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A couple reasons for this post.


The first reason is not actually contributing anything or asking any questions, as much as I'm just excited about what I did and want to share it. I've wanted for while to have 1980's campaign involving carrier ops and some of the 80's aircraft I've downloaded. I know there's a vietnam 1984 campaign out there, but it needs a stand alone install and comes with a bunch of stuff I didn't really need or want. There was just a handful of planes I wanted to be able to fly in a campaign, that's all. So I just created a new campaign folder for LBII, extreacted the campaign data and made a few changes. I changed the date to 1985, and then just went through all the air units, and changed out the 70's aircraft for some of their 80's counterparts.


USAF F-4's --> F-15A's and F-16 Blk 10's (depending on the A/A and A/G mission chances)

USAF F-105's --> F-111F's and an A-10 unit

USN F-4's --> F-14A's and FA-18A's depending on the mission chances

USN A-7's and A-6's --> FA-18's


And I think I threw some AV-8A's and FA-18's in for the USMC.

I replaced mig-17's with Mig-29A's and some Mig-23's


After that, all I had to do was go back through all the player units and make sure that they started with the right fuel tanks and maybe add ECM pods or any other specialized weps that particular aircraft might use. Also had to make sure that F-15's and F-14's had 0 chance for any A/G mission types.


Bam! There ya go. A quick and easy 80's SEA campaign with limited add-on's and about 45 min of work.


The second reason for this post, is to ask about CAS missions in the VietnamSEA theater. I'm wondering what I need to do to get some to show up in campaigns. I know there must be a target area already, since you can do CAS in single mission. I'm using the WOE .exe, so that can't be the problem. But if I task an air unit 100% CAS, with 0% for everything else, I still get recons and strikes with no CAS. Is there something I need to add to the campaign data to get the CAS to show up?



Edited by malibu43

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Cant remember ever getting CAS mission in WOV - though its bin a while since I played the std version


Are the tanks in your campaign in service till 1985?

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This sounds great!

Sorry I can't help with your question. Hope someone can.

It sounds like it would be fun to fly! I hope you are willing to share it once it's done.

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  CoolHand29 said:
Cant remember ever getting CAS mission in WOV - though its bin a while since I played the std version


Are the tanks in your campaign in service till 1985?


I changed some of the mission percentages for the stock WOV campaigns and still didn't get any CAS missions, so it doesn't really have anything to do with my custom campaign. I think it's a WOV issue.


Good question about the tanks, though... I'll have to double check that either way.


  TurtleHawk said:


This sounds great!

Sorry I can't help with your question. Hope someone can.

It sounds like it would be fun to fly! I hope you are willing to share it once it's done.


Yes, if people are interested, I will definitely post it.

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  malibu43 said:
I changed some of the mission percentages for the stock WOV campaigns and still didn't get any CAS missions, so it doesn't really have anything to do with my custom campaign. I think it's a WOV issue.


Good question about the tanks, though... I'll have to double check that either way.




Yes, if people are interested, I will definitely post it.

I'm REALLY interested in your contribution and thank you for your work and time!

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  malibu43 said:
I changed some of the mission percentages for the stock WOV campaigns and still didn't get any CAS missions, so it doesn't really have anything to do with my custom campaign. I think it's a WOV issue.


Good question about the tanks, though... I'll have to double check that either way.




Yes, if people are interested, I will definitely post it.


You need have ground units in combat to get CAS missions. The Standard WOV has only two ground units, and they are adjusted in a way that never go in combat, since WOV is main directed to the bombing missions on the North.

Check this campaign http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5389, I've got some CAS on it. I've collected a lot of things to make this type of campaign, but the RL don't permited me start.


Sorry the bad english, I responding quickly 'cos I'm at work and english not is my natural tongue.

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  Roberto Skylord said:
You need have ground units in combat to get CAS missions. The Standard WOV has only two ground units, and they are adjusted in a way that never go in combat, since WOV is main directed to the bombing missions on the North.

Check this campaign http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5389, I've got some CAS on it. I've collected a lot of things to make this type of campaign, but the RL don't permited me start.


Sorry the bad english, I responding quickly 'cos I'm at work and english not is my natural tongue.


Cool. Thanks for the pointer. Once I get the CAS thing worked out, I'll look into posting the campaign in the downloads sections. Maybe some of you that are interested could help me out by testing it before I post it for the masses...?

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  malibu43 said:
I changed some of the mission percentages for the stock WOV campaigns and still didn't get any CAS missions, so it doesn't really have anything to do with my custom campaign. I think it's a WOV issue.


