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Could I have some opinions regarding the Typhoon's turning capabilities?


Maybe it's just me, but after some combat missions I got the impression that the Typhoon has a rather poor turning rate... :dntknw:

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Could I have some opinions regarding the Typhoon's turning capabilities?


Maybe it's just me, but after some combat missions I got the impression that the Typhoon has a rather poor turning rate... :dntknw:



Youre probably correct, but untill the game engine supports 5th generation type aircraft we have to settle with whatever the FM's can be tweaked to, I personally think I got the FM to be more agile than most other aircraft without getting too many odd behaviours.


also try turning at different airspeeds, the typhoon turns better at high speed than anything else I have engaged (similar to the real thing)




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What if ?????????....among others..... :wink::wink:



Did you release it? :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

BTW, I'm having some problems editing the weapon stations.

I edited their allowed class to be able to carry sparrows. But, they can only carry 1! only in the right wing =S non on the left wtf?

Thanks in advance

Edited by jklv

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Yes, the IAF Typhoon skin has been released, as I have it as default in my LebWar 2 campaign.


You must have some typo or summat, as I have it twealed in to use Sparrows as well...

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OK, this is too much for me. :blink:


Can someone, please, make (or put a link), a step by step guide of how to install the weapons?


I've managed to install the fuel tank, and all works perfect, but with the rest of the weapons I'm a bit (lot) lost.


I'm new on this game and seems that you all know exactly how to change thinks in the game (probably due to your experience with the previous games), but I don't :blush2:


My main problem is:


- what weapons should I download exactly?

I've donwloaded this:


Bunyap weapons pack http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=2672


Mirage Factory Weapons Pack for Wings Over Israel http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6171


Meteor: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6499 (I don't know what to put it in the weaponsdata.ini)


Hellfire and Brimstone... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5377 (I don't find the lines I'm supposed to change reading the readme)


After that I open and save the weaponsdata.ini with the weaponseditor as equal as I did for the fuel tank, but... :dntknw:


Appart this, I LOVE this plane!

In fact, I played a bit WOV but dind't caught me... but an Eurofighter... just this (ok, and its price) made me bought WOI! :good:

I was (still am) a Super EF2000 fan. From time to time I still install it and play a bit.

I played also LOMAC, but I have no much time to learn a new complex simulator (SEF2000 took me a lot of time but on that period I had it).

But now I can fly again an Eurofighter with good graphics! :clapping:



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FERdeBOER: Welcome!


You'll find a host of tutorials, fixes, tweeks and such like in our Knowledge Base.




Please give it a once over, as (hopefully!!!) your questions will be answered there.


Mind you, if you're using WoI, you'll need to get the WoI/FE weapons editor, available in our downloads section, "Utilites and Tools", as the older version only works on SF/WoV/WoE.


It is suggested (ie: reccomended) that you NOT mix the 2 weapons paks, but add only those weapons necessary for specific aircraft, as needed. There are a host of differences in the 2, that I won't go into here.


Read over the tuts, and if you have problems, let us know.



kevin stein

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Thank You Wrench,


seems that I have a lot of reading in front of me... :umnik2:


Only one question (for the momment), am I correct downloading the weaons I said before? (Bunyap weapons pack http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...;showfile=2672;

Meteor: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6499 and

Hellfire and Brimstone... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...;showfile=5377)

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Weeell....honestely, as much I a like the BunyPak as it covers everything from the 1930s to the Present, the TMF pak has nicer visual models.


What I would do (and have done! - as I have 3 WoI installs, 1 plain, untouched, 1 BunyPak, 1 TMF pak - this is for many reasons that don't pertain to this conversation), is use the TMF pak, and just add the needed weapons, such as the Meteor, Hellfire & Brimstone.


You can always 'import' bits over as needed from the BunyPak, for 'nationalized' weapons that are required for some aircraft. One nice thing about the TMF pak, is it uses the stock 3rdWire naming conventions (ie: WP, NATO, etc), and the NATO style naming of the Soviet weapons (ie: AA-2, AA-8, etc), as opposed to the correct Russian naming (R-3S, R-60).


What that means is, you don't have to edit the aircraft's data and loadout inis; you can pretty much just drop in the TMF pak and have a 99.9% certainty that things will show up as advertised.


A few notes on importing weapons from the BP to the TMFP:


A simple copy/paste of the data (ie: the weapons data entry for the particular weapons) will get it listed - don't forget to change the number to fit the sequence! Doing the 'add weapons dance via the editor' is next to finaize the entry, and update the dat file the game needs.


Copying over the various lods, bmp, inis (if needed) takes a little more work...as it's not always obvious what bmp (skin) goes with which lod. If you're familiar with a hex editor, you just open the lod and 'search' for bmp, or tga as needed, and it'll tell you. If you're not, you can always ask someone -- it only takes a few seconds to find it, once you've done it a couple of times. If that's something you want to learn, there's a lot of good free hex editors around the Web. I use one called XVI32, and it's real easy to use.


Yes, it is a little time consuming, but the end results are usually worth it.


So, to answer the original question, as I seem to have gotten off track, d/l the BunyPak, and unzip to a temp folder someplace; that way it's not conflicting with anything in-game. And work out what you want to move from there. If that is what you want to do!



kevin stein

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Thank You very much Wrench!!! :clapping: :clapping: :yes:


I made it and now I have all the weapons.


It only remains a doubt... what about the "LiteningIII"? I know what it is and I see it in the Typhoon_loadout, but I'm not sure if is something I have to install or not.


Thank You again!

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It works quite well on the Typhoon, I must add.


Load it centerline, and a few GBU's, let it light them a path to the enemy, primary or not...

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