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Nieuport 28

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Just posting to say the N28 is great, got shot up in it today and damage is excellent. Top draw, keep up the excellent work!!!


I see Tex is looking to have some skins done, are you looking at a US skin maybe???




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Thanks Tex.


Now I understand.



Edited by sinbad

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Hi, seems the last FM edition is that what we needed...


If there are no additional questions or propositions on FM or 3D model, i will upload the Nieuport 28 C.1 to CombatACE.


The original cockpit and, maybe, the demage fabric for upper wings solution will be uploaded later as a PATCH.


Grateful EmlD. :rolleyes:

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This is worth waiting for.


It really should be in other scout models, especially SE-5 and Spad 13.


Thanks for the extra effort Tex.

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Thats fantastic news TexMurphy!


MaxControlSpeed, LockOutSpeed are very useful variables! Looking forward for an perfect FM .

I thank you for starting the new N24 WIP topic. In the evening i will post the first 3d WIP screenshot!


I have some books, i will make an archive for you, with N24 articles.


Mr. v. Deutchmark is working on skin for N28, i hope we can include it into the release.


What would you say, v.Deutschmark?




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Decided against the usage of LockControlSpeed as it feels strange when it suddenly Freeeeeeezzzze and then un freezes....


I did lower the MaxControlSpeed (value where effectivness starts to fade) of eleavtor a bit but it doesnt do much...


Though I did manage to fix one big issue... Before this version when you went into a dive the plane pulled up for you... now it doesnt...




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Thanks for your work guys S! I hope that someday you or a group like you will look at all the major scouts and tweak there FM's So we can build a multiplayer plane set standard for the MP guys... The only thing lacking IMHO is the FM's on some planes and the DM's...With those upgraded this could really go somewhere...again thanks...

Edited by Sully_PA

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Decided against the usage of LockControlSpeed as it feels strange when it suddenly Freeeeeeezzzze and then un freezes....


I did lower the MaxControlSpeed (value where effectivness starts to fade) of eleavtor a bit but it doesnt do much...


Though I did manage to fix one big issue... Before this version when you went into a dive the plane pulled up for you... now it doesnt...




Tex, what value did you change in the data.ini to get rid of the pull up? A number of other aircraft in the game do it, and I wanted to change it. Thanks.



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On the right and left stab...











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To all of you that are working on this wonderful Nieuport 28,

I'd just like to say that I for one, and I'm sure there are others,, have tremendously enjoyed being able to observe and watch the development of this aircraft.


There has been a tremendous amount of aircraft added to this sim in a very short while. I'd like to praise and thank everyone who has worked at adding planes to our favorite pastime.


The way you all working on the 28, that is, allowing all of us following to keep track of proceedings has been well appreciated. The best part of all of this is that the Nieup is in fact a great work of art, IMHO.


Thanks again for all your efforts. Including, letting all of us observe the preceedings.


Wonderful effort, JimC.

Edited by jimcarrel

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First flight tests 14. June 1917, servis start May 1918.


>>>till 20's maybe, then sold to Greece and Switzerland.


"...at least five of Lincoln's Nieuports survived to 1930..."





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Nieuport 28 C.1 uploaded!



There is no own cockpit yet, thats why used the one from SPAD13

Original cockpit will be uploaded as patch later.



Flight Model by TexMurphy

3D Model and textures by EmlD (some parts of texture taken from SPADs template)


Additional thanx to:


Tailspin - for great Room moderating and advices in FM

Gr.Viper - for tests and rational propositions

Red Von Hammer - for testing and motivation

Capun - for technical advices and sharing of experience

Monty CZ - for some damage solution advices


Also thanx: sfabert, Firecage, Bwf, B Bandy RFC,

sinbad, USAFMTL, Wodin, MrCraig41, pcpilot, Jasta15, Heck,

Yossarian1943, Melnibone, Sully_PA, jimcarrel, JFM,

Hitech1, -Thierry, Pierrot66, Edward and Magic1!!!


All you have done a great job, keep in touch!


Making of:


related topic in forum:





1. Pilot position edited z: from 0.16 to 0.6

2. Static Prop added (Slow and fast nodes are in production)

3. Static prop texture done

4. Ailerons reverced

5. MGs shooting animation DONE

6. Gear struts edited

7. Slow and Fast Prop nodes with Textures (Taken from SPAD :) added

8. Pilot position edited

9. N28.out files added to modpack for info

10.Need your opinion by edited FM to N28 native one, (with several SE5a Aero Coefficients)

11.Reworked the [FlightControl] section.

12.Textured a few parts in high LOD model

13.All textures done and UVW coordinates applied (LOD 1&2)

14.Added third level of detail with UVW coordinates

15.Reduced polygon count from 4227 to 4108 (TexMurphy rported a ...HUUUUGE FPS DROP when you get close to it...) :) Hope it helpes.