Good question about the tanks, though... I'll have to double check that either way.




Yes, if people are interested, I will definitely post it.


Great idea! I wanted to download Vietnam 1984 until I realised I had to d/load over a fresh install. I did something similar myself with SFG, where I shifted the years of all the campaigns forward between ten to fifteen years; Almost doubled the amount of active and inactive squadrons (bringing in the RAF to the fight alongside Dhimar) and my personal favourite was making the 1st Special Operations Wing an exclusively air-to-air group, while creating a "2nd Special Operations Wing" which specialises in air-to-ground missions. Yeah, I think what your doing is a fab idea. Hell, I'd be glad to help you if I can. Keep the midnight oil burning bud! :good:

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I'll be out of town this weekend, but I'll add the ground units when I get back and hopefully be able to share it sometime next week.

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  Roberto Skylord said:
You need have ground units in combat to get CAS missions. The Standard WOV has only two ground units, and they are adjusted in a way that never go in combat, since WOV is main directed to the bombing missions on the North.

Check this campaign http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5389, I've got some CAS on it. I've collected a lot of things to make this type of campaign, but the RL don't permited me start.


Sorry the bad english, I responding quickly 'cos I'm at work and english not is my natural tongue.


Roberto - I got off work early and had a chance to work on the CAS thing. I downloaded the 68 Tet campaign, and also the infantry pack. I added the infatry pack to the ground objects and added all the ground units and nodes from the 68 tet campaign to a copy of the rolling thunder campaign. I then changed one of the units to CAS=100 and 0 for all other mission types. I still got only recon and strike missions. No CAS. I can see the red units showing up of the map, but for some reason I'm still not getting tasked with any CAS.


Anyone know what else I need to do?

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  malibu43 said:
Cool. Thanks for the pointer. Once I get the CAS thing worked out, I'll look into posting the campaign in the downloads sections. Maybe some of you that are interested could help me out by testing it before I post it for the masses...?
I would more than happy to help out.

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  Ultramax said:
Great idea! I wanted to download Vietnam 1984 until I realised I had to d/load over a fresh install. I did something similar myself with SFG, where I shifted the years of all the campaigns forward between ten to fifteen years; Almost doubled the amount of active and inactive squadrons (bringing in the RAF to the fight alongside Dhimar) and my personal favourite was making the 1st Special Operations Wing an exclusively air-to-air group, while creating a "2nd Special Operations Wing" which specialises in air-to-ground missions. Yeah, I think what your doing is a fab idea. Hell, I'd be glad to help you if I can. Keep the midnight oil burning bud! :good:
Hey Ultramax would you be willing to share your modded campaign with the community or discribe to us on how to do the same thing? I'd love to be able to fly in your campaign!

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  Viper6 said:
Hey Ultramax would you be willing to share your modded campaign with the community or discribe to us on how to do the same thing? I'd love to be able to fly in your campaign!


No problem my friends, but f**k, where do I start?! Let's see, hmmm, there's been a s**t load of modifications made to objects and data files all over the shop. I'm not sure if you've done it before but its so hard to keep up with who originally done this and that, but since you sent this message it's got me thinking that,hey, it's good to share. At least I know what I'll be doing over the weekend. Watch this space my friend! :this:


BTW, In the meantime, here's a sneak preview.....


Operation Quick Sand:

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BTW, In the meantime, here's a sneak preview.....


Operation Quick Sand: 1968

Operation Rattlesnake: 1976

Operation Desert Thunder: 1986


Major Players


Good guys: Royal Dhimari Air Force; USAF;USN;USMC;RAF,Merc Unit X2


Bad Guys: Parani Air Force; Egyptian Air Force; Iraqi Air Force; French Air Force (Sorry guys!) and others here and there

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  Ultramax said:
No problem my friends, but f**k, where do I start?! Let's see, hmmm, there's been a s**t load of modifications made to objects and data files all over the shop. I'm not sure if you've done it before but its so hard to keep up with who originally done this and that, but since you sent this message it's got me thinking that,hey, it's good to share. At least I know what I'll be doing over the weekend. Watch this space my friend! :this:


BTW, In the meantime, here's a sneak preview.....


Operation Quick Sand:

I thank you for your time and effort! Man is this the best or what!

