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    1. Iver Huitfeldt class frigate

      This model represents the Iver Huitfeldt class frigate of the Royal Danish Navy, in commission since 2011. They are dedicated air defense frigates based on the same hull as the Absalon class support ship. Please be sure to download that ship as well to enable Danish task forces on appropriate terrains.
      The Iver Huitfeldt is very heavily armed for its size, and loadouts can be swapped easily using the StanFlex system. This model has a typical cofiguration of a 76mm rapid gun, two 35mm Millenium CIWS, a 32-cell Mk41 VLS with SM-2, two 12-cell Mk56 VLS with ESSM, and four 4-round Harpoon launchers.
      The flight deck can support one medium helicopter. An update patch is included in this package that will enable a helicopter deck on the Absalon as well.
      See the readme for full details and credits. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!


         (4 reviews)



    2. Almirante Padilla Class Light Frigate

      Almirante Padilla class Light Frigate for Strike Fighters 2
      Version 1.0 Release 11/27/2015
      This model is not to be used in any commercial or for-profit packages. It may, however, be used in any freeware mod. According to the Combat-Ace terms of use.
      Almirante Padilla class Light Frigate
      Exocet MM40
      Simbad (MIstral SAM)
      OtoBreda 76mm STRALES
      HUll numbers for all the ships in service
      Installation (SF2):
      Extract each folder into the matching folders in your mod directory.
      v. 1.0: Initial Release
      Skins and textures: angelp
      Ini files:angelp
      Decals: angelp
      Weapons; WhiteBoySamurai, angelp


         (3 reviews)



    3. Takao Class Cruiser

      Takao class Cruiser for Strike Fighters 2
      Version 1.0 Release 11/27/2015
      This model is not to be used in any commercial or for-profit packages. It may, however, be used in any freeware mod that is FREELY available on the Combat Ace . According to the Combat-Ace terms of use. Upload or use this file in any other site or package not available at Combat Ace is PROHIBITED.
      Sorry but I made this model for everyone and i will not allow to be used in any site that does not have a free access policy.
      Takao Class Cruiser
      Type 95 Torpedo
      (Long Lance soon to be released)
      203mm Cannon
      127 mm Cannon
      25mm Cannon
      Installation (SF2):
      Extract each folder into the matching folders in your mod directory.
      v. 1.0: Initial Release
      Skins and textures: angelp
      Ini files:angelp
      Decals: angelp


         (5 reviews)



    4. CL/CLAA-119 Juneau Class

      USS Juneau Class Cruiser Ver 1.0
      By YEYEYE & KJakker.
      This is the CL-119/CLAA-119 Juneau Class Light AA Cruiser modeled by YEYEYE. It includes both an early and a late version. The CL-119 represents the USS Juneau CL-119, USS Spokane CL-120, and USS Fresno CL-121 when equiped with the 40mm Bofors. The CLAA-119 represents the USS Juneau CLAA-119 after its November 1951 to February 1952 overhaul which replaced the 40mm mounts with 3inch/50caliber Mark 33 gun mounts.
      Note: Three "Data.INI" files for the CL-119 Juneau class and two for the CLAA-119 Juneau class have been included. The AltGuns1 and AltGuns2_DATA.INI variants use alternate guns from the default file; these guns can be found in the Optional Files\Optional Guns folder.
      Also in the Optional Files\Optional Data Files folder you will find subfolders titled Structural Factor x2, Structural Factor x3, and Structural Factor x4, and Default Data File Backup as I was not sure how strong players would want the ship to be. Each version has a Structural Factor that many times that of the Default variant.
      This package was assembled at the request of Do335.
      Backup anything in your SF2 Mods folder that you think may be effected. Extract all the files from the archive to a safe place on your harddrive then take the folder labled "To Mods Folder" and copy it into your Strike Fighters 2 mods folder, overwrite as needed.
      Optional Files
      If you want to use the alternate guns that the AltGuns1 and AltGuns2 data file variants are set up for then afte doing the above go to Optional Files folder and move the contents of the Optional Effects, Optional Guns, Optional Sounds folders to their respective folders in your Mods folder. Then add the data from the Sound List Additions.txt to your SOUNDLIST.INI folder.
      Ship basic model, Distance-LODs, and Skins by YEYEYE.
      Data and Names INI files as well as the Hull names and numbers for the Spokane and Fresno are by KJakker.
      The included optional guns listed below are by KJakker.
      Guns below were originaly from the "Guns Collection for SF2 Series 2.0" by FLOGGER23.
      Most of the included effects are by Stary. The two Effects listed below are by KJakker and are based upon work by Stary & Thirdwire.
      Do not distribute, repackage or post without consent from YEYEYE & KJakker.
      No Modifications without previous consent is allowed.
      And this is freeware, it must not be used in any commercial product.
      Copyright ? YEYEYE, KJakker. All rights reserved.
      Special thanks.
      Thirdwire and TK for their sim and some instruments.
      Hope you enjoy it.
      YEYEYE & KJakker
      July 2016


