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WoI Historic Mods Thread

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Further reporting....


Both the Suez and Isreal2 are working fine, when referenced to the GermanyCE.cat (desert cat, obviously, works perfectly). I had to transfer the terrain tiles from I2 to Suez (cause I was lazy and didn't want to d/l another set , or go hunting on my HD -- where I KNOW I've got Polak's unzipped somewhere)


I just want to know WHY I can't get the vietnamsea.cat point to work...that just bugs the s**t outta me!! I'm usually the guy that has NO problems with any terrains in any game


The only thing I haven't actually tried in move the VNSEA.cat into Suez and rename, like we used to do in The Bad Old Days.


Like Johan said, we want to make this as 'easy as possible' for folks --


CA: i've noticed that too...kinda interestering!!


Further reporting....


Both the Suez and Isreal2 are working fine, when referenced to the GermanyCE.cat (desert cat, obviously, works perfectly). I had to transfer the terrain tiles from I2 to Suez (cause I was lazy and didn't want to d/l another set , or go hunting on my HD -- where I KNOW I've got Polak's unzipped somewhere)


I just want to know WHY I can't get the vietnamsea.cat point to work...that just bugs the s**t outta me!! I'm usually the guy that has NO problems with any terrains in any game


The only thing I haven't actually tried in move the VNSEA.cat into Suez and rename, like we used to do in The Bad Old Days.


Like Johan said, we want to make this as 'easy as possible' for folks --


CA: i've noticed that too...kinda interestering!!


opppy edit..hit the wrong button... :crazy:


Johan, if you want to use the Suez (provided it works), I can easily add truck routes shipping routes. I remember it was a little 'short' on them. It really needs a lot more of them!!! The only reason I'm 'pushing' for Gepard's maps, as the Cyprus airbases are already there. We can 'dress up' this old lady with more objects and such easily.


I'll keep experimentating....there's too much good stuff already done to waste!! :grin:



kevin stein

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Ok, NOW i'm p**sed off!!!




vietnamsea cat pointer, polaks tiles....one of the advantages of having an extra large HD, with mulitple installs of the game. Still some flakiness at the corner transition tiles...wonder if there's another tile set we can experiment with....


Works perfectly! All the usualy expected objects are there...airfields, buildings, etc. I MUSt have just missed something super simple!! Have no idear as to why it acted so weird; unless it's a tileing thing?? :dntknw: Hey, I'm the targets guy, not the tile guy!!! :wink:


And looking at the differences between Suez and I2, I've come to realize that with a very few modification I2 can be made to work for everything up to =and including= the 6 Day War, as all the fields on Cyprus are there. Need to modify the 'border positions' in the movement ini; I know Gepard posted them somewhere here over the last few weeks, to bring them in line with the pre-67 borders. change the alignments of a few bases in Sinai, adjust some targets (Abu Rudis oil field's on the west coast of Sinai, not in Egypt proper) Oh yeah, we can do this!!!


Let me finish off the IsraelME upgrade -- have some birdges to lay across the Jordan and Nile, and then I'll turn my attention to back-dating the I2 map.



kevin stein

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Wrench maybe try Deuces' Euro repaint? Anything that has respective tile names convention will be usable, but Polak's is obviously best choice.


Which map is the one pictured? Suez 2 or Israel 2.1? I think it's something messed up in the terrain _data.ini file, BUT the .tod files (coordinates and mesh data for trees and buildings) are simply linked to respective tile names -desert2farm50.tod being placed on desert2farm50.bmp etc.

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That's the Suez map, with polak's tiles, VietnamSEA cat pointer. Odd, very odd..


I'm about 95% done with the I2 rebuild...changed the alignments of the Sinai bases, used the border layout Gepard posted, and we have the pre-67 map, with operational bases on Cyprus. Added about 15 more routes, shipping, truk, ground attack.


Still depating weither or not to use my 'large urban module' (ok, polak's LUM); if using his tiles, there's lots of city buildings on the city tiles. This meas I can add the port and oild terminal at Lataika, Syria...more stuff to blow up is always a good thing.


