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Putting Bombs on Target! The Devil way!

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After many failed bombing runs using many A/C, I found away to get the iron on target! Now I can already see the replies and I don’t think for a minute I’m the first to think/come up with this strategy for bombing, but for me it works and I want to share with you!


First things first my own little disclaimer using my method of bombing I have a 90% kill rate, it’s not perfect and I don’t pretend it to be anything more!


Altitude anything above 5000ft sorry metric boys not sure what that is in meters.

What I have found works for me is to approach the target at a low altitude to avoid some of the AAA, SAM’s and thing of that nature, I first send in wingman or friendly flight to draw fire. At around 2 miles out I pull back on the stick to gain a little altitude (above 5000ft), once I have the desired Alt I roll my A/C on her back so now my canopy is facing the deck. I will hold this position all the way to target, using the cockpit view keys (on the Num-pad its 5 or the view to look straight up or in this case straight down on to the target) I will follow the target until it falls out of view over the rear of the canopy, at the very instant the target is out of view pull back hard on the stick, in some ways it’s like pull a half scissor, line up you crosshairs release weapon and pull out get on the deck and kick the AB and get the hell out of town!


It’s really just dive-bombing, the rolling the A/C on her back and using the views to see the target is just away for me to when the target is directly below. Doing this has given me great success when performing strike mission.

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An interesting variation of the 'pop up' attack. I'd imagine if you had a little too much smash at the top of your split-s and didn't control it in the dive...it could be a problem.


You know, there are several advantages to this tactic:


1. You only roll once instead of twice for the standard 'pop up dive' attack.

2. You don't end up doing a big horizontal turn in the target area when trying to egress...and can avoid flying deeper into hostile defenses.

3. Your split-s works nicely to confound the targeting solutions of AAA and SAMs, turning your horizontal speed to almost nothing while seriously losing altitude.

4. It can come as a surprise to the ground target because you actually overfly it first (like a recon flight) then suddenly use the vertical to attack from a direction not expected.


Some drawbacks:


1. Lots of negative Gs while upside down...can be uncomfortable (and disorientating) after a bit.

2. More exposure at altitude verses standard pop up because you end up droning for a bit waiting for the target to pass under you.

3. As mentioned above, if you miscalculate your altitude, you may not make the pull out.

4. Only a very short time to stabilize before you have to pickle.


Very interesting tactic! Comments from the bros?



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I tried that and ended up hitting the dirt. It does have merit but its not for a rookie pilot.

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Are you implying that you are a rookie pilot?

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Like I said it works around 90% of the time, from point you pull back on the stick and start the dive you only get about 5 sec's to line up and pickle. Letting 4 500lbs go can sometimes make up for poor sighting.

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I just fly to the target at 8000 to 10,000 ft - about a mile out drop down vertically so I'm over the target & at about 1,000 ft pickle total bomb load and pull up.


Seems to hit the target most times - or there's the drop at 4,000 ft at a 45 degree angle pointed at the target or better still fly really low at say 500 ft and drop the load when wings are level with the target.That works best for me if there's no ground fire. But hey I'm Brainless :dntknw::dntknw:


There's also the 'level bombing' guides available on this site which are really good for level bombers.


This could start a series from members recounting their best bombing methods. :biggrin::biggrin:

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Are you implying that you are a rookie pilot?


No I am not. By hitting the ground I mean my bombs missed. However after a few more times I got it to work.

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In response to Redddevil911's tactic, there is another drawback:


Climbing up to 5,000 feet so close to the target provides a good target for flak gunners and also, being upside down looking for the target (for most fighters/bombers) provides a better radar cross-section for SAMs. I'd recommend at least having a wingman with you, if one of you is targeted, jink and let the other go on. Redundancy is good.


Depending on the area, like with less SAMs I'd climb up to 5,000 feet before getting close to the target, if in a situation like you mentioned, with lots of AAA hit the deck until getting close to the target. If the flak is pulled out, JINK! Great strategy!

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Climbing up to 5,000 feet so close to the target provides a good target for flak gunners and also, being upside down looking for the target (for most fighters/bombers) provides a better radar cross-section for SAMs.


RCS when within a mile is pretty much irrelevant. Your visual signature is the bigger problem at that point. However, if you time it right, you can minimize your time at altitude. This is a problem with any type of popup attack.



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At that range you still do have to work about your IR signature, though. MANPADs are a big problem to all.

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I absolutely suck at ground pounding. Basically, if I have an unguided weapon onboard, it is probably going to be there when I land.