         (3 reviews)



    5. sf2 NA Le Redoutable

      Modern French SUBMARINE
      for Strike Fighters 2
      v1.0: SF2:NA update
      This model is not to be used in any commercial or for-profit packages.
      It may, however, be used in any freeware mod.
      The weapon systems, collision mesh, and decals have been updated for compatibility with
      SF2: North Atlantic and the March 2012 patch.
      If you have not installed/do not plan to install either, these models may not work properly.
      LE REDOUTABLE class
      Installation (SF2):
      Simply extract each folder into the matching folders in your mod directory.
      .......C:\Users\ pc name.....\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic\Objects\GroundObject....
      Special thanks:
      TW Game
      WhiteboySamurai for help in me to get in the Modding for Ships
      French Member's in combatace
      3D MODEL= AceSfakia
      TEXTURES= AceSfakia
      DATA.INI= AceSfakia


         (4 reviews)




      Modern French SUBMARINE
      for Strike Fighters 2
      v1.0: SF2:NA update
      This model is not to be used in any commercial or for-profit packages.
      It may, however, be used in any freeware mod.
      The weapon systems, collision mesh, and decals have been updated for compatibility with
      SF2: North Atlantic and the March 2012 patch.
      If you have not installed/do not plan to install either, these models may not work properly.
      Le Triomphant class
      Installation (SF2):
      Simply extract each folder into the matching folders in your mod directory.
      .......C:\Users\ pc name.....\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic\Objects\GroundObject....
      Special thanks:
      TW Game
      3D MODEL= AceSfakia
      TEXTURES= AceSfakia
      DATA.INI = AceSfakia
      The Triomphant class of ballistic missile submarines of the French Navy is the active class of four boats
      that entered service in 1997, 1999, 2004, and 2010.
      These four supersede the older Redoutable class, and they provide the ocean-based component
      (the Force océanique stratégique) of France’s nuclear deterrent strike force, the Force de Frappe.
      These ships are the most expensive submarines ever produced costing more than €4 billion.
      Their home port is Île Longue, Brest, Western Brittany.
      In French, these are called Sous-Marin Nucléaire Lanceur d'Engins de Nouvelle Génération
      (English: “Next Generation Device-Launching Nuclear Submarine”), abbreviated as SNLE-NG.
      They have replaced all of the Redoutable-class boats, with the last of those six boats being
      decommissioned in 2008.


         (4 reviews)



    7. SF 2 NA/E T-47class Sourcouf

      SF2 E/NA
      Squadron escorts (Escorteur d'escadre)
      ------T-47 Class or Surcouf class 1955---------
      Preceded by:Fantasque class, Hardi class Followed by: T 53 class
      -The T 47 class or Surcouf class were the first destroyers built for the French Navy after the Second World War.
      12-Twelve ships were built between 1955 and 1957.
      The ships were modernised in the 1960s and decommissioned in the 1980s, when they were replaced by the
      Georges Leygues-class frigates.
      -These ships were larger than other contemporary European destroyers and were based on the wartime Hardi class,
      but were enlarged and had a dual purpose armament.
      - The ships were designed as Squadron escorts (Escorteur d'escadre) rather than for independent operations,
      therefore they had a slower speed than their predecessors.
      -The main guns were the French designed Model 1948 127-millimetre (5 in)/54 gun, which enabled them to use the
      same 5-inch shells as the U.S. Mark 18 gun.
      - The secondary armament was composed of 57mm/60 mod?le 1951 guns.
      During the 1960s the entire class were modernised and modified as either flotilla flagships, anti-aircraft guided missile or anti-submarine destroyers.
      [1)Flagships 3 pax -2 )AAW modernisation 4 pax - 3 )ASW modernisation 5 pax]
      To Install:
      For all users: unzip, as.... I always......... reccomend, to a temp folder or you desktop, or somewheres else that easy to find.....!!!
      =For SF2 Series Users:
      These are the simple instructions ...
      Copy/Paste the Object's main folder into your ....... /Objects/ GroundObjects folder.
      From the gun's ....data folder' Copy/Paste the gun's folder into your Objects/Guns subfolder.......
      NOTE: if using a weapons pak that includes this weapon, you can either skip it, or let if overwrite....!!!!
      There is a choise for time fused.....!!!
      Then, take the subfolder marked Decal's (this contains the hull number decals), and copy/paste it into you .........Objects/Decals subfolder.
      It's all set up for nearly instant use.
      3D Model: AceSfakia
      Gun's.ini files,Sound's effect's etc :KJakker
      -This Model is FREEWARE under combatace...... Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given..
      All copyrights reserved.
      This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it..
      www.navweaps.com /Marine Nationale /


