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To MadJeff and other Moderators

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Heya fellas, I just wanted to drop a little note to you guys and say Bravo Zulu! This web site has become one great place for the sim community. Back in the day CombatSim was the top dog for sim news,files,etc and then it turned to SimHQ, but IMO this site has everything you need and more when dealing with the sim community. Job well done guys and keep it up. Your soon to be the new king of sim websites if you keep this up.

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Well thank you for the kudos. :D We probably won't ever be a CombatSim or SimHQ, but we do what we can. I just want to provide a place where people can come and talk about their sim habit. It's a community site, it's only as good as the users make it. :wink:


We are actually talking about where we want to take Biohaz from here, as it's time to move things up to the next level, so stay tuned for some (hopefully) improvements in the near future.

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Thank-You as well Seawolf. It's the membership that makes the site enjoyable, so let me return the Thank-you to you and everyone else. The Kinetic Energy in this place is definately building!


And a big Thank You and Your Welcome to MJ for using the the new Banner and creating such a great place for us sim fans to communicate.





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Agreed! Running a large, expensive website for 0 profit says something about MJ and Co!


One thing I really like about biohaz compared to simhq is that you guys actually post community news, smihq seems to post only commercial product based news.



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Absolutely this website gets better every week, and forums are way fun. Thanks a bunch Jeff, I hope I speak for everyone when I say it is much appreciated.

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MadJeff, dunno about CombatSim. They used to be my homepage, and when they went pay, I signed up as well. Kept my membership till they resigned their daily sim news and reviews and articles. BioHaz is my homepage now, and trust me, you're up there as my favorite simulator website.


Keep the forums clean, productive and full of intelligent members. Keep the news and articles flowing. Most of all, keep us up to date with all the aspects of the sim community.


Excellent job.

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Not to mention the layout is the best I've ever seen. Everything you need is right there on the front page. News, Files, etc just a click away.


I do have a question though. How did you come up with the name Biohaz Central? what's the story behind the name if there is one?

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I do have a question though. How did you come up with the name Biohaz Central? what's the story behind the name if there is one?

Actually, I used to run a BBS (dating myself here... do you younger kids even know what a BBS is? :lol: ) for an old PlayByEmail game called VGA Planets. It was actually the biggest VGAP BBS online, I had users from all over the world, and this was back in the day of dialing up directly, so that's saying something. :wink: Anyway, when I first started it, I couldn't come up with a good name. I think I spent two weeks kicking around ideas with a friend of mine. We were sitting around his place one day running out of ideas when his wife (who was a nurse) walked in from work with a box that had one of those orange Biohazard stickers on it. We both looked at each other and said, "That's IT!"


So the name has stuck with me since then. First the BBS, then later when I moved the VGAP site to the web, I always kept the name. I've toyed with changing the name to better match the current subject matter, but all the good sim names have been taken. :lol:


I bet you actually thought the story would be interesting, didn't you? :wink:


On a side note, the old site is still online, frozen in time. you can see it here.

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Hehe...I used to do the BBS thing all the time back when I got my first Hayes 1200 Smartmodem. As I recall, I think I stumbled onto that site a month or so back. Man, most my Bulletin Board System tinkering was searching for files or downloading games...yeah..the original Napster. hehe.


Al Gore created a great internet for us all to use. (sorry...just couldn't resist)



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Gotta agree with everyone Jeff, this is my simsite too. Ive spent more and more time here as the days pass than elsewhere. Ive enjoyed the articles on the CPU's, joysticks, and the Pima Air Museum, my old stomping grounds. The crowd here is fun to chatter and joke with, a loose, laid back bunch, with only a few crusty farts like chief, me, and Ranger, hehehe. :lol: (Just kidding, I know there are more crusty farts than these 3, lol) Keep up the good work pal.


Hey, when ya comin' out with a coffee mug and T-shirt? :D

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Well thats usually how a good name is found Jeff, it slaps ya in the face. :D

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I still have my T-Shirt Idea on the boards around here, and I would definintly pay for one.

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I know there's been a lot of interest in some mugs/T-Shirts and I just wanted everyone to know they are still in the pipe, the move and unpacking just derailed it for a little bit. I'm going to shoot for something in the next month or so, so stay tuned.

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Ya gotta love this guy! :D

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As those 2 movie guys (I am not going to try and spell their names) used to say 2 thumbs up to M.J. and BioHaz. I have seen many web sites with forms come and go. This the only one I have ever joined in all the the years of playing sims. The site is quality. The people who make posts are very helpfull. Biohaz is must stop anytime I sign on. Thanks for starting your site.

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I concur with all the positive comments. This site is without question the best of its kind. I am so thankful to MJ and all the moderators for all the hard work that has gone into creating this site.


To everyone who contributes to this fine site....thank you too!



Chief Ward

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Well. I might as well pile on too! At the risk of making your heads grow, I have to give a hearty here here! to all the above. It's great to find a site that is so well run, with so many folks who just wanna help everyone enjoy the hobby even more. MJ, YOU DA MAN! Keep it up, we all appreciate the time, effort, dedication, and personal expense you and the other moderators devote to this! I'm afraid I don't have much to offer as far as computer expertise like most of the folks here do, so please accept my thanks to all yall who answer the myriad questions from guys like me! - Sledge out.

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I have to agree with the folks up there. This is a small site, but I'm really starting to like the layout and feel of the site. Along with simhq and frugals, this site is in my sim bookmarks. I gave up on combatsim a long time ago.

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