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sneak peak behind the scenes: Combatace staff meeting

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This is secret footage of a recent meeting, just so you'll know just serious we talk ourselves!

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This is secret footage of a recent meeting, just so you'll know just serious we talk ourselves!

I had forgotten just how funny that scene was. Still lying on the floor gasping for air............................

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Still lying on the floor gasping for air............................


No pun intended.

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All that methane around an open flame, i would have thought the CA Staff knew better!! :rofl:


Otherwise its just how i pictured it, except i thought they would all be wearing flightsuits, must have been cowboy day. :rofl:

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Thats twenty times better than any meeting I've ever been in.

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Must have been"Casual Friday".


Dave,You have got to start feeding you guys more of that pork recipe and less of those Bush's baked beans!!


Great footage!! :rofl:

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Well, I tried to one up Dagger, and did a YouTube search for 'monkeys in the boardroom' but I found this:

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now that is funny!! :rofl:rr21.gif

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Classic !


...mind you, they're more human and funnier than some of the bozo's I sometimes have to deal with :biggrin:

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Classic !


...mind you, they're more human and funnier than some of the bozo's I sometimes have to deal with :biggrin:


How do you deal with them? 500 pounder down the throat?

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