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Semper Fi Marine!, but not in their town........

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these people (and I say that with tongue in cheek) just make me sick!!!!



I'm so ashamed that have even visited this town.....or even believed my self a remote member of their extended community for 40 years. if for some unforeseeable reason that city council chambers were to slip off into the pacific ocean during a session that might clean up this city until the FREAKS VOTED More FREAKS back to office..


the streets of San Francisco


HEY city council :f***: :nono::drag: :fans:

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Thus why I have and always will hate San Fransisco.

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Maybe the president should give them and executive order to perform "Vehicle Checks" based on some imaginary Terrorist Threat" The Marines can all go in and clog the cities traffic for days. They can send in the MOPIC teams to shoot the footage they need and wait for the order stand down.

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The smug in that city is too thick anyway. The Marines should be happy to give it a wide berth, it's bad for your health.

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I don't know even where to start to compose a reply.

The armed forces deserve respect (same as the police, fire department etc.) even if someone personally may not agree with certain aspects & after all they only do as directed by the executive.

I don't agree with petty politicians but I wouldn't deny them the right to stand for election.

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Guest 531_Ghost

Filled in? Sure here ya go... That whole city council... needs to just fall off the face of the planet. I always hated pulling into port there. As for me, I'll probably never go back to visit there, just like Mexico.

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If they already filmed on the streets of NY, why do they need to film in SF?


"Traffic reasons" is why they wouldn't let them film? I don't quite think SF knows what traffic means.

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If they already filmed on the streets of NY, why do they need to film in SF?


"Traffic reasons" is why they wouldn't let them film? I don't quite think SF knows what traffic means.


Who cares why, its not the point, its once again the City of San Franweirdo anti-military stances that is called into question here.

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SF also tried to prevent the Blue Angels from flying at Fleet Week. They argue safety but ya know it's more than that. I have had it. I live in a twon between SF and Sacramento. I used to live in the East Bay and moved further out about 3 years ago. I love the city itself. Just can't stomach the politics and people. i will attend fleet week and there may a fund set up to bail me out on the Monday following. I've had it.

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Sometimes I wonder whether SF is a part of California or even the U.S. They seem to have become very distant.

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Sometimes I wonder whether SF is a part of California or even the U.S. They seem to have become very distant.



Same seems to go with LA. What with how the celebs can do what ever and get half an hour in the news while when US forces in Iraq die they only get 7 minutes.

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Just can't stomach the politics and people.


Here here! There's protesting, then there's protesting like a douchebag. I mean I'm not a fan of the war in Iraq, but I'm not going to treat the guys I know who've served, performed like champions in an unforgiving environment, put themselves in harms way, like sh*t because I'm not cool with the situation. That's incredibly petty and passive aggressive! I'm surprised the SF Chamber of Commerce didn't kick her arse up and down Lombard St for stifling the cash cow that is Fleet Week! Pissing of the services is not a great career move!


I've only been to SF twice but I had a ball in the city, and the people I met were good fun (they even took me on the Harry Callahan tour of SF!) but this is a sh*tty thing to do!

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Maybe during the next earthquake the military should say they are too busy to help with the rescue efforts. It's hard to believe this kinda crap can be done to our troops! They deserve much better!

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Here here! There's protesting, then there's protesting like a douchebag. I mean I'm not a fan of the war in Iraq, but I'm not going to treat the guys I know who've served, performed like champions in an unforgiving environment, put themselves in harms way, like sh*t because I'm not cool with the situation.


For emphasis.

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San Francisco city council's stated reasons for there anti military bigotry on our troops


this one they say because traffic control but every month they let this little thing called Critical Mass that snarls traffic for the rest of the night and they are very militant attacking motorist if they don't get there way.


also stated reasons for there stance is the disagreement with the war(s)

the military stance on the gay issue.

saying they don't want to seem like war mongers for allowing the military to be in the city





JROTC shut down…


[ROTC opponents’] position was summed up by a former teacher, Nancy Mancias, who said, “We need to teach a curriculum of peace.”


USS Iowa turned away…


“But also, it’s a warship and it’s got guns on it. It fires things. You know, you can’t deny what it is.” Gerardo Sandoval, Memeber of San Francisc Board of Supervisors


Killing officers is OK…


If there’s one slogan that’s come to represent the anti-war movement in its current incarnation, it’s one that appeared on a banner in a March 15 [2003] demonstration in San Francisco. It bore the message,“We Support Our Troops, When They Shoot Their Officers.” This banner has been seen around the world and cited in more than 400 publications.


Blue Angels not welcome…


The annual aerial show by the U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels — a San Francisco tradition dating back to 1981 that pumps millions into the local economy — is running into opposition from three local peace advocacy groups that are calling for a permanent halt to the popular Fleet Week flyover.


CodePink, Global Exchange and Veterans for Peace, Chapter 69, are working with Supervisor Chris Daly on a Board of Supervisors resolution to address concerns over the Blue Angels.


And now, the United States Marines are denied permission to film a recruiting commercial in the city…


“It’s insulting, it’s demeaning. [Film Commission Executive Director Stefanie Coyote] is going to insult these young heroes by just arbitrarily saying, ‘no, you’re not going to film any Marines on California Street,” said Captain Greg Corrales of the SFPD Traffic Bureau.








By Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist | November 19, 2006


"IN THE FIRST place God made idiots," observed Mark Twain. "This was for practice. Then he made school boards." The San Francisco Board of Education's 4-2 vote last week to abolish the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps program, which has been active in the city's high schools for 90 years, tends to support his view.


