About This File
Sud Aviation/SNCASE SA.341 and SA.342 Gazelle Ver 1.0 for SF2
This is a third party addon of SA.341 and SA.342 Gazelle helicopter.
This is orignal model by BPAo moded by me.
The original flight model is standard as on many free to download helicopters modified by me. I am not using airbrakes or flaps but flying fast and slow is stil possible, even hovering with little practice.
It is designed for and works only in SF2 series. And will never work in SF1.
Please read this as some info from here might be useful in game.
This is FREEWARE-DONATIONWARE and it CANNOT be distrubuted unless permissions are granted by myself.
The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
Any persons wishing to make further modfications, contact me first.
Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.
Bribes and donations are accepted;
Jarek Hereda
This is highly modified SA-341 Gazelle by BPAo (TMF). Lucky, thanks to Crusader I had access to original max file. So I could work a little on this great helo. At first I was planing only to rebuild middle east Gazelles to have some balance of power in Wings Over Israel game. But having oportunity to work on file brought me at this point. And I decided to go with French Gazelles first.
Generaly model is almost the same as old one. My work was to add some parts here and there (rwr,cable cutters, new athos, some internal parts, skids etc..). Rearanged animations and added new. Weapons/pylons are part of airframe. Ive added new rotor. Also I've rearanged UVW mapping. So basicaly skins are 70% new.
I was putting some hangar/loading screenies but finaly it covers only few models. Rest must be done in future.
This mod represents few versions of Gazelle.
Unarmed called 'Lisse'. Early 1973 version without APX-397 sight and late already equipped with 'Athos'
Armed with 20mm cannon called 'Canon' and Version armed with HOT missiles usually called HOT but here it is split into two models; one with Athos sight and second with Viviene.
Also you can find here Air to Air escort version -early called 'Celtic' and late called "Mistral"
Mistral/Celtic version is set as attack role and has similar aircraft dutties as attack version plus escort. Thing is that you may consider changing role only to recon/escort as it will not perform well agianst ground targets.
This addon works with my WeaponPACK (included in rar file). Most of pylons/launch rails are part of airframe. So in weapons folder you have to put only ini files. All of weapon stations are made as specific station code and will work only with this cargo pack. Of course you can edit and use any other weapons availalbe.
Weapons included:
SA.341F2 'Canon'
NC621 20mm automatic canon. Two verson low and high RPM rate.
By default in loadout.ini it is low-rpm always. Better do not give hi-rpm to wingman.
SA.341M 'HOT' Sometimes called as SA.341F 'HOT' first model equipped with HOT missiles. Only 40 build because of underpowered engine. Somehow it was in use and passed form unit to unit until 90's - HOT-1,2,3 missiles.
SA.342L1 'Celtic'/'Mistral'
Mistral Air to air missiles.
SA.342M and M1
HOT-1,2,3 missiles.
All late versions have stations for flare launchers, suppresed exhaust and/or engine intake filter.
F2 'Canon' and M/M1 version 90 and 93 have weaponstations calling for use Mistral ATAM.
THIS IS NOT for use on those helos. It is to have possibility to assign L1 Celtic/Mistral for wingman to have Air to air escort. So do not use it on F or M version as it will not apear there.
All versions have dedicated cockpits. It is simplified and unified version of Gazelle cockpit.
In every pit you can switch from pilot to co-pilot/weapon operator seat.
On co pilot seat you have access to 1x "binocular" sight Athos/Viviane. By choosing radar on you will have "sniper" zoom. I dont know how many x zoom is that. It's zooming. And it is acurate somehow. With little practice you can even hit targets from 1-1.2 km.
aiming crosshair is 'what if' since I never found the look of real one
In HOT equipped version by selectiong HOT missile sight will lock on target as all HOT missiles are made as EOGR.
As Mistral and Celtic are escort versions ther is not much features in cockpit.
Animations and standard commands:
LANDING GEAR - Nose light deploy/retract at any speed.
ANIMATION 1 - right side door.
ANIMATION 2 - left side door.
ANIMATION 3 - rear doors.
Thereis also parking animation that works only when aircraft will be placed by game engine on airfiled as parked aircraft.
As with all my previous helos flying is quite easy. With little practice you can even hoover. Without fake flaps and airbrakes.
Important here to control is using rudder and vector thrust control.
Normaly throtle vector control on 88-89 degree increase power 55% wait little and then increase to 100% and helo will take off nicely. 341 version got little less power in engine.
There is just few skins but lot of use of it in few units. So it is more about decals assigned.
All serial numbers are based on available photos and ALAT documents and are historicaly correct.
I was trying to put all real units with real codes/numbers for specific year. Not always easy.
There is still some numbers missing.
Inside there is seperate folder Called "Operation_Dauget'
Inside you will find skins made for use with ODS mod for SF2.
It contains skins and decals for some units during French part of Operation Desert Storm. French codename for his operation was Dauget.
Only thing you have to do is coppy all files exept skin folders and use it in you ODS mod. Also specific loadouts for this period are provided. Due to hot climate/engine power, ALAT used only two HOT missiles. Same thing nearly ten years earlier during operation Manta in Tchad.
SA.341F 'Canon'
1re Escadrille d’Hélicopteres Appui-Protection „Condor” – 6e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat. 1985.
