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A1E Skyraider Skins

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Corktip sent me an early version of the skin and it looks great. I have about 30 tail numbers for EC/TC 1st SOS in the works, and about 32 TT, ET and TS birds. Would anyone be interested in a camoed 1966 version. No tailcodes, just serial numbers? Sort of bland, but if you fly a 1966 mission, that's the way they looked!


About 40 grey ones planned.


Mike D.


That would be great! Bland or not, it's all in the details...thanks again !

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Ok, as promised, here's the progress on the SEA camo for the A-1E. Don't look at the decals, it's just a stand off made with mppd's A-1H decals, so the skin won't look "empty":




Sweet! Bernie Fisher would be proud.

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Cork are you going to do some VNAF skins too????


Ah that's a pretty good question! I will see with Mike if he's got the material and the time to do VNAF decals, but that would be cool, yeah!


Jug, thanks a lot mate! :blush:

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Ask BadFrank about VNAF skins. He seems to have lots of skins which look great that he did, which are not officially released at CA. There are lots of neat schemes for them.


By the way, nice to see someone interested in the details too!



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That would be great! Bland or not, it's all in the details...thanks again !





How did you become interested in the Spad?

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How did you become interested in the Spad?



Think you asked the question lost of us want to know.

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Think you asked the question lost of us want to know.



Why ? Everyone has a favourite don't they. The Spad is mine. :dntknw:

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I think the real question everyone want's to know is,


How does an attractive 22 year old woman end up here at all? this kind of thing is the sole reserve of us geeks, ageing, overweight etc.. etc..


Still no one is complaining I guess :smile:

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What do you mean? Speak for yourself, fella...check out my profile again, big boy...

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What do you mean? Speak for yourself, fella...check out my profile again, big boy...




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I think the real question everyone want's to know is,


How does an attractive 22 year old woman end up here at all? this kind of thing is the sole reserve of us geeks, ageing, overweight etc.. etc..


Still no one is complaining I guess :smile:



Ok, I'll get myself a nice pair of thick rimmed spec's, eat myself silly with chocolate and crisps and start swatting up on Einsteinian geodesics...


Really lads, come on. I'm into what I'm into and that's all I have to say about that. I get enough stick from my friends about it already and the only thing they know about aircraft is that they have wings ! If that makes me a geek then so be it... :biggrin:


Can't help the way I'm made or what I like. To explain why I like aircraft would take a whole topic and bore the pants off most people anyway and then don't even get me started on the historic side of things especially the Vietnam era. Suffice to say I feel a certain affinity with that time, god knows why but I do. I like to read all I can about it and so to be able to participate virtually is the next best thing. Jeez, sounds like I'm trying to glorify the war, I certainly aren't and have nothing but respect and admiration for anyone who participated in it. I have read well about all it's horrors etc. There you are look...you got me started !!


This topic is about skins, not my skin so can we leave it at that please. Cheers my dears ! :biggrin:

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Nice one Sparky ! :biggrin::good:

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Aww Craig, wasn't mean't as a go !


Just if I had a penny everytime some guy asked why I'm into what I'm into...I'd have about 27p !


Seriously, you should see them run a mile. They either think I'm a nutcase or a tree-climber ! :blink:

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Can't help the way I'm made or what I like. To explain why I like aircraft would take a whole topic and bore the pants off most people anyway and then don't even get me started on the historic side of things especially the Vietnam era. Suffice to say I feel a certain affinity with that time, god knows why but I do. I like to read all I can about it and so to be able to participate virtually is the next best thing. Jeez, sounds like I'm trying to glorify the war, I certainly aren't and have nothing but respect and admiration for anyone who participated in it. I have read well about all it's horrors etc. There you are look...you got me started !!



I can relate to that in a way - The fact that I live in a different country and wasnt even born makes it even more weird - but I suppose many Americans may see the Falklands or the Battle of Britain in a similar way.

It was an old sim called Flight of the Intruder that got me - mainly because the manual itself was full of stories and reasons to why it went like it did - either way it got me hooked on the subject - its amazing that something with such hopeless graphics could capture an imagination like that - and it helped that the F-4 was still in RAF service at the time to a degree.


I dont think that having an interest is glorifying anything tbh - everyone knows the score - but you just gotta respect the Jets and the bravery/skill of the pilots - and yes despite the horrors of war you still want to place yourself in their position and see if you have got what it takes! (for some reason)

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Anyway, speaking of skins and decals, Corktip has half of the decals from me (all the EC/TC 1st SOS birds) and all of the rest are coming in a few days, then we'll work on the grey birds of the 1st/602nd ACS. Early birds should have VNAF national insignia, back in the 1964 days when a VNAF "pilot" sat in the right seat. They did away with the sham by 1965 and went to the straight USAF star & bar.


Mike D.

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Anyway, speaking of skins and decals, Corktip has half of the decals from me (all the EC/TC 1st SOS birds) and all of the rest are coming in a few days, then we'll work on the grey birds of the 1st/602nd ACS. Early birds should have VNAF national insignia, back in the 1964 days when a VNAF "pilot" sat in the right seat. They did away with the sham by 1965 and went to the straight USAF star & bar.


Mike D.



Thanks Mike & Corky. You two are real stars.


Looking forward to these immensely.

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Ok, I'll get myself a nice pair of thick rimmed spec's, eat myself silly with chocolate and crisps and start swatting up on Einsteinian geodesics...


Really lads, come on. I'm into what I'm into and that's all I have to say about that. I get enough stick from my friends about it already and the only thing they know about aircraft is that they have wings ! If that makes me a geek then so be it... :biggrin:


Can't help the way I'm made or what I like. To explain why I like aircraft would take a whole topic and bore the pants off most people anyway and then don't even get me started on the historic side of things especially the Vietnam era. Suffice to say I feel a certain affinity with that time, god knows why but I do. I like to read all I can about it and so to be able to participate virtually is the next best thing. Jeez, sounds like I'm trying to glorify the war, I certainly aren't and have nothing but respect and admiration for anyone who participated in it. I have read well about all it's horrors etc. There you are look...you got me started !!


This topic is about skins, not my skin so can we leave it at that please. Cheers my dears ! :biggrin:


Hear, hear. I had a 5'6" little blonde Lieutenant re-qual me in the T-38A upon my return from attache duty and she could fly me into the ground with one eye closed. Up to that point I was the best pilot I knew. Appears she is running on the same JP-7 you are, so you are certainly not alone. Don't be the least bit trashed by this crowd. After all, we're all a crowd of jolly-good wanna-be's. I think you said in an earlier post that joy and skill in this sim is not plumbing specific. Couldn't agree more and I am glad you are participating in this forum. Makes the place smell better.

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Roger that, but she's still a geek hanging around this forum on a Sunday afternoon instead of out driving some guy crazy...



Just kidding,


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:biggrin: MMMMwwaaahhhh ! :biggrin:

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Guest CW2. Wells


Edited by CW2. Wells

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Alright ladies and gents (most of you anyways). Lets get this thread back on topic. Age, sex, race..ect, have nothing to do with A-1 Raider skins.



And what about a sexr old racing Skyraider skin? :biggrin:

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Why ? Everyone has a favourite don't they. The Spad is mine. :dntknw:


My question wasn't because you were a female why you liked the Spad. Others jumped in not understanding. I mean what drew you to like it. My favorite is the F-8 Crusader, the first time I saw it in person I was hooked. It was sitting at the flight line at Hanscom AFB back in 1985. After that I have been in love with it ever since.

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Makes the place smell better.



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