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Does the Weapons Pack - 03 Jul 06 works on WOI?

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Well self explanatory...

Has anyone tested it yet? I don't wanna go trough the whole process after a failed installation :biggrin:

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Well self explanatory...

Has anyone tested it yet? I don't wanna go trough the whole process after a failed installation :biggrin:


That weapons pack will mess up your WOI installation:



use this instead (haven't tried it myself though):

Mirage Factory Weapons Pack for Wings Over Israel

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There is a way to merge the old weapons pack with the new MF WoI pack. This will ensure you have everything you need.



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That weapons pack will mess up your WOI installation:



use this instead (haven't tried it myself though):

Mirage Factory Weapons Pack for Wings Over Israel

Thanks, I added that one already?


There is a way to merge the old weapons pack with the new MF WoI pack. This will ensure you have everything you need.




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All the information in all the above posts is absolutely 100% WRONG!! (excepting maybe the TMF merge bit - which is NOT reccomended see "WOI Mods Thread" for more info, basically, add ONLY the weapons needed for specific aircraft). Merges are not reccomended due to sometimes 'doubling' of some weapons (ie: multiple entries of the same one)


The Buny Pak sure does work in WoI, if you do a few simple things


1) D/L the new WoI/FE weapons editor

2) Install WE and WepPak to you WoI install - place the editor in a seperate folder in game install -- works better that way with less chance to open the wrong wepondata.ini.

3) Open the Buny Pak with the new editor -- here's where it can get interesting....


There have been some changes in how weapons are set, with the addition of a few items, like station specific coding, increased/Adjustable CEP, and supersonic drag coefficents.


You can get away with simply opening a few of the weapons, do the usual "look at, click OK, SAVE" as we've always done, and it'll rebuild 99% of the items to the current standard.


The other, longer way around is to open each of the weapons entries and do the same.


Personally, I just did the quickie way, and I've had no problems that I could find.

Remember: the Game Engine reads the weapons.dat file, NOT the weaponsdata ini. That exists to create/tell the dat file what's what. Running the weaponsdata ini through the Editor is what creates the dat file.



kevin stein

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What I do is use TMF weps pack, add things from Bunyaps pack to it and added Fast Cargo weps pack. Now I got a seriously squared away weps pack.

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All the information in all the above posts is absolutely 100% WRONG!!


The linked article showed the reviewer having to reinstall after using the weapons pack,

I didn't know there was a workaround yet as you showed.

anyway it sucks to read your quoted remark, can you be more subtile..

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anyway it sucks to read your quoted remark, can you be more subtile..


Why sugar coat it? Wrench is 100% CORRECT! You do the above methods that he said was wrong, you will be re-installing. Then people will complain we didn't warn them. Sorry man, but I for one am not going to worry about being subtle etc. Not my thing man. I call it like I see it. People need to quit being saps and overly sensitive. Real life folks, not how it works.

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What I do is use TMF weps pack, add things from Bunyaps pack to it and added Fast Cargo weps pack. Now I got a seriously squared away weps pack.
Man, I did not know Fast Cargo had a Weps pack. can u point me in the right direction? I could not locate it on my own.

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Man, I did not know Fast Cargo had a Weps pack. can u point me in the right direction? I could not locate it on my own.


He doesn't have a weps pack. I just got his individual weapons he uploaded here.

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He doesn't have a weps pack. I just got his individual weapons he uploaded here.
Yes, He does have some great stuff here, I just wish that I could just add them to the weps folder without the .ini editing :cray:

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Yes, He does have some great stuff here, I just wish that I could just add them to the weps folder without the .ini editing :cray:

If you follow my instructions, you can't screw it up. Can't seem to figure why people have a hard time of copying and pasting some lines then using the editor.

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If you follow my instructions, you can't screw it up. Can't seem to figure why people have a hard time of copying and pasting some lines then using the editor.
Combat damage to my hands have left them in very bad shape, my wife types for me but she has her limits in understanding the whole process. In any case I still have a good time here.

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Seriously, I don't use all Bunyap's weapon OR maybe it is not the time I am using them all. You can just pick a few you need and put it across the the WOI folder.


I am more concerned about another problem with weapons. When an ground attack aircraft is attacked int he air, it dumbs all its bombs and evade without ever trying ot get to the target. Is it just my WoI installation or you also have had the same problem?

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You do the above methods that he said was wrong, you will be re-installing.

sure, except that is exactly what I wrote, so where did I write something not true? beats me.

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I am more concerned about another problem with weapons. When an ground attack aircraft is attacked int he air, it dumbs all its bombs and evade without ever trying ot get to the target. Is it just my WoI installation or you also have had the same problem?


Basher, I'm sure the more knowledgeable folks in the forum will correct me on this point but isn't it SOP for attack aircraft to jettison external ordnance (drop tanks, air-to-ground munitions) when engaged by air-to-air threats? Isn't the idea to fight another day? Just my tuppence worth.



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Basher, that's normal... it is the procedure, unless they have guardian angels, strike aircrafts jumped by bandits will jettison loads and flee, or fight if they have no other choice, it is easier and less costly to launch another strike than replace a plane and pilot, and with full load, the strike aircraft would stand no chance (the weapons not only add drag, but also weight, inertia, also most of these weapons and attachments have G limits, meaning that the plane can not maneuver as necessary in case an attachement breaks or the ordnance "breaks", meaning that even if he survives the engagement, there would be a chance that his missile wouldn't fire (electronics too shaken up, data link disconnected), would be a dud, or simply won't leave its rail (a part deformed due to the stress of the hanging weight at high G), also there would be the risk of weapons detaching under high G, and hitting parts of the plane, which is dangerous).


Once again, it's not a problem, but a more proper simulation of procedures than what you envision.

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Combat damage to my hands have left them in very bad shape, my wife types for me but she has her limits in understanding the whole process. In any case I still have a good time here.


Ah copy that. Are you hands going to get a full recovery?

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sure, except that is exactly what I wrote, so where did I write something not true? beats me.


It is what you said after that got my attention.


anyway it sucks to read your quoted remark, can you be more subtile..


That is what I am talking about.





Yes you do not want to fight with drop tanks on, too much drag. Speed is life.

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Ah copy that. Are you hands going to get a full recovery?
Negative, They are a done deal. sometimes i feel like Edward sissor hands but i'm still alive for what it's worth ( my wife is frowning at me now)

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Negative, They are a done deal. sometimes i feel like Edward sissor hands but i'm still alive for what it's worth ( my wife is frowning at me now)


Good point, drop me a PM. I got some questions for you and an idea.

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@Viper6: Hope you find a way to make this work as best as you can! Salud!





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@Viper6: Hope you find a way to make this work as best as you can! Salud!





Rgr that! I'm really having a great time with all the stuff that I CAN do. This site is full of the kind of men and women that make this world a much better place! My hat off to ALL of you!

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