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38 files

  1. B-17G with functional nose turret

    I have worked on Veltro2K's excellent B-17G so that its nose turret can move and fire.  I hope you like it.
    Backup yuor data ini and drop this file in the aircraft folder.
    Thanks to Wrech , and credits to
    Veltro2K for the aircraft
    gregoryp for the AvHistory engine sound
    Kesselbrut for the cockpit
    Flogger23 for the natural metal skin
    wrench ini working, and OD skin, decals and screens and whatnots; including hundreds of hours of research
    Others I'm sure I'm forgetting....Like say in the file.


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  2. Nations & Medals Expansion

    Nations & Medals Expansion
    April 13th, 2019 (1st Release)
    by Menrva

    >For Strike Fighters 2 games
    This mod is an extension of the stock ThirdWire _nations.ini file. It adds new nations and respective national decals, missing from the stock game, and it adds numerous medals (made by Capitaine Vengeur and Charles) for the stock countries. Here below a summary of the changes:
    -Added a number of new service markings decals, for the added nations.
    -Remade decals for the fictive countries of SF2 to match the default 256x256 resolution of other national decals.
    -The Mercenary decal no longer shows Dhimari colours; now it's generic and adapt for various scenarios involving mercenaries.
    -The Soviet Air Force becomes the Russian Air Force since 1992, with proper new decals showing up since 2010.
    -The Soviet Naval Aviation (Russian Naval Aviation since 1992) has been added as a separate service.
    -The (Free) Libyan Air Force has been added and becomes active in 2012, in place of the Libyan Arab Republic Air Force.
    -Biafra and Katanga have been added and are active for a short number of years, as historically accurate.
    -The Rwandan Air Force has been added, active since 1962, with later finflash showing up since 2002.
    -The Niger Air Force has been added, active since 1961, with alternative insignia in use since 1980.
    -The Djibouti Air Force has been added, active since 1977, as historically accurate.
    -The missing post-Yugoslavia nations, namely Montenegro and Republika Srpska, have been added.
    -The missing ex-Soviet Union nations of Belarus, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan have been added.
    -The Irish Air Corps has been added, with alternative decals in use since 1955.
    -The People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force has been added as a separate service, active since 1953.
    -The Somali Air Force is known as the Somali Aeronautical Corps before 1960, as historically correct.
    -The Burkina Faso Air Force is no longer active since 1964, now it's active since 1985; it shows up as the Upper Volta Air Force before 1985.
    -The Bahrain Amiri Air Force becomes the Royal Bahraini Air Force in 2002, as historically accurate.
    -Created and added low-vis insignia and finflash textures for the Pakistan Air Force.
    -Fixed a stock bug in SF2 with the Sultan of Oman's Air Force not being selectable since 1959, as it should be.
    -Fixed a stock bug in SF2 with the Republic of China (Taiwan) Air Force not using the old roundel as it should be before 1992.
    -Activated unused low-vis finflash included in stock SF2 for the Canadian Armed Forces.
    -Other very small changes here and there to other stock nations.
    -Added new medals for the following nations and respective services: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Egypt, East Germany, West Germany, France, Finland, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, North Korea, South Korea, North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Soviet Union, Spain, Sweden, Syria, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States.
    Modders and users are advised to tweak their _userlist.ini files and _data.ini files for aircraft and ships, to make use of the new naval aviation services added by this mod.

    >Credits (in no particular order):
    -Capitaine Vengeur, for his Modern Russian Federation Medals and Modern Ukrainian Medals packs.
    -Charles, for his Medals Pack v2.0 addon for SF1, which I have improved and updated to SF2 standards.
    -mue, for sharing info about the functionality of the alias.lst file.
    -paulopanz, for creating decals for Rwanda and Niger, which I have further tweaked.
    -eburger68, for few decals I borrowed from his huge campaign mods.
    I included the original readme files from the mentioned mods, where available, to the end of giving proper credit to everyone involved directly or not.

    This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
    This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


       (2 reviews)



