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Hello guys & Spadgirl,


I've updated Green Hell to version 2.


Quick summary taken from readme coz I need some sleep :crazy:


-Three levels of detail for you to choose from.

-All new jungle graphics

-Cities, the way they should be.

-Objects numbers per tile vary from x2 up to x4 more than in GH :yes:

-All foliage graphics replaced by new MUCH BETTER BLENDING with the terrain textures, and in higher resolution.

-More detail added to the villages, as an attempt to create better looking settlements, but still limited to what Terrain Editor can offer.

-Generally nicer views, lower framerates*
















Status: uploaded


*To my own surprise cities don't inflict that much of a framerate drop.

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hi, do these updates work with edwards photorealistic vietnam terrain? thanks, dan

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Green Hell 2 will be forbidden terrain for mudmovers! To nice to drop bombs on it! :biggrin:


Great one!!! :ok:

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Icomiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fie:

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man i wish WoV didnt run like such a pig on my machine

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P.s. I've installed it overwriting the previous GH-1,(just earning time-same install procedure-over brain 32 tileset in Vietnamsea) overwriting with the new high ones and works perfect!!!

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Do i need to have the first version installed or can i just install this one?

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@jodandawg: it should work, but I don't have Edwards terrain so I don't know if he changd some texturenames. Backup and try.


@PIGHUNTA: no, you don't have to install the first Green Hell. Everything needed is here

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Great job really amazing thx a lot for this gift !!

i've got a question : when i use the high def GH2 i get CTD with the famous blue screen telling me my compter have a graphic problem (a dll sucks nvp4.dll or some stuff like that) and that he must reboot if i don't want being killed.. it doesn't happen every time but it's very annoying.. with the medium def it seems (not entirely sure) that it's not appear. It's not the first time that i get this pb i used to have it with a plane don't remember which one..anyway I must say that this kind of ctd only appears with tk games, my graphic cards is a 8800 GTS 320 Mo and my os XP and i've been telling that this blue screen could be due to of a lack of my memory card, that could explain the difference between high def and medium def...

Does anybody have a theory on this, or someone who have this kind of worry so as to i try to solve this pb?

Thx in advance

Edited by galoub

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Darn, that looks awsome, good thing I have a new system :yahoo:

Off to check it out in-game :)

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Great job really amazing thx a lot for this gift !!

i've got a question : when i use the high def GH2 i get CTD with the famous blue screen telling me my compter have a graphic problem (a dll sucks nvp4.dll or some stuff like that) and that he must reboot if i don't want being killed.. it doesn't happen every time but it's very annoying.. with the medium def it seems (not entirely sure) that it's not appear. It's not the first time that i get this pb i used to have it with a plane don't remember which one..anyway I must say that this kind of ctd only appears with tk games, my graphic cards is a 8800 GTS 320 Mo and my os XP and i've been telling that this blue screen could be due to of a lack of my memory card, that could explain the difference between high def and medium def...

Does anybody have a theory on this, or someone who have this kind of worry so as to i try to solve this pb?

Thx in advance


You could look and see if any other driver versions work? assume you have checked basics like defragging etc


They all work on my GeForce7600 (forceware 93.71 is best for me)- but as ever I still get a lot of shimmering on the trees even with AA/AF up to max - the card hates tgas for some reason - i really need to sort it out sometime!

Edited by MigBuster

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Great job really amazing thx a lot for this gift !!

i've got a question : when i use the high def GH2 i get CTD with the famous blue screen telling me my compter have a graphic problem (a dll sucks nvp4.dll or some stuff like that) and that he must reboot if i don't want being killed.. it doesn't happen every time but it's very annoying.. with the medium def it seems (not entirely sure) that it's not appear. It's not the first time that i get this pb i used to have it with a plane don't remember which one..anyway I must say that this kind of ctd only appears with tk games, my graphic cards is a 8800 GTS 320 Mo and my os XP and i've been telling that this blue screen could be due to of a lack of my memory card, that could explain the difference between high def and medium def...

Does anybody have a theory on this, or someone who have this kind of worry so as to i try to solve this pb?

Thx in advance


Try applying these settings to your flightengine.ini if you haven't yet:














It's an old solution from KB for CTDs and low framerates. Also as Mig Buster pointed out, try other (new?) drivers

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I have a lot of shimmering too on some rooftops flying above cities ,with gray striped ones exactly,i have both my twin nvidia 9600 running perfect for the rest

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I have a lot of shimmering too on some rooftops flying above cities ,with gray striped ones exactly,i have both my twin nvidia 9600 running perfect for the rest


Yes, I tracked the "shimmering rooftop" bug. My fault -it's created by tw buildings placed one inside of another, will fix it!

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I have a lot of flickering trees which strangely I didn't have when trying the beta you gave me. Sorry about that btw, I only had time to test it like once and completely forgot about it :D

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I have a lot of flickering trees which strangely I didn't have when trying the beta you gave me. Sorry about that btw, I only had time to test it like once and completely forgot about it :D


No worry my friend, your opinions you send me earlier were most valuable :yes:


Flickering trees you say? Few things you might want t try:


on top of the VitnamSEA_data.ini file, try lowering the values in red:














to these values:









these are numbers from beta I send you (so smart I saved it on HD!)


also IF that won't work, again in VietnamSEA_data.ini, under the [AlphaObjectTextureMaterial] section, try changing the line:








less nice but might help


If the above doesn't work, drop me a PM

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