About This File
This package represents the CF-100 MK-4B version as used by the RCAF in Europe. It's meant for a "typical" SF-2 installation that includes the GermanyCE terrain.
The date range is historic, from November 1956, to December 1962. Skins for the four RCAF squadrons that deployed to Europe are included, with a skin change to the later RCAF/Red Ensign style occuring during 1958.
For campaign modders, the CF-100 date range just fits in for the 1956 Red Tide and 1962 Red Thunder campaigns.
The skin jpeg's are quite large but I haven't had any frame rate issues on a mediocre Dell I-3 rig. The model does use distance lods. [yay!]
After much messing around the air to air rockets are best described as "adequate for now." The rocket pods are "No Jettison" because, with jettison-able pods the AI would just drop them prior to engaging any air targets. To get the pods to automatically jettison like the real CF-100, a "RemoveNodeAfterUse" statement is used but the pods disappear when the first rocket is fired.
Much work has gone into setting up the rockets with different CEP [spread] settings as well as different engagement ranges being tested. Also much work trying to get the AI to fire a full salvo but so far unsuccessfully. They sometimes fire quite large salvos but we still haven't figured out the "Logic" that's being used by the AI when using air to air rockets. Some rocket settings are quite counter-intuitive. During early testing the AI was consistently firing the rockets below the target. Raising the RocketBoresightAngle didn't help the situation, they still fired too low. Strangely, lowering the RocketBoresightAngle made the AI raise the nose more when firing the rockets resulting in a big improvement in hit percentages.
The AI does quite well when attacking IL-28's, less well against fighter sized attack aircraft, and very poorly against TU-16's, which are almost untouchable by the AI. The only AI kills I've seen against the TU-16 is when I maneuvered the formation into a head on attack before giving the engage air command. The results were a couple of collisions and one very lucky kill when an AI aircraft managed to fire one [that's "1"] golden rocket. When player flown it's possible to do a successful one pass attack on the TU-16. Against maneuvering fighters the AI will get only very occasional rocket hits so for CAP missions the rockets aren't included in the load out. Any improvements for the rocket behavior will be passed along through a CF-100 support thread.
More information is included in the README.
Sundowner: Aircraft model, cockpit model, various ini work, some skin work, research.
1977Frenchie: Skins, decals, hangar and loading screens, research.
Baffmeister: Flight model, some ini work, some research, package compilation and readme.
Wilches: Beta testing and research.
Crusader: Research
The Canberra_2 engine sound and Mk3 ejection seat are included but not sure who made them. There is also a CF-100windsound which I might have made but don't remember for certain.
This package is subject to the CombatAce Modders Licensing Agreement