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cool! extra copy for someone else. :D


It amazes me how some people think others give a damn when they proclaim to the world that they dont like something.

"I want the world to know that I dont like this" ok? and now what?


btw- Enjoy waiting for another sim, look forward to hearing your in depth evaluation on that one 5 to 8 years from now if at all. <_<

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Guest MrMudd
Well after playing the demo I think that lock on is not worth a s**t. It just sort of sucks and it is not worth the wait of 1 and 1/2 years. It just seems very poorly made and generic with cool effects. All well I will just have to wait for some one to make a good sim one of these day. One things for sure my pre-order is canceled.

What specificaly do you not like about the Demo? judgeing the End product by the Demo that was based on early code is a bit preconcieved is it not? :unsure:


Not that i am defending the Developer of the Title. But your post does not generate any type of discussion other than flameing the developers.


A well detailed post on what it is you dislike currently and wish to see in a sim stimulates the flight sim community.


These developers are in this buisness to make a buck. They will more than likey read your statement , Blow you off as an insignificant quantity and look for the voice in the crowd that is more detailed and constructive in their posting. This is what the Developers look for. A voice with Cause and Effect. the trolls only get looked upon by both the consumers and developers as nothing more than another inconvieniance in their internet activity. <_<


This is the reason why several developers do not participate in the Flight sim community Forums. After several years of being bashed and getting personnaly involved with sim fans has only proved to them that the "online Flight sim Community" is nothing more than a insignificant demographic that does not represent the full scope of the consumers that buy their product. :(


It's your choice,

Invest in the community by your wisdom, efforts, time and talent. or continue participateing in the Forum defecation that is all too prevailant on the other sim sites.

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It's not that I want every one to agree with me. I simply think that the demo gives the whole game a bad name. Because it just seems poorly made. The game runs like total s**t on my Amd 3200+ ATI 9800 256mb. The aircraft look better in strike fighters and FS2004 in lock on I don't know if thats even half way exceptable. That’s one thing they needed to fix before releasing the demo. I am not sure why the game runs bad but some thing about the environment with the a-10 is just generic as hell. The only good thing is the cockpit but its totally non-interactive. So basically it does not seem that lock-on is worth the wait. But to give it a fair chance I will download it to see if any things better when it comes out. If it's worthy then I will buy the game.



And one more thing this post is not to offend any of you. I think what I am saying is very valid and I would be surprised if so many would disagree.

:unsure: :ph34r:

Games these day need to be held to a standard. And yes I think any developer that can't meet a higher standard like in HL2 or doom3 in any platform of game, Should be flamed out of business or take lessions from better programers and developers. Because yes they are out to make a buck. But if the game can't messure up then why spend $50 on crap? I can take that $50 and buy clothing or save it to upgrade my computer :D

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u talking about the trees and fields?


define runs like total s**t - are u 1 of these people who feels that if they're not getting 100fps out of their FPS then the game is s**t?


i find the demo totally playable (18-38fps) on my XP2200+ with 128Mb 9700 Pro running 1152x864 :)


btw, u were taken for a monkey with the 256Mb 9800 :D

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It's not that I want every one to agree with me. I simply think that the demo gives the whole game a bad name. Because it just seems poorly made. The game runs like total s**t on my Amd 3200+ ATI 9800 256mb.  The aircraft look better in strike fighters and FS2004 in lock on I don't know if thats even half way exceptable.

Lexicon, you are entitled to your opinion, and I wouldn't try to change your mind, but I do have to say this. If you are having problems with the demo with that system then you have something setup wrong. I have a 2100+ with a Radeon 9600 Pro and 512Mb RAM and the demo runs quite respectably on my sustem with almost all detail maxxed.


