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WoI Historic Mods Thread

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Right now, there's 316 target areas; that beats out the DS map!!! And I only added 6-8 items to the types ini. Still thinking about


Ah well you haven't got my memo about the more targets needed in the DS mod then... :biggrin:

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Seahawk FGA.6 depart Larnka? Akrotiri?? Anyway, one of the places on cyprus




Isreal2 map, Polaks tiles.


btw, those 316 target zones DOES include the 1 in the "Forbidden Zone"



kevin stein

"Death Shall Come On Swift Wings"

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The Wall Issue isn't an Issue on Gepard's map :haha:


I'm rebuilding the Isreal2 for 1948-1968 time frame. Anything after that, the stock IsME map is better. Ya'll are just gonna s**t yourselves when you see what I've done with Gepard's work!!! :haha: Right now, there's 316 target areas; that beats out the DS map!!! And I only added 6-8 items to the types ini. Still thinking about flags....???? :dntknw:


Veryy impressive work, Wrench! :clapping:

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In Knowledge Base Wrench shows a way to add F-100D's cockpits to Mystere IV, Super Mystere and Sa'ar.


It's a good choice me thinks as F-100 is present in all previous jet titles.


The Hun pit fits fine IMHO, however I'm working on a small adjustments/movements to it here and there + new paint to fit better Super Mystere /Sa'ar cockpit:




The only problem is that the only good photo of SMB2 cockpit I have shows it heavily decompleted, and the other photo doesn't show the gunsite and HUD glass mounting at all.


I know Ordway works on the Mystere-series pits also, but here's my attempt.


If you have any photos or info related, I'd appreciate PM-ing me :yes: -specially about the Sa'ar new avionics


It's not meant to be super-accurate :no: , rather a workaround/placeholder until someone makes a better one.

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CA_Stary, that's a pretty tasty pit you've put together! Are you using the Hi-Res Galanti F-100D cockpit pieces?

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Hrntfixr and I are putting the finishing touches on a Mirage 5DE. Which was an exported Mirage IIIE in every sense of the word. So this is a total mod using the correct plane. Almost done.

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Nice one Dave!


Also, taking a break from being cross=eyed with maps to being cross=eyed with skins, this little bugger is almost ready...




New skin, using my enlarged templates, based on the 3rdWire stock skin, colors from a few pieces of box-art I have (both EAF and SyAF seemed to use the same colors and patterns)


I gotta tell ya, that 17PF lod is mapped so unbe-frakking-lievalbly strange; reskinned it 12 times (I have a template for it), before I got it this close. A lot of the problem is the aft 'edges' are jagged. If they were straight, it would have been a little easier. Also, only the left side, 33% of it actually show on the plane. The rest is just along for the ride. What a *&%king nightmare!!!


Just a basic, guns-only PF Fresco-D, no misslies or rocket pods. Data ini updated to pure WoI standards; new WoI style hangar screen, uses Paladrins Fishbed cockpit (like like the other Fresco updates I did last year). One of my source books mentions that one of these was coming into land and **some** EAF base, just as the IDF hit it in the 6 Day War.


Sheesh...we really need to good RP-1 equipped version of this... :crazy:



kevin stein

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CA_Stary, that's a pretty tasty pit you've put together! Are you using the Hi-Res Galanti F-100D cockpit pieces?


No, it's repaint of stock F-100 -but no worry I increase the resolution a bit. I think tomorrow it'll be up if time permits.

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Ok this is done. Just need to get permission to upload it. Skins by Hrntfxr.

As delivered to Libya, the Mirage 5DEs were by all purposes Mirage IIIEs interceptors, equipped with Cyrano II fire-control radar and Doppler (mounted in a prominent fairing under the cockpit), but with a stretched forward fuselage (i.e. the intake lip behind the rear edge of the canopy), and an additional fuel tanks behind the cockpit. Except for two DEFA 30mm cannons, they were armed with Matra R.530 air-to-air missiles, only one of which could be carried bellow the centreline.


So this mod was easy, really. Took the MF Mirage IIIE and did a straight convert to a DE. And here is the result.

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Looking better all the time! We gonna get the skin with the orange ID triangles?? Be a nice stable-mate for Ant's EAF Phantom.


I came across something about the Lybia Mirage 5s, apparantly the DID have an RWR, so using the stock Nesher pit would be a good alternative. I'm assuming the EAF's would be the same??



kevin stein

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Looking better all the time! We gonna get the skin with the orange ID triangles?? Be a nice stable-mate for Ant's EAF Phantom.


I came across something about the Lybia Mirage 5s, apparantly the DID have an RWR, so using the stock Nesher pit would be a good alternative. I'm assuming the EAF's would be the same??



kevin stein


The Libyan 5DE's didn't have orange triangles. Also the 5D's did have RWR. The 5D's had minimum avionics though It was an export model.

