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Georgia moves against separatists

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After Georga moves on seperatists Russia invaded, Georga is trying to join NATO. Heavy fighting is reported between Russian and Georgian military elements.

Edited by MAKO69

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you are abseloutly correct man its a bad time, the olypics had just started

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1,400 civilians estimated dead...fantastic.

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Very impressive for a bit more then 24 hours of action....

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Here we go again... So far one russian Su-24 shot down, several Georgian APCs destroyed. I hope both sides overestimate the casualties. The movement of russian forces into Georgia outside of Osetia province and the bombardment of Poti civilian port and pipelines is a different story...


/Ron Perlman voice on:/


War, war never changes


/Ron Perlman voice off/

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Georgia just blew its NATO chance. I have heard that up to 4 Russian aircraft lost. Probably exaggerated.






Photos from foxnews.com

Edited by USMC Hawker

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1,400 civilians estimated dead...fantastic.


And like in any other war, who have the bigger loses... civilians...

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I heard that 3 Su-25 and 1 Su-24 were shot down.

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1,400 civilians estimated dead...fantastic.



It is tragedy.

georgia invades South Osetia.

South Osetia is frend of RUSSIA

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Does anyone yet know what exactly the events were in timeline order to this conflict? No, I didn't think so. The first thing I saw today were Russian tanks moving into South Ossetia. Now I'm hearing something about Russian forces moving into Georgia? I couldn't say with any certainty of who started what, but then I haven't heard any reliable intelligence either. My first instinct doesn't favor the Russians though from a historical perspective. Nor would I believe any news coming from any Russian media outlet. Maybe just because of a recent rash of assasinations of anyone critical of the Russian government. Oh, and that little thing about them building all those nuclear facilities for the sponsors of terrorism as well sworn enemies of Israel and the United States of America. Have they delivered those top of the line offensive aircraft to Iran yet? Anybody remember how they went right ahead and took over that airport without authorization from the rest of the peace keepers? Was that Bosnia or Kosovo? Anyway, would Georgia be in the way for the Russian plan to build a pipeline through the region? Gee, that just maybe but hey they are our friends now so if they say Georgia started it then who are we to say anything different? You know what? The more I hear people say there has been change, or there's going to be change, the more I see how everything... always... stays the same.

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the city council in Atlanta will be upset.......



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Alright ladies and gentlemen, topics have been merged.


Emotions are running high right now for obvious reasons. Language and cultural differences can easily cause misunderstandings of intent.


I urge caution when posting.


So far it's been relatively civil here...lets keep it that way.



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As ever we know FA - but the BBC say today:


Georgian president has declared a state of war and is recalling its troops from Afghanistan.


Russian jets are taking out georgian strategic and military targets in Georgia (kinda expect this) - bbc are reporting it though because an apartment block has been accidentally hit


Georgia claim to have shot down 10 Russian jets


Russia admit that 2 have been shot down


Western countries really dont want to see this escalate - although its unlikely that NATO would be stupid enough to back Georgia militarily (I hope)


This could cause energy problems for Europe if it goes much further - or just be an excuse to put petrol up even further more like - amazing how we care more about the price of petrol really!


Isnt there anything else on the other channel btw

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I don't want to sound cynic, but has anyone realized that in the past years nearly all conflicts break out in regions where it effects the oil-market? Strange!

(Reminds me a little bit of the "historic background" of Strike Fighter...)

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I don't want to sound cynic, but has anyone realized that in the past years nearly all conflicts break out in regions where it effects the oil-market? Strange!

(Reminds me a little bit of the "historic background" of Strike Fighter...)




In Europes case I think its more about Gas exported from Russia which is also why we probably wont intervene (with any luck)




from bbc (lol)


"So expect plenty of calls for restraint and ceasefire from the West, but don't expect much else - after all America needs Russian co-operation on more pressing issues like North Korea and other members of the Western alliance like Germany will hardly be anxious for a confrontation with a country that supplies much of their energy needs.


You don't start a military showdown with someone who can turn the gas off. "

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A damn sad contrast to the olympic games in china!



:dntknw: So bad...




No....never....I hope

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In Europes case I think its more about Gas exported from Russia which is also why we probably wont intervene (with any luck)




from bbc (lol)


"So expect plenty of calls for restraint and ceasefire from the West, but don't expect much else - after all America needs Russian co-operation on more pressing issues like North Korea and other members of the Western alliance like Germany will hardly be anxious for a confrontation with a country that supplies much of their energy needs.


You don't start a military showdown with someone who can turn the gas off. "


Yup, that's the point! And if you look at our current gas prizes... (I think every German knows Gazprom...)

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Click on this link: Visit this website


Scroll down for english to the "World Top Oil" graphic of highest producers. Russia's current economic and military alliance may be one reason why it would push to link through this land bridge that Chechnya, North-South Ossetia, and Georgia occupy. Does anyone know of the status of the Chechnya war? North-South Ossetia have groups who speak an Iranian dialect. Can anyone see an overall strategic goal here? Georgia seems to be sharing the same fate that Poland did in 1939. Except we all know what happened after that, don't we?


Orientation link: Go Here

Edited by Roopod

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The Russian and Iranian military alliance continues to grow.


Russia announces military alliance with Iran

Link to Story


Russia-Iran Arms Trade: Since 1992

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Iran buys 250 long-distance Sukhoi fighter-bombers, 20 fuel tankers, from Russia

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Budding Alliance: Iran-Russia Cooperation Deepens

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Israel backs Georgia in Caspian Oil Pipeline Battle with Russia

Link to Story


Incrementally going south, isn't it? Business as usual though I guess.

Edited by Roopod

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If we are going to speculate on what might happen - the immediate question is - would Russia actually invade Georgia? - or would they go in and get rid of that government that has attacked their allies in SO - then restore their own favoured government into Georgia?


After Chechnya im thinking they will just cripple the Georgian military as much as possible by air and invade SO only.


They are saying that Georgia has officially declared a state of war for 15 days - yet Russia hasnt - whats going on there?



As for Oil theories - well theres plenty of Oil near the Falkland Islands also apparently.

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Things are escalating: Massive US Naval Armada Heads for Iran: Link to story

Edited by Roopod

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Just lovely, world war 3. I just hope everyone will refrain from nuclear holocaust.

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