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Since everything seems to be there but the CAS part of things, I'll go ahead and let you guys try this out and give me some feedback. Just drop the whole folder into your campaigns folder. I have a merged install of WOE/WOV, so if you don't have that, you'll need to add a few additional aircraft. I think most of them can be found here at CA, and the rest are at Column5. You'll need:


Bunyap's weps pack

F-15A (WOE)

A-10A (WOE)

FA-18A (C5)

F-16_Blk10_NDC (C5)

F-14A (C5)

F-111F (CA)

Tornado GR (CA)


Infantry Pack (CA, needed only if we get the CAS missions to show up)


Let me know what you all think:


http://www.sendspace.com/file/dayls0 <-------------Download Link!


And someone get the CAS missions to work in campaigns! Good luck!


PS - None of the units are 100% CAS in the version I posted, so if you're trying to trouble shoot the CAS thing, I would pick one of the units and make them 100% CAS for testing purposes.

Edited by malibu43

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have you defined "Ground_Attack" routes in the movement ini??? You'll need more than the stock one gives you.



kevin stein

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  malibu43 said:
Since everything seems to be there but the CAS part of things, I'll go ahead and let you guys try this out and give me some feedback. Just drop the whole folder into your campaigns folder. I have a merged install of WOE/WOV, so if you don't have that, you'll need to add a few additional aircraft. I think most of them can be found here at CA, and the rest are at Column5. You'll need:


Bunyap's weps pack

F-15A (WOE)

A-10A (WOE)

FA-18A (C5)

F-16_Blk10_NDC (C5)

F-14A (C5)

F-111F (CA)

Tornado GR (CA)


Infantry Pack (CA, needed only if we get the CAS missions to show up)


Let me know what you all think:


http://www.sendspace.com/file/dayls0 <-------------Download Link!


And someone get the CAS missions to work in campaigns! Good luck!


PS - None of the units are 100% CAS in the version I posted, so if you're trying to trouble shoot the CAS thing, I would pick one of the units and make them 100% CAS for testing purposes.

Should i put it into WOE or WOV? or both?

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  Wrench said:
have you defined "Ground_Attack" routes in the movement ini??? You'll need more than the stock one gives you.



kevin stein


Thanks! Is there somewhere that will explain in detail how to do so? If not, I'll just look at the WOE campaign and try and figure it out...



  Viper6 said:
Should i put it into WOE or WOV? or both?


Well, you need an installation that has everything I listed with the download link, plus the VietnamSEA terrain. So depending on where you have everything installed, it may be easier to drop the VietnamSEA terrain into your WOE installation if that's where everything else is. Bottom line is that you need everything I listed and the VietnamSEA terrain in one install.


Let me know how it goes!

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  malibu43 said:
Thanks! Is there somewhere that will explain in detail how to do so? If not, I'll just look at the WOE campaign and try and figure it out...





Well, you need an installation that has everything I listed with the download link, plus the VietnamSEA terrain. So depending on where you have everything installed, it may be easier to drop the VietnamSEA terrain into your WOE installation if that's where everything else is. Bottom line is that you need everything I listed and the VietnamSEA terrain in one install.


Let me know how it goes!

ok i have it all in WOV im off to try it now

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Ok malibu, I just tried your campaign I was sent to knock out the Paul Domner bridge up in the north just me and my wingman in F-16's armed with 4 2000lb bombs and ecm pod. OMFG!!! at 50 miles out we started to get painted by SAM sites that were EVERYWHERE! By the time we got to within 10 miles of target i was out of chaff and on the deck at 100ft MAX altitude! Next thing i know there are MULTIPLE SAM's inbound. I was over Hanoi and could not go any lower than 50 ft I evaded the first two sams but in doing so had to rise up to miss hitting a building and POW! 2 more sams hit right behind my AC my ccip is knocked out and my engine is smoking badly just before i try to punch out 2 more sams finish me! Talk about intense! Did i mention that this was just the 1st mission :blink: Excellent work my friend! you should consider making more of these campaigns. Lawd! im hooked. BTW, ANY mission over Hanoi even in 1985 is just asking for trouble!

Edited by Viper6

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F-16's over Hanoi? Ouch no wonder you got your ass shot! Sounds like a job for F-111's to me!

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  GreyCap said:
F-16's over Hanoi? Ouch no wonder you got your ass shot! Sounds like a job for F-111's to me!
What i don't get was i was no higher than 100ft but it made no difference! BANG! im toast!

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  Viper6 said:
What i don't get was i was no higher than 100ft but it made no difference! BANG! im toast!


Hey, those Vietnamese only import the very best in SAM technology!

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  GreyCap said:
Hey, those Vietnamese only import the very best in SAM technology!
lol ain't that the truth!

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