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Oh hell yeah! Finnaly a Lancer that we will be able to play with! Cant wait to start making skins for it!

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yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss it rocksssssssssssssssssssss!!!!

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man, you should warn people that the link was to WhineHQ...damn now I have to reformat my hard drive like 16 times...


I was just wondering last week why there never was a BONE built for this game


But is his moniker "bigal1"...as in large lady one...hope that is a reference to the B-1

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Yeah is it Big Al 1 or Bi Gal 1? Big difference there. :blush2:

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I remain cautiously optimistic.


This would be the 3rd B-1 project I have seen started for the TW series.


Note I didn't say completed...there hasn't been one yet.


I look forward to it arriving.



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Guest 531_Ghost
  sparkomatic said:
man, you should warn people that the link was to SimHQ...damn now I have to reformat my hard drive like 16 times...


I was just wondering last week why there never was a BONE built for this game


But is his moniker "bigal1"...as in large lady one...hope that is a reference to the B-1




Get over it Sparky, there's more than one place on the INTERNET to discuss mods. SimHQ just happens to be one of them, okay? As for the rest of you, poking at a screen name who do you sound like now? A lot of the newbies don't know the history, so why bring it up? Ya know? If the Bone comes to pass and is completed and released, great! If not, that is for the modder to decide. Now go have a beer.

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only if you are buying...and I was not insulting his moniker, just wondering what the translation is, I mean, if it is "bi - girl" then it would answer my question if any girls like flight sims but if it is "big AL" well I should probably turn off those Internet flowers


And as far as WhineHQ goes, I logged more than a modicum of time at that web site...back before SFP1 was patched...unless they killed the weak and ungrateful, doubtful that it has changed much...and you are very correct, there is here and C5 and that French website with all of the cool stuff that I like to randomly download it is like a box of chocolates.


Oh, and since I see so many old names from WhineHQ either here or at C5's and knowing you all have busy lives, it allows the idea to linger that it has not improved much back there



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Guest 531_Ghost
  sparkomatic said:
only if you are buying...and I was not insulting his moniker, just wondering what the translation is, I mean, if it is "bi - girl" then it would answer my question if any girls like flight sims but if it is "big AL" well I should probably turn off those Internet flowers


And as far as WhineHQ goes, I logged more than a modicum of time at that web site...back before SFP1 was patched...unless they killed the weak and ungrateful, doubtful that it has changed much...and you are very correct, there is here and C5 and that French website with all of the cool stuff that I like to randomly download it is like a box of chocolates.


Oh, and since I see so many old names from WhineHQ either here or at C5's and knowing you all have busy lives, it allows the idea to linger that it has not improved much back there




And that is what I'd like to change. All I'm saying is, why stoop to the level the forums once were with all the bitching and complaining, counting rivots... It's time to move on, ya know? As for the beer, sure I'll buy next time I'm in Oki or you make it to MCAS CPEN ;)

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  sparkomatic said:
Much like the F-101B...I know, I know...I should make it myself








Relax dude there are many WIPS out there that people dont know about......Thanx to the rivet counters..most modelers will no longer post pics of WIPS...yours truly included :ok:

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Man I hope this aircraft come's to fruition, I alway's loved the B-1, even as a kid when I saw one at an airshow my dad took me to.

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  Veltro2k said:
Relax dude there are many WIPS out there that people dont know about......Thanx to the rivet counters..most modelers will no longer post pics of WIPS...yours truly included :ok:



Yeah, and it's a shame. You had some great pics.

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  Jedi Master said:
Yeah, and it's a shame. You had some great pics.




Even though my time dedicated to modeling has significantly diminished, all projects I posted in the past are still going strong, made many mods since then, when the time comes and I get more help with FM and skinning, they will start getting released

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  Veltro2k said:
Even though my time dedicated to modeling has significantly diminished, all projects I posted in the past are still going strong, made many mods since then, when the time comes and I get more help with FM and skinning, they will start getting released


thats most excellent news.

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Oh, dont mistake me...if it becomes available I will be like first in line and it will be joyous!

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  sparkomatic said:
Oh, dont mistake me...if it becomes available I will be like first in line and it will be joyous!


Will you do a dance?

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Guest 531_Ghost

[disco music] Make a little love? Git down tonight? [/disco music]

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  531_Ghost said:
[disco music] Make a little love? Git down tonight? [/disco music]


You should be flogged for that! :biggrin:

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  HrntFixr said:
You should be flogged for that! :biggrin:


Repeatedly, and without mercy!


What is it about songs from that era that just stick in the brain?



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