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WW2: Invasion of Japan?

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Speaking of A-Bombs; we can put in FAT MAN and LITTLE BOY; though they only become available for OLYMPIC landings. Because if the initial two A-Bombings didn't cause the japanese to fold; we'd have held them in reserve for OLYMPIC landings; to hit airfields, etc in the vinicity of landing beaches.

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Mike, it always has been. I've even retiled the city with the 2 rivers running through it (albeit without the Y where they meet mid-city, as no such tile exists and I'm noooot quite good enough to make one). A 'mosque' is standing in for the "domed building" in what's now Peace Park, in approximately the correct location, too. Had to create a (insert TV pitchman's voice -->) BRAND NEW CUSTOM TILE!!!! for the cityrivermouth/sea -the tga AND bmp will be included for other to use in their TEs. Several new, custom TODs too for the city/river tiles -as the stock one didn't have any trees.


I'll try to get a screenie up later today of the city.


Kure and Sasebo have been added, also, for Imperial Navy useage. Odo island had to be rebuild, as I'd tiled it all jungle, and had to redo as grass, so the "items" appear (yes, it's an Easter Egg)


CL: there's a 'alternate history essay' in the Dauntless II's package. Another in the SeaFire 46 BPF as well.

As to IJAAF/IJNAF, pretty much EVERYTHING would be available for use -- from Nate and Claudes to Franks, Tony, Tony2, all the bombers (although we're missing the Nell and Helen) to the Fritz and Franz Karyu variants.

There's plenty of 'parked statics' on all the Japanese airfields -- included some Fritz's!!


In other news from the Pacific, 801 Squadron, Fleet Air Arm, has joined the British Pacific Fleet with their new Sea Fury F.10s.



kevin stein

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knew I had it around here somewheres....


I'm about 3-4 years ahead of EVERYONE when it come to screens, hangar, loading, whathaveyou


generic loading screen for WW2 PTO installs ... it should be around here at CA somewheres ... either seperatly or in one of my myriad aircraft downloads (please note the 2 maps in the lower right corner) Yes, that IS the actual cover of the OPlan booklet



kevin stein

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Ok, mind you, given the limitations of the game engine, my skills, and the fact we are stuck with square tiles...hexs would be soo much better!!!


Anyway, here's Hiroshima. The arrow points to approx Ground Zero. I couldn't quite duplicate the exact river beds, again given the square tiles, but it's fairly close. But the rivers are lined with trees! Also, the new city-rivermouth-sea tile as well.



kevin stein

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Mix and match reskin for the B-36B. Needs more serial number decals, of course, and I'd like to change the painted on circle-w to a decal, but really don't want to make a new template for just the tail region



kevin stein

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If you all want a model or two built for this campaign, I'm up for it. Of course, you'll only be getting a model and skin - no ini work as I'm not that bright.


I've been toying around with this:



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Nice art work! The only other time I've seen that is a b&w drawing in my Fancillion book -- it never leaves the computer's side!! :wink:


Timmy, you'll know we'll take anything we can get!!! :biggrin: I wonder who we can tap for FM data ini work??? We could also use some Allied Landing craft....since I just added the 3 main landing beaches to Kyushu (LCM, LCVP, LST, etc). I could adapt the DAT barges as LCs, but don't want to hassle with the permission issues.


ezlead wants to have a go at creating a what-if campaign, so I'll be sending him the terrain VERY soon!!! Just have to work on the movements ini for the GA routes from the new beacheads.


also to several NEW custom tiles!!! Lots of NEW targets (buildings and such), the aforementioned rivers, the target ini has been 95% completely revamped, as has the terrain itself (tilewise)



kevin stein

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Awesome news Wrench!! Would be great if we have Iwo Jima/Okinawa and other USAAF bases to fly escort/bombing missions to Japanese islands. :biggrin:

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There are 5 air bases in the Okinawa area, several of the 'expansion' bases have a 1946 start date as we're assuming a non-historical 1946 start for the invasion (as opposed to November 5, 1945 as was originally planned for Olympic) This mostly because 06 level games don't support specific date start times for terrains and other objects (aircraft/ships/vehicles/etc)


So, non-historically, Kadena is a Runway4 (the large one) for bombers, Ie Shima has it's original Runway3 with a Runway2 expansion (a small medium base), as does Kadena - Runway3 then in 46 the expansion Runway2 appears as if by magic (or hard working SeaBees)

This dosen't include the carrier station surround Okinawa, including the BPF off to the southwest more or less between (off the map) Formosa and Kuyshu. Obviously, there need to be carrier stations (and the troop/supply convoy stations) off Kyushu and Shokaku for 46; these I haven't added as yet -- since we're missing any kind of APA ships (assault transports for those that haven't seen the movie "Away All Boats" - which is great film!!)


It's also been delayed in getting it ezlead, as I' keep discovering errors that need straightning out -- city tiled areas with no 'city' attached to it, and the addition of several new area. Fer Instance, in reading 'Broken Wings of the Samauri" this weekend, I discoverd that we're missing Omura city/airbase -- this is majorly important as Omura Naval Air Station is/was an important seaplane base, and more to the point, the main base for 343 Kokutai, the "Squadron of Experts". Unfortunatly, I can't get it close enough to the water (it's on the eastern side of the bay, opposite Nagasaki) for the seaplane base ala Otsu/Lake Biwa


so, I"m plugging away at it ... so ezlead, when you read this -apologies for the delay, I'll get it to you as soon as I can!!


