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I have a question i don't own LOMAC, i do have WOV & WOE.


How would you guys rate the two?

Edited by Redddevil911

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LOMAC is realistic and better graphics as far as I could tell (it kept crashing after a while on my P.C.)


SF:P1,WOV,WOE,FE is really moddable and simple enough where the average person could enjoy it.


Bottom Line


LOMAC is good, but I don't really like it. I much perfer SF:P1, WOV, WOE, FE, and Falcon 4.0 AF. Falcon 4.0 Allied Force is a good simulator but you can only fly the F-16 until you find mods for it.


Hope it helps.



Edited by suhsjake

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-- best graphics (of any combat flight sim) - awesome terrain and vast amounts of buildings, all destroyable


-- detailed instrumentation - ie lots of buttons to push to get things done (although I prefer WOV simplicity)


-- DOESN'T have Dynamic campaign NOR Random Mission Generator - so you just refly same missions, make your own or download 3rd party missions



SF/WOV -- More enjoyable, longer lasting than LOmac- my winner


Check out some of the videos for LOmac - you will be impressed

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You can not compare the 2 as they are 2 completely different sims. CSB you can now make 3rd party planes for LOMAC now though. Someone released a whole new F-15 for it and it is sweet.


I fly both of them.

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Thanks guys! From that i think i will stick with my WOV/E, I have been playing forever i only found this site last year Love the addons, a at more than what you can get for LOMAC, that the way it seens from the forum pages!

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I have both and LOMAC is rough. WOE and its predecessors are a blast. Easier to learn, operate and the guys here have made some amazing addons and mods. Even if they there are a bunch of flanker lovers here (just kidding the sim needs all the flankers it can handle). They have added so many aircraft and other itmes that the game is more than worth the 30 bucks.

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i suggest trying LOMAC before you decide. you may just like it. give it a chance.

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If your hardware is strong enough to run it well and you can afford it, I strongly suggest you get LOMAC with the Flaming Cliffs expansion.

I love the SFP1 series and spent most of my time playing/modding those games, but LOMAC is awesome too especially if you love the F-15C, A-10A, Su-27, MiG-29, and/or Su-25.

The SFP1 series has monopolized my time only because I prefer flying the F-4 Phantom with old unreliable missiles and no guns to AMRAAM/ECM/chaff/flares.

Likewise, if I loved the F-16 the most, I would spend most of my time playing Falcon 4.0.

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Just like USAFMTL said, you can't compare the 2 because they are totally different sims. However, I will say this, they both set the bar for the type of sims that they are. I have bothe SFP1/WOV/WOE and LOMAC. LOMAC has stunning graphics that make it ultra realistic. However, it is not system friendly or is it user friendly (in regards to modding - although, I've been out of the loop for LOAC mods for quite some time). You need a high end system to get the most out of LOMAC. For how system friendly WOV/WOE is, it has some very impressive graphics. Not to mention that you can easily add mods to it that really don't cause any conflicts with the game's operation, nor limit to how much you can modify it. It currently might not be as realistic in operating a fighter jet as LOMAC is, but it will only be a matter of time until the game evolves to have such realism from the mods that the online community is pooring out for it - which will make it much more enjoyable to the aviation enthusiast. The bottom line is, it all depends on what you are looking ot get out of in a combat fighter simulator. If you really want to feel like you operating a F-15 over what you can mistakenly assume to be the real mother earth, then go for LOMAC. If you want to enjoy flying a fighter jet and experience a really decent campaign story, in where you never repeat the same scenario (incase you have to do the mission over again), go for WOV/WOE. You want to know what game I play the most? WOV/WOE. The only time I playe LOMAC was after I first installed it on to my computer.

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^^Totally. LOMAC is great is you want to be a faux pilot, the SFP series is great if you don't. I don't want to be a Su-33 pilot, nor do I want to have to learn how to fly it over a month (I get very little personal time these days compared to when I used to be a bum at Uni :biggrin: ). I just want to take one for a joyride, fling one off the Kuznetsov when playing LOMAC but since it's a pretty indepth sim, it's a little unforgiving if you don't want or aren't used to sims with a lot of realism. I agree, you shouldn't really compare the two, it'd be like comparing the Sims and Grand Theft Auto in terms of a "sim-life" style game. IMHO, I think that the SFP series fills that nice but sparse no-mans land between the realistic sim end of the spectrum, and the Ace combat end.

