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It's coming along nicely, craigbrierley, don't feel any pressure; any time you get it done will be great!


Three weeks? Not in your life buddy. Only two weeks. :biggrin:


Yay 1000 posts! USAFMTL you can adjust my post count as needed now :good:


I think you should just get it up to 1,337 posts, and then start a new account. That would be pointless, but a very cool little joke.

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Hey I thought you were going to get it first to buddy! :yes:





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I hope this won't be another "Two weeks" :dntknw:



Take your time Craig don't let the buggers rush you they have the F-22 to play with which will keep them occupied for at least "2 weeks". From what I have seen it is looking great and well worth the wait along with the Islander.


As a Brit it would be great to have the EF-2000 to fly alongside the F-22 and the Flanker but patience is a virtue and I can wait, the real world must come first.



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Take your time Craig don't let the buggers rush you they have the F-22 to play with which will keep them occupied for at least "2 weeks". From what I have seen it is looking great and well worth the wait along with the Islander.


As a Brit it would be great to have the EF-2000 to fly alongside the F-22 and the Flanker but patience is a virtue and I can wait, the real world must come first.




Certainly would. Though I prefer to think of it as showing the Yanks just what a real aeroplane is, those "plastic raptor" pilots won't know what what hit em in a mock dogfight...ooh I'm being all controversial here aren't I. Hehehe :haha:

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Certainly would. Though I prefer to think of it as showing the Yanks just what a real aeroplane is, those "plastic raptor" pilots won't know what what hit em in a mock dogfight...ooh I'm being all controversial here aren't I. Hehehe :haha:

The plastic raptor :biggrin: LOL!

I hope that Typhoon join us soon!

In this time I think I'll play with my plastic planes,plastic pc,screenn......"Oh my god,I'm on fire!!!!!!I've tried to light a cigarette and I forget.....That I'm plastic too!!!" :biggrin:


If I can commission next work TSR 2 will be a great add!

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Yet another Italian talking smack about American aviation skill...man...



You gave the world this...and then...what?


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"Yet another Italian talking smack about American aviation skill...man..."




that made me laugh hard. Look at that plane! It looks like a bunch of tin cans taped together!!!! lol


I'm pretty sure that our pilots in F-22s would kill anything in the air.

Edited by bucklehead101

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wow the sm 79 sparviero,this bean can sunk many of allied ships!

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Hey I'm a Raptor pro! In the Italian forum they discuss about the game lack not the F 22 lacks.

Raptor is the state of the art .full stop.

About the Raf typhoon dogfighting succesfully against the Raptor, it's true Typhoon dogfighting skills are quite above the Raptor ones.

Raptor is an agile big strategic fighter,typhoon is an excellent dogfighter,Su 37 is a wonder.

Ok is a generation behind,it's electronic are old but the agility is a thing apart.

I've looked at many vids of Raptor and Terminator in extreme manuevers and the Russian It's hard to bust if you get more near to it!

yes but Raptor can destroy it many miles before fortunately!

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Post your sources..."About the Raf typhoon dogfighting succesfully against the Raptor, it's true Typhoon dogfighting skills are quite above the Raptor ones."


I want to see that, proof...yep, calling you on it...


And your "bean can" sank Allied ships? American ships? So, how did this one make you feel?


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was 60 years ago,was a great torpedo bomber that's all,the plane was outdated but the crews were excellent,over the Mediterranean air conflict I don't know about Us ships,maybe!

about Typhoon:


"I remember reading around two years ago about the prowess of Eurofighter over other aircraft. Well, this anecdote will probably "get out" one day and concerns the visit to these shores in july (see deadly charmers, september 2007, p60-63) of indian air force Su-30s. The MoD said what it would not be putting Typhoons up against them as a one-on-one fight. This is general knowledge. However - it did happen and there is Head Up Display video to prouve it. I don't know how it came about - probably during some exercise.


Anyway, two relatively inexperienced Typhoon pilots returned with big grins on their faces. The Sukhois were "toasted". All the Su-30's air display antics came to nought - The Typhoons proved too nimble and to powerful for the russian aircraft. The Typhoon were not "clean" either. You can check with the MoD, but you probably already know the kind of answer you'll get! (We did, and they wouldn't - Editor).


The original article resulted in several letters of response about Typhoon versus the F-22. This cannot be confirmed or admitted officially, but during Typhoon's visit to the USA in 2005, both aircraft were pitted against each over (unofficially, you understand). The F-22 could not be seen by the Typhoon Pilot, but is electronic counter measures showed him that it was being "Painted" by is opponent. The Typhoon took appropriate "measures" using self-defensive aids. But when it came to one-on-one combat, the Typhoon did the same kind of job as it did with the sukhois. The F-22 could not "handle" Typhoon close in and the Yanks were shocked! It did not all go Typhoon's way on this occasion but it was a sobering encounter for the americans. Remember, on the F-22 much was sacrified in terms of "fighter performance" for stealth.


