9 files
JAS39C CZECH 211. Tigers squad.
By Umbajz
and here it is. my first attempt at creating. they are two camouflage Czech 211th squadron.
transformed the mode of JAS-39C / D Gripen from Heberth.
you need it to run. (I tried it on other mods.)
Jas 39 Gripen E (NG)
By JuanchoGomez
The SAAB JAS 39 Gripen E (also called NG) is a modernized variable of Gripen C.
changes in the version E
*new landing gear system
*AESA radar
*more fuel
*three weapon station in fuselage, with setting for a three misiles, two bombs or one fuel tank
The package includes a file for Photoshop, with skin templates for those who want make customs skins, also includes a weapon pack and decals
SAAB JAS-39F Gripen (two seater)
By Stipe
***This is an updated version of my original Gripen E release***
Next Generation/E/F: version in development with new engine (F414G), SELEX Galileo Raven ES-05 AESA radar, increased fuel capacity, higher payload, upgraded avionics and other improvements.
You cannot use this file in any payware payware project, under the "COMBATACE FREEWARE LICENSING POLICY".
Gux: Model
Column5: FM
Moonjumper and Jat: avionics
CadeteBRA: updates to Gux´s original Gripen A
Ianh755: tweaked almost everything I did to make it as good as it can be
Stipe (Me): skins, ini´s and converting to Gripen F
Spinners: RAF skin
AGOSTINO/Paulopanz: Brazil skin
1- unzip the file to a temporary folder
2- move those folders: "Flight", "Objects" and "Sounds" to your Mod folder
overwrite if asked
that's it
Special note:
On the weapon part of the plane´s DATA.INI I have made the plane able to carry Soviet and WP Weapons because of the Croatian and Indian skin.
here is why (this information has been given by some engineers at SAAB Aerospace)
:"Missiles like the Russian R73 and R77 have not yet been integrated but that wouldn't be a problem if that's what the customer wants"
Skins included:
1. Sweden
2. India
3. Brazil
4. Croatia
5. Switzerland
6. Britain (RAF desert)
7. SAAB Demonstrator
Special thanks to Ianh755 for helping me on this project!!
I hope you like it and have fun with it!
Kindest regards:
Saab JAS 39 Gripen-C/D Força Aérea Brasileira Package
By JonathanRL
Saab JAS 39 Gripen-C/D Força Aérea Brasileira Package
by The Scandinavian Front Team
The Saab JAS 39 Gripen (griffin) is a lightweight single-engine multirole fighter manufactured by the Swedish aerospacecompany Saab. It was designed to replace the Saab 35 Draken and 37 Viggen in the Swedish Air Force (Flygvapnet). The Gripen has a delta wing and canard configuration with relaxed stability design and fly-by-wire technology. It is powered by the Volvo-Flygmotor RM12 engine, a derivative of the General Electric F404, and has a top speed of Mach 2. Later aircraft are equipped for in-flight refuelling; most of the export aircraft have been designed to be compatible with NATO interoperability standards. The Aircraft was most recently leased by Brazil awaiting delivery of their Gripen-NG; At least 6 Gripen-C and Gripen-D will be avalible for the 2016 Olympics - most probably many more.
This package contains two "Probable-in-near-future" Aircraft with correct serials, year-specific loadouts and correct weapons.
JAS 39C-B(razil): The NATO-compatible version of Gripen with extended capabilities in terms of armament, electronics, etc. It uses large colour displays with English language,
feet and knots instead of meters and km/h. This variant can also be refuelled in flight.
JAS 39D-B(razil): The two-seat version of the C variant; otherwise similar to the B variant. Training variant.
Gripen 3D Model by Gux, updated by CadetteBra
Adjustments by dtmdragon
Flight Model by Column5
Avionics by Jat & Moonjumper
Skins by AGOSTINO, Decals by Paulopanz
Weapons by Ravenclaw
Serials by Team TSF
Brazil Gripen Mods by Team TSF
Fact Checking and application by Team TSF
Loadouts and .ini editing by Team TSF
TSF Saab JAS 39 Gripen Flygvapnet Package.
By JonathanRL
Please note: This is Flygvapnet (Swedish Air Force) JAS Gripen only. You are recommended to create new folders for the Hungarian, Czech and South African versions as this one will overwrite settings allowing them to show up in Campaigns.
The Saab JAS 39 Gripen (griffin) is a lightweight single-engine multirole fighter manufactured by the Swedish aerospace
company Saab. It was designed to replace the Saab 35 Draken and 37 Viggen in the Swedish Air Force (Flygvapnet).
The Gripen has a delta wing and canard configuration with relaxed stability design and fly-by-wire technology.
It is powered by the Volvo-Flygmotor RM12 engine, a derivative of the General Electric F404, and has a top speed of
Mach 2. Later aircraft are equipped for in-flight refuelling; most of the export aircraft have been designed
to be compatible with NATO interoperability standards.
This package contains four Aircraft with correct serials, year-specific loadouts and correct weapons for the Swedish Air Force.
