    This basically means you are allowed to modify and redistribute these files, but that you should (1) give fair credit (2) distribute work based on these files under the same conditions as I did and you may not(3) use these files or works based on them for commercial purposes.


       (4 reviews)



  23. First Eagles wallpaper set 1360x768

    Four wallpapers (1360x768) based on (modified) First Eagles screenshots.


       (4 reviews)



  24. Nieuport 24 Hanger picture for FE

    New rendered Hanger picture for Nieuport 24.


       (0 reviews)



  25. New Loadout Screen for First Eagles

    This is a substitute German theme screen depicting Kesta 4 in 1916, which you can substitute for the Spad hangars that appear in the loadout screen. Simply drop the file in the Menu folder and it will override the Spad screen. If you want to go back, just delete this file and the original will appear.
    TK is considering adding code which will permit type specific loadout screens for each aircraft, but right now the code only permits one such screen for all aircraft.
    I prefer the sepia version, which I now post as an update. I think the earlier B/W version will remain on the site- if not and you want BW, it is relatively simple to remove the color.


       (2 reviews)



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