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Removing F-4 pylons/rails

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I think bells are a ringing in Wrench's ears.


VA-72 Med. Tour 1956




Might be a good time to ask your permission to include the skin the mod, so can I?.



I wanna! :biggrin:

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I like it!!! Go for it dude!! That's how that Scooter was supposed to look!!!


Remember, too, I'm a FAT member (both in the Freeware Accords Treaty, and physical size!! :haha: ) No permission is needed, just don't spell my name wrong!! :wink:



kevin stein

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O.K., so thinking out of the box here, how would an F-100C go over? Only issue would be the rudder, which, since it is different in shape, would be new and would not visibly move. Would not be able to decal it either for different squadrons/serial numbers though... I'm no expert on this model - isn't the wing different also?


Any ideas here?


Mike Druz.

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(Note, still a WIP of sorts...and I can't use your aircraft_data.ini because the Kurnass sunk itself into the ground. And only part of the refueling probe was removed, some still remained.)

Edited by kct

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O.K., so thinking out of the box here, how would an F-100C go over? Only issue would be the rudder, which, since it is different in shape, would be new and would not visibly move. Would not be able to decal it either for different squadrons/serial numbers though... I'm no expert on this model - isn't the wing different also?


Any ideas here?


Mike Druz.


Along with the tail/rudder as Mike mentioned, the F-100C did not have flaps. They were introduced on the F-100D.





Another major thing is the speedbrake shape.


The D had a special notch cut out for the centerline nuc pylon.



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Well, here are some new USAF F-4 intermediate pylons - correct camo colors now. The pylons and rails do not automatically appear now with this method of deleting parts - I'll make separate airplanes for strictly A/G and A/A. Will add better Sidewinder rails and AIM-4D rails now.

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Well, here are some new USAF F-4 intermediate pylons - correct camo colors now. The pylons and rails do not automatically appear now with this method of deleting parts - I'll make separate airplanes for strictly A/G and A/A. Will add better Sidewinder rails and AIM-4D rails now.


:good: WOW!

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WOW INDEED - Looking forward to add AIM-7 instead AIM-9's underwing on F-4B :yes: - just like this Spectre here >


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Sure, I can use the base art for the 3D USAF pylons to make the Navy style ones. As I mentioned before though, the models will be weapon specific - If AIM-4 rails are mounted - no Sidewinders. If AIM-9 rails - no Falcons. If no IRM rails, no IRMs (which is what 90% of photos will show from Southeast Asia - no rails...). The winder rails are two types - early were mounted close to the pylon - later mounted further away with daylight showing (from 1971 or so). Price for slightly more realistic pylons/rails.



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Methinks you're going to have to release a comprehensive 'F-4 addons/mods' download...I can't keep track of all the stuff you're doing!



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You know, I never cease to be amazed at the quality of work you modders are putting out.


If I had a hat I'd take it off to each and every one of you.


Thanks again. :good:

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Aw shucks Nick...It weren't nuthin....


Got to make up some drop tanks for the Razbam Skyraiders : 300 gal CL tank with blunt rear end, 150 gal finned and a round 150 gal tank I think with a rib around it (stolen from USN stocks).



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Early style AIM-9 rails.



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Holy thread resurrection Batman!


The new 'The Mirage Factory' A-7D would make an ideal Hunter replacement for the hard-pressed RAF Middle East Command detached to plucky Paran but the inflight-refuelling bulge is not needed so to remove it I've followed the advice given here and added the following;











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Is it possible to remove the outer wing pylons from the F-4s?

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Not sure if u edit lod...and remove the pylons there?...or you can delete it in data.ini..?

or just dont load weapons on it...

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I'm making a QF-4 series so I was curious.

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Don't think they need any special edits. Just remove the weapon callouts for the outer wing stations in the data.ini, and they would not load on the said stations (which meant that the outer wing pylons won't show either).

Edited by kct

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I'll try that.

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