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Flight nights...

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OK all you SF, WOV, and WOE people...lets get together and fly one night per week. We can take a vote and decide which night and time is do-able for the largest number of us.


There is even "talk" of establishing a unified library of mods to play with, since I know all of us here love the addons.


Read the thread here: Sandstorm

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...I can actually here some! Just kidding. This is one of the more touchy parts of WOE/WOV/SFP1.

Edited by JA 37 Viggen

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...I can actually here some! Just kidding. This is one of the more touchy parts of WOE/WOV/SFP1.



Yes, and I am hearing the occasional tree frog too.


Seriously, Co-op missions are quite fun!! C'mon People!!

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I agree, I flew just the other night with a fellow WOV/WOE junky. He hosted and it was fun. Better than the rote missions that you get in campaign....

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well you know if I am not working I am there every night but sunday

just been crazy with work and kids

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For the last couple of nights it has been myself, StreakEagle, Tallart, and Kirk flying co-op missions in WOV. We have had some great fun.

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I'd like to get in on this, but I don't know what to do to get a multiplay setup. Any pointers?

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I'm with Longestpants on this one. I have WOV and WOE but i mostly fly WOE. Sounds like a good idea though.icon1.gif

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I'd like to get in on this, but I don't know what to do to get a multiplay setup. Any pointers?



Requirements, Software:


WOV, either by itself or merged with WOE (stop laughing, Streaky) CLEAN (no addons) and patched up to current standards


Hamachi (freeware peer to peer networking program)


TeamSpeak (also freeware) tuned to the CombatAce frequency.


Requirements, Hardware:


Headset or PC microphone for Teamspeak


Other Requirements:


Patience and a sense of humor. Readiness for challenging squinty-eyed virtual neck swivelling G-pulling fun, and willingness to get killed your fair share. Willingness to laugh about the myriad ways there are to bust your ass.

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P.S. we'd love to have you join us. :yes:

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Last night there were six of us running co-op games. Great stuff.


Hope more of you will join in the fun.

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I am absolutely down for this... but by Friday nights, what time zone are you in?

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Would be interested after April when I have more time - also depends on the time zone thing though

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Streaky is Eastern, and I am Central. Seems like 8-10pm EST works well for people.

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Historically (I have hosted SFP1 multiplayer for YEARS), if there is going to be any body online at all, the 8-10 PM eastern time frame mentioned above is the best time to hang out.

Sometimes weekends were busy... such as Sunday nights.

Usually Friday and Saturday nights are dead.

Monday thru Thursday is pot luck: 0-12 (typically 2 or 3) people popping up between Hamachi (my streakserver1 network and some VFMA 531 networks), CombatAce Teamspeak, and Hyperlobby.

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i'll be up and running soon - this weekend I'm gonna get a mic. - room for one more? I'm in eastern timezone and can play fri nights (or almost any other time - no life)


edit: Can I still join if I can't fly worth crap?

Edited by littlesmoke

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I'd love to hook-up more for co-ops(I'm less interested in straight dogfight). I tried hamachi, but i took it off as it was not agreeing with my settings and had disdabled my ability to connect with Hyperlobby(I prefer to play here). I'd sure like to see a dedicated server for WoV that connected through Hyperlobby.

I have a question...is it possible to have a clean install AND an add-on install? Probably not huh? Unless a sectioned off part of my hard-drive?

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i'll be up and running soon - this weekend I'm gonna get a mic. - room for one more? I'm in eastern timezone and can play fri nights (or almost any other time - no life)


edit: Can I still join if I can't fly worth crap?




Actually, the crowd that has been flying the most lately are really laid back. I personally like to help people out with their flying...nothing quite so rewarding as seeing someone you have worked with steadily improve.

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I'd love to hook-up more for co-ops(I'm less interested in straight dogfight). I tried hamachi, but i took it off as it was not agreeing with my settings and had disdabled my ability to connect with Hyperlobby(I prefer to play here). I'd sure like to see a dedicated server for WoV that connected through Hyperlobby.

I have a question...is it possible to have a clean install AND an add-on install? Probably not huh? Unless a sectioned off part of my hard-drive?





Unfortunately, Hamachi is the only way we are able to reliably play co-op games online. Hyperlobby works pretty well for dogfights, but that's it.

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I have a question...is it possible to have a clean install AND an add-on install? Probably not huh? Unless a sectioned off part of my hard-drive?



Yes - it you mean this:



One way is to install the game,

Patch it fully,


Make a copy of the entire game folder,


Call it something like WOV_SP4_Modded or whatever,


Then run your extra add on game from the .exe from within that new folder you have just created


The game doesnt use the registry much so you can create as many installs from the original as you like


You have to do this for any campaigns you want to install anyway btw

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Streaky and I have successfully Co-Oped in WOI.... :biggrin:

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I've been playing with silverbolt NHENGO and Blasto for some time now on the italian server. You can join us if you want. were doing alot of formation flying and dogfights. what lobby are you guys in? I live on the east cost so 8 friday nights sounds good. All I need is a time and the login and password

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