  3. Ace Combat Nations

    Ace Combat Nations
    December 13th, 2020 (1st Release)
    by Menrva

    >For Strike Fighters 2 games
    This mod is a fork of my nations expansion mod of the stock ThirdWire _nations.ini file. It includes only the nations and respective aviation services of the Ace Combat universe, AKA Strangereal. All roundels are based on official sources and references from all Ace Combat games. Here below a summary of the included services:
    -Generic Mercenary faction, using the logo of Ace Combat's developer, Project ACES, as insignia.
    -Osean Air Defense Force and Osean Maritime Defense Force (as seen in Ace Combat 5, Ace Combat Zero and Ace Combat 7).
    -Yuktobanian Air Force and Yuktobanian Navy (as seen in Ace Combat 5).
    -Erusean Air Force and Erusean Navy (as seen in Ace Combat 04 and Ace Combat 7).
    -Free Erusea Air Force (available since 2006, as seen in Ace Combat 04, Ace Combat 5 and Ace Combat 7).
    -Independent State Allied Forces Air Force and Independent State Allied Forces Navy (available since 2003 until 2006, as seen in Ace Combat 04 and Ace Combat 5).
    -International Union Peacekeeping Force (available since 2007, as seen in Ace Combat 7).
    -Belkan Air Force and Belkan Naval Aviation (as seen in Ace Combat 5 and Ace Combat Zero).
    -Ustio Air Force (available since 1989, as seen in Ace Combat Zero).
    -Sapin Air Force (as seen in Ace Combat Zero).
    -Republic of Emmeria Air Force and Republic of Emmeria Navy (as seen in Ace Combat 6).
    -Estovakian Air Force and Estovakian Naval Aviation (as seen in Ace Combat 6).
    -Aurelian Air Force and Aurelian Naval Aviation (as seen in Ace Combat X).
    -Leasath Air Force and Leasath Naval Aviation (as seen in Ace Combat X).
    -USEA Unified Air Force and USEA Unified Navy (available since 1996 until 2002, as seen in the remake of Ace Combat 2, that is Ace Combat 3D).
    -Voslage Air Force (as seen in Ace Combat 7).
    -Nordennavic Royal Air Force (from Ace Combat: Northern Wings).
    Other aviation services are known to exist in Strangereal, such as the Rectan Air Force, FATO Air Force and Valka Royal Air Force. However, there are no infos concerning such countries with no established flag and culture at the moment. Those are not included in the mod for the time being.
    This mod removes the Real World aviation services included in Strike Fighters 2, as such it is not compatible with any mod out of the box. Modders and users are advised to tweak _userlist.ini files and _data.ini files for aircraft and ground objects, to make use of the new services added by this mod.

    >Credits (in no particular order):
    -nuni, for his suggestions and other Ace Combat themed mods.
    -Astore, for his support and for being one of the few Italian Ace Combat fans like me.
    -RythusOmega, for providing all Ace Combat 7 emblems, reworked for use in this mod.
    -SuperOstrich, for providing hi-res remakes of the roundel of Nordennavic.
    -mue, for sharing info about the functionality of the alias.lst file.

    This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
    This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


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  4. SF2 Yak-25 Series Upgrade Pack 

    SF2 Yak-25 Series Upgrade Pack                   
    -For SF2 =ONLY= (Any & All)
    The package provided all new data inis for the following Yak-25 series aircraft, by Pasko:
    Yak-25B "Brewer"
    Yak-25K "Flashlight"
    Yak-25M "Flashlight"
    These incorporate a new FM, that is more more SF2 compliant, and solves a few problems lingering for the last 15 years or so. All hit boxes have been adjusted.
    This package is Data inis =ONLY=, not complete aircraft. Backup copies of the originals are all included, as for the usual "just in case" sort of thing.
    The aircraft this pack is for are listed below. These are all the revamps by Flogger23:
    As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    (I'd forgotten I had this, and hadn't uploaded it!! Enjoy)


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  5. SF2 Canadair Sabre Mk.6 (GAF) Update Pack

    SF2 Canadair Sabre Mk.6 (GAF) Update Pack      2/26/2021
    -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
    "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods"
    This is an update pack for the GMG's version of the Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6, when in service with the German Air Force of the 1950s and 60s.
    This package to be applied to the GAF Sabre Early and GAF Sabre Late mods, available at the following URLs:
    You =MUST= have these 2 mods installed first =BEFORE= applying this Update Pack. This pack consists mostly of inis, with a few other "interestering" bits thrown in for good measure. Many things have been changed/updated/messed with; most importantly they recieved the Fubar512 FM from the KAW Sabres. Plus many other changes, see the Change List below in the "Notes" section. Backups of the original data inis are included, so you don't have to. The loadout inis included are the most recent supplied by RavenClaw_007 on the CA Forums as of 2/23/2021.
    As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE READ THEM!!! The Full Changelist is in the "Notes" section
    As this is NOT the full, aircraft, it's been placed in the 'Object Ini Edits" section of the SF2 downloads.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    With many thanks to RavenClaw for allowing me the chance to work on these!


