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More Fun With Legos....

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I bet FastCargo is at the toy store right now getting some Legos to build that Bone. :rofl:

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You just know this guy has a lego girlfriend hidden in the closet.


Ok, I apologize for that comment. It was a cheap shot at a talented person, born out of my frustration at not having the legos I wanted when I was a kid (I really wanted the space legos). If this guy did built a lego gf I'm sure she's hot.

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Dude I knew I shouldnt have given away my LEGOS! This guy is talented, and I wish I was that talented at building LEGOS the best I could do was build science fiction stuff!

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Yeah, I built many a starship Enterprise and Imperial Star Destroyer w/ my legos. My favorite was an F/A-18 I built once - best looking one I came up with. Never mastered the retracting undercarriage, so I always tore the gear off when I was wheels up and stuck 'em back on to land. I think I even threw a tailhook on that Hornet, too. Good times.

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I had a boxful (later a sackful) of parts from different LEGO kits which I mixed together and used for building tons of stuff. Favourite trick was looking through their teaser catalogues and making basically the same stuff out of the parts I had.

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Ok guys I've been feeling a little lonely lately, so I'm working on a lego gf. Will post pics when done...

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One should search for videos of Shoji Kawamori (the guy behind Macross) toying around with TRANSFORMABLE LEGOS. In the sense that he built his designs with Legos, and test their transformation before he actually continue further.


Guy is a genius. And a great troll.

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I still have a LEGO P-40 and a strange twin-boom, twin-engine attack plane that started out as a water bomber a couple of years ago. And so what if you just take off the wheels and pretend that the gear is up? That's the way I've always done it...


Also, since when is the F-15 "Infamous"?

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In the same way that many flammable objects are also inflammable I suppose.

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Also, since when is the F-15 "Infamous"?


Since the Gulf War.

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Infamous = more than famous. See "Infamous El Guapo."

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