The first part of this letter, regarding the Sukhois, I have from first-hand experience, though the second part - about the F-22s - has come to me through the Typhoon grapevine. Fascinating, isn't it? The typhoon does appear to be a truly formidable machine - a machine feared by "other" operators.


Name withheld via e-mail"

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"The F-22 could not be seen by the Typhoon Pilot, but is electronic counter measures showed him that it was being "Painted" by is opponent."


That is a lie...you have been mislead...


No one is disagreeing that the Typhoon is an immensely capable aircraft, and will serve her masters well...but this is propaganda...Yes, USA commits propaganda also...besides, why would the Typhoon ever be pitted against the F-22 since we wont be selling F-22 to export? You have something in mind we should know about, ally?


And the Typhoon isnt Italian anyway...it is a team program, not unlike the Panavia Tornado, another very fine warplane...so I dont understand your idle boasting or making extravagant claims with insufficient evidence...you admit that your single source is convoluted...mine is based on experience...and this discussion is all pub talk anyway


When you have numbers, and charts, and first hand accounts, then this discussion will be interesting...notice I never said that the F-22 is superior, nor that in anyway the Typhoon was not a superb warplane...either way it doesnt matter

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Yet another Italian talking smack about American aviation skill...man...



You gave the world this...and then...what?




All this forum is too little to list all great thing that we gave to this world starting from Law (Lex Romana) to all smart thing that u use every day....the Mouse for example....


We're only proud of our new "Scooter"...........


And you will better to have much respect of the others opinion.........


When you'll come in Italy you'll fall in love for our way of life and our wonder country i'm shure!!!!



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Some people are just too proud here .. Please guys, we have a common hobby, let's keep on sharing it, so don't start a sterile discussion about s**t, you just act like kids and you only make some stereotypes come true ..


End of the story


Cheers from France :wink:

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Some people are just too proud here .. Please guys, we have a common hobby, let's keep on sharing it, so don't start a sterile discussion about s**t, you just act like kids and you only make some stereotypes come true ..


End of the story


Cheers from France :wink:


Thus saying I like the fougamagister, there are none for sfp1 eh?, and it was alos carrierborne right?

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Hey, this post has been hi-jacked enough...


Never said Italy hasnt contributed wonderfully...am a big fan of Rome...have been to your fine country already...the food incredible, the views indescribable, and the women even better...not to mention the cars (and tires)...


Simply, your country-man made a statement which is very inflammatory...it is fine to make such a statement when one can support aforementioned statement, other wise it is just plain silly. That draws my ire...why? We are allies...we need Italy in the war on Terror and we hope that we can appreciate one another...making statements about things which have yet to be proven is pointless.


And you left out Sofia Loren


You should be proud of the Eurofighter...and the AMX...and keeping the F-104 so sharp for so long (that is a compliment)...I am very interested in how it (Typhoon) performed against the Su-30 since that is a possibility (not the India one, of course, but the type in general).


No qualms about the Eurofighter...no qualms about Italy...no qualms about Italian pride (in a Consortium airframe)...issue with: "About the Raf typhoon dogfighting succesfully against the Raptor, it's true Typhoon dogfighting skills are quite above the Raptor ones."


And for that I get a stereotype? "et tu Brute..."



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This is the EF-2000 thread.....


Get it back on topic or all ya'll will be on the bench for "2 weeks" ..... understand?!?!?!?!


No more "your country this" or "raptor that" stuff!!!

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Sparko, I agree with you the Typhoon Vs F-22 dogfight test needs proof, It seems to be a rumour that spread across many forums (youtube was a classic example) read any thread related to Typhoon and the same debate crops up over and over.......but........I wouldn't be surprised if the Typhoon actually did have an edge on manoverability, all irrelevant I know, the F-22 is invisible (to radar, not the naked eye or even IR) therefore at distance the raptor will kill most things before they have a chance to turn and burn against it, my argument for the Typhoons agility is an uneducated guess, but I feel that the F-22 MUST have an achiles heel and I would not be surprised that if a Raptor was ever caught by an evasive enemy that survives the long range engagement could possibly (in the hands of the right driver) take the Raptor down with guns or maybe an IR missile (the heat signiature is still there even if very small), My uneducated belief is that there must be a compromise on aerodynamics with the stealth airframe shape (the Typhoon looks right therefore must fly right) the Raptor while being as sexy as hell like most US aircraft ,lacks the ferrariesque style of the european machine.


Please don't take my response wrong, the Raptor and Typhoon will most likely allways be fighting on the same side therefore who cares which is better? I love both machines on their merrits.

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This is the EF-2000 thread.....


Get it back on topic or all ya'll will be on the bench for "2 weeks" ..... understand?!?!?!?!


No more "your country this" or "raptor that" stuff!!!



I regret ever having released the Raptor.

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I regret ever having released the Raptor



That is a very sobering comment, I am ashamed I entered the debate, I feel dirty, need a shower.

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