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  6. F-2H Banshee (Razbam) Updated data pack

    F-2H Banshee Updated data pack v1.1
    This is a further update of the DATA.inis of the RAZBAM F-2H Banshee.
    In this updated data pack, there are changes in the data.ini, trying to achieve realistic performance specs.
    So changes are done in almost every aspect of the specs (weight, flightdata, engine thrust etc) for being as close to the real thing as possible.
    For using this pack you need to have downloaded first

    - the original RAZBAM Banshee (Go to RAZBAM website for more details)
    - the Banshee Tweeks Pak -for Razbam Banshees of Wrench
    Credis should go to
    - RAZBAM for the original release
    - Wrench for making this really usable in missions/campaings
    - Ravenclaw_007 for the AN-M30 bomb
    - Spillone for - at least - some of the sounds

    Thoughts for further upgrades
    - The AltitudeTableNumData & DryMachTableNumData are really very limited and are restricting realism. Please give me help to correct them. DONE
    - The F2H-3 (F-2C) is without wingtip tanks but in reality all the -2,-3,-4 models had the capability of carrying wingtip tanks.
    I am planning to substitute the LOD of the -3 with the -4 model (since these two were identical externally) but for doing so I am waiting your feedback.DONE
    - Overwrite everything above v1.0. Place the banshee f2h4.LOD (which you can purchase from the RAZBAM website) in your F-2H3 folder.

    What's new in v1.1
    - The Destroyed Model now it's the stock F-84F one.
    - The F3H-3 (F-2C) now uses the F3H-4 LOD. Indeed, the -3 also used more the wing tip tanks than not, since they had a minimal effect on overall performance.
    - Further updated engine data.
    - Corrected ground clearence for the F3H-2.
    - Corrected loadouts. Now the wing pylon can be loaded with bombs (historical).
    - Small touches here & there for better overall result.
    - The -4 used a different radar than the -3 model that had also a different radar screen with different symbology (not a successful one, as it often mentioned).
    However, it seems that we have the -3 style radar screen for the - 4 model too.
    - In some sources it's stated that the -4 had 20% more range than the -3 model. I am not convinced for that.
    Most likely it had to do with the need for full throttle/max power more often than the -4 model
    in combat conditions, something which indeed reduced endurance. Therefore I kept the same radius for the -3 & -4 models.
    - The Canadians seldom used their wing tip tanks. I had a hard time to spot canadian F-2s with wing tip tanks when in actual service.
    The most likely explanation is that with the small canadian aircraft was too much to handle the take off of the approx. extra 1 ton of weight with the wingtips on the weak -3 model.
    If someone wants a tank-less RCN F-2, I can update the pack. However the final solution will be to add the tanks as loadouts.

    DisplayName=VF-73 Jesters
    DisplayName=VF-193 Ghostriders
    DisplayName=VF-870 of Royal Canadian Navy
    Remember this is a freeware!


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  7. SF2 F-84F TMF Internal Tanks Fix

    This object mod applies to this download :
    The data.ini file of this mod is the exact same file from the SF2 F-84F TMF with two modifications :
    - the guns position and MinMaxExtent values had been edited
    - the internal fuel tanks have been modified to be closer to the real aircraft
    Read the ReadMe-s
    I really struggled not to untitle this download "SF2 F-84F TMF Ineternal Tanks Fix"


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  8. HARD GAME!!! Map Enemy Icon DELETE

    It's way too hard but I would recommend it if I'm flying like that.
    mods/flight folder


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  9. Message System Update

    mods/flight folder


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  10. Cockpit Moving Map Delete Background

    They were tested in the F-18 cockpits.


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  11. SF2 WW2 Bandidos FW-190A4 Tweeks Pack

    SF2 WW2 Bandidos FW-190A4 Tweeks Pack                               9/23/2018
     -- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    A series of modifications to the recently released Bandidos Team FW-190A4 WW2 Luftwaffe fighter.
    Included are:
    Data ini (many changes/corrections)
    "main ini" (rearranged skin sequence - JG.26 is now the first one)
    new damage tgas (that looks better)
    loadout ini (now carries belly tank always by default on A-A missions)
    "Box Art" hangar screen
    For a full list of changes, corrections and adjustments, see below in the "Notes" section. A backup copy of the original data ini is included, but I forgot to backup the 'main' ini. You might want to do so before installing this package.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.

    Happy Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


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  12. SF2 Upgrade Pack For Western Transports, Airliners and AWACs by Veltro2K

    SF2 Upgrade Pack For Western Transports, Airliners and AWACs by Veltro2K    6/1/2018
    = For SF2, Any/All (Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED!) =
    This is a remod pack for Veltro2k's Western/NATO Transport, Airliner and AWAC aircraft. This package =ONLY= contains the data inis for the aircraft listed below. You will still need to locate the original aircraft.
    It is highly suggested (read: REQUIRED) that you have SF2NA as part of your merged installs, as several of these reference the stock 3W Tu-95 Bear destroyed model. Some reference the stock 3W An-12, Tu-16 or B-52D (SF2V) destroyed models as well. Flight Models remain "as issued"; they've not been touched by me.
    All New Data Inis Included in this pack are for:
    C-5A Galaxy
    C-17 Globemaster II
    C-141A Starlifter
    C-141B Starlifter
    G-222/C-27 Spartan
    KC-767 (KC-46)
    Nimrod MR.1 (RAF ASW/Martime Patrol)
    Br.1150 Atlantique  (ASW/Martime Patrol)
    PB-1W Navy Fortress (USN 1940s/50s AEW - B-17)
    DC-8 *
    B-747  Pan Am"Jumbo Jet"
    *The DC-8 mods are for the package by Daddyairplanes*