2e Escadrille d’Hélicopteres Légers Canon – 5e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat. 1983-84 – Opération Manta.
2e Escadrille d’Hélicopteres Appui-Protection „Corsaire” – 5e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat – 1992
1re Escadrille d’Hélicopteres d’Appui-Protection „Gerfauts” – 1re Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat – 1993
2e Escadrille d’Hélicopteres Appui-Protection „Les Dragons”– 3e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat – 1999
5e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat BATALAT TRIDENT Mandat III, 1999
Opération Daguet 1991
Escadrille dHelicopteres de Reconnaissance et dAppui EHRAP 1/1 „Aiglon 11”- 1re Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat
Escadrille dHelicopteres de Reconnaissance et dAppui EHRAP 2/3 „Aiglon 32”- 5e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat
SA.341M 'HOT'
3e Escadrille d’Hélicopteres Anti-Chars – 2e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat, 1978
SA.342M HOT 'Athos'
5e Escadrille d’Hélicopteres Anti-Chars (puis d’Attaque) – 2e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat, 1980.
3e Escadrille d’Hélicopteres Anti-Chars (puis d’Attaque) – 2e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat, 1986
4e Escadrille d’Hélicopteres Anti-Chars (puis d’Attaque) – 2e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat, 1983-84 – Opération Manta
3e Escadrille d’Hélicopteres Anti-Chars (puis d’Attaque) „Scorpions” – 1re Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat
2e Escadrille d’Hélicopteres d’Attaque – 3 Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat. 1999
1re Escadrille d’Hélicopteres d’Attaque – 3 Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat. 2001
BATALAT SFOR Mandat IX, Bosnia and Herzegovina – 1998
5e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat, BATALAT TRIDENT Mandat III, Kosovo – 1999
Opération Daguet 1991
Escadrille dHelicopteres Anti-Chars EHAC 5/3 „Rapace 35” – 5e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat
Escadrille dHelicopteres Anti-Chars EHAC 6/3 „Rapace 36” – 1re Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat
SA.342M1 HOT 'Viviane'
1re Escadrille d’Hélicopteres d’Attaque „Rapaces” -5 Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat – 1999
1re Escadrille d’Hélicopteres d’Attaque „Ravens” -1 Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat – 2002
DETALAT TRIDENT Mandat VIII, Kosovo – 2005
BATALAT EUFOR Mandat II, Tchad / RCA – 2008
SA.342 M1 HOT ‚Viviane’ Escadrille d’Hélicopteres d’Attaque „Les Félins” -3e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat. Tiger Meet Air Show, Cambrai – 2003. Skin by emresukhoi.
SA.342 L1 ‚Celtic’
2e Escadrille d’Hélicopteres d’Appui-Protection – 2e EHAP -1 Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat - 1989
2e Escadrille d’Hélicopteres Légers de Reconnaissance – 3e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat – 1992
Opération Daguet 1991
Escadrille dHelicopteres de Reconnaissance et dAppui EHRAP 1/1 „Aiglon 11”- 1re Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat
Escadrille dHelicopteres de Reconnaissance et dAppui EHRAP 1/3 „Aiglon 31”- 5e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat
Escadrille dHelicopteres de Reconnaissance et dAppui EHRAP 2/1 „Aiglon 12”- 3e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat
SA.342 L1 ‚Mistral’
1re Escadrille d’Hélicopteres Appui-Protection – 3e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat 2000
SA.341 F ‚Lisse’
1re Escadrille d’Hélicopteres Légers – Groupe D’aviation Legere du 1er Corps d’Armee – 1973
1re Escadrille d’Hélicopteres Légers – 3e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat – 1977
l’Ecole d’Application l’ALAT – 1985
1re Escadrille d’Hélicopteres Légers de Reconnaissance – 1re Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat – 1989
1re Escadrille d’Hélicopteres Légers de Reconnaissance „Mohicans” – 5e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat – 1992
FORPRONU Mandat II – 6e Regiment D’Helicopteres de Combat, Croatia – 1993
Pilots - best to use is OldDiego's pilots.
Two versions of pilots are provided. Early ALAT and Late ALAT.
Those are repaint of OldDiego's great usn pilots.
Nation for this helo is new ALAT. This should be added (by copy text from provided file) to nationlist.ini
Also you may consider adding few ALAT squadrons into squadronlist.ini.
Sounds - two additional sounds data entrys for 20mm cannon should be added to soundlist.ini.
Model - original model BPAo (TMF)
Upgraded model - yakarov.
Cockpit model - yakarov.
Sounds - enigine sound from original SA341 Gazelle for SF2 by Wrench.
- gun sounds yakarov
Decals - Eole, yakarov,
Skins - yakarov,
- Tiger Meet 2003 skin set by emresukhoi.
Ini work - yakarov, Eole,
Weapons and textures - yakarov.
Have fun.
Hope you will enjoy it same as me when working on it.
Edit and report bugs.
Jarek Hereda.
Thanks to everyone who helped me with this. Crusader,daddyairplanes,Eole,76.IAP-Blackbird,emresukhoi,
Thanks for all kind support.
Revue d'information de l'ALAT (several issues)
Sud Aviation/SNCASE SA-341 SA 342 La Gazelle -Ecole Superieure et d'Application du Materiel
and more..