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Here is a wad of avionics.ini mods for the SF2 F-111s by @FastCargo.  Now granted I recommend @viper63a's F-111 add-ons to graft on top of 'em you can get here: https://combatace.com/files/category/630-f-111/ 

Basically what I've done is add a CCIP or Continuously Calculated Impact Point to the HUD.  The intent is to give you the chance to be a lot more accurate droping Mk 80-series dumb bombs in the F-111.  Especially since  there is no feedback when bombing from the Weapons System Operator/WSO in SF2.  

Now I realize this isn't realistic for the days of the F-111 when there was absolutely NO helmet-mounted display that could project on top of a cockpit like now in 2020 with the Lightning IIs, Flankers, Fulcrums and arguably other front-line jets like the Super Hornet & Typhoon.  Frankly from the research I've done most of the F-111 variants with the exception of the D likely never got a CCIP.  The fact later models got a PAVE TACK to drop laser-guided bombs was a factor and of course, the F-111 had the Lead Computing Optical Sight that one can't program in SF2.  So this copy-paste job of mine could very well be the next best thing with at least a realistic icon big enough to have some decent risk of circular error.

Maybe there is better, hence this being an open beta.  I would also like to incorporate terrain following into a bigger avionics upgrade... ;-).

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