    All aircraft have had their data inis reworked to correct, add, move, remove or generally "fix" all the hit boxes, relocate components (ie: fuel tanks, as best as possible inside the airframe) and in general clean up many things that simply escaped notice. The exception here is the Pan Am 747, which gets a partly repainted skin, with all new 100% accurate civil registration number decals (18) AND their matching "Clipper" names. Decal Randomization is "TRUE". The 747 and DC-8s also get an avionics upgrade (GM radar). Some sounds are included; you may have them alread, or not; but I like "to be sure".
    Please note, some of these aircraft may NOT be in the SF2 downloads section; one will need to Search the SF1/Wo* (1stGen) downloads. Equally important, is to HAVE the aircraft installed =BEFORE= installing this Upgrade Pack. Kinda makes sense, right? <gr>
    As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    EDIT: 6/4/18 -
    added missing G-222 folder and inis


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  13. SF2 Upgrade Pack For Soviet Transports,Airliners and AWAC Aircraft by Veltro2K

    SF2 Upgrade Pack For Soviet Transports,Airliners and AWAC Aircraft by Veltro2K        5/23/2018
    = For SF2, Any/All (Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED!) =
    This is a remod pack for Veltro2k's Soviet/WarPac Transport, Airliner and AWAC aircraft. This package =ONLY= contains the data inis for the aircraft listed below. You will still need to locate the original aircraft.
    It is highly suggested (read: REQUIRED) that you have SF2NA as part of your merged installs, as several of these reference the stock 3W Tu-95 Bear destroyed model. Some reference the stock 3W An-12 destroyed model as well. 
    All New Data Inis Included in the pack are for:
    A-50 Mainstay (AWAC)
    An-22 Cock
    IL-38 May (ASW/Martime Patrol)
    IL-76 Candid
    IL-78 Midas
    Tu-95A Bear-A
    Tu-95MS Bear-H
    Tu-104 Camel (Aeroflot Airliner
    Tu-144 Cleat (Aeroflot Airliner)
    Tu-126 Moss (AWAC)
    All aircraft have had their data inis reworked to correct, add, move or generally "fix" all the hit boxes, relocate components (ie: fuel tanks, as best as possible inside the airframe) and in general clean up many things that simply escaped notice. The exception here is the Tu-104, which get a partly repainted skin, with all new 100% accurate civil registration number decals (18), and an avionics upgrade (GM radar).
    As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


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  14. SF2 WW2 ETO Beaufighter Tweeks & Adjustment Pack

    For those not following the "Tips & Tweeks" Thread in the SF2 WW2 Forum, this is a package of data inis for the Bristol Beaufighter by Cocas Aircraft Factory
    This package contains data inis with adjusted hitboxes and some armor upgrades, but a new flight model for ALL the ETO (northern European used) Bristol Beaufighters that Cocas and I did.
    These are:
    Mk.1 (early and late)
    NF MK.1 (early and late)
    Mk.1C (ITF)
    Mk.VI (early)
    Mk. VIC, Mk.VIC,  Mk.VIF (early and lates)
    TFX (early and late -with and withOUT thimble nose)
    the roll rate is still a little higher than as described, but it's improved over the original release
    Instructions For Use:
    Unzip, as always reccomended, to a temp folder or you desktop. Then, copy/paste the /Objects folder from the zip DIRECTLY over you /Objects folder in you WW2 ETO centric mods folder. Each of the above listed aircraft has, of course, their own folder within. Also provided is a backed up copy of the original data ini, for safety's sake.
    At some point in time, the MTO and PTO theatre specific versions will be uploaded. Eventually, I'll be trying to update each individual aircraft's package. But there's a LOT of Beaus, and only so much time..
    Kevin Stein


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  15. SF2 C-97 & HC-97 Data Ini Upgrade Pack

    The package contains new data inis for the C-97 & HC-97 Stratofreighter. This new inis have all new adjusted hit boxes, the addition of missing or (previously) unnamed components, and the re-arrangement of systems to the new components.
    The aircraft package itself has also been updated for those that haven't downloaded these aircraft yet. Existing users will NOT have to re-download the entire package. THIS set is designed for that update/upgrade.
    Simply unzip, as always reccomended, to a temp folder or your desktop. Then, copy/Paste, move, however you wish to, the included /Objects folder directly OVER the existing Objects folder in whichever SF2 mods folder you have these aircraft installed to. Allow the Overwrite. A back-up copy of the original data ini for both aircraft is included, so no need to back up you originals.