As far as the comment on not releasing a buggy demo, they only released a demo because they were trying to make the community happy after listening to people whine for 6 months to release a demo. So then what happens? A bunch of people whine because it's based on a early beta and they want ED to spend more time fixing code that is about 6 versions old. I think a lot of people in this community need to grow up and realize that the world doesn't revolve around them personally. :rolleyes:


Lex, I remember you came on the forum when FS2K4 was released complaining of the same things, frame rates in the single digits, poor models, etc. After we gave you some helpful suggestions you got things sorted out and apparently are now enjoying it. We can attempt to do that for the LOMAC demo as well if you like. But the idea that <insert sim title here> looks better than LOMAC is dubious at best. I've personally owned or flown just about every sim since the old Commodore64 days, and I can say without hesitation that this is the BEST looking sim I've ever flown, BAR NONE. The terrain, the aircraft models, even the atmospheric conditions (except the clouds in FS2K4, hard to beat those) are incredible. If you think that Strike FIghters looks better then you have obviously got your PC setup wrong IMHO. <_<

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Well this is certainly interesting.... passing judgement on an endproduct from the performance of a beta 5 demo.... hmmm... last I heard ED was on beta 10.


Ya I dont like my planes not flying level, and there was some graphics shifting and the FPS wasnt all that great.... and then guess what.... I turned down my settings a bit and now my fps kicks ass, and I find the graphics to be more than acceptable. The planes still tend to roll a bit, but I just compensate.... good at it from playing FB and getting shot to sh*t.


All the probs will be fixed, rest assured of that. But hey if you wanna boycott a product becuase some mag couldnt wait a couple more days, well feel free to do so.


But dont get jealous when people start posting screens of the hottest sim to ever come out.... and ya it does look better than SF, atleast the lighting and the environment, and SF textures shift, I havent seen that in the demo.


Not flaming, I'm just a little dissappointed with this thread.


I hope you enjoy waiting on that super sim.... I havent heard of any new ones in the works lately.



Mista Saffell


edit: thought I'd give you a shot of the graphics shifting that has been fixed by tweeking the settings.

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So you guys are saying the demo is beta? Well if thats the case why did they release it. Good then maybe there is hope for this sim after all.

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Guest MrMudd

If you follow the UBI SOFT Forums they have stated that the Demo was based on Beta 5 Code.

The difference between Beta 5 and Beta 10 is Very Significant. It is continually evolving even more so at beta 12.



But to get back to the Original Discussion.


Could you please point out what exactly those issues you have with the sim.


I have read your Statement about the non interactive Cockpit. If you Read the www.lo-mac.com FAQ on the title allot of these questions are answered and spelled out for the sim.


They never made any references to haveing a Clickable Cockpit. They chose to Concentrate in other areas.


I personnally would like to see Flight Simulations to the Detail that the original Falcon 4.0 and Subsequent Super pack patches provide. I want as much immersion as possible. this is why i spend my Time Mostly doing Janes F18E, Falcon 4.0, Longbow 2, Microsoft Flight Sim.


Te developers of Lomac have stated clearly they would not be doing a clickable cockpit. For that i am dissapointed too.


I dont forsee any Developers out there even contemplateing on makeing a sim to the level that falcon 4 would come too. The market doesnt provide enough investment capital to support it. For them to provide High Fidelity Avionics, an Clickable Cockpits It will require a very large Development budget and More personell and resources. The Publishers Want A Return on investment.



The Lomac Simulation was designed in scope to satisfy the wider market share, This includes the consumer that has never flown a flight sim before, to the Guys like ourselves that want the full blown out full fidelity simulation.


They have provided the resources to allow the full community to enjoy the simulation to the Medium level.


I understand that PC flight simulations will never meet the detail that the real aircraft provides. I have learned to treat them as their own Unique personality.



So for me. I will still fly Janes F18E even after lomacs release as my prime jet Simulation. becasue it provides more of what i want. in an online Player enviroment. Mult Tasked Carrier Aviation, With several Skill sets to maintain proficieny, A2A-A2G with High Fidelity radar modes, multi Faceted navaids, Well Modeled GPS-laser guided Munitions. Air Controlling Communications, Ground Controller Comunications, Facs etc.