16.Edited FM, reduced rudder effect, inputs calmed down, increased the drag from use of inputs

17.Additional corrections in mapping and polly-count on nose, engine, ailerons and elevators.

18.Reduced polys to 3892 in LOD, 2064 in LOD2, 1513 in LOD3.

19.Made 4th LOD with only 881 polys.

20.Exported 4th LOD as shadow (Thanx to TexMurphy and Red Von Hammer posts)

21.Edited LOD loading distance in N28.ini (100, 250, 500, 6000)

22.Compleate damage nodes

23.Added TexMurphy's errors fix he found in data.ini (Mass*Engine power*Top speed (122 mph at ~3000feet)

24.Edited shadow, hope it has wings now!

25.Paste the second data.ini edition of TexMurphy (AI data)

26.Reduced polys to 1920 in LOD2, 1385 in LOD3, 562 polys in LOD4

27.Remaped the canopy frame, glass with dirt added

28.Edited struts and wires detouch orders

29.New hangar screen.

30. Tex's cockpit.ini edition.

31. Propeller problem comes while changing from slow to fast...i did a thingie(mooved the Slow node towards Y axle for a millimeter).. plese check now.

32. Holes done and it works (remaked SPAD holes TGAs), thanx to Capun, he gave me the missed chain in _holes.tga question.

33. Fabric damage applied (thank you for advice MontyCZ )

34. Some texture editions (Fuselage, Guns, Wires, Gear struts)

35. FM last edition added by TexMurphy

36. The Engine rotation done. Sfabert, thanx for hint.

37. Propeller reworked, ugly error solwed.???

38. Hammer added and animated, enjoy!

39. Smoke added

40. Loadout.ini by TexMurphy added

41. Black lines on Fuselage texture made thiner.

42. Udjysted the HUNGAR.bmp for Multiplayer

43. Updated FM:

1. Lift moved to wing tips

2. Speed tuning, 122 mph (196,3 km/h) is on the deck and fades a bit too qickly with increased alt.

3. Lowered the climb rate to about 1100 from about 1300

44. FM edition from 27.01

45. MinMax ExtendPositions and coallision points edited.




Thanx, hope to see your posts in N24 WIP room.

Edited by EmlD

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To both ElmD and Tex Murphy, Great design and development job! Wow, you guys brought this bird from idea to final product in an amazingly short and efficient period of time.


Thanks for all your efforts.....

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To both ElmD and Tex Murphy, Great design and development job! Wow, you guys brought this bird from idea to final product in an amazingly short and efficient period of time.


Thanks for all your efforts.....




Thank you!



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EmID great fun workin with you....


Hope we can get the N24 out the door before I go offline for 3 weeks of powder pumpin in Fernie.. ;)



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Unbelievable ! Someone said it's like xmas every day and they were right. I'm still coming to grips with ALL the fantastic mods coming out so quickly .... it's actually hard to keep up with everything lol ... and FE is only a month or so old. Things are looking up :fan_1:

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Also wanted to say thanks for the great aircraft. Fine work, and nice to see no EGO's popping up and getting in the way :wink:


Just a quick question to anyone who's downloaded the N 28: is it my monitor colour calibration (recently accomplished), or is the blue in the tricolour rudder on the N28 more purple than blue, or is it the other way around??? If it's supposed to be more on the purple side for French markings, OK...


Not meant to be any slight of the fine work, just want to get it corrected for myself otherwise...



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Hi, the stripes on the nose are drown by me,

the stripes on the rudder are added by the game...

...i forgot to compare thouse two colors....



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I am thoroughly enjoying the N.28- great job and thanks for all of the great work and generosity!


I have one small visual glitch, however, with the propellor disk at high speeds. It seems that when I view the disk from an angle, I see the angles polygonal form that lies benath the otherwise transparent skin. When I view the disk from directly in front or behind, I so no such thing. Is it me? If it is not, is there a simple fix? Should I sit tight and wait for further improvements?


I checked the alpha channels on the skins used for the spinning prop. They looked to be in order. That's been pretty much the extent of my research to date.


Thank you again for all the fine work so far. These have been tough days in the Third Wire mod community. With all the grousing and bad feelings going around, the Nieuport 28 was really a ray of sunshine.


And, of course, thanks in advance to any who can help.

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Responding to myself here... Answered my own question.


Testing the Nieuport out just after posting, I looked at the model under different light conditions- I realized then that it was the aircraft shadows causing the trouble. Disabling them made the propellor show up properly at speed. The shadows are a small sacrifce to make- I'd forgotten that I had them disabled in SFP1 as well because of some similar strangeness. I love the concept of dynamic cast shadows, but I can use the few more FPS too... and, of course a fully gorgeous N.28 to putz around in.


So once again thanks to all who made the work possible. And, for that matter, to everybody who does so much for these sims.


Regards and respect.

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