JAS 39A: The initial fighter version that entered service with the Swedish Air Force in 1996. A modification program has started and 31 of these will be upgraded to C/D standard.
JAS 39B: The two-seat version of the A variant. It is 0.66 m (2 ft 2 in) longer than the single seat version. The rear cockpit does not have a HUD,
but an image from the front cockpit HUD can be presented on the rear cockpit flight data display; version has reduced fuel load and no internal gun.
Training variant; Little to no operational capacity.
JAS 39C: The NATO-compatible version of Gripen with extended capabilities in terms of armament, electronics, etc. It uses large colour displays with English language,
feet and knots instead of meters and km/h. This variant can also be refuelled in flight.
JAS 39D: The two-seat version of the C variant; otherwise similar to the B variant. Training variant; Little to no operational capacity.
Gripen 3D Model by Gux, updated by CadetteBra
Adjustments by dtmdragon
Flight Model by Column5
Avionics by Jat & Moonjumper
Weapons by Ravenclaw
Serials by Team TSF
Gripen-A, Gripen-B Mods by Team TSF
Fact Checking and application by Team TSF
Loadouts and .ini editing by Team TSF
SAAB JAS-39 Gripen E
By Stipe
***This is an updated version of my original Gripen E release***
Changes to the original:
New Skins for all 4 countries
New Decals for all skins
Tweaked Avionics.ini and Cockpit.ini for upgraded AESA radar and new RWR
Added new RWR.tga's to Cockpit folder
Added new RWR.lst to Cockpit folder
Tweaked Data.ini with new RWR/Radar, upgraded fuel tanks, new Countermeasures, upgraded weapons pylons for more/better/heavier weapons, removed "UK,USN" from pylons
Tweaked Userlist.ini
Redone File structure
Redone Decals for SF2
Renamed all files JAS39E
Added new RWR.TGA's to Flight folder
Added "Meteor" missile with tweaked skin
(Next Generation/India): Proposed version with new engine (F414G), SELEX Galileo Raven ES-05 AESA radar, increased fuel capacity, higher payload, upgraded avionics and other improvements.
JAS-39E Gripen "next Generation"
You cannot use this file in any payware payware project, under the "COMBATACE FREEWARE LICENSING POLICY".
Gux: Model
Column5: FM
Moonjumper and Jat: avionics
CadeteBRA for the updates he made to Gux´s original Gripen C/D
Ianh755:tweaked almost everything I did to make it as good as it can be
Me (Stipe): skins and ini´s
1- unzip the file to a temporary folder
2- move those folders: "Flight", "Objects" and "Sounds" to your Mod folder
overwrite if asked
that's it
Special note:
On the weapon part of the plane´s DATA.INI I have made the plane able to carry Soviet and WP Weapons because of the Croatian skin.
here is why (this information has been given by some engineers at SAAB Aerospace)
:"Missiles like the Russian R73 and R77 have not yet been integrated but that wouldn't be a problem if that's what the customer wants"
Skins included:
1. Sweden
2. Switzerland
3. Croatia
4. SAAB Demo
Special thanks to Ianh755 for helping me on this project!!
I hope you like it and have fun with it
Kindest regards:
JAS-39C/D Gripen
By Heberth
Gripen C and D(note: the biplace version still in beta state)
This is the same model that Gux upload some years ago, but now with much more "eyecandy".
Gux done those models, i just done some updates.
Update for SF2 JAS39C Gripen
By dtmdragon
This is an update for the JAS39C for SF2 available here at CombatACE.
You will need both the ‘JAS-39C Gripen For SF2 series’ http://combatace.com...for-sf2-series/
and the “Reworked and fixed JAS-39C Gripen skins For SF2 Series.” http://combatace.com...for-sf2-series/
Simple put my updated files in the appropriate place and let them override.
This update includes:
-Corrected Flare/Chaff dispenser locations and quantities.
-Flare and Chaff dispensers added to the skins of all Gripen operators.
-Updated threat library for the RWR
-Weapon pylons updated to reflect ability to carry latest weapons as well as the GBU-16 on outboard stations and Taurus KEPD-350 Stand off Missile on the inboard stations.
-Modification to RBS 15 missile to make it effective as an anti-ship weapon.
-Taurus KEPD-350 Stand Off Missile included. (3d model is not entirely accurate but all data.ini performance figures are.)
Thanks to everyone who has worked on the previous Gripens.
JAS-39C Gripen For SF2 series
By Brain32
JAS-39C Gripen For SF2 Series
You Gripen Team is:
Model, Weps and Skins by Gux
FM by Column5
Avionics by Moonjumper and Jat
Testing by USAFMTL
Installation insctructions:
Just install the archive into your MOD folder.
Included updated post WOI FM by Column5
Included updated RWR list and added TGA texture(and entry) for JAS39 family radar.
I only made the SF2 conversion(simple ini edits and folder re-organization), the original MOD makers are listed above!!!
That's pretty much it and:
Original ReadME is attached in the archive.
Feb 2010 Updates by Jat
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