What i will enjoy in Lomac. is the multiflyable aircraft competeing against online virtual pilots. Highly detailed and layed out Map with Civillian Traffic and Objects. Better atmospheric conditions. With a Very Challenging Virtual battlefield With Ai that are Way Above any that have been modeled in Simulations before.


Each Sim Title you own Will provide a Sliver of what your end goal quest is.


That is why i have a 80 and 20 Gig hard Drive. For the days i feel like Dogfighting in a Prop, I load up IL2, for the Days i want to Fly a well modeled helo Sim I load up longbow 2 or Flight sim 2002-2004. For the Days iu want to do Carrier Aviation i load Up janes F18E. I'm Still waiting to see at what point my focus of entertainment will be with the LOMAC title. It hasnt been released, and it is still in development. Who knows they Could publish it Real Soon, Or they could delay it for another 2 years.


I would like to see a Full Blown out 20 Plane Flyable Fully modeled Flight sim with all the Great Features the other Sim titles have all in one package. . I really Dont see that happening in the near future. But you can Bet i would Drop 4 times the amount i have payed for these past sims if a developer out there was ever up to the challenge of providing what i personally want. If ive spent over $3000 Dollars in Gameing and PC Gear to help me immerse into a 40 Dollar Flight sim, i have no problem then to spend 200 Dollars on a full Blown Out High fidelity sim.



Lomac will be a 40 Dollar sim, sitting next to the latest First person Shooter, Road and Track, Strategy, Deer hunter 12 Sim sitting at your neighborhood PC Game retailer.


I will be realistic in my sim Expectations.

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Ya I dont like my planes not flying level

in the readme.doc @ the v bottom, it says if your experiencing trouble with the plane, put a small deadzone in the rudder..


i've actually tweeked my joysticks in LOMAC so it flys the way i remember flying in A-10 Attack!/Cuba :) i just hope the prefs can b ported from the demo to the final game, cos it took me a while to get them just right ..

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What I really don't like about the Lock-on Demo is that you can't fly a full mission. You start from the air, which is not like a mission at all vs the realism of starting engines and starting systems. Then taxing to the runway setting flaps and taking off. If the cockpit is not interactive then lock-on is more like an image of 3d drawings. There are no systems to interact with like weapon systems or flight control systems. Radar is a big deal too. The demo should have included a full mission with selectable ordnances and full mission tasks such as taking off destroying targets, Mid-air refueling, and then landing. It's not that much to ask in a sim. a-10 Cuba may not have had mid-air refueling but you flew a real mission. In lock-on the mission is not defined at all you go in not knowing any thing and you are already in the air. So this is what I don't like about the demo because it's a big disappointment because I have been waiting for this sim for 2 years now. I just hope the final code will offer the capability of flying a real mission with all the necessary tasks that need to be done in order to make this sim a worth while effort for the makers.

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grab a different mission then, there are plenty around :)

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Thanks for the info guys this helps a lot. :D :D :D :D

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i've just grabbed the hill CAS mission with all different weather :)


just about to try 1 out :)


hmm wonder what its like trying to shoot a moving target in the rain :)

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Well this is certainly interesting.... passing judgement on an endproduct from the performance of a beta 5 demo.... hmmm... last I heard ED was on beta 10.

The last I heard (from Shepski yesterday) testers are using beta 13 now ... one has got to be bit of a silly tool to prematurely and ardently rubbish LOMAC per sec, based upon flimsy and relative personal impressions gained from a mere limited extract of a pretty damned good fun and very functional, thank you very much, beta 5!


Maybe I'm just too easily pleased, and should wise-up/wake-up, and realise that I've been completely duped by ED and UBI? ... BAH!! .... I played the Kamenka A10 mission with my trusty but somewhat battle adverse wingie yesterday, and had the most fun in that silly beta 5 to date; and I can't wait to explore the possibilities further over the coming days and weeks ... and it cost me ... WAIT FOR IT! .... NIX!!! … not a sausage mate! lol :D


Yep, I’m pretty damned disappointed with LOMAC … … and I’m not going to by it either! … humph …. ROFL!!!