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  16. SF2:I 3W Vautour IIA Upgrade Pack  

    SF2:I 3W Vautour IIA Upgrade Pack              11/23/2017
    = For SF2:I (or Any & All, Full-4/5 Merged Preffered) =
    *Can be used in any merged install that has access to the SF2I Meteor F.8, as this cockpit is referenced for this aircraft. It is the "best, closest fit" Hence, the 'Full-5 Merged' tag is applicable*
    Extensive modifications and upgrades to the stock 3W S.O.4050 Vautour IIA as used by the IDF/AF,and French Air Force. As seen on the CombatAce message boards, the aircraft gets the addition of the missing outboard wing pylons. These are attached via the 'fake pilot' method. The only disadvantage is, they are always present, even when not loaded. A fact that must be lived with. Also, as stated above, with the addition of a cockpit, the aircraft is now "Player Usable".
    Many other modification have been performed, and all are listed in the "Notes" section of this readme. Loadouts have been adjusted, as have several other important statements in the data ini. All weapons used are stock 3W items, meaning they still use the UK bombs. End Users (tm) that wish to swap our to the various French bombs available in weapons packs may do. Be advised, I did =NOT= test with those, so their attachment positions -may- not match.
    Even though there isn't another Vautour IIA, I've added a statement to the "displayed name", so it now reads:
    Vautour IIA (3W)
    This is just one of my usual "things", when more than one of the type exists.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... 
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


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  17. Aerodynamically Limited MiG-17s v1.1

    Aerodynamically Limited MiG-17s v1.1
    This is a mod which limits the maneuverability of the stock ThirdWire MiG-17, -17F and -17PF at high subsonic speeds, especially above .8M.  It has long been published that the MiG-17's lack of hydraulically boosted controls prevented the pilot from turning much harder than 2-2.5g as the aircraft got beyond 400 knots (especially by 450).  The stock TW MiG-17s, however, have in excess of 10g authority at the mid-to-high 400s of knots, and this is one of the reasons they are commonly called "UFOs" - they can out-turn almost any fighter anywhere in the envelope.
    This mod adjusts both the lift coefficient and the aerodynamic pitch dampening coefficient to reduce the MiG-17's ability to pull high-g turns at airspeeds exceeding .8 Mach.  This provides the player with the ability to utilize real-world speed tactics employed by F-4, F-8 and other aircrews against the MiG-17.  Keep the fight fast, and you can now out-turn the FRESCO.  
    This mod does NOT adjust the lower-speed performance of the FRESCO.  As such, if you try to get into the phonebooth and burn away your energy, expect the same results as before.  If you choose to fly the MiG-17 with this FM modification, it adds a degree of challenge and realism in that just like the AI, you won't be able to load a 12g turn at 500knots anymore, and will have to pay attention to airspeed.  The speedbreak is your friend!  I personally had no problem dogfighting with the FM, but it did require better energy management in that it requires you to keep the aircraft neither too slow, nor too fast.
    V1.1 (23 Nov 17) has also changed the engine response time for the MiG-17's VK-1F engine.  It is reported in Red Eagles that the engine took approximately 15 seconds (p.112) to go from idle to full military power.  Most engines from the 50s and 60s had slow response times (e.g., the TF-30 taking approximately 8 seconds to go from idle to military and another 4 to stage up to Zone 5), and this required a bit of thinking and tactics to work around.  "Jose" Oberle (Lt Col, Ret) explained that the engine worked well enough if kept above 80 percent power, but pulling back to idle, then pushing back towards military power "took forever" (Ibid.), and that the easiest way to handle decelerating was to keep the engine at 80 percent and deploy the speed brakes.  The AI isn't harshly impacted by this limitation, but a player using this data.ini will have to consider this limitation.  If, as a player, you do not want to deal with the slower engine response, the original entry is simply commented out, and can be restored by editing the .ini.
    Whats in it:
    There are three data.inis contained in this mod.  One for the baseline MiG-17, one for the MiG-17F and one for the MiG-17PF.  This mod adjusts the ThirdWire MiG-17s and will work with any version of StrikeFighters 2, including merged and single installs.
    1.  Unzip the contents of the "Aero_Limited_MiG-17sV11.7z" file into a folder
    2.  Open the folder.  Copy the contents of the folder (MiG-17, -17F, and -17PF folders) into your SF2 mod folder's Objects\Aircraft folder, allowing all files to overwrite.
    3.  The Data.ini files should already be read only, but if not, set them to read only so the game does not re-write or over-write the data file with the game's original files upon booting up (this happens sometimes when a mod changes a core game file).
    4. Go fly!
    FM: ThirdWire
    Mod: Caesar
    Some open-source examples of airspeed and engine limitations of the MiG-17:
    From "Scream of Eagles," "Tooter" Teague (who flew one of the captured MiG-17's) put it that: "We found out very quickly that the MiG ['17] goes out of control at 450 knots...He [the '17] locks up at about 425 and he goes absolutely left wing down...his wing warps...so if he goes 500 knots he's out of control  He's in a left wing roll an can't do anything about it.  So just do 500 knots and it becomes only a question of eyes.  Keeping sight and keeping fast." (p. 138).  
    From "Red Eagles": "We had to teach them that if they could - as a defender in an American airplane - get the MiG-17 into the 450-knot regime, and then start to turn, then the MiG pilot would have to overcome this huge aerodynamic load on the tail without any hydraulic assistance.  He may have had the potential to pull 7Gs, but he could probably pull no more than 2Gs because he simply didn't have the physical strength to overcome the loads on the tail." (p.132)  
    From "Duke" Cunningham (in "Dogfights): [the MiGs are travelling fast.  Cunningham knows the MiG, lacking hydraulic controls like the F-4, is hard to turn.] "So I looked at him and said 'nope, can't do it,' so I broke into him and he overshot right down below me."
    [Engine] From "Red Eagles, New Edition": The VK-1F was slow to respond to movements of the throttle, and it took in the region of 15 seconds for it to go from idle thrust to "military" thrust power setting (the maximum non-afterburning thrust available).  Oberle observed: "This slow engine response was a characteristic of the old engines.  If you kept the power up above 80 percent you had pretty good engine response, but if you ever pulled it back to idle and then pushed the power up to accelerate, it would take forever for the engine to spool back up to the 80 percent rangewhere you finally started getting power." (p.112)


