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Well,you may think I´m high on drugs,but I´m not. :crazy:

At least,there was a guy that posted something like this some time ago.

The modders should do Star Wars planes for the game.Like the X-Wing,A-Wing,B-Wing,Milleniun Falcon...But I guess that should have a small problem a very big one.

The easier are the custom weapons,but the worst is that these things must be copyright protected.

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About 3 years ago, on a board far, far away....


I think it was bpao who posted the pict, of the Incom T-65, a standard TIE Fighter, and a few others.


Nothing's happened with it since. Might have been problems with weapons, flight models; who kowns.


There might still be pics at C6, but you'll have to search their archives.



Kevin Stein

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I'd rather see real planes before anything from star wars, there are space games more fitting for that(see star shatter or X3: reunion)

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I'd rather see real planes before anything from star wars, there are space games more fitting for that(see star shatter or X3: reunion)


I'd have to agree. Right now I'm on a big WW2 kick so I've been spending time building up a flock of old warbirds. I'd love to see some more RAF bombers (Wellington, Lincoln, Whitley, etc) released.

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I'd rather see real planes before anything from star wars, there are space games more fitting for that(see star shatter or X3: reunion)

On general I agree, but I will take pretty much anything that comes out. Plus, I really want to fly the Macross Valkyries that Fox Monster has been working on (especially since he asked me to convert my VF-0S 3D model to a format he could use).

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Oh man, if someone could make a Hoth terrain, some Snow Speeders and AT-ATs that would kick much ass.

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Oh man, if someone could make a Hoth terrain, some Snow Speeders and AT-ATs that would kick much ass.


That is funny you mention that, Fates and I were talking about that the other day.

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With no DEM files for lunar style landscapes, editing a bmp file could create real 3D shadowed craters for a moonlike planetary terain.


Harrier~esque thrust vectoring might could be used to offer a way to simulate low altitude thrusting craft supporting combating surface forces.


TK already has the stars spot on, except for Orion's belt -- the one star error, and its a whopper.


The Enviro file can be made to give SF Sun in a black starry sky. From some old Xen poem... At midnight, the bright sun.



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For deep space operations and very long range combat, far beyond BVR, so far away from the terrain map that it won't be seen, 3D objects could be created for planetary bodies that would have bright and dark sides regarding their position to the SF sun (these could also be added as a backdrop very high in the sky above the terrain in the surface support mod described above).


Perhaps the 3D planet objects could be made as a form of combat unit, "armed' with the equivalent of gunner stations, as a way to simulate planetary defenses against approaching spaceships.





If done with some originality, either the deep space or surface support mod, or both, could be the most realistic space combat sim ever made. It would be, after all...


Space Fighters Project One

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I prefer real world aircraft other than the star wars. I'm on a modern day aircraft binge myself. Love modern day MIG's and Sukhois, just waiting on the rest of Marcelos great flanker addons! And I'm also waitin on someone to make a MIG-1.44

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I have one going, but its not much more than a few splines for the forward fuselage.

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SW actually sounds interesting, even after spending thousands of hours among ww1/ww2/vietnam/modern/ancient? planes, SW would actually be a good change of pace for me.


I would love to dog it out trying to fly threw and around the star destroyers, trying to take out the radars! While SW Battlefront 2 you can do that, you can only have about a total of 10 birds in space at one time.


Whereas I would like to go fullout 32 players in space with the tie/x-wing fighters and whatnot.

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Something interesting...you can change the gravity value as well...I wonder what would happen if you changed it to zero...:).



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You can set gravity to negative values also. That is fun, and rather disturbing to see what you have to do to stay near the Earth, and watching the poor AI get caught in the updraft to infinity -- I have modded contrails and FlightEngine file that allow watching such things from hundreds of km distance.


You can set the gravity vector so it pulls horizontally in any direction, or combine a small horizontal component with the normal vertical pull, and have a bit of "wind". Not sure it works too well, only tried it once. I guess cos its an acceleration and not a constant speed like a wind, but you had to correct for this gravity "wind."


Setting normal down gravity to small values is fun, taking off at 20km/hr, too much lift, takes some time to land.

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I think it would be awesome to see real world aircraft fighting Star Wars craft, like in Secret Weapons over Normandy.

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i begun the starwars mod .. but.. as many things.. i don"t have enought time.



perhaps one day.

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I would like Firefox for some Talon vs Firefox fighting :biggrin: But that is as far in SF as I would like to go :wink:

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:smile: Like you say bpao... time is short !





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:smile: Like you say bpao... time is short !






I guess I´m away from Star Wars for a long time.that X-Wing looks weird...

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Time is short.

Dwarves are short.

People change.

Interest rates fluctuate...

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Stealth, firefox,macross,yukikaze, i may agree...


but star wars?




maybe in another thirdwire game title for it maybe,


but in wov/woe/sfp1?


no way.....

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Na, I agree SW would be cool.


Anime and fictional sci-fi movies, and SW can't be included?


I say if you can't do that, there is NO point to bother with the others.


If you aren't going to do it because you simply don't want to, then that's one thing.

But casting out SW over Macross and Yukikaze? or even Stealth or Firefox?


These fictional planes do fly on planets with gravity, so you don't have to sit there and make space battles, just create you a hoth/dantoine/tatooine/etc. planet and just duke it out there.


But to cast it out because you don't like it? If anyone wants to mod SW then I say go for it.

But as I said earlier if you don't want to because you simply don't feel like it, well that's your decision.

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I have to agree w/ raidenandsolid here. People make what they want and if you dont like it then you dont have to use it either. Granted the sim engine may not support be best suited for space flight but who knows maybe TK will give us the neccesary updates should they be enough interest.


Personally i don't like both the horrible Stealth movie and Talon(of we have an excellent downloadable here) but the knowhow gained from all these proof of concept exercises help other projects too.


Just my cents.

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Making a flight model for a TIE is a nice challenge... Landing Gears??? Aileron??? Rudder???... but... INI files is not my field, I know there is someone who can do it.

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