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Hey, i don´t want to be responsible of the unemployment of to many skinners. :biggrin:

There will be templates included, i´ll bet there will be a bunch of guys working on missing paint shemes. :wink:

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very nice the Mirage 2000 double-seated!!

a single-seat version will be done too???

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very nice the Mirage 2000 double-seated!!

a single-seat version will be done too???


yup,it in garage by MF :good:


can't wait for both.

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the Dassault Rafale too?

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Ah man that's so cooooool ! I miss the M2000 so much ! Just one more thing, only Mirage 2000 "B" (and "C") wear the blue scheme. The Mirage 2000 "N(uclear)" wear the same scheme but in Dark Green et Dark Grey with a light grey applied on the belly (like "C" and "B"). Only he Mirage 2000 "D" are full painted. But I guess you already know it ;)


Here is a example: MIRAGE 2000 D


And here is also an experimental low visibility scheme applied on a Mirage 2000, could be fun: M2000 Expe Scheme


Nice job tough :good:

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Well, that´s the wonderfull part of the sim, you can have so many "what if´s". :biggrin:

If you don´t want a skin, just don´t use it! :haha:

Joking, but seriosly, i just thought it would be nice to have a wide option on colors.

Here´s the "real" skin, although it´s WIP, missing weathering effects. These pics also show the models features (gear, canopy, airbrakes, slats, lights)


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Not yet. When the cockpit is done it will be released in a huge package. (several skins and layered templates)

I hope to get a nice EXE file done to install it.


I never ask " When?!", but now I will ask, as much nicely as possible. Is there an estimate for release?

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I never ask " When?!", but now I will ask, as much nicely as possible. Is there an estimate for release?

I would if i could...

Cockpit is in a very early stage, but i hope to get it done in, let´s say next 2 month. Depending on how much time RL/job offers. It might be done faster, or take longer, who knows? That´s the reason, why no modder can give you definite release point. :dntknw:

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If you need help for real decals and numbers or for the avionnic let me know i have a couple of things ready :biggrin:

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Great Job !!!


I saw this kind of bird over my village from the BA 133 (they are playing over the vosges mountains)




Are you going to make specific fuel tanks and weapons for it ?



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I would if i could...

Cockpit is in a very early stage, but i hope to get it done in, let´s say next 2 month. Depending on how much time RL/job offers. It might be done faster, or take longer, who knows? That´s the reason, why no modder can give you definite release point. :dntknw:


I understand of course. thanks for the answer. Being a "modder" myself (not at your levels, not even close ) I understand your points. Thanks for filling the gap with the m2000D. I'll be waiting patiently for this beauty

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Are you going to make specific fuel tanks and weapons for it ?


The "MF" have already done the job ! Take a look in their last weapon pack... :yes:

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The "MF" have already done the job ! Take a look in their last weapon pack... :yes:

I will add some Fueltanks myself, to have the different camo present. For other weapons, i would also suggest "TMF" weapons pack, as they did a great job on models and data!

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Viva La France! :good:

i love those deltas, my favourite, M2000C




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This is the real M2000 cockpit I got this one from the net, the radar scope is located a bit higher than the drawing


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This is the real M2000 cockpit I got this one from the net, the radar scope is located a bit higher than the drawing


it's an Mirage 2000-5, not an 2000D as the amoflook's one.

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it's an Mirage 2000-5, not an 2000D as the amoflook's one.



Mirage Factory?

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Is the 2K-5 from TMF?

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IIRC MF is coming with a Mirage 2K-5, which we would see in..."two weeks" time.

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Best of all worlds... Mirage2K-5 and Mirage 2KD! Can't wait!

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ops, no.....

its "Made in China"


YEYEYE did it, but he lost the max file in a HD crash

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Just a small update....


Front seat is now almost completely mapped. Only need to make some rudder pedals and the needles/digits. When this is done i can start to copy the stuff to the backseat. Still a long way, but it is ongoing. :yes:

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