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  18. SF2 WW2 Ventura & Harpoon Tweeks/Fixit Pack

    SF2 WW2 PTO Ventura, Harpoon, Lodestar Adjustment Pak            8/29/2017
     -- For the WW2  players --

    This package contains a new, modified data inis for the following aircraft:
    Pacific Theatre:
    Lockheed PV-1 Ventura (Early)
    Lockheed PV-1 Ventura (Mid)
    Lockheed PV-1 Ventura (Late)
    LOckheed PV-2 Harpoon
    Lockheed C-60 Lodestar (transport/cargo)
    European Theatre:
    Ventura Mk.II (RAF)

    Included are "backed up" copies of the original data inis for each of these aircraft, just for safety's sake.
    If you have these aircraft already, =THIS= is the pack to use. The full aircraft packages, available here in the CA Downloads, have already been updated for new download users.
    Reminder - if you have these aircraft already, you do NOT need to redownload the entire aircraft again.
    = Instructions for Use:
    unzip to a temp folder or your desktop.
    Inside, you'll find two main subfolders:
    As most of the USN variants (and the Lodestar it seems!) were used in the Pacific, all those Ventura's are here, in the PTO folder.
    Copy/paste the various /Objects folder DIRECTLY over the original /Objects folder in your WW2 PTO-centric mods folders.
    For the RAF Ventura Mk.II, do the same thing, excepting you're now doing it to your WW2 ETO-centric mods folder.
    This was done simply as a "make it easier" for me to upload.
    Go fly.
    Good Hunting!!
    Kevin "Wrench" Stein
    Updated 8/29/2017

    All hit boxes reset or newly created for those components without
    Small adjustment to some FM parameters.
    Destroyed model referenced to a stock 3W aircraft, available in all versions


       (0 reviews)



  19. KAW/Post War B-29 & RAF Washington B.1 Data ini Fixit Pack

    SF2 KAW & Post-War B-29 & Washington B.1 Adjustment Pak            8/31/2017
     -- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
    = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =

    This package contains a new, modified data in for the Post-War and KAW era B-29 Superfortress, and the RAF Washington B.1. Also included is a "backed up" copy of the original data ini, just for safety's sake.
    For those with the skill to copy/paste, you can use this data ini for your WW2 PTO B-29 as well. You'll only need to copy/paste the TOP section of the original data ini from your WW2 B-29 into this new one.
    If you have this aircraft already, THIS is the pack to use.  Both of the full aircraft mods, available here in the CA Downloads, have already been updated for new users.
    Reminder - if you have this aircraft already, you do =NOT= need to redownload the entire aircraft again.
    = Instructions for Use:
    unzip to a temp folder or your desktop.
    Copy/paste the B-29_data.ini (and B-29_Data - copy.ini) You know, copy them BOTH into the KAW/Post-War B-29's folder.
    Do the Same for the Washington B.1. Copy/paste BOTH supplied data inis into the WashingtonB1 folder.
    Go fly.
    Good Hunting!!
    Kevin "Wrench" Stein
    Updated 8/31/2017
    All hit boxes reset or newly created for those components without
    Small adjustment to some FM parameters.