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Honestly I dont want this game to come out till January or February, and even then some. I know alot of you are freaking about getting it, but I just picked up the most amazing sports game ever.... check the pub, and by early next year I may be burnt out on it for atleast a little while, and then I can pick up LOMAC and play another freakishly awesome game.


LOMAC is hotter than hot, and anyone that cant see that is due for a head check. Christ the DEMO is bad ass, I dont care if I cant run everything on full setts, it is way better than any other flight sim I've ever played... 2 planes... enough for me, for now. Thank god for the hackers though, otherwise this demo might have gotten old pretty quickly, now the possibilities are endless (you've practicaly got a full game, that has a few bugs, and when you see those bugs, all you have to do is say "its onle BETA 5!!!" and its all better).




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It might be Christmas before I get a new CH rig anyway so if it comes out in Jan or Feb then I wont be too disappointed. I know thats selfish and many want it now, but if testers keep finding bugs and the Dev guys keep squashing them then take whatever time you need IMO. I want a good solid product in the end, its been a long time since we had something solid on release and I am willing to wait for it.

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Well like I said my post is stupid because I did not know that the game was still beta.

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i dont know about you guys, but to what lexicon said about it not running well. I agreew ith JEFF lexi has to have his set up all wrong to not be running well on a monster of a system that he has. why do i say that? well let me explain


i downloaded the game it runs on medium-high detail (no haze game acts funny) with no heat blur, Running at 1024x768 I get on average between 12-16 fps maybe 18 here and there. now mind you its not much in some respect. but the mere fact that my current system is a


1GHZ P3 coppermine overclocked to 1.125 GHZ

512MB PC133

WIN XP PRO (settings optimized)


ATI RADEON 8500 LE 128DDR (dont ask me why i bought lol didnt realize until after major DOH!)


SAITEK X-45 with the CH pedals


its amazing on these settings that i get any respectable framerates at all. so this is merely my two cents in. This game granted is a bit unoptimized, yes thats true but lets take into consideration that its based on beta 5 code, and they are clearing beta 10 perhaps 11 code. as far as generic? i see nothing generic on this game. what flight sim have you seen with powerlines! all the way through the country!hell you can follow them all the wayto the other end damn near.individuals roads, cities, and towns, lakes, and airports, and airbases the list goes on.the terrain is the perhaps the best i ever seen since IL2, :o alway back to flanker 2.5 and falcon 4.0, the plane models are very very good. flight models ( no pilot so i can offer no opinion but the planes react very well) overall the immersion factor is very high, only quip i have is the uninteractive cockpit, but i wont nitpick because i get so so much more to compensate. well i wont rant on but in short, this game is looking to become a sim to benchmark on. this game has so much to offer, and as yet has offered much of that on the table up front. FOr anyone to tease, make fun,insult and belitttle the quality of this game, well my friends they dont know what they are talking about, :huh: and and far as FRamerates? who needs 50 60 70 frames a second in a sim if we get 30-40 FPS god bless them! frankly thats all you should need. :rolleyes: dont compare framerates of FPS and sims there is no comparision. this game is gonna rock and anyone who says otherwise can..., well ill leave that to the imagination. ;)


just be patient, the game is gonna come in december! whats another month month and a half. hell personally it gives me time to upgrade to a new system

almost there :P need the chip and case and then im in like flint! :)~mawahwhahahahaa i can feel the power! overwhelming power!!!



1GB PC3200 DDR



USB 2.0 card


XASER VM 3000 Series ATX case

with built in CATHRAY tube and 5 82MM ANTEC FANS


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Guest MrMudd
FYI they're on beta 14 :)

Cough Cough...Im On beta 15 ;)

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