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What do i chose?!?!?

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Hi guys!!


I'm very excited because i think i found the combat simulator that i needed!! Yes :biggrin: after that much time!! :rofl:

But not everything are roses! :sorry: In Argentina (my location), i don't get SFP1 any more and the only one i could get is WoEurope.

I know the games are from the same developer but what i don't know is if WoE/WoV/WoI are SFP1 add ons or they're separate games.

And if they are: which one i should choose?


Well thanks guys in advance :notworthy::notworthy:

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Hello tanocapo, they are seperate games. You should type Wings over europe review or WoV review etc... in Google to find out about the games.

WoE seems the most solid game with the most mods out there. But WoI is just out and the AI seems better.

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I have WOE and WOV which are both good and with this site you have tons of add ons which makes it better. I wouldn't mind get WOI and SFP1 which i here are good. Even though from the same developer the i think the games are different in there own way such as missions, terrains and campaigns.

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Beware that there's an upcoming update for older games that will bring their AI, FM and to some extent graphics to the level of WoI. That means that some mods and add-ons will need an update or tweaks. :blink:

BTW, if you buy from TW online store the installer seems to be already of the latest available version. The WoV I got from there is v. 8.30.06 without applying any patches or service packs. In theory that means that WoE and WoV and SFP1 people will download from there after the coming update will already be improved, and for them there won't be any reverting to earlier builds to play with some old add-ons.

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Ok guys and is there any possibility to add older campaigns from SFP1 or WoV (if i choose WoE) for example?


Sorry guys for my questions, i'm like an old uncle. :dntknw:

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Bottom line: you can afford to get all 3, do so. Really!!!


as to the older mods, alot of the older terrains (maps) kinda require the 'desert.cat' from SF. There are some workarounds, but if you have all the older games, it's still best.


WoE, IMHO, is the best of the series.



kevin stein

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Campaigns tend to be specific for a certain terrain.


So you can't really add campaign for SFP1 Desert won't work in WOE, for example.


However you can use a campaign for Libya (that you have used in SFP1) in WOE providing you have the Libya terrain, which you needed in SFP1 also.


Actually SF, WOE, WOV are basically the same & play/feel the same, same game engine - they are just different versions/eras in different countries. All have some of the same a/c and you can move a/c from one game to the other.


I think WOI is the sim to get but as Viper says, TW will be patching all their games to the same level as WOI, probably this year.


The price of these sims is certainly great value.

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Yeah and i don't know how i didn't find it/them before!!! :dntknw::dntknw:


Alright guys!!! I really appreciate your answers and your diligence :ok: . One last question before i make a mistake WoE Cold War: Soviet Invasion is the same that WoE Cold War: Gone Hot? Maybe differents publishers?


Well guys, again, Thank you very much. And we'll see a lot in the forum. :salute::notworthy:

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  christian59 said:
WoE Cold War: Soviet Invasion is the same that WoE Cold War: Gone Hot


your right




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  tanocapo said:


I paid about 5 pounds - say eight US Dollars - for SF Gold just a couple of months ago, and with all the patches and add-ons, which so far all seem to be compatible (though sometimes need basic tweaking), it's brilliant value. The entire series seem essentially compatible, so all in all, you pay for the basic engine, and go from there. SF Gold has the desert terrain as default, BTW. Recommended!

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Yep, that's great bargain.


I'd recommend to anyone, especially with SF & WOV, to dl the entire game from Thirdwire. You get the game with the latest servicepack and so you don't need to bother with applying the patches. Still cheap.

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you can get all of them from the thirdwire website...just download it...saves from throwing away the box as well...

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I'd say SFG is the best value because of what you can add to it for the price.

Best overall is likely WOE. I don't say WOI only because the large number of changes to it limit how many mods for SFP->WOE work "unaltered" with WOI.

If you're NOT modding, WOI is the best "out of the box". :grin:

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Only WoV has the NAVY cockpits F-8, A-6, and A-7, and with some work and study of the Brain Base, these cockpits can be used for any other aircraft and in any other of the Tksims.


We don't know if there will be another Tksim where these cockpits will be available.

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