Edited by USAFMTL
Found better info

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Now this is nit-picking but I hope that somenone can help me resolve it.


At what angle from the fuselage should the wing stripes be on the EAF MiG-15 and MiG-17? I said it was a bit obscure.


There seems to quite a few interpretations around and many show the stripes parallel to the fuselage. The best I have come up with is that the lines followed the rivet lines and therefore were about 40 offset from the fuselage. It seems that the lines on the WoI stock MiG-17 are not at quite the right angle.




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Now this is nit-picking but I hope that somenone can help me resolve it.


At what angle from the fuselage should the wing stripes be on the EAF MiG-15 and MiG-17? I said it was a bit obscure.


There seems to quite a few interpretations around and many show the stripes parallel to the fuselage. The best I have come up with is that the lines followed the rivet lines and therefore were about 40 offset from the fuselage. It seems that the lines on the WoI stock MiG-17 are not at quite the right angle.



According to color plates I have there were different combinations: sometimes all stripes were black, sometimes green.

The fuselage stripes could be green, green with a white band in between, or black. On the wings, the middle stripe was usually wider than the other 2, but some instances show the 3 stripes of equal width. On all examples on the color plates, the wing stripes appear to be very much like in the picture you attached, i.e. parallel with the rivet lines.

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Working on the Hunter skins now, converting the stock Mk59 to an RAF Mk5...

Next on the list will be the Canberras and the MysteryIV...


No1 Sqn and No34 Sn in the background:


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This one's done.....




nationalized weapons, Sundowner's HiRez skin. Just need his OK to upload it as a full package.



kevin stein

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Nice work on the Hunters Johan!


BTW. that Super Mystere B.2 cockpit repaint is up if you want it :wink:

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This one's done.....




nationalized weapons, Sundowner's HiRez skin. Just need his OK to upload it as a full package.



kevin stein



Wrench, check the freeware licensing and you wouldn't have to ask. Got you! :biggrin: See most of us are moving to a fair use, freeware environment so you don't have to sit on mods. Not a good way to build a community. I will have the Mirage 5DE uploaded in a bit.

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Mirage 5DE ready to go. LloydNB, Johan and Wrench should we do a EAF decal job for it since they were on "loan" to them?


Note the slightly increased black field on the national marking, as well as identification panels in orange, outlined in black, applied on the fin and the spin of this aircraft.


Source: http://www.acig.org/artman/publish/article_353.shtml


Judging from the color plates on the same page, the EAF kept the western type numbers on the fuselage.

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What can I say, I'm old fashioned! :rolleyes:


I guess I'll get started on the read me, with the weapons updates (everything from the Arab Nations F-16, plus the MER, Sparrow and Mk.82s), and get a package ready to go


Those skin bmps are gynormous!!! End user might have the resize them down; I'll leave Ant's original readme, as always!



kevin stein

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Note the slightly increased black field on the national marking, as well as identification panels in orange, outlined in black, applied on the fin and the spin of this aircraft.


Source: http://www.acig.org/artman/publish/article_353.shtml


Judging from the color plates on the same page, the EAF kept the western type numbers on the fuselage.


So do we want to one with and without orange triangles?

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Both would be nice. :yes:


Now how are we going to distribute all this stuff - new aircraft, skins, an amended terrain, new loadouts to allow "enemy" aircraft carry NATO weapons, data.ini changes, ground objects etc. Given that we are talking about material covering 60 years of hostilities.


Are we going to release it piece-meal at Combatace and allow everyone to put together what they want? Or are we going to put it altogether. I'm not suggesting anything as complicated as an install patch like YAP. We could just provide a central guide to where to find everything useful, sorted by the different time periods (1948, 1956, 1967, 1967-1973, 1973-1980s, modern).


Just thought we should at least discuss this early on.



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Both would be nice. :yes:


Now how are we going to distribute all this stuff - new aircraft, skins, an amended terrain, new loadouts to allow "enemy" aircraft carry NATO weapons, data.ini changes, ground objects etc. Given that we are talking about material covering 60 years of hostilities.


Are we going to release it piece-meal at Combatace and allow everyone to put together what they want? Or are we going to put it altogether. I'm not suggesting anything as complicated as an install patch like YAP. We could just provide a central guide to where to find everything useful, sorted by the different time periods (1948, 1956, 1967, 1967-1973, 1973-1980s, modern).


Just thought we should at least discuss this early on.




Are we going to release it piece-meal at Combatace and allow everyone to put together what they want?


I think it would be easier to do it that way. Gives the end user a lot of freedom.

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Some excellent work going on here, dont forget AD's SU-17 though......its still available and there are a few skins for it.





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Getting there, have to fix the spine.

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