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Mirror mirror on the wall whos the ugliest of them all

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well, it doesn't look too bad from that angle, especially with that paint job.


here's another plane that got wacked with the oogly stick.


nose job, anyone?


LOL....I can't seen any means to retract the main gear, but I see a Nose gear door...LMAO...WHY?

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well, let's just say it wasn't exactly built by the Skunkworks. Maybe the nose wheel upset the delicate lines of the nose.

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Some say that the F-35 won just because of it's better looks.


I'm just amazed the hippo can get off the ground.




Ah, the X-32. To be honest I don't find ugly at all. Looks like a stealthed A-7 to me. :wink:

Edited by Gocad

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The F-32 likely would've looked better than the X-32 did as it wasn't going to be a delta anymore.

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Mi-24 Super Agile Hind





Err does the guy in the front seat get any use of his window with all that crap in front of him!!

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I know this thread is old but, My fav for ugly duckling...






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Err does the guy in the front seat get any use of his window with all that crap in front of him!!


Is that the South African modded Hind? Coz that thing is badass!! :good: I mean it takes all the goodness of the hind, pimps it out with modern gear, new engines, composites, EO and IR sights and a larger variety of weapons... How could you go wrong?? Especially since it's now supposed to be fitted with an IR surperssor! Woot! I'll take 10! I mean meh, who needs an Apache? :biggrin:


EDIT: I have another one for you all:



and there always seems to be one of these shots...




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I'm going to say it is a Tu-16, Tu-22, and Tu-128 that happened to be in the same room. Now seriously what is that ugly thing?

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Supa Hornet is pretty ugly. The old Hornet had nice lines but the stretching and bloating required to make it Supa ruins it. :bad:


The XF8U-3 was sick-ugly and maybe the greatest exception to the rule of "it it looks right, it will fly."

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this is ugly!!!


It has jet engines!!!!!


at first glance I would bet tons to say it would never get off the ground. Flying that thing must be like flying a paper airplane with a boulder on it :ok:

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The XF-107 was ugly to.

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Yeah, I gotta agree with C5...the super bug is butt ugly. Not a fan. I think it should be illegal to call them Rhinos and take away from the greatness of the F-4

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Yeah, I gotta agree with C5...the super bug is butt ugly. Not a fan. I think it should be illegal to call them Rhinos and take away from the greatness of the F-4



Who's calling the Super Whorenet the Rhino? I think that the ugliest of the ugly is the Airbus A380. I mean people can call the A-7 a whale but I guess they never have seen this!

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Who's calling the Super Whorenet the Rhino?


A lot of the Super Hornet pilots call it that.



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Who's calling the Super Whorenet the Rhino?

They call it the Rhino to differentiate it from the baby Hornets when it is in the pattern. This is to ease confusion between the two to ensure there are no foul ups when dialing in the recommended pressure to the arresting gear.


I mean people can call the A-7 a whale but I guess they never have seen this!

The A-7 Corsair was never called a whale... The A-3 Skywarrior was though. The A-7 was the SLUF. Heres a pic of one of the Hughes test ships... an A-3 with a Tomcat Nose and Phoenix missile under the wing.



Here is my submission to the fugly bunch... the MH-47E Sh!thook



The EA-6B Prowler



The C-2A Greyhound



And the F7U Cutlass



Tomcats Rule! Anytime Baby!

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well, the Osprey grandpa and he friend





and he´s little canadian Friend


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The EA-6B Prowler



The C-2A Greyhound




I find the Prowler sexy in its own special way. Or that could be becuase my neighbor flies her. And the C-2 I find to humble to be called ugly. Hardest bird to land next to the Hawkeye.

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There are some really ugly planes that never made it into service. I'm reading a pretty good book right now called Cold War Prototypes, has things like Convair's B-60 (an all-jet version of the B-36) and other really ugly ones. I'll do some research and see what else I can find.

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The Société Aérienne Bordelaise A.B.21 wins this every time.




Though I'd have to say the Su-11 is butt-ugly:




It's an area-ruled tube with wings, dammit.

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