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Strike Fighters 1 Series by Thirdwire

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    1. Mig-21MF(EAF)_hangar

      Mig-21MF_hangar EAF
      Put Mig-21MF_hangar.bmp into ...ThirdWire\Wings Over Israel\Objects\Aircraft\Mig-21MF folder.



         (0 reviews)



    2. 3rd Wire Parking Enforcement Vehicle

      3rd Wire Productions, Parking Enforcement Vehicle


      = For SF/WoV/WoE/WoI and all SF2 games =

      This is a modification of RussoUK's VW 'Follow Me' van into a, well, "ticket tagger".
      What started out as a joke in the SF2 forums, about not having enough parked aircraft; someone had made a comment about "maybe they'd been towed away for illeagly parking", grew into this little mod.
      It still uses the basic yellow/black checkerboard skin, with the addition of 'identifer placards' on the roof, front, back and sides of the vehicle. Yes, the front ID Placard IS supposed to reversed, just as one sees on other Emergency Vehicles.
      The vehicle's nationality has been set to "GENERIC", so it can be used by both sides. It's GroundObjectRole has also been set to TRANSPORT, which will allow it to show up on ARMED_RECON missions. If this is unwanted, I'd reccomend changing it to RECON, in the data ini.
      Fairly simple install instruction are included; with data for Terrain builders as well, on how to include them scattered around maps as sort of an 'Easter Egg'.
      Have fun with it!! And remember the 3W Parking Enforcement Bureau's Mottos:
      "Move It, Or Lose It"
      and, BTW, the fines associated with the ticket and towing are EXPENSIVE!!! They go up with the size of the aircraft towed. Plus storage....
      Kevin Stein


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    3. F-5F Basic Templates

      Usable only on FastCargo's F-5F, this contains all the necessary files for new skins for the F-5F/Seaqeh he did:
      http://combatace.com/files/file/8887-northrop-f-5f-freedom-fighter-ii/ SF1 Version
      Seaqeh SF2: http://combatace.com/files/file/10449-saeqeh-thunderbolt-for-sf2/
      F-5F SF2: http://combatace.com/files/file/10060-f-5f-freedom-fighter-ii-for-sf2-by-fastcargo-version-12/


         (1 review)



    4. V-1 Beta

      Model by Cocas
      Okay this is not your ordinary plane obviously and doesnt really
      belong in a permanent std install.
      At this stage it can ONLY be flown when starting in the air, - If someone could fix that please do so and reupload.
      Arm your warhead and detonate on/near impact.
      obviously it is a kamikaze type weapon.
      Tested on WoV only.Should work on all WO* SF1 series.
      I have included a weps package with this so you can equip your he-111
      with one- you will just have to workout the weapons on board placement position.
      I have borrowed dozens of bits and pieces of others aircraft and do hope
      I havent broken any rules or offended in doing so.Im trying to share too.
      THIS IS A BETA-AI is pretty much useless with this aircraft-it is defenceless
      but still fun to shoot down.
      If anybody wants to improve on this and reupload - be my guest-Im sure
      Cocas wont mind.


         (1 review)



    5. RF-104G-Ev LOROP

      Lockheed RF-104G-Ev/LOROP for SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI oct.08 patch standard:
      This mod recreate the RF-104G-Ev/LOROP Stargazer used by the R.O.C.A.F. as recon plane from 1983 to 1995.
      For specific recconaisance purposes the Republic of China Air Force created a special radome with sensitive infra-red equipment which could be mounted on an everage F-104G aircraft specifically modified to support the equipment. An aircraft having operating this system was designated RF-104G-Ev (Evolution) and could be recognised easily since the radome was much longer then the ordinary F-104 radome. It is likely that initially the prototype radome has been used from the formerly developed RTF-104G of the German Air Force since there is quite some similarity.
      Armament: NONE
      Turn on the radar to use the viewfinder.
      Only four planes were modified with this equipment: 4365/4397/4398/4400
      Included there are new light grey tip and wing drop tanks.
      To open the canopy use Shift+0
      Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder. :)
      And add the code lines of the fuel tanks to your WEAPONDATA.INI
      Note: You need to have the stock SFP1 F-104G in your install
      Added 3D details, Fuel tanks, INI work, flight model, sounds and effects: Spillone104
      Texture and decals: Spillone104 (Bobrock templates).
      Fake Pilot mod: FastCargo
      TK and ThirdWire: for the stock F-104 model.
      BETA testers: Aleks
      Thank you all guys!
      Legal stuff:
      This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
      Enjoy and have a good recce flight. :)


         (5 reviews)



    6. Lisunov Li-2 skinpack

      This is skin pack for Lisunov Li-2 by Dev A-Team. Included skins: North Korea, China, Soviet camo, Poland (updated) and Hungary.
      Skin based on stock russian skin. Painted and repainted by tavarish Kulbit.
      Decals and ini works also and Wrench's IL-2m3_NK yellow numbers.
      Put it to main Li-2 directory.
      Misha Minta


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    7. IL-28-Iraq

      Hi to all...
      This is a Reskin of Il-28 of the IRAQ AIR FORCE... Who served in combat from the end of the 50´s ( eleven aircraft at the first time... ) to early of 80´s ( 1980 only one squadron equipped with obsolete IL-28´s )...


