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right up the road,what a mess,murder on campus

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Va. Tech is just right up the road and they had a massive shooting this morning.atleast 20 dead,and atleast 28 wounded.1 man under arrest and one shooter is dead.

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upping the body count..22 dead..I hope the shooter dies a slow,lingering,suffering death.

They had a video of police engaging the shooter,I have a feeling that they neutrailized the threat.WELL DONE Blacksburg PD.

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Just talked to a friend of mine who is a Blacksburg Policeman,they did engage the shooter,and had a running gun fight with him.They are now on the way to debrief on their actions.He called me and said it was a bad scene,he was upset and said that he actaully ran out of ammo and they think that the shooter might have shot himself after a sniper engaged him,and wounded him,but he's not sure.I can't imaging running out of ammo,he carries 3 extra mags plus the one in his weapon.

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Son of a b*tch got off too easily; I'd loved to have seen him go to jail and know that he would have to think about what he had done to land there for the remainder of his miserable life. But even that's extinguished now. Too damn easy.

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up to 32 dead now. :angry:

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USAtoday is reporting 33 dead! I worked Campus law enforcement for many years, this hits home with me!

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It's just unbelievable...

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It's just unbelievable...

you should be here..man it's crazy around here.I'll know more later when my friend get home.

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the police say there was no shot out with police,I know that there were shots exchanged.

also I'll add this during the press conference they were saying no police shots were fired and theres video in the back ground showing the fire fight.

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What do you say to something like this? It's unbelievable. Thoughts and prayers to all involved.

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Is it just me or has there been a recent increase in school shootings since 2006 (At the least)?


I decided not to read the news articles on CNN - I don't feel like reading yet another story on yet another shooting. 30+ dead, about 30 injured; You wonder what drives people to do these kinds of things...

Edited by Sky Captain

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Is it just me or has there been a recent increase in school shootings since 2006 (At the least)?


I decided not to read the news articles on CNN - I don't feel like reading yet another story on yet another shooting. 30+ dead, about 30 injured; You wonder what drives people to do these kinds of things...



I just heard something like 40-50 injured. It's f***ing madness! Was it just random?

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the police say there was no shot out with police,I know that there were shots exchanged.

also I'll add this during the press conference they were saying no police shots were fired and theres video in the back ground showing the fire fight.



That doesn't make any sense. The "official" story is going to contradict footage already seen?

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One of the girls killed went to my school...I know many people at VT right now and the scary part is that I still haven't heard if all of them are ok

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That doesn't make any sense. The "official" story is going to contradict footage already seen?

That was what was so funny.they're saying that the officers only had the weapons drawn,but you can hear different cal. weapons and you actually see a couple of puffs of smoke as they discharge.

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you can hear different cal. weapons and you actually see a couple of puffs of smoke as they discharge.


I heard on the news last night that the police found two different hand guns of different caliber on the shooters body

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I heard on the news last night that the police found two different hand guns of different caliber on the shooters body

yes a 9mm and a .22 cal

where are you from?local?I know Showtime 100 is from around here.

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local news was so rattled this morning that one of the anchors kept saying the gunman was armed with a 9mm and a 22mm handgun. Really a mess here and things are very confusing now. All I know is that the police said that they questioned everybody in the building at the site of the first shooting and I doubt that because the son of a friend was sleeping 4 doors down from the first crime scene and he was never questioned. He slept thought it all, I called him about 8.00AM and told him to stay put until, I could come and get him. This is not the first murder at this college on the first day of this semester a police officer was shot and killed on campus. Va. has a very liberal concealed weapons permit program. If you have never been in trouble almost anyone can get a permit and carry a concealed weapon, but not on VT campus were guns are forbidden. several students voiced concerns about being trapped with no means to protect themselves during the shooting the first day. VT did not change their gun policy and now this happens.

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Yep, the focus will be on the "evil high capacity killing machines" used by the murderer when it was VT that deprived those poor people of the basic right of self protection. A CCW on campus might have saved lives. Laws or restrictions don't stop criminals.

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I hope this doesn't turn into an anti gun thing.and I can see the colleges point of view,you don't want to turn a campus in to Dodge city.I have a nasty temper and am glad at times I haven't had a gun,and I was trained by the marine Corps..imagine 20K plus 'kids"running around armed.I think the answer will come in an electronic lock down system.at the press of a button every door is locked,and a big camera system,linked to the Police.I hope maybe these things will happen in the future and prevent another incident like this from happening again,anywhere.

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You can bet the farm that it will turn into an anti gun thing. The scumbags are all too predictable. Personally, I'm not going to be unarmed...not in today's world.


As for answers? Too much reliance on unmanned physical security systems is a mistake and a waste of money. Too easy to defeat. You need a least two armed guards in each building with a secure communication link between them and and all the other areas.

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You know I haven't felt like this since 9/11. Those poor kids. For once in my life I do not know what to say.....

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Im with you Dave. My Lord...Prayers out for the families of the slain. What evil we have seen....

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