         (2 reviews)




      SF2 E / NA
      ------T-47 ClassVAUQUELIN---------ASW modernisation
      Anti-Submarine Warfare Destroyers
      L'escorteur d'escadre Squadron escorts (Escorteur d'escadre)
      Preceded by: T 53 class
      ASW modernisation
      5 ships —
      D'Estr?es, Maill?-Br?z?, Vauquelin, Casabianca and Gu?pratte — were modernised as anti-submarine destroyers in 1968–1970.
      2 ? 100 mm guns
      1 ? anti-submarine mortar
      1 ? Malafon anti-submarine missile launcher
      2 ? 20 mm guns
      -The T 47 class/ or Surcouf class /were the first destroyers built for the French Navy after the Second World War.
      12-Twelve ships were built between 1955 and 1957.
      - The ships were designed as Squadron escorts (Escorteur d'escadre) rather than for independent operations,
      therefore they had a slower speed than their predecessors.
      The ships were modernised in the 1960s and decommissioned in the 1980s+1990s, when they were replaced by the
      Georges Leygues-class frigates.
      -These ships were larger than other contemporary European destroyers and were based on the wartime Hardi class,
      but were enlarged and had a dual purpose armament.
      During the 1960s the entire class were modernised and modified as either flotilla flagships, anti-aircraft guided missile
      or anti-submarine destroyers.
      [1)Flagships 3 pax -2 )AAW modernisation 4 pax - 3 )ASW modernisation 5 pax]
      To Install:
      For all users: unzip, as.... I always......... reccomend, to a temp folder or you desktop, or somewheres else that easy to find.....!!!
      =For SF2 Series Users:
      These are the simple instructions ...
      Copy/Paste the Object's main folder into your ....... /Objects/ GroundObjects folder.
      From the gun's ....data folder' Copy/Paste the gun's folder into your Objects/Guns subfolder.......
      NOTE: if using a weapons pak that includes this weapon, you can either skip it, or let if overwrite....!!!!
      Then, take the subfolder marked Decal's (this contains the hull number decals), and copy/paste it into you .........Objects/Decals subfolder.
      It's all set up for nearly instant use.
      Skins: AceSfakia
      3D Model: AceSfakia
      Data.ini: Acesfakia
      Gun's.ini files & OERLICON --20MM_L70 & 100MM_55_1968 ini files
      3D Model of 100MM_55 & Skins
      3D Model 20mmMG & Skins
      3D Model Post's& Raft's & Skin's
      MALAFON skin
      3D Model Sonar & Skin's
      -This Model is FREEWARE under combatace...... Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given..
      All copyrights reserved.
      This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it..
      www.navweaps.com /Marine Nationale /


         (4 reviews)



    9. SF2 "General" Cargo Ship

      SF2 E/NA
      Cargo SHIP
      General Cargo Ship for the Game
      This a General Look for ship's that you can see around the sea's.......!!
      To Install:
      For all users: unzip, as I always reccomend, to a temp folder or you desktop, or somewheres else that easy to find.....!!!
      =For SF2 Series Users:
      These are the simple instructions ...
      Copy/Paste the Object's main folder into your ....... /Objects/ GroundObjects folder.
      Skins: AceSfakia
      3D Model: AceSfakia
      Data.ini: Acesfakia
      Gun's.ini files,Sound's effect's etc :COMBATACE, T W
      -This Model is FREEWARE under combatace...... Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given..
      All copyrights reserved.
      This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it..


         (5 reviews)



    10. E-50 Class Escort Rapide SF2 N/A E

      SF2 E/NA
      E-50 Class Escort Rapide
      The E-50 Class Escort Rapide were destroyers built for the French Navy after the Second World War.

