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Major Lee

Air Race Terrain Concepts...

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1: What would you prefer to see in an air race terrain: pylons or canyon like trenches? :dntknw:


2: Would you fly this online or solo on your PC?

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Canyons are better. Pylons are for spectators, canyons for racers. :wink:


I'd fly it both on and offline if I could. Racing someone else through tight twisting trenches is a great time to have!

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'Beggar's Canyon' :)

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The float plane idea sounds cool too.

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The float plane idea sounds cool too.


(Biggs from Star Wars voice...)

Stay on topic.... stay on topic...

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Yeah. Back on topic... what was the topic again?


I would like a canyon with a big nice lake to practice with my floatplane on, and a carrier to practice trapping on, and an AAA battery to practice evading from... (and on Star Wars, Luke with his X-plane going through the trenches on the Death Star comes to mind... is that scene humanly possible?)


Ah yes, the topic.


I would also probably practice solo on it, but racing is a lot funner racing with people, not dumb AI that doesn't know the difference between sky and wall, if I could get my computer to run MP properly.


And a question to the MP gurus out there, in having mods completely the same for stable AI, do skins matter, or those have to be distrubuted to everyone before a race? (if we all have personalized skins)


And Major Lee, are you thinking of building one?



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That would definitely be a fun one to play on

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Major Lee::

1: What would you prefer to see in an air race terrain: pylons or canyon like trenches? :dntknw:

3D Racing Clouds. Hard edged towering cumulus clouds with all the hills and valleys these clouds are famous for among daring pilots.


What is a racing cloud? First, its a Royally Aussum cloud, according to ancient legends of Bristol Bulldog fighter pilot....




The RAAF Meteorological Flight (continued)


Air-Commodore Heffernan stated:




"Sometimes during a flight one would encounter huge towering cumulus clouds, and it was a sheer delight to play chasings around them—through the valleys and then a dive into a mass of cloud, a couple of minutes of clammy wetness and out into brilliant sunshine. In fact we were not supposed to do anything other than climbing and gliding, as there was some theory that violent manoeuvres upset the thermometers; but it was hard to resist the temptation of this type of sport; and as I said earlier, because of the limited number of aircraft around the sky in those times, there was virtually no risk of collision. One morning however, I was frolicking around a big cumulus cloud and was actually about to loop the machine through a hole in it when, as I came over the top of the loop, I saw to my horror another Bulldog looping in the opposite direction. Both of us were upside down and pointing straight at each other! I've forgotten what type of avoiding action we took, but I know that I fell back into the cloud and prayed that the other chap had gone the other way. On returning to the tarmac I was greeted by my friend, and we both made the same remark: "Were you the bloody fool that was mucking around that cloud?" Thereafter, we treated cumulus clouds with a bit more respect. [31]



~> http://www.austehc.unimelb.edu.au/fam/0249.html





I always wondered if 3D cumulus clouds objects are the only way cumulus clouds will ever advance in combat flight sims beyond the early 1990s. The 3D clouds can have varying polygon detail with distance, can be skinned and respond to shining sunlight and shadow just like aircraft.

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Vote for Canyons!

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Yeah. Back on topic... what was the topic again?


I would like a canyon with a big nice lake to practice with my floatplane on, and a carrier to practice trapping on, and an AAA battery to practice evading from... (and on Star Wars, Luke with his X-plane going through the trenches on the Death Star comes to mind... is that scene humanly possible?)


And Major Lee, are you thinking of building one?




Lakes would not be a problem, smaller rivers through canyonswould be more challenging. A body of water large enough for a carrier would simply mean making the map a bit larger...


Step One: Already thought about it... (on-going process)

Step Two: Alpha Concept Map (distributed for discussion)

Step Three: Compile desired features and plan Alpha map 2... ( beginning this process...)

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I vote for both, both would be really fun to play on

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The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of lakes and water areas on the map... Perhaps a timed "race" from takeoff to carrier trap... hhmmmm...

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The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of lakes and water areas on the map... Perhaps a timed "race" from takeoff to carrier trap... hhmmmm...

sounds great and how about putting some bridges over the canyon :crazy:

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Guest Saganuay82

And triple AAA guns with SAM a few miles off too. You know America North West is a good spot for that type of running. I have also taken a flat terrain and through Photoshop started adding color layers to it to build it up. Came out with some interesting terrain.

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Guys, the biggest problem is motivating people to stay on the course, that's why I suggested SAMs in the other thread. Otherwise, it'd be easy to just bolt straight across.


The Pacific Northwest terrain actually sounds like a great idea! Small, visually very nice with great vertical development.


You know, the more I hear about this air racing idea, the better I like it!



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Guest Saganuay82

ANW Green is fun running in bad weather with a F111 say and ground radar on in the late evening. Trying something out with my old experiment.

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I say, float planes in canyons......ahahahahhahaha hahahahhahahah

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And triple AAA guns with SAM a few miles off too. You know America North West is a good spot for that type of running. I have also taken a flat terrain and through Photoshop started adding color layers to it to build it up. Came out with some interesting terrain.


My air race terrain is all hand painted with trenches of varying width and depth, and design layout... All tracks are not suitable for all aircraft... :wink: I am planning on setback AAA to keep planes "in the groove"... :crazy: I am also planning on bridges to help reinforce the importance of staying "in the groove".

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AAA eh? Now talk about a race for life....LOL Reality TV, you lose, you die.....I love it.

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definitely canyons with some unexpected surprises. ie falling boulders and collapsing canyon walls, etc. sounds like a blast.

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I bet that there will be a special P-47 track... LOL



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I bet that there will be a special P-47 track... LOL




Yeah, long and strait at an altitude of 32,000 ft... :ok:

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How about bridges in the canyon, where upon meeting it, you have to make a split second decision of going under or over?


And as the finale, floatplanes land on a lake, carrier aircraft trap on the carrier. AAA/SAMs at the other end of the lake, so 1 chance.


ANW is the best for flying nape-of-the earth. I like the idea of an updated one for the race course.


And of course, thanks Major Lee for building one! :good:

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