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  20. SF2 WW2 PTO B-26B Marauder Adjustment Pak

    SF2 WW2 PTO B-26B Marauder Adjustment Pak                8/29/2017
     -- For the WW2 PTO players --
    = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =

    This package contains a new, modified data in for the B-26 Marauder, as used in the
    PTO (Southwest Pacific ie: New Guinea) during WW2. Also included is a "backed up" copy
    of the original data ini, just for safety's sake.
    If you have this aircraft already, THIS is the pack to use. The full aircraft,
    available here in the CA Downloads, has already been updated for new users.
    Reminder - if you have this aircraft already, you do NOT need to redownload the entire
    aircraft again.
    = Instructions for Use:
    unzip to a temp folder or your desktop.
    Copy/paste the B-26_data.ini (and B-26_Data - copy.ini) You know, copy them BOTH into
    the B-26's folder in you PTO-centric mods folder. 
    Go fly.
    Good Hunting!!
    Kevin "Wrench" Stein
    Updated 8/29/2017
    All hit boxes reset or newly created for those components without
    Small adjustment to some FM parameters.
    Destroyed model referenced to a stock 3W aircraft, available in all versions



       (0 reviews)



  21. SF2 WW2 ETO B-26 Marauder Data Ini Adjustment Pack

    SF2 WW2 ETO B-26B/G Marauder Adjustment Pak                8/29/2017
     -- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
    = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =

    This package contains a new, modified data in for the B-26 Marauder, as used in the ETO (Northern Europe) during WW2. Also included is a "backed up" copy of the original data ini, just for safety's sake.
    If you have this aircraft already, THIS is the pack to use. The full aircraft, available here in the CA Downloads, has already been updated for new users.

    Reminder - if you have this aircraft already, you do NOT need to redownload the entire aircraft again.
    = Instructions for Use:
    unzip to a temp folder or your desktop.
    Copy/paste the B-26_data.ini (and B-26_Data - copy.ini) You know, copy them BOTH into the B-26's folder in you ETO-centric mods folder. 
    Go fly.
    Good Hunting!!
    Kevin "Wrench" Stein
    Updated 8/29/2017
    All hit boxes reset or newly created for those components without
    Small adjustment to some FM parameters.
    Different (stock) destroyed model referenced



       (0 reviews)




    This is an updated NATIONS list.
    I included as much nations and services as I could.
    I disactivated the active dates, so no more planes with <none> air force as it was happening when the service dates are before the active date.
    I modified also the 'PilotTrainingStandard' for some nations.
    Now the SOVIET is 'excellent' as it should have been in the first place.
    AFRES, ANG and USArmy are 'normal', not 'excellent'.
    This is a tough decision to make, because the pilot training standard improved or deteriorated during the course of time.
    So people should adjust it according to the expansion pack/campaign that they are using.
    Russia should be POOR in the 1990s, NORMAL in the 2000s and EXCELLENT in the 2010s.
    Iran should be POOR until around 2000, afterwards NORMAL.
    Iraq should be NORMAL until 1992, afterwards POOR.
    Also, I forgot to mention, all speech files have been adjusted for the speech pack, sometimes not exactly accurate e.g.
    Switzerland uses German and Bulgaria Russian, but surely more appropriate than USAF speech!
    v1.1 changes
    - Mercenary Alignment modified to MERCENARY and Pilot Training Standard modified from EXCELLENT to NORMAL.
    - South Korea Pilot Training Standard modified from POOR to NORMAL.
    However, if you intend to fly a Korean War period campaign for 1950 ONLY, modify it back to POOR.
    - Duplicate entry of United States Army Aviation deleted.
    - Iceland is added as a nation, useful for SF2NA campaigns.
    - Russian Navy name changed to its Russian one.
    v1.1a changes
    - The Iraqi 'PilotTrainingStandard' changed from 'normal' to 'poor'.
    - Turkish speech is back to USAF speech by request of Emre.
    v1.2 changes
    - Added the Vietnam People's Air Force of wazalo68
    - Added the United States Coast Guard of Sheriff001


       (8 reviews)