I also need a custom jungle tod for a new grass/river/jungle tile I made, but can't do the addition of the 'items' in the TE. A post to that HELP!!! will be in the Mods/Skinning fourm



kevin stein

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Here's the start of an LCM(3). I need to know how much detail is needed - and some of the details regarding getting the model into the game - coordinates etc... I had planned on adding more detail via the skin to keep the poly count down on an obvious target.



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I'd drop Hinch a PM, as he's our resident ship-guru.


I actually FOUND an LCM already in-game, the Brit units from the Falklands mod. I'm making the modder and modertor judgement call and will most likely include them (along with 2 other ships from there that fit my needs nicely!). Full credit to Kesselbrut will be in the readme


But if you want to go ahead with, HELL YESS!!! I'll just remove the other (and save the time reskinning it too!)



kevin stein

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Hey Wrench:

No sweat big guy. Whenever you can get it ready.

I have taken a Solomons campaign(for the correct format) and I'm modding it for Olympic.

I have P-51d's,P-47n's,P-38l's,P-80's for USAF so far. I have F6f's,F4u's,F8f's,F7f's and AD-1's(Skyraiders were rushed into production-what if) for the Navy and Marines so far. I'm trying to use actual squadrons that would have been involved.

I'll copy and paste for whatever I need from terrain when you get it.

I saw in knowledge base somewhere that the game engine can handle 100 squadrons,so that is what I'm shooting for (Allied and Japanese). Not all will be flyable but should make for lots of aircraft in scenario.

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Ok, the terrain is 99.9% ™ complete. Just have a little more testing to do on the various 'routing' for shiping, CAS, etc.


When done, with all the objects attached ,it'll probably weigh in around 80 megs, zipped (!!!) I'm leaving out the battleships and the Fletcher DDs, as they're already in either the Hawaii (Pearl Harbor) or Central Pacific (Maraianas) terrain downloads. However, some modified data ini WILL be included for some ships. (remove the _AND_GROUND from the Liberty ships, no need for them to shell shore installastions, eh?)


had to make some changes in the placements of some of the landing forces; damn ships are trying to engage various other groundobjects in the target areas -- which was waaaaayyy cool, excepting the FPS went down below 5!! with all the tracer and explosions. Was really neat to see the destroyers and BBs shooting at targets in the city or nearby army camp. Unfortunatly, they don't have the gun ranges they should ... those 13.5/14 inchers SHOULD be able to shoot at least 15-20 miles..., oh well no matter they still look good!!


So, hopefully by the time the board transitions are completed, and the downloads section is back up, I'll have it ready to go



kevin stein

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Ok peoples!


The Okinawa rebuild in finished ... I"m just waiting for all the changes to the boards to be finalized before uploading it.


As to be expected, there's a very detailed readme, several new/modified GroundObjects and such, etc, etc, blahblahblah.

Expect it weigh in around 80+ megs zipped.


So, either this weekend or beginning of next week it'll be here. I'll probably upload it to my site as well, for those poor unfortunates that can't get here.



kevin stein

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November 04, 2009


Is there a time frame when Operation Downfall Invasion Of Japan will be completed.





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Get Wrench's terrific Okinawa terrain here:



I have rar'ed a beta campaign to try. Operation Olympic

It is strictly a beta campaign. If you want to change anything in it,feel free to go ahead. It is for use for anyone here.

I made a couple small edits to wrench's okinawa_targets,okinawa_nations and okinawa_movement files.


Wrench: if you do not want them to use my changes,please PM me and I will remove them post haste.


The aircraft are available from here or the modders sites.


There is a readme in the rar.

If anyone has any questions or comments please feel free to PM me and I will try to help.


I make many campaigns for myself,this is the first that I have sent out.


Edited by ezlead

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I don't mind at all!!!


My only caveat would be "back up the original inis in the Okinawa terrain folder this mod replaces". I'm a CYA kinda guy!



kevin stein

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That's gooood thinking Wrench. I forgot to put that in the readme. :oops:

That must be why you get the big bucks.

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Pity Grinch never finished his OMAHA class CLs, those'd be a nice addition to any WW2 install.



kevin stein


I...er...is there another Grinch? Cuz I never touched any Omahas...although I suppose I could, although I'm working on something else at the moment that's rather large and time consuming.

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?? I thought it was you; my apologies!! Must've gotten you mixed up with somebody else! If you want to do one, GREAT! There's obviously no rush, so take as much time as need. :grin:




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?? I thought it was you; my apologies!! Must've gotten you mixed up with somebody else! If you want to do one, GREAT! There's obviously no rush, so take as much time as need. :grin:





I'll look into it, maybe use it to take a break from the huge project I'm working on.

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On that note, having snooped around a bit this morning, anybody know of any good plan views of the Omaha? I really lucked out on the Fletcher after finding an online copy of a book one of the museums printed, saved the texture work on that one, but I'm having a little trouble getting detailed stuff on the Omaha.

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lol, Aces of the Pacific was the game that got me into flightsims. I played it until I could tell you how many rounds from what plane would kill a Zeke. For example, I can still remember that two hits from an F8F was enough to splash any japanese aircraft. I actually finished one campaign from Pearl to Operation Olympic. I had around 150 A-A kills, cant remember the A-G and naval. god those screens brought back good memories.

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