33 files
A-6A DIANE for Strike Fighters 2
By MigBuster
Upgraded for Strike Fighters 2 - Basic CCIP for A-6A to simulate a DIANE level bombing system.
New: Yes we can now add the CCIP and keep the original A_6 radar modes!
When you reach the target ripple your iron bombs!
Tested in Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam Version June 2009 only (using the A-6A cockpit from Wings Over Vietnam).
For use in later versions compare any changes made in newer ini files first.
Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms. Visit the URL below for more info.
RWR Sounds
By aube
*updated to 1.1 to better mesh with lock tone mod, is now much quieter*
Inspired by the distinctive RWR audio cues used in Janes F-15, I re-created a similar sound using Audacity (though keep in mind, I havn't played F-15 in a decade...)
This mod may have no grounding in reality, but damnit, it sounds cool to me, so I am uploading it in case anyone else is interested in it.
For an example of it in action, skip ahead to 1:50 to hear the tracking audio, which switches to the launch audio at 2:00 at
Installation: Unzip the 'Sounds' folder into your SF2 mods folder (by default C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[executable name])
If using one of the alternate sounds, rename the chosen file to simply RWRLockSound.wav or RWRTrackSound.wav as appropriate.
To uninstall, simply delete RWRLockSound.wav and RWRTrackSound.wav from the 'Sounds' folder
SF2V AOA Indexer Ver.1.0
By aizen
Angle of Attack Indexer mod for Strike Fighters 2:Vietnam
This is a mod about AOA Indexers of all stock Navy aircrafts comming with Strike Fighters 2:Vietnam. It does not include
Phantoms and Corsairs used by USAF. Use at your own risks!
Actually, Angle of Attack Indexers of navy aircraft are totally unusable to make carriers landings, altought the sequence
of lights are correct colors are reversed, and angles requested by indexers are too high and wont allow you to see where
you are going (Except for Crusaders). This mod is designed to allow you to come at the lowest possible speed and with a
correct angle of attack to keep a good view to the deck. Angles are not set to be used with the Carrier ILS system wich
seems to bee steep but rather with the standard Navy Daybreak Approach, see included diagrams.
I recommand you to save all modded cockpit.ini of all Navy Skyhawk,Corsairs,
Crusaders and Phantoms before applying this mod. Simply drop the Object folder into your
Mod Strike Fighters directory and it's done. If you want to use correct indexers lights only ,WITHOUT
corrected angles, simply remove them from aircraft's folders before droping it.
By Aizen/fastergekko
Ver.1.0 2011 March 1
Shahak Alternative Scope Radar Version 1.0
By Coupi
Shahak Alternative Scope Radar Version 1.0 (November 2010) for Strike Fighter 2 Israel.
This is my first attempt in order to create an alternative Scope Radar for the Thirdwire "Shahak" fighter aircraft.
To install it, you must extract the "Cockpit" folder of the RAR archive.
If you are under Windows Vista or Windows 7, put it in: Saved Games/ThirdWire/SF2I/Objects/Aircraft/Shahak.
Last year I saw a Mirage IIIC cockpit picture. Then I decided to try to modify the Thirdwire Shahak scope radar "bmp" file.
My little "work" needs improvement. But I would like to share this first version with you!!!
Mistubishi F-1 HUD Fix Pak
By Wrench
Mitsubishi F-1 Avionics HotFix For SF2
= For SF2, Full-4 Merged = ONLY!! =
Updates for my recently released SF2 mod of the Mistubishi F-1 by Veltro2k.
This package will update several main inis, giving the aircraft a full, complete working HUD with CCIP, IRM markers and other cool stuff.
As this mod makes use of several items that are 'borrowed' from inside several different ObjectData.cats, it is absolutely =NOT= compatable or downgradable for 1st Gen SF/SFG/WoV/WoE usage.
The full aircraft, to which this HotFix is to be applied can be found at the URL below:
Again, this is for SF2, a full-4 merged install ONLY!!!
As always, read the simple instructions included in the 'readme'.
kevin stein
Fa-18 Superhornet avionics mod v1.0
By ArturR
F/a-18 Superhornet avionics mod v1.0 - 21.07.2010
For SF1 and SF2
I made this avionics mod based on Jane's F/a-18, Digital integration F/a-18 Superhornet and other "bug" sims, also used sources like guncams, photos etc. Its still far from ideal (TW engine limits) but I tried to give imaging of real APG-73 radar and Hornet Hud using this what TK implemented in avionics70.dll
F/a-18E/F/G INIs are the same
Later I will do avionics for older Hornets.
- First make backup cockpit folder and avionics.ini and cockpit.ini files
- Put all 'cockpit' content from this mod to ...Objects/Aircraft/FA-18X/Cockpit folder
- Put properly avionics.ini and cockpit.ini files from this mod to ...Objects/Aircraft/FA-18X and let overwrite
(If you are using SF1 series, copy properly INI files from 'SF1' folder).
In this mod I also added Erwin Hans repainted cockpit panel for F/a-18 Superhornet
if you decided to use it just put F-18_Cock1.bmp from 'superhornet panel' folder in this mod to ...Objects/Aircraft/FA-18X/Cockpit and let overwrite.
I used:
-Mirage Factory few tga graphics
-Crusader a-g gunsight
-EricJ hud target box
-Erwin Hans repainted panel
If you have any questions, sugestions etc. just PM to me at www.combatace.com
SF 2 Israel Retro Style CCIP Gunsight Mod
By steelflanker
Strike Fighters 2 Israel Retro Style CCIP Gunsight Mod.
I’m absolutely useless at bombing & rocket attacks in older aircraft with out modern avionics.
I just can’t seem to get the hang of it! :-(
So I have attempted to up grade the gun sights of the older a SF2 I aircraft so that they incorporate some of the modern features such as CCIP, ASE & so on.
But with out losing breaking the continuity & retro look of the HUD.
What dose it do?
(1). Adds CCIP & ASE For all stock player flyable aircraft that don't have a modern avionics.
A-4E Ahit,
A-4F Ahit
A-4H Ahit
A-4H Ahit
Shahak + (71)
Place the contents of the “StrikeFighters2 Israel” folder found in this download in to your SF2 Israel Saved Game folder & overwrite when asked.
This will replace any modified stock COCKPIT_DATA.Ini & AVIONICS_DATA.Ini you might be using!!!
This mod is compatible with my "Cockpit & Runway Lights for SF2I mod" but needs to be installed second!
Known issues:
Unfortunately I have been unable to keep the beautiful arched heading scale of the Nesher in in NAV & SRM modes. So I have deleted it & replaced it with the best compromise.
F-4E Kurnass:
For the same reasons I have be unable to reproduce the roll tabs for the F-4E gun sight in NAV & AA modes: SRM, MRM.
I’m guessing is probably something to do with the way the avionics.dll is told to read the gun sight information from the cockpit.ini. If anyone knows a workaround or a knows a solution, please let me know & I’ll update this file.
All credit go’s to those who took the time to share the information on editing the various entries in the DATA.Ini files on the in CombatAce & Third Wire forms.
Thank you! :-)
SF2E F-15A Avionics Enhancement v1a
By Crusader
4 Juli 2009
Strike Fighters 2 Europe (SF2E) F-15A avionics enhancement v1a
by :
Crusader ( avionics, ini tweaks )
For SF2E updated to version June 2009b
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