  23. F-16 DATA & LOADOUT update

    I reworked the Data and loadout inis in the following versions of the F-16:
    F-16A_Blk10-EAF < NEW for v2.0
    F-16A_Blk10-IDF < NEW for v2.0
    F-16A_Netz_87 < NEW for v2.0
    F-16B_Blk15-NDC < NEW for v2.0
    F-16B_Netz_87 < NEW for v2.0
    F-16C_B40_egy < Now COMPLETE plane
    F-16C_B52+_egy < Now COMPLETE plane
    F-16D_B30 < Now COMPLETE plane
    F-16D_B30_agr < Now COMPLETE plane
    F-16D_B30_gk < Now COMPLETE plane
    F-16D_B52+_egy < Now COMPLETE plane
    So the FM is finally corrected, the empty weights are now correct, as well as many minor other changes in order to make ir more realistic.
    Don't be fooled, I did A LOT of research and a lot of BETA testing. When I had no definite data, I calculated, so some data are estimations.
    For proving my point, I include a 4vs4 mission, Turkish F-16D Block 50+ (the heaviest Viper in service) against USAF aggressors.
    Why v0.9? There are some planes missing. These are TW planes, as well as israeli -A models, egyptian, jordanian, UAE, thai, indonesian & singaporian planes.
    As it turned out, these should be released in a vol.2
    I hope someone would make hi-res skins for all these nations mentioned above as well for the early -A models of the four european nations.
    Also a proper lod for the taiwanese block 20.

    Logfile changes
    - Added the fabulous F-16A ADF AMI of dtmdragon, deleted the old F-16A AMI
    - The mission now is on more even terms, both F-16s have now the same loadout.
    - Added the following planes
    - Now these planes are complete
    The Egyptian block 40 is based on the Turkish one, the block 52+ on the Polish.
    - Reworked DATA.INI for ALL planes. Mostly, but not only, reworked engine and weight data.
    - Four new missions are added. F-16 vs F-16, these missions are indeed very exciting.
    Known issues: The F-16D block 30 skins should be tweaked a bit to represent a 100% proper -D block 30 skin.
    Effects/Sounds/LODS/Skins - Dave/The Viper Team
    F110 effects only - Fast Cargo < The new, proper F110 effects possibly again by Fast Cargo. If not, please verify.
    The egyptian skin - mohand777
    The F110 engine sound, I was not able to trace. Pls PM for any feedback to give proper credit.

    A v3.0 will come up, but not anytime soon that will include the above mentioned "jordanian, UAE, thai, indonesian & singaporian planes", hopefully even more than that.
    Request: MORE Hi-rez skins!!!!


       (7 reviews)



  24. F-8 DATA & LOADOUT update

    This is a total rework of loadout and data.ini of ALL F-8s.
    These include all TMF, TW and YAP models. You will find them inside three separate folders.
    I tried to be as realistic as possible regarding performance figures, empty weights etc. Please give me feedback about the results, what do you think about.
    - Column5
    - Paulopanz
    - ace888
    - ChampionsVA56
    - Wrench
    - Diego
    - Ravenclaw ? (the seats)
    - TW
    - ? (the sounds)
    without you the update would not have been possible.
    if some credits are wrong and/or missing, please send me a PM.
    - More hi-rez skins for all three families, like these in the screenshots. As you can see, in both TW and TMF the hi-rez are a real improvement. Skins for the RF-8G, especially late low-viz, will be vert much appreciated.
    - A proper cockpit as both TMF and TW look really dated now.
    - Proper ejection seats (better than before, but still not 100% accurate)
    Note: TW models include DLC also.


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  25. Canadair Sabre Mk.6 Late (GAF) Update Pack

    Canadair Sabre Mk.6 Late (GAF) Update Pack 2/13/2016
    = For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged Reccomended) =
    This package contains an update kit for GMG's German Air Force Canadair Sabre Mk.6 (Late) aircraft pack available at the following URL:
    If you don't have it already, you'll need that mod first. It's one I heartly reccomend! Ravenclaw and the GMG did an OUTSTANDING job on this aircraft!!!
    Like many (ok, most) of the other Sabres recently updated, the following items have been changed, added to,
    adjusted and whatevered:
    updated hit boxes/collision points
    added destroyed model callout
    new FM (ala KAW Sabres)
    activated squadron name display via fake "SqTail" decal
    decal numbers now randomized
    "brightened" gunsight (for us old folks!)
    added avionics statements, and avionics ini for radar-ranging gunsight
    Removed "Exported=TRUE", nationalizing to ONLY West Germany
    Added SF2 "short name" display
    Changed Start Year so camo skins only are used.
    These changes will bring this superb mod up to the latest standards, FM wise. Nothing else has been changed -- nothing else really needed to be!! See "Notes" for things I did =NOT= do.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for a more detailed change/correction list.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    with special thanks to Ravenclaw and the GMG


       (3 reviews)



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