If you have a system capable of running it, I'd say give LOMAC a go, it's a very nice sim, especially the mission builder although avoid any copies that require you to install that crap Starforce software as it can cause your system to FUBAR.

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You can not compare the 2 as they are 2 completely different sims.


Then, it must go that you cannot compare any sims because all sims are different from other sims, that's why they have different names.


Sorry, just being cheeky but the similarities between these 2 sims means you CAN compare them (and with their differences, then you must compare so as to make a choice)


Both are survey of combat jets

Both have..............great FM's

............................wingmen (that can be commanded)


............................variety of missions

............................selectable loadouts



............................vast terrains

............................enemy aircraft

............................ground based AA weapon systems

............................environmental simulation

............................flight and combat realism


Both are produced to give you the feel of flying jets in combat situations. Both do a good overall job, which leads to comparing the 2 sims.


The only elements of these sims that you can't compare are that lomac has detailed cockpit controls/avionics, and SF series has dynamic campaign and random single missions.


Once you have learned the lomac controls, it becomes 2nd nature and the jets are just as easy to fly and engage in combat as SF series.


This made me think/wonder, which sim is the more popular. If the number of posts in the forums at combatace and simhq are anything to go by then the SF series wins hands down. This may be due to SF being a series of 3 games (exc FE) and also is more readily moddable but I wonder if it is due more to how many people have an SF sim Vs lomac.


If someone does a Phantom and other jets from that era for lomac, then I'll b loading it back onto my pc.

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Then, it must go that you cannot compare any sims because all sims are different from other sims, that's why they have different names.


Sorry, just being cheeky but the similarities between these 2 sims means you CAN compare them (and with their differences, then you must compare so as to make a choice)


I think you just killed the rest of post with that. Saying "all sims are different from other sims, that's why they have different names", just does not define anything whatsoever to differentiate the games.


I have played LOMAC myself, and even if it was fully moddable with missions/etc, like what SayWhat!? said, I am not looking to learn how to really fly the a/c, just to play a game and enjoy it.


In the end of things, it's more about YOUR tastes as to which you prefer.


I myself will problably never touch LOMAC ever again, while the TK series will stay on my HD until my computer fries and/or there is no way for me to get a hold of a copy, which at this time there are plenty of ways.

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WOE and WOV are fun to play - also make a nice lazy flight simulator if you fly a recon

LOMAC is a chore for casual simmers like me

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I can't speak for someone with any pirated games on my HD, or with a burner, but starforce has not given me any problems from LOMAC or GTL. Still I'd rather not have it on there.


I've no difficulty learning a complex sim, I got bored of LOMAC after a while because of the theater. There's just one, the black sea and surrounding countries. in the thirdwire series, you can fly planes of any era in so many different locations, everything from WWI-future/fictional aircraft, over the US(Alaska, florida, SoCal and the northwest), carribean, pacific, korea/japan, china, south east asia, almost the whole middle east, nearly all of europe, north africa, madagascar and SE africa. Who knows what I'm forgetting.

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I fly them for different things. I don't fly much F4 anymore because of the time required to stay proficient with it. I don't really forget LOMAC too much, the only difficult plane in it is the Su-25T with Flaming Cliffs. After you spend an hour trying to fight in the 25T the other planes feel simpler than those in SFP! :grin:


When I have an urge to fly "different" planes not available elsewhere, or I only have 30 mins, or I just want to mess around, the SFP series is where I go. When I have an hour or so and feel a little more "pilot like" I play LOMAC. When I have 2 hours and feel like my life has been too low-stress lately, I fly F4:AF. :wink:

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I loaded LOMAC onto my laptop once, and I wasn't even able to play it because it's so demanding on the system.

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I am very partial to LOMAC because I made 1/2 the campaigns in the FC add on....even got my name in the manual......shameless shameless plug...... LOL

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