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Flying Over My House Right Now

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They have been doing transitions for awhile now.

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it's the E model, right?

niceee :)

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I see CFT's.

Man after my exams I ought to make a trip to Lohegaon and show you fellows the Sukhoi.Meaning Ill have to wack the girls camera!

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Seymor what?

Seymor Eagles :)

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I've never seen Deltas with that dark paint scheme, that's always been the Beagle's forte.

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Those are Strike Eagles from Shady J.

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Right, that's what I said. Deltas don't have that paint scheme and those are obviously not single-seaters ergo Beagles!

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Right, that's what I said. Deltas don't have that paint scheme and those are obviously not single-seaters ergo Beagles!


Oops sorry man, I misread your post.

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I see the red stripe on the tail, but I can't tell if those are Lancers.


Anybody know?

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You guys are pretty much lucky with all those Aircraft flying over frequently...

The KLu (yes,i am Dutch) never let their aircraft fly over here :(

The only time i saw real Jet's was in 2006...at the KLu Open Days at Leeuwarden AB.

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I see the red stripe on the tail, but I can't tell if those are Lancers.


Anybody know?


I know this is hanging on the wall in my garage...



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ugly younger sister of the worlds greatest modern fighter...period...and if another matches her combat record of 104 to none (meaning 104 confirmed kills with no losses (again, not the mud hen but the fighter it was based on)) then we can have an intelligent conversation, any thing else is pure conjecture


I always enjoy reading the "eurofighter jumped an eagle" and is thus clearly superior or the "Sukhoi has prettier paint" and is thus superior...proof is in the proof and no one else has those credentials


go ahead and flame this post, you will look ridiculous

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ok I'll bite...

seeing that the typhoon hasnt been used operationally and has only just entered service then I see no reason why it should have an exceptionally high kill ratio as the Eagle does, however if it can't out perform a 30 year old design then someone really hasnt been doing their job.

The logic that because the Eagle has a kill ratio of 104:0 makes it the best fighter in the world can be applied to other types to illustrate my point: F-14 kill ratio 4:0, Sea Harrier FRS.1 kill ratio 23:0 does that make the Sea Harrier superior to the F-14?

Of the 104 kills how many were evenly matched engagments, all were against inferior aircraft (Mig-21,23,25,29) and against less capable air forces, lacking in both training and support equipment (AWACS etc)

Fact is the Typhoon is an exceptional fighter as is the Eagle, that the Eagle has an exceptional combat record does not however make it superior or inferior to an aircraft which has yet to see combat. Though I will say that placed in the same senarios as the Eagle a Typhoon would have had absoloutly no problem at all in matching the eagles credentials and given tthe chance has the potential to surpass them.



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Ok guys lets not let this degenerate into a "my plane is better than your plane" thread.

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Craig -


I could be off base, but I don't think sparkomatic was trying to state that the F-15 is better than the Typhoon. I think what they were trying to say is it is funny to them that people post a picture of a Typhoon in an advantageous position against and F-15 and use this as their sole argument that the Typhoon is 150 times better than an F-15.


You are right the kill ratio is based on a lot of factors. And it doesn't mean it is more capable than the Typhoon, but as it stands now the F-15 stands on the top of the mountain. Nolan Ryan struck out 5714 batters, most of them were inferior hitters, but he still has 5714 strike outs and is at the top of the mountain in that category.


With the current trend of warfare, I doubt that the Typhoon will ever go head to head with anything other than "inferior aircraft and against less capable air forces, lacking in both training and support equipment." The days of 2 military forces that are both on equal footing with the cutting edge of technology squaring off are long gone.


I'm not saying any A/C is better than the other, just thinking that comparing A/C of different generations head to head is a bit fruitless.

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Ok guys lets not let this degenerate into a "my plane is better than your plane" thread.


No kidding


Anyways, Ironclad, yes that/those are 333rd A/C. If I am making out the tail number on the hen in the first picture correctly, I am told in 2003-04 it had a lot of avionics problems. Good to see it flying again.

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Sorry if ive offended anyone, I wasnt trying to turn it into a p*ssing contest it just really grates my nerves when people use the 104:0 argument to state how amazing the Eagle is as if its bullet proof. Also the common belief in certain circles of the internet that the Typhoon/Rafale/Grippen/Flanker/Whatever must be inferior to the Eagle/Viper/Hornet because they are not of US origin. Guess I may have spent a little to much time weeding the useful/interesting info out of the ego bashing and flame wars here :http://forum.keypublishing.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=5 lol

I do respect the Eagles capabilities and also agree that it is highly unlikely that the Typhoon will see action on the scale of Bekáa Valley or GW1. Though like I said earlier I see no achivement in combat by the Eagle that could not have been matched by a variety of other aircraft given the oportunity.


On the subject of "over my house" I was buzzed by a pair of GR.4s a few weeks back as they made a run on the sub base at Faslane. Saw them going down the clyde valley at low altitude then they flew a couple of hundred feet directly over my head on their way out a few minutes latter, didnt have a camera on me at the time though.

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