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Nine eleven is here again.

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How time flies.


another year has gone by and the pain is still here. :cray: :sad:

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How time flies.


another year has gone by and the pain is still here. :cray: :sad:


More than you know....



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I'm off tomorrow. I've refused to work on 9/11 since it happened. It's my way of remembering those that lost their lives.

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I remember being on the Twin Towers, 1 month and 1 week before it happened... I was filming for more than half an hour, covering the fall of dusk... I remember saying to myself: "Stop filming, next time you're in N.Y. the Towers will still be here!". Well, whaddayaknow, I visited N.Y. in 2002 again and all that was left was Ground Zero... Curiously, there were hardly any tourists, but a reporter and a cameraman overheard me talking to my father in german, and they came over begging us to make an interview since there was nobody else there talking german, so I got to be in front of the camera... But I didn't enjoy it since it brought back memories from seeing it happen on T.V., I actually felt myself falling those 400 meters when the tower came down... :shok::sad:

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I flew down the Hudson, VFR corridor on the 9th, I'll have to post a pic. I wish people would start remembering the import things, not the crap that's covered in the media everyday....

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Hey guys,


I haven't really been posting, so most of you new folks wouldn't remember me, but thats ok.. I've been back in the military since early 2004, been deployed to Ft. Irwin for 2 years, and now I'm a recruiter for the Army National Guard. It just so happens that I'm here today at the Chicago MEPS, waiting for my applicant to finish his physical and enlist. Just a couple months ago, I volunteered to be deployed to support OIF as a door gunner (it would've been sweet too), but I was turned down by the chain of command because they like me where I am now. I was litereally pissed, not to have the chance to go and fight; having been training soldiers for 2 years, becoming proficient at living and working in a desert environment, to have learned the thought process of my enemy by living as one in the brutal Mojave, it left me with a useless feeling. However, I had sort of an epiphany on this anniversary of September 11. Perhaps I can look at this as fighting back by enlisting new soldiers? Maybe. My rage still survives these attacks, and I still feel the actual terror of that day having used to live so close from the Petagon and looking at the damage done back in 2001. I know that I may not be taking my rifle into the Red zone as my little brother is now doing on his second tour in country, but at least I'm doing something. When I assemble my recruits at the armory to take them into the field and teach them what I can before they depart for Basic Training, maybe they can take these valuble lessons that I learned from the desert and use it to their advantage to kill the enemy and save the innocent. After thinking about this long and hard, I can't imagine more of a fitting retaliation than to have one young man begin his own War on Terror on the same day that thousands of our own were killed, and one of the most powerful symbols of capitalism and our way of life; freedom, fair trade, entrepreneurship, and opportunity was struck below the belt and brought to it's knees.

Now I take these few hours of today to press forward in my own battles by helping build my army on a day that so much was lost, never to forget untill my demise and beyond, that I am committed.





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Amazing that time has passed so fast since this tragedy.


I will make sure that I keep them in my heart and mind (especially today) and honor the memory of all those that fought and died that day against a faceless cowardly enemy.

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we remember guys, we do not forget what happened that sad day that claimed the lived of thousands for no reason

in the name of war that fanatics lead against us...

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How time flies.


another year has gone by and the pain is still here. :cray: :sad:



A very sad day for the American people and I guess for many others across the globe. Many will be thinking of you.

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I spent yesterday afternoon over a friend's house in Middletown, NJ. Middletown has the distinction of having lost the largest number of people of any one NJ town, to the 9/11 terror attacks. My friend's wife told me a story, about 30-some odd cars that had sat unattended in the parking lot at Middletown's RR station, for weeks after 9/11. Their owners died in the attacks, and no one had come to claim them.


I had started an assignment on 9/10/2001, at the data center of a large holding company that owned rental car agencies, throughout the United States. Our office handled all the agencies in NY and NJ. One of those rental agencies, was located in the basement level of the World Trade Center. That particular agency, was supposed to send in electronic copies of the previous evening's receipts and expenditures to our office every morning at 0930, so they could be qued for printing and filing.


On Tuesday, 9/11/2001, I noticed that the WTC office hadn't sent in their data at 0930. I let it go until 1000, and then I tried contacting them via telephone, but couldn't get through. I kept getting an "All circuits are busy" message from the telephone company, and the WTC office wouldn't answer any of the emails I sent them. I then tried calling my supervisor (who was in our building), and kept getting his answering machine....strange


I walked out of my "dungeon" in the basement level of our building (which was located in a business complex in Parsippany, NJ)....and noticed that all the cubicles in the data center were deserted. What the hell...where'd everybody go?


I found them all in the cafeteria, gathered around a large-screen TV. And, I walked in just in time to see the south tower collapse.


The drive home that afternoon was almost surreal. There was hardly any traffic, as a lot of people had probably gone home early. As I pulled onto a stretch of NJ Route 24 that ran parallel to Morristown's airport, I saw a pillar of smoke rising up from the eastern horizon. And, I was over thirty miles from Manhatten... I remember being so damned angry

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I remember being so damned angry

I had the TV on tonite as I was making dinner, there was some re-enactment going on regarding the first plane that hit the tower. I got so pissed off that I flung the remote at the wall. Those things are tough! I'm still angry as hell about it.

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Nice nose-arts, Fates! I liked the "Freedom will endure" alot... Curiously, during my 2001 trip to N.Y., after a helicopter ride, I decided to buy a poster with the Twin Towers... had the choice between a daylight and a night-time poster... I chose the night-time one, and it is hanging in a frame above my bed since I got home from that trip...

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I'm off tomorrow. I've refused to work on 9/11 since it happened. It's my way of remembering those that lost their lives.


Since I work for NORAD, then and now, that is not an option for me.......

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Likewise I work for the USAF and I don't get to dictate when I work. :grin:

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