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I think a Red Storm Rising type scenario in the early 80's would be cool. you could do a campaign that includes the fleet/carrier defense storyline and the over land air ops.Red-Storm-Rising.jpgor Red Phoenix by larry Bond n13056.jpg


Or a great What if? is Dale brown's Flight of the Old Dog line of novels and aircraft that are modified and described in them


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novel idea

(couldn't resist!)






i do know a little about carrier ops in the North Atlantic.........

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RSR is something Fubar and I have been dreaming of for a long long time.

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From a thread over at SimHQ back in March 2005 (was it really that long ago?):


Richard Herman Jr - Warbirds, Force of Eagles and Firebreak are my favorites of his books, although wouldn't Force of Eagles just be a one-off mission rather than a campaign?


I'm typing in my lunch break at the moment so I'll work up some aircraft lists at home tonight, but off the top of my head (and this is a bit stream of consciousness so excuse me)I'd like:


Larry Bond:

Red Phoenix (Korea terrain)

Cauldron (EAW terrain)

Vortex (Madagascar terrain?) - Cuban\Soviet backed invasion of South Africa (Mirages IIIC & F1C, Cheetah/Kfir?)


Barrett Tillman:

Warriors (Israel terrain) - Mid East war with invasion of Israel by frontline states and Iraq, and focusses on a Saudi wing of F-20 Tigersharks led by British & US mercs. There are some huge air battles, including F-15 vs F-15, a strike by Saudi Tornados on Jerusalem and Israeli nukes dropping all over the place at the end.


The Sixth Battle (Madagascar terrain) - Another invasion of South Africa, focussing on a US carrier air wing attacking the invasion and the Soviet carrier battle group (2 x Kutsnesov carriers) that is supporting it. There is a great sequence where the virtually the whole US air wing launches an Alpha strike on the Russian carriers with Intruders, Hornets, Prowlers, Tomcats and even the Vikings get in on the act and carry out air strikes later in the book.


Tom Clancy:

Red Storm Rising (EAW terrain of course, but also a North Atlantic one if available) - This is the motherload! Take your pick - a Central Front war with A-10s, Tornados, F-15s, F-111s, F-19s (please!) and anything else NATO has got against pick a number and put MiG, Su or Tu in front of it! or a Navy campaign with Tomcats & Hornets vs Backfires (we could use Blinders), Badgers and MiG 29s.


Debt of Honour - US carrier battle group vs Japan, namely Tomcats & Superhornets vs F-15s & Mitsubishi F-2s (an F-16 skin?). The F-22 also makes an apprearance.




David Axton:

Stolen Thunder (Libya terrain) -This would be a one off mission. From Amazon.co.uk:- 'B52 bombers used against North Vietnam now stand obsolete in the Arizona desert. Six ex-military personnel, including a woman pilot, hijack one of them and set out on a 12,000-mile flight to Libya. Their mission - to bomb a terrorist training camp outside Tripoli, to avenge a young pilot's murder'. You could fly as the BUFF, as a US or Russian carrier pilot, as a British Tornado F3 or Hawk pilot (excellent dogfight sequence with Tornados and Hawks vs Libyan MiG 25s and 21s)


Oh...B-52s.... Dale Brown - Flight Of The Old Dog anyone? DBS terrain. Now that would need some work on a plane!


And that brings us back to where this thread started!


BTW Dave, do you remember your reply to my post above?

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I read The Sixth Battle. Most of it was good, although I thought the B-1Bs launching volleys of Slammers a bit far-fetched.

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Been there, done that.


Well, at least for Fighters Anthology.....


That's the thing I really miss in the SF series...a good, built in mission editor ala FA. And a way to write individual mission briefings, that each carries the storyline along.


sigh....those were the days

Warbirds, Force of Eagles, Firebreak (started and never finished Dark Wing)

Flight of the Old Dog

the first 6 Wingman novels.....


the great heydays of mission buildings.....



Kevin Stein

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What about the Carrier Series. I don't remember who the author was, but there were 16+ novels in the series. That was a NAVAIR fanatic's dream story. The author put the reader in the seat of every carrier jet on the CVN deck in theaters from Korea to the North Sea and more. I owned all of them 1-16 except #6 and stopped reading them after #5 because I missed and couldn't find #6. Unfortunatly, I lost them all in a move :sorry:

Edited by drdoyo

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Oh God in heaven and any benevolant modders please please please let there be a RSR or wingman or Carrier type mod be in the works.......

Edited by Caveman

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In reflection, Operation Dreamland (Chapter 17) is perhaps still the best story of them anyways. Shouldn't be too difficult to design something like that, given the cities involved and it's targetable in WoE.

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Although not based on a novel that I know of, a modern version of the Battle of Britain would be interesting and doable since the basic map is available. Easy for me to volunteer someone else to do it :biggrin:

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In reflection, Operation Dreamland (Chapter 17) is perhaps still the best story of them anyways. Shouldn't be too difficult to design something like that, given the cities involved and it's targetable in WoE.


It's doable in SFG too... :wink:









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is dreamland still going to work for sp1??

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