I'll have a look at deuces, and see whats what. It's really working out well; at least with the desert and germanyce cat pointers. I'll check deuces with the VNSEA cat and see what that looks like. Should check Deuces photo-desert, but I don't know if that's still around for general usage...


I see Dave has a carrier out there....if we want to add the carrier stations for Musketeer, I'd need to guesstimate their locations, unless someone has more info???? I know they'd be north of Bur Siad, and somewhere between the mouth of the Nile Delta and the Canal??? Placing one off the Lebanese coast should be fairly simple.


Off to do research....how exciting!!!! Got the cursed thing working!!!



kevin stein

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Just a quickie screenie...planning map screen, Isreal 2, 1958 mission year




borders are pre-67, with EAF bases in Sinai.


Tiles are going to be the biggest bugaboo...Gepard has a nice set for use with both...just have to experiment a bit more



kevin stien

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Terrific. Can't wait.


I've not been idle either.




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Jordanian A, blk 10?? Nice!!!


You know there's some 'egyptian' AIM-9P's over in the WoI Loadout Thread??


I still have to post some of the 'tweeks' for the Foxbat and Fulcrum (Syrian)



kevin stein

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Has anyone done an Egyptian J-7 and J-7 III yet? Both are still in the EAF arsenal.


Other things on the go:

- T-37 (RJAF)

- F-16A (EAF)

- C-130 (EAF & RJAF)



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Terrific. Can't wait.


I've not been idle either.




Hey Lloyd


RJAF didnt get BLK 10's. This is straight from F-16.net


Peace Falcon I

F-16A Block 15 ADF 12 220/231 1997-1998

F-16B Block 15 ADF 4 232/235 1997-1998

Peace Falcon II

F-16A Block 15 ADF 12 600 series 2003

F-16B Block 15 ADF 5 600 series 2003

Second-hand I

F-16B Block 20MLU 3 ? 2006

Second-hand II

F-16A Block 20MLU 17 ? 2006-2007

F-16B Block 20MLU 5 ?

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I'll make the change.




Edited by LloydNB

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These are the carrier stations I used on the Israel2 terrain. Tommy station is in the Red Sea, which is actually incorrect, but maybe useful for other purposes. The other two should be fairly close to the real locations.



Name=Tommy Station









Name=Yankee Station









Name=Task Force 345.4








For IsraelME it looks like this (all in the Med, Task Force 345.4 is the French carrier)



Name=Task Force 345.4









Name=Tango Station









Name=Zulu Station







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Name=Beruit Station









Name=Gaza Station









This are the ones I made from the WOI terrain.

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IAF Mohawk from another 3D modeler.

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1956 frontline for IsraelME map, or rather an approximation of it (that's why I made most waypoints hidden :biggrin: ). It works well in the campaign because all action takes place over the Sinai and Egypt anyway. Note that in WOI you don't need to put this data in the terrain's movement.ini, but just in the campaign_data.ini











































@Wrench: will you be using the Suez2 terrain or Israel2? My SuezCampaign in the MidEastWars pack includes a slightly changed targets.ini and types.ini, maybe these can be useful. This weekend I'll try to finish my translation of these files, there are a lot of names that need a bit of changing.

Edited by Johan217

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I'll double check, but I think I left the carrier stations alone in Isreal2 ... the Red Sea station might have a shipping route running through it (i've got one from Suez to the top of the Red Sea towards the Gulf). The only things I took out are the 'manuver start points' east of the Bar Lev Line (whose forts/bunker complexs now has a start date of 1969)


I'll definately add Dave's to the updated WoI targets ini


And just so everybody knows; this is something I just can't resist, there will be an Easter Egg in the desert southwest of Cario. Nothing important, just 'something you shouldn't distrub.....' *


I hope to have it ready late today or Monday, for I2. Still have to dial in a few things in norther Syria; Latakia port/naval base and the oil terminal will be off from their real life postions about 50-80 km, due to 'edge of the map issues'. All will be covered in the readme. along with reccomended tiles (and a repainted tile for Polak's desert -- replaced one of the 'flugpaztewerute' ) Those with the desert or GermanyCE cat, use those and the tiles that came with the terrain; those with WoV will need to use Polak's tiles. Even with the few little 'glitches' amongst the transtion tiles (see my screenie above with the Sabre), they seem to have very little problems. Definately is/was a tiling issue as to why the VNSEA cat was crashing out.


