About This File
Third Wire MiG-23MLD update & flyable for SF2
- Made flyable with the MLD cockpit and avionics available here at CA by Stary
- Leading edge flaps fixed to now automatically deploy during manoeuvring as they did on the MLD with the type 3 wing.
- Radar data and performance is corrected from the S-23MLA radar to the S-23MLA-II radar as fitted in the MLD.
- KDS-23 countermeasure dispenser installed in the centreline drop tank pylon. This is a 12 shot chaff/ flare countermeasure dispenser that could be used once the drop tank had been jettisoned.
- Ejection seat (from ODS mod) and more suitable pilot added.
- Canopy can be opened and closed.
- Primary and secondary roles expanded to reflect the evolution of the MLD version of the MiG-23 into a more multi role fighter platform.
- Loadouts enhanced and corrected. Some Afghanistan specific ones added.
- Used of Kh-25M air-to-surface missile and datalink pod added.
- Fuselage AA-8 positions corrected.
- Removed ECM jammer.
- Updated weapons from the RSSW 099 mod.
- Various Soviet- Afghan war skins added.
Drop into your main mods folder to install, OVER-RIDE!!!
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