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Desert Storm Update

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From Dels, via wpnssgt's max file. With JSF Aggie putting the skins on it. (Still WIP)



This will be part of the release of the DS mod.


But we also have an early G model. Early H model (with tail gun) and late H (minus tail gun) which we will release later. (All AI only)


So sit back, relax, enjoy the work of this these fellas.

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Very nice!


Re:B-52 upgrades, I wasn't being sarcastic, I wanted to know what they've done :wink:

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Re:B-52 upgrades, I wasn't being sarcastic, I wanted to know what they've done :wink:


In 1994, the latest B-52H modification program began, the Conventional Enhancement Modification (CEM) program. CEM was designed to give the B-52H a capability for conventional warfare that it had not previously possessed. During the early 1990s, the USAF had planned that the B-52G would perform the conventional and maritime mission, with the B-52H being restricted to the nuclear standoff role. However, the B-52Gs were retired and the B-52H had to be able to take over some of its conventional warfare duties. The first stage in the process was the addition of AGM-142A and Harpoon capability to the B-52H. This was made possible by adding the Heavy Stores Adapter Beam (HSAB) to the underwing weapons pylon, which made it possible to carry weapons that were too long or too heavy to be accommodated on the I-beam rack adapter. The HSAB, which was originally fitted to the B-52G, made it possible to carry up to nine large weapons on each pylon externally, the precise number depending on which weapon is being carried. Later, a Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation system was added, with receivers located at the offensive station. An AN/ARC-210 VHF/UHF radio with secure voice encryption capability was added, and Have Quick II anti-jam features were added to the UHF wavelengths available at the pilots' and offensive stations. SINCGARS anti-jam/secure capability was added for VHF communications. The Military Standard 1760 databus was added to prepare the B-52H for a new generation of weapons not yet in the inventory such as the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM), the Joint Stand-Off Weapon (JSOW), and the Wind-Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD).


Among the weapons that the HSAB modification now enables the B-52H to carry are the Rafael/Lockheed Martin AGM-142A Raptor inertial/TV guided missile, the AGM-84 Harpoon antiship missile, the AGM-84E SLAM, the GBU-10, the MK84 or Mk 60 CapTor mine, the GBU-12, Mk 55/56 mines or JDAM, Mk 40 DST mines, British 1000-lb or 2000-lb bombs, or any bomb that can be carried by the I-beam.


The version of the Harpoon that is carried currently by the B-52Hs is the AGM-84D Block 1C, but a Block 1D version with enhanced range is planned for the future. The B-52H carries the Harpoon only externally, and can carry up to 12 of these missiles on the underwing pylons. Currently, the 96th BS has all the Harpoon-modified aircraft. The first live Harpoon launch by a B-52H took place on July 25, 1996. Although the B-52H can self-target its own Harpoons, the usual practice is to use a Navy aircraft such as an S-3 Viking or a P-3 Orion as an external targeting platform. By 1997, the specialized HACLCS equipment that needs to be fitted to Harpoon-capable B-52Hs is scheduled to be replaced by a new Harpoon Stores Management Overlay (SMO) system, which will allow the B-52H's offensive team (radar navigator and navigator) to load Harpoon-specific weapons software in order to target and launch the weapons.


For stand-off missions, the B-52H can carry either 12 AGM-86C ALCMs, eight AGM-130A rocket-powered bombs, or three AGM-141 Raptor missiles with data link pods. For naval operations, the B-52H can carry either eight Mk 55/15 or Mk 60 mines internally or ten Mk 60 mines on wing pylons. Alternatively, eight AGM-84 Harpoon antiship missiles can be carried on the wing pylons.

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Here's a shot of the planning map, at the start of one of the two campaigns I've written.


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cool, nice to see more DS stuff! i have some relacts of B-52, Tornado and F-111 being damaged by Iraquians MiG-29, it will be cool fight agains these BUFF, don't want a invencible BUFF like TW stock one( it's impossible to shoot down!).

i hope when all Marcelos's stuff get ready(Damn'it , i hope sooner) they could be used in DS mod too, to populate the airbases and to simulate the Great Air Bridge USA did with gulf war in 1991. :good:


keep working guys!




erm, i'm reffering to the KC-10, IL-76 and C-5 õ/

Edited by Silverbolt

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That's a big big surprise,finally a late series BUFF,I'm really happy!I hope that it will be downgradable for woe users!

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DS is based of WOE not WOI. Alot will change with the patches I'm sure.

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I hope the will be used with or without,I don't wanna loose fps,like in woi,just flying a beauty like the buff!

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Am I a sick monkey since that map pic gives me wood?




Looking mighty fine folks, I hope to be a respectable distance away from one of those Buff runs.


Light `em up!

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Hope this will be released for WOI cause of modern avioncs stuff. Looks good, all those pics make it very hard to wait!

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Hope this will be released for WOI cause of modern avioncs stuff. Looks good, all those pics make it very hard to wait!


Its for WOE only. As we are using several things from it.

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Are you planning to release it after patchupdate?! Or before?! By the way nice project.


2 campaigns?!


one kuweit and the other the Iraq invasion?! Sounds interesting.

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Are you planning to release it after patchupdate?! Or before?!


Read Hrntfixr's reply above.

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2 campaigns?!


One will be a historical '91 version, at least as close as we can get with the game engine. The second will be a '91 what if version: full Iraqi resistance, Coalition drives all the way to Baghdad.


Once the games are patched, there will not be any avionics in WOI that are not in the other games.

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Great work there guys. Looking forward to this one.

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Great work there guys. Looking forward to this one.


Me too

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Ten.....thousand! :biggrin:

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