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After many failed bombing runs using many A/C, I found away to get the iron on target! Now I can already see the replies and I don't think for a minute I'm the first to think/come up with this strategy for bombing, but for me it works and I want to share with you!


First things first my own little disclaimer using my method of bombing I have a 90% kill rate, it's not perfect and I don't pretend it to be anything more!


Altitude anything above 5000ft sorry metric boys not sure what that is in meters.

What I have found works for me is to approach the target at a low altitude to avoid some of the AAA, SAM's and thing of that nature, I first send in wingman or friendly flight to draw fire. At around 2 miles out I pull back on the stick to gain a little altitude (above 5000ft), once I have the desired Alt I roll my A/C on her back so now my canopy is facing the deck. I will hold this position all the way to target, using the cockpit view keys (on the Num-pad its 5 or the view to look straight up or in this case straight down on to the target) I will follow the target until it falls out of view over the rear of the canopy, at the very instant the target is out of view pull back hard on the stick, in some ways it's like pull a half scissor, line up you crosshairs release weapon and pull out get on the deck and kick the AB and get the hell out of town!


It's really just dive-bombing, the rolling the A/C on her back and using the views to see the target is just away for me to when the target is directly below. Doing this has given me great success when performing strike mission.



:clapping: A very daring maneuver... but a little bit risky one. I mean it must to be dangerous climbing to 5.000 feet (1.666,66 metres... for the metric boys) over ten thousand SAM's that will fire to you when you are over 2.000 feet. You'll need a plane with a real powerful engine... and pray for luck.

And another detail... I never send my wingman to a certain death... his (or hers)

Edited by JJ SHONSON

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Yeah, that's one that is only gunna work within the envelope of certain A/C's for sure... Try that in a Starfighter and you will end up 30 or so feet under the mud. Prolly work in a Phantom though.... Maybe even a Thud.

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Just to add my two bits...


In WOV that is THE best way to hit targets in Hanoi. Head on up north of Thud ridge and come in at max power down the east side. At about 2 miles begin pull up in full burner, climb to height, roll inverted, spot target, pull target onto pipper, rotate aircraft, make final adjustments onto target, release bombs, get the hell out of there.


I prefer getting out of there at low level, so the whole process makes for a minimal time as a taget for the defenses.

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another tip


I found it's much more accurate if you use airbrakes on the way down, but if you jink to avoid flak. I did take a little damage, but not enough to effect my plane's performance.

Don't try it on ships, it's bloody tough to judge where the water is, even with the altimeter.


btw, I made all my tests with F-100s. It may be different in other AC.

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The A-16 is my fav for attack. I usally hit most of my targets on the first pass. Love the HUD on that mud mover!

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I absolutely suck at ground pounding. Basically, if I have an unguided weapon onboard, it is probably going to be there when I land.
Now that is just sad! :rofl:

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After days and days of yelling, I found my mud moving heaven:

snakeyes, ripple 2, 450 kts, 200ft, releasing at 0.4miles from the target...

A nice good line of bombs with the first or second one usually dead on it!!!


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This is actually the tactic i always use when bombing, mainly cause idont know how to use the bomb sights or anything, and i kinda got into the habit of dive bombing all the time from Il2 :blink:

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After days and days of yelling, I found my mud moving heaven:

snakeyes, ripple 2, 450 kts, 200ft, releasing at 0.4miles from the target...

A nice good line of bombs with the first or second one usually dead on it!!!



Well now you've got the hang of that why not try some of the more challenging stuff like HIGH ALTITUDE bombing. Now that's real bombing!!

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Mmmm...I find it like playing piano,so I´ll follow with my ´Stuka´ ride,if the bombs don´t hit the target,my plane will do the work!! :salute:



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After days and days of yelling, I found my mud moving heaven:

snakeyes, ripple 2, 450 kts, 200ft, releasing at 0.4miles from the target...

A nice good line of bombs with the first or second one usually dead on it!!!


Rgr that! I've squeezed off 4 750pounders with a high AOA then pull out at low lev with hella energy and beat feet baby!! :good:

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When it comes to bombing, I usually fly to an altitude of about 10000ft and pop up the airbrakes. Once I feel like diving (I can't tell the distance since I run on the hardest difficulty settings, and I even miss the right target sometimes), I drop until the gunsight is directly above the target. When I reach 2500ft, I let the bombs go and retract my airbrakes and go full throtle away from blast radius. This usually does the job (at least if I hit the building).


Btw, I don't go 10000ft until I get close to the target to avoid those SAM's.

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