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    8. Gloster Sea Gladiator 802 NAS, HMS Glorious 1939

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SFWOVWOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your ObjectsAircraftGladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SFWOVWOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Morton's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    9. Suez Avenger for SF2I - Suez Crisis

      TBM-3E Avenger for SF2I Expansion Pack - Suez Crisis
      This is a modification of the TBM-3E released by The Wrench, which is itself a mod of the TBF/TBM Avenger available in the WWII aircraft section at the A-Team Skunkworks web site:
      This mod creates a TBM-3E Avenger for use in ThirdWire's SF2I Suez Expansion Pack. Included are French Navy and Royal Navy texture sets.
      Historical purists & rivet-counters take note: what you're about to read is likely to cause nausea, dizziness, and mild vomiting.
      Before discussing anything else, let me tell you what's wrong with this mod:
      1) It uses the wrong aircraft: the French Naval Air unit participating in the Suez Crisis flew the TBM-3S/W, not the TBM-3E. I don't have access to a TBM-3S/W model, so the TBM-3E it is.
      2) It represents the wrong unit: the French Naval Air unit flying the Avenger in the Suez Crisis was 9 Flotilla, not 15 Flotilla. I don't have decals for 9F, so I used the 15F decals from The Mirage Factory's F4U-7 Corsair instead.
      3) It flies the wrong missions: the French Avenger was primarily an anti-submarine aircraft. Given that there are no Anti-Sub missions in SF2I (and given that flying around over an open ocean for hours at a time would get really old really fast in this game), this Avenger is configured to fly Strike, CAS, and Armed Recon missions like other attack aircraft in the world of ThirdWire.
      For those of you still with me, let me provide some other information about this mod.
      This mod is NOT a complete, self-contained package. It requires that you download the TBF/TBM Avenger from the A-Team's site (see above for a link). Once you've got that file downloaded, do the following:
      1) Unpack the A-Team's TBF/TBM Avenger into its own folder.
      2) Copy or move the \Objects & \Sounds folders from this mod (i.e., the Suez Avenger mod) to your SF2I Mod Folder.
      3) Copy or move the following items from the A-Team TBF/TBM Avenger to the \Objects\Aircraft\TBM-3E folder in your SF2I Mod Folder:
      - TBM Avenger-R5.LOD
      - TBM Avenger-R5.OUT
      - \Cockpit [the entire folder "as is"]
      That's it. You're ready to fly.
      Please note that the default unit/skin is the French Navy 15F. I've thrown in Kulbit(80)'s Royal Navy skin as a bonus. This aircraft can be flown reliably on both Hard and Normal flight model settings.
      Although packaged for SF2I, this mod will work fine in Wings Over Israel (WOI), provided you move the decals to their proper texture folders in the TBM-3E folder and install the AN/APS-4 radar pod to your WOI Weapons folder.
      Changes & Updates
      This mod makes extensive changes to Wrench's TBM-3E. Here's a short list:
      - added French Navy 15F texture set
      - added Kulbit(80)'s Royal Navy texture set
      - moved decals to SF2 \Decals folder
      - added USERLIST.INI
      - added custom Hangar & Loading screens
      - added updated Loadout image
      - added DestroyedModel data
      - tweaked flight model for Hard settings in SF2
      - tweaked landing gear to fix AI aircraft exploding
      on the taxiway
      - removed belly gunner node and gun
      - performed other minor, misc. tweaks & adjustments
      Thanks to Wrench and Kulbit(80) for testing and misc. tweaks & fixes.
      As noted earlier, this is a modification of the TBM-3E released by The Wrench, which is itself a mod of the TBF/TBM Avenger available in the WWII aircraft section at the A-Team Skunkworks web site:
      Original aircraft: Dev A-Team (Capun, Charles, Gramps and Kesselbrut)
      TBM-3E Modifications: Kevin Stein, aka The Wrench
      AN/APS-4 radar pod: Tim Davis
      Royal Navy skin: Michal Minta, aka Kulbit(80)
      15F decals: The Mirage Factory
      Please see the \_Docs folder for the original readme files included with the mods listed above. Any errors or omissions are entirely my responsibility.
      Eric Howes
      27 July 2010


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    10. Gloster Sea Gladiator Malta pack - Faith, Hope and Charity

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on José Alvarez's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    11. Gloster Gladiator Mk1 72 Sqn Church Fenton 1937

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Morton's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    12. Gloster Gladiator Mk1 73 Sqn Hendon 1938

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Morton's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    13. Gloster Gladiator Mk1 87 Sqn Debden 1937

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Morton's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    14. Gloster Gladiator Mk1 Belgian Air Force 1.sqn "Comte" 1939

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Jindrich Barta's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    15. Gloster Gladiator Mk1 28th Fighter Squadron, China 1938

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on John 'Sandydog' Shore's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    16. Gloster Gladiator Mk1 29th Fighter Squadron, China 1938

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Morton's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    17. Gloster Gladiator Mk1 Irish Army Air Corps 1940

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Jindrich Barta's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    18. Gloster Gladiator Mk1 Latvian Air Force 1939

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Jindrich Barta's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    19. Gloster Gladiator Mk1 Royal Hellenic Air Force 1938

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Manuele Villa's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    20. Gloster Gladiator Mk1 Russian Air Force (captured from Latvia)

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Morton's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    21. Gloster Gladiator Mk1 Swedish Airforce F-8, 1937

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Richard Brinkeback's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    22. Gloster Gladiator Mk1 Swedish Airforce F-8, 1939

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Jindrich Barta's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    23. Gloster Gladiator Mk1 Swedish Airforce F-9, 1944

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Richard Brinkeback's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    24. Gloster Gladiator Mk1 Swedish Airforce F-19, Finland 1940

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Richard Brinkeback's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    25. Gloster Gladiator Mk1 Swedish volunteers F-19, Finland 1940

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Richard Brinkeback's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


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