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Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

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Just saw the film last night and all I can say is "holy crap!" That's a nice assortment of USAF toys on display, especially in that first strike against that deceptecon! I'll say nothing more lest I give anything at all away...

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I'll be seeing it tomorrow night, most likely. Damn timezones letting the Aussies see it first!

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Be seeing it day after tomorrow. Kinda worried about the Michael Bay part though...

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Be seeing it day after tomorrow. Kinda worried about the Michael Bay part though...


I was too! And there's cheesy dialogue, but it's nowhere near as godawful as his other flicks (or Anikin in Star Wars 2). This one's more Spielburg than Bay thank christ! While we're on the subject, was it just me, or were there angled decks on the carriers in Pearl Harbour...?



Hey Jedi, I thought it was a world wide release? That's odd. You guys see films like 6 months before we do usually. My partner and I saw "Lucky Number Sleven" in Canada April 2k6 (there were trailers running in Oz when we left) and it only got released about 3 months ago under the title "The Wrong Man". So go figure...

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It opened here on Monday, 7/2. Your post was the night before, saying you already saw it the night before that!

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I saw it last saturday night, got a pre-preview ticket that was promoted by Chevrolet (you had to exchange a page from a newspaper to get the ticket) - well, me and my buddies went to the theater, and we loved it! One definitely noted it was a pre-preview because they had to restart the movie like 3 times because they didn't get the sound channel right... :rofl:

I must say I can't wait for the sequel which was already announced by Spielberg... and I was impressed, was the first time I saw an AC-130U Spectre in action, though as I saw it it was only using the 105mm cannon and the Bofors 40mm cannon, or am I mistaken? And can anybody tell me exactly which type of rounds that army guy recommended be used by the humans against the deceps? I thought I heard "Sabre" rounds but I've never heard anything of such rounds...

All in all a must-see live-action mecha movie which all by itself is a testament to the glory of Transformers! And DANG, the chicks look HOT!!! :victory:

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He might've said SABOT rounds... (Under cover of bullets and action and stuff Sabre and SABOT kinda do sound alike)


Also... Chicks... That's the part I'm worried about. Transformers was a line of action toys, not Barbie and Ken romance dolls... If there's no cheesy love scenes I will be amazed.


That's the problem with movies today - They've got so many gawddanged love and romance scenes.

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I thought he said sabot rounds, but I thought they were cannon rounds but I don't pretend to know anything about armour/arty related stuff.


Best part of the film for me was watching two guys (super hardcore nerds like comic book guy from simpsons) who just went at it in the queue after some argument. Kinda resembled this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlhAqFKBEBs

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You may be right about the SABOT rounds, Sky Captain, could be...


As for the movie, well, this definitely isn't related to anything we've seen before in terms of Transformers... And whilst I don't disagree with the presence of the love scenes, I was more shocked to notice that Sam Witwicky was more of a jerk than "Spike" Witwicky from previous TF Lore... Some of the Witwicky family dialogue really pushes the boundary to being almost insufferable, in terms of cheesyness... And I was disappointed by the lack of charisma from the deceps (in spite of that not having to be their strength) - Frenzy was a tenfold more charismatic than "old buckethead", IMHO...

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Wow, I found the original movie(and tv show) on youtube. Talk about nostalgia, I'll post the link when i get home.

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I just got back from seeing it. No complaints at all. If you liked the cartoon, you'll get into the movie.


It's the only movie I've been to were people were not only clapping at the end, but several times during the movie.


It's great Prime has his original voice.

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It's great Prime has his original voice.


That will make for me!! :good:


I'll be in line wednesday. Can't wait!

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What about the others? Megatron, starscream, ironhide?


and here's the link


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I thought there was too much human time and not enough bot time. Overall it was worth it though.

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What about the others? Megatron, starscream, ironhide?


and here's the link




Most unfortunately Chris Latta, Starscream's original voice actor, has passed away some time ago, so we won't be hearing his screaming voice... :sad:


Megatron's voice actor is still alive though, but unfortunately, due to options I'll probably never understand, they opted to have Hugo Weaving (from "The Matrix" and "Lord of the Rings" trilogies fame) voice the old buckethead... curiously enough they have Frank Welker, Megatron's original voice actor, doing Meg's lines in the game based on the movie... Seems like Peter Cullen is the only voice actor from the original series that is participating in the movie (in the series he voiced both Optimus Prime and Ironhide, but in this movie he only voices Optimus Prime) .

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I thought there was too much human time and not enough bot time. Overall it was worth it though.


I have to agree ....MORE BOT TIME!!!


Overall 2 thumbs up.... Very good movie! Had to watch it from the third row ...which sucked.... the first 4 showings were sold out and was a full house on mine...had to squeeze in between to family's... :blink:

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I was definately impressed with it; agree with the other posts, too much human, not enough metal.

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I was 14 again today while watching it. No movie has ever made me feel like that. I am going to go see it again.

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Was awesome! Good quotes too. :crazy: Not sure about the too much human part, but too much romance if you ask me. It's not a soap opera, it's supposed to be a movie about robots!


Anyone else see that one mystery trailer with the flaming debris and earthquakes and that one guy named Rob? At first I thought it might be a trailer for Rainbow Six or Ghost Recon (Rainbow Six: Vegas had a series of trailers about everyday people going around and getting interupted by terrorist attacks for those wondering), but it couldn't be. Godzilla remake?

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Godzilla, was the first thing that came to my mind also! :haha:



The whole theater was like "WTF?" when no title or web addy came on at the end of the trailer.

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i think its going to be some sort of dragon movie :) yeah baby

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I was 14 again today while watching it. No movie has ever made me feel like that. I am going to go see it again.


+1!!! Who'd ever think that it would have a fountain of youth effect? Can't wait for the sequel!!!

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You know what'd be cool? If for the sequel they did something about Beast Wars... Now that was a cool show.

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You know what'd be cool? If for the sequel they did something about Beast Wars... Now that was a cool show.


Crappy CGI work, Blech! IIRC they had almost none of the original characters, and it really makes alot of sense for robots called AUTObots transforming into animal thingies.

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