      The Le Corse class (or E50 Type) was a class of 4 fast frigates (Escorteurs Rapide) built for the French Navy in the early 1950s.
      They were first surface combatant class of ships to be built after World War II and symbolized "the revival of the French fleet."
      They were followed by the Le Normand-class (or E52 Type) frigates, and like them, were long-range convoy escorts capable of high speed.
      The E50 type shared a flush-decked layout with the E52 class, and had a similar armament of three twin 57mm turrets) (one forward and two aft) and an anti-submarine armament consisting of a battery of heavyweight guided torpedoes and a 375mm Bofors six-barrel rocket launcher.
      To Install:
      For all users: unzip, as I always reccomend, to a temp folder or you desktop, or somewheres else that easy to find.....!!!
      =For SF2 Series Users:
      These are the simple instructions ...
      Copy/Paste the Object's main folder into your ....... /Objects/ GroundObjects folder.
      From the gun's ....data folder' Copy/Paste the gun's folder into your Objects/Guns subfolder.......
      NOTE: if using a weapons pak that includes this weapon, you can either skip it, or let if overwrite.
      There is a choise for time fused.....!!!
      Then, take the subfolder marked Decal's (this contains the hull number decals), and copy/paste it into you .........Objects/Decals subfolder.
      It's all set up for nearly instant use.
      3D Model: AceSfakia
      Gun's.ini files,Sound's effect's etc :KJakker,COMBATACE,TW
      Decal's= EOLE
      -This Model is FREEWARE under combatace...... Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given..
      All copyrights reserved.
      This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it..
      Wikipedia = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Corse-class_frigate


         (4 reviews)



    11. SF2 NA/E E-52b Class Escort Rapide

      SF2 E/NA
      E-52b Class Escort Rapide
      Le Normand
      The E-52 Class Escort Rapide were destroyers/Frigates built for the French Navy after the Second World War.
      The Le Normand class (or E52 Type) was a class of 14 fast frigates (Escorteurs Rapide) built for the French Navy in the late 1950s.
      They were an immediate follow-on from the earlier Le Corse-class (or E50 Type) frigates, and like them, were long-range convoy escorts
      capable of high speed.
      The first seven ships, paid for by the United States under the Mutual Defense Assistance Act were ordered in 1952.
      The remaining seven ships were paid for by France and ordered between 1953 and 1955.
      The E52 type shared a flush-decked layout with the E50 class, and had a similar armament of three twin 57mm turrets)
      (one forward and two aft) and an anti-submarine armament consisting of a battery of heavyweight guided torpedoes and a 375mm Bofors
      six-barrel rocket launcher.
      The major difference was the layout of the armament, with the torpedo tubes moving from forwards to amidships, and the Bofors launcher
      moving from amidships to forward of the bow gun, thus reducing topweight and improving the arc of fire for the Bofors launcher.
      The last three ships were completed as a modified version, the Type E52B.
      This replaced the amidships turret and the Bofors rocket launcher with a new 305mm anti-submarine mortar mounted amidships.
      Two more of this type were ordered in 1957, but were cancelled owing to financial problems.
      F 776 L'Alsacien
      F 777 Le Provençal
      F 778 Le Vendeen
      To Install:
      For all users: unzip, as I always reccomend, to a temp folder or you desktop, or somewheres else that easy to find.....!!!
      =For SF2 Series Users:
      These are the simple instructions ...
      Copy/Paste the Object's main folder into your ....... /Objects/ GroundObjects folder.
      From the gun's ....data folder' Copy/Paste the gun's folder into your Objects/Guns subfolder.......
      NOTE: if using a weapons pak that includes this weapon, you can either skip it, or let if overwrite.
      There is a choise for time fused.....!!!
      Then, take the subfolder marked Decal's (this contains the hull number decals), and copy/paste it into you .........Objects/Decals subfolder.
      It's all set up for nearly instant use.
      3D Model: AceSfakia
      Gun's.ini files,Sound's effect's etc :KJakker,COMBATACE,TW
      Decal's= EOLE
      -This Model is FREEWARE under combatace...... Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given..
      All copyrights reserved.
      This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it..


         (5 reviews)




      French ship Jules Verne (A620)
      Jules Verne is a repair ship of the French Navy, named in honour of science-fiction writer Jules Verne.
      Originally named Achéron and intended as an ammunition transport ship, she was converted to repair ship after her keel had been laid.
      Jules Verne was long based in Djibouti (she was featured on the 10 000-Djiboutian francs banknote). In 1997, she was assigned to the Force d'Action Navale.
      She was designed to replenish, refuel and repair the ships of an operational force at sea. She was fitted with a complete 240-m2 hospital including an operating theatre, a recompression chamber and 16 beds.
      In May 2016 Jules Verne arrived at Ghent, Belgium for recycling by Galloo Group
      Batiment construit à Brest,à l'origine pour être un ravitailleur de munition(L'ACHEON).Il deviendra le JULES VERNE le 09/07/1973,batiment de soutien pour un groupe aéronaval.


         (4 reviews)



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