Lloyd: we're talking the older, pure-Fishbed based J-7??? Like Madcaddie's and Howling1s?? If so, I can do them up in about 10-15 minutes each!! Hoepfully, they're the 2 wing pylon type, not the 4 like the J-7BS, that lacks the outer pylons.


Expect some post this weekend in the KBs "WoI Weapons & Aircraft Mods Thread"...stuff for the 3rdW FLoggers, the Foxbat and Fulcrum.



kevin stein

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there will be an Easter Egg in the desert southwest of Cario. Nothing important, just 'something you shouldn't distrub.....' *

A Stargate? :biggrin:

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An Ark (of The Covenant)? :angel:


BTW nice Mohawk Dave. Coming soon?

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No, the Gate was found on the Giza plateau. This will be west of Thebes (kinda sorta...I don't think the map goes quite that far south to the 1st Cataract)


Besides, we don't have a lod a Chapa'i :haha:



kevin stein

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Johan: I'll need to see you nations ini, for the Location=. I haven't done anything to the stock one, other than translate the national name:











ie: this is for Isreal2. I've got it so it covers 1948-1967. Anything after the 6 day war can use the WoI map, I figgers :rofl:



kevin stein

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Johan: I'll need to see you nations ini, for the Location=. I haven't done anything to the stock one, other than translate the national name:


TheaterName=the Middle East







Location007=the Sinai

Location008=the Mediterranean

Location009=the Red Sea

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(Mr Burns voice)....EXCELENT!!!


I'll have to make a few 'adjustments' as to Sinai...I just made it Egyptian. Ok, I was lazy :rofl: Historically accurate, but lazy


Getting closer to completion; it'll probably be out before the IsrealME tweekd targets and types. Still have to adjust a few postions of items, and add the IDF HAWK batteries to Isreal2. They're already in the IsraelME version.


A full list of any item needed (ground objects, ships, etc -although Gepard included a couple of parked boats-) will be in the readme. Expect the usual suspects!


The RAF bases on Cyprus are needed a little work....have to remove some items/replae with others.



kevin stein

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An Ark (of The Covenant)?


What's this?

Ark of the Covenant.

Are you sure?

Pretty sure.



BTW nice Mohawk Dave. Coming soon?


Well I have been trying to get a hold of the author for awhile now. It's good for AI as its about 85% complete model. But as you can see Sundowners, high res skin does wonders for it. I will keep trying though.



The RAF bases on Cyprus are needed a little work....have to remove some items/replae with others.


Kev were you able to over come the wall issue?



Lloyd: we're talking the older, pure-Fishbed based J-7??? Like Madcaddie's and Howling1s?? If so, I can do them up in about 10-15 minutes each!! Hoepfully, they're the 2 wing pylon type, not the 4 like the J-7BS, that lacks the outer pylons.


I will talk to the MF about the J-7's, I would rather have something made as the J-7 than a work around. Don't you agree?

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EAF F-16A Block 15


It appears that EAF F-16s were painted light gray all over. Just tweaking and weathering to do.


Edited by LloydNB

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I like, I like......

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The Wall Issue isn't an Issue on Gepard's map :haha:


I'm rebuilding the Isreal2 for 1948-1968 time frame. Anything after that, the stock IsME map is better. Ya'll are just gonna s**t yourselves when you see what I've done with Gepard's work!!! :haha: Right now, there's 316 target areas; that beats out the DS map!!! And I only added 6-8 items to the types ini. Still thinking about flags....???? :dntknw:


I totally agree on the MF Fishbeds...I used one of theirs (21F CZ) for the Iraqi F-7, and bapo mentioned something about doing the F-7B/BS types with the 4 wing pylons - this was back when we first started the DS rebuild.


Lloyd: you get the bits together, and we can post the 'how to' in the WoI Only Weapons, Loads and Other Tweeks Forum in the KB.


note to self: finish off the EAF Rhino; sundowners skin is just toooo nice to let languish!



kevin stein

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