Why is JROTC being done away with? It isn't for lack of interest. More than 1,600 San Francisco students currently take part in its voluntary activities. "Kids love this program as if it's family," notes the San Francisco Chronicle. It is "a program that students and their parents wholeheartedly support."


Finances aren't the problem either. Operating JROTC costs the city less than $1 million out of an annual school budget of $356 million.


Nor is the problem bad management. The Chronicle reports that "no one has offered an alternative as coherent and well-run as JROTC."


Safety? Also not a problem. Though cadets have uniforms, they carry no weapons; the nonviolent programs emphasize leadership, self-discipline, citizenship, and teamwork. "This is where the kids feel safe," says one JROTC instructor, retired Army Lieutenant Colonel Robert Powell.


And the problem certainly isn't an absence of diversity. In a story on JROTC cadets at Galileo High School, Chronicle reporter Jill Tucker writes: "These students are 4-foot-10 to 6-foot-4. Athletic and disabled. College-bound and barely graduating. Gay and straight. White, black, and brown. Some leave school for large homes with ocean views. Others board buses for Bayview-Hunters Point." Several of the students come from immigrant families. At least one is autistic.


So what is the problem with JROTC? There isn't one. The problem is with the anti military bigotry of the school board majority and the "peace" activists who lobbied against the program on the grounds that San Francisco's schools should not be sullied by an association with the US armed forces.


"We don't want the military ruining our civilian institutions," said Sandra Schwartz of the American Friends Service Committee, a far-left pacifist organization that routinely condemns American foreign policy and opposes JROTC nationwide. "In a healthy democracy . . . you contain the military." Board member Dan Kelly, who voted with the majority, called JROTC "basically a branding program or a recruiting program for the military." In fact, it is nothing of the kind: The great majority of cadets do not end up serving in the military.


But then, facts tend not to matter to smug ideologues like Schwartz and Kelly, who are free to parade their contempt for the military because they live in a nation that affords such freedom even to idiots and ingrates. It never seems to occur to them that the liberties and security they take for granted would vanish in a heartbeat if it weren't for the young men and women who do choose to wear the uniform, willingly risking life and limb in service to their country.


According to The Chronicle, scores of JROTC students were on hand when the school board met last week; many of them burst into tears after the vote. Sad to say, they should probably have seen this coming. For in its trendy anti military animus, the school board was hardly breaking new ground.


In 1995, San Francisco's board of supervisors wiped the city's famous Army Street from the map, renaming it Cesar Chavez Street. Last year, city supervisors refused to allow the retired USS Iowa, a historic World War II battleship, to be docked in the Port of San Francisco. Like the school board vote, the spurning of the Iowa was intended as a slap at the US military and the foreign policy it supports. Supervisor Chris Daly explained his vote against accepting the battleship by announcing: "I am not proud of the history of the United States of America since the 1940s."


In 2005, San Francisco voters handily approved Measure I, a nonbinding ballot question dubbed "College Not Combat," which called for the exclusion of military recruiters from public high schools and colleges. The prevailing political attitude was summed up in a Weekly Standard headline: "San Francisco to Army: Drop Dead."


Not everyone feels that way. To his credit, Mayor Gavin Newsom excoriated the school board last week for "disrespecting the sacrifice of men and women in uniform" and warned that killing JROTC would only accelerate the flight of city residents from the public schools. "You think this is going to help keep families in San Francisco?" he asked. "No. It's going to hurt."


Going to? For 1,600 kids now faced with the death of a program that infused their lives with purpose, camaraderie, and self-respect, the hurt has already begun.

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"For among other evils that being unarmed brings you...it causes you to be despised and this is one of those ignominies against which a prince ought to guard himself" -Niccolo Machiavelli


Hey, let's all just get along, save the whales, hug a tree, do some mind altering drugs and get addicted to the smell of our own farts! Sounds like a wonderful idea! I swear, that wretched city friggin ticks me off. Sadly, the fact is that if no one were allowed those opinions, we wouldn't live in a free country, and soldiers die so that these people can spit on them. Si diabolus eos in istis urbe aufert, patria noster meliorem erit! IMHO.

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Hey, there's nothing wrong with mind altering drugs! I personally love going to raves and having random cute girlies in skimpy outfits hugging me and then being spun out by my furry red pants! But then again, I never saw this in San Fran... All I got was


Me: "Hey buddy, how much does this book cost?"

Bookstore guy: "Dave's not here mannn...."



So lemme get this straight. The Iowa was denied a dock in San Fran, despite being a decomissioned BB? How is berthing an old BB an act of "war mongoring?? :dntknw: I'm afraid I'm buggered if I can figure that one out. That's a bit of a stretch...

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I visited San Francisco once back in 2002, seemed like a nice town, but being part of the U.S. and shunting the military like this... I don't know if that's a good thing... I wonder what would happen if Al Qaeda struck Spike tower and the Golden Gate... They'd be begging for help I guess...

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I visited San Francisco once back in 2002, seemed like a nice town, but being part of the U.S. and shunting the military like this... I don't know if that's a good thing... I wonder what would happen if Al Qaeda struck Spike tower and the Golden Gate... They'd be begging for help I guess...


A friend of mine made a similar observation. He said that if there is another large scale terrorist attack on US soil he almost wishes it would be on the west coast (SF specifically) in order to beat a rain check in to the citizenry. not that he wished harm on any one just that the Northern CA, oregon, Seatlle, Hollywood types have no attachment or concept of reality as to what really happened on 9/11 and the threat posed.

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Why would they bother when most of the country is still living in terror?


And besides, the election is still a year away.

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