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I run all of my flying sims on a computer that is NOT hooked into the internet. I recently received WOE and tried to download it and it would not run because I need to have DirectX 9c, and I ran my DirectX version and it in fact says I have version b.


Now I thought the game had version c in it, so I downloaded it, and damned if it didn't upgrade.


WHERE is the Directx folder? Can I delete it and reload version c? I have all the versions and they are all Cabinet icons, do I drag and drop these somewhere?


I looked everywhere and can't seem to find Directx and I'm wondering why it won't upgrade. Heck, I can't even install any WOV service packs because I don't have version c.....Blah!


Any help?

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You need Direct X to run the Game.


Search for a newer Version ...

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CAB files will not install on their own. If there is an MSI, right click and choose install.


To check your version, click on start, run, and type in DXDiag.


It will tell you all kinds of useful information about your system...

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There is always in microsoft site new version of directx9.0c,for myself I had directx9.0c version November 20007.


Search the last version at microsoft site.

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Okay, this is a little more complicated than "You need Directx to run the game". No Offense, but I'm running WOV quite nicely, and any other sims that need Directx 9B...see the B, yeah, well, it won't go to C. I've run the install newer version, and I run it and check the DXDIAG and it still is sitting at B.


Pardon if I'm a little testy, I am a bit illiterate when it comes to computers, but I'm trying to figure out WHY it won't update so that I can fix it.


Going to Microsoft and downloading the newest version isn't going to help me either. I've shot that MIG down a long time ago. I download Version C to my jump drive, take it to my computer and My computer asks me Where I would like to extract these new files to and I don't have a clue because I can't seem to find a Directx file anywhere so I can update it.


I'm going to check the MSI and get back to you.

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This link will take you to the Microsoft download for the March 2008 Directx Redist.


Click on the download button and download the file (I think it's 69.5 MB) to your desktop. Virus scan it to be safe (I'm paranoid!), then extract it to a folder on your desktop with an appropriate name (Directx March 2008 Redist). After extracting it to the desktop folder, open the folder and find DXSETUP (it is an image of a desktop computer with a software box next to it). Double click on DXSETUP and let it run. The Redist package includes ALL the Directx files, and the March 2008 Directx Redist was only released maybe two weeks ago.

This will give you a pristine install of all the most current Directx files Microsoft has available. It works like a champ for me.

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There are different versions of direct X 9c to confuse things more - best to follow the link at the bottom here:




Direct X is not part of WOE in anyway - its part of Windows if anything - which is why you need to download it from Microsofts web site. Once downloaded you should be able to install direct X by double clicking on the downloaded .msi file



If WOV is running ok then you may not have patched that to the latest Third Wire Service Pack - WOE was released as SP4 and needed the later DX9 whereas WOV only needs it if you patch it up to the 5-15-06 service pack



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Okay, still looking for the MSI file. I ran the March redist file and downloaded it to a file on my desktop. Named it 9c, then ran the DXSETUP file. It takes 2 seconds and then it says good to go.


Go back to DXDIAG and it STILL says 9b......RRRRRRR, I'm about to frag my computer.


It has to be Windows. Is it preventing itself from being updated or something weird like that?


I keep thinking if there was a way to get rid of Directx all together and then reload 9c.....


Or there is some setting I'm missing that is saying No Way Jose......


Or I could replace the existing files with new ones.......


I'm about to offer up a reward for the first person who can give me the magic secret to 9c.


....back to finding the MSI file.

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Try rebooting before and after you apply the DX update.

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Well, I'm beginning to think it's my computer. I went out and bought a new video card with DX9c on the disc and it wouldn't load up.


Time to upgade it looks like.

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Yeah Eric, C just won't download. No matter what I do. I even picked up a new video card that has an install disc with 9c on it and my DXDIAG still reads that I have 9b.


Of course, I took WOE over to my brothers place and his computer didn't have 9c and it loaded right up. It actually LOADS (9c that is). I try it on mine and it says it's loaded up in about two seconds and it's ready.


Could it be that my computer can't hack 9c? Its truly wierd and frustrating.


A side note, I had a 5300 Nvidia card in my computer and was having problems with my view in WOV. Only half my aircraft was showing up on the screen. I bought this new card, a BFG Nvidia 6800, and now I have a whole aircraft to look at. I was shaken a little when I was trying to land though, the game just crashed, but it seems to be working fine now.


I'm going to bounce this 9c thing around the computer guru's I know and see if I can find a fix because WOE looks too cool to have to wait for a new computer.

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Computer support is difficult because there are so many possibilities.


DirectX is a core component of Windows and part of the Kernel, it's why I hate to offer advise... but


When you run DirectX Setup, it looks for a newer version of DirectX. If a newer version appears to be installed on your computer, DirectX Setup displays the message "Setup was completed" and then does not install a copy of DirectX.


If this happens, you can only install a version of DirectX that is newer than the one that appears to be installed.


You can use dxdiag to check the current version installed on your computer.


To verify that all DirectX files are installed


  1. Click Start, and then click Run.
  2. In the Open box, type:
  3. Click OK.
  4. Click the DirectX Files tab, and then look in the Notes box. If all DirectX files are present and undamaged, the Notes box reports "No problems found".

If the diagnostic tool reports that any files are missing or damaged, reinstall DirectX from your Windows CD or install the latest version of DirectX from Windows Update. To go to the Windows Update Web site, click Start, point to All Programs, and then click Windows Update.


Can you install the latest version of DirectX?



Now if you still have problems you can download an offline distro from microsoft here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/thankyo...displayLang=en#





If you still have problems and DirectX is still reporting that "No problems found" in the notes box, then I might try reloading the OS.



** This information is user beware, I offer no support for crashing your OS. Always create a restore point before attempting any changes **

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The relevant files are *probably* posted somewhere. Just Google around a bit.


Be forewarned, though--the last guy I read about who tried to do what you're contemplating spent the next three weeks trying to get his computer to work right again; it made for pretty grim forum reading.


With that in mind, are you getting any error messages when you try go upgrade to DirectX 9c? Maybe somebody here could walk you through the problem non-destructively.


Aside: Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.

Edited by Tristan

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I've run DXDIAG a million times and it still sings the same song. One guy from Best Buy told me my Video card is probably old, which it really wasn't. I upgraded anyway, in hopes that would clear up the problem. Somehow, my computer is probably fooling Directx into thinking it already has 9c.


It is amazing what we will go through to get something to work on a computer. I have so many different things on my computer that re-loading the OS would be scary, so I'm thinking of saving a few bucks and going out and getting a new one.


Of course, I'm also scared of Vista. My luck is I would pick a new machine up with Vista and NONE of my sims would work. So I'm hoping to pick up a new one pretty quick here and get XP on it and all will be good.


I appreciate your help, and everyone else who responded to my call to try and get me off the Deck. I'll fly the SEA theatre in my trusty old F4 until I can upgrade.

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No error messages, just says 9c is installed. I'll do some research though.


By the way, Nice Avatar.

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  SJPhantom said:

No error messages, just says 9c is installed. I'll do some research though.


By the way, Nice Avatar.

On my system the directX 'ingredients' are in C:\programme files \direcX. There are loads of DX files there plus the setup exe. It's a bit confusing because there are two similar looking exes. but only one updates/sets up. Like this dxwebset .exe. & DXSETUP. exe... it's this one DXSETUP. exe that updates/instals.

Does this help at all?

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