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Hang over cures....Whats yours?

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As its poison, the best "cure" is prevention -- limit intake to "just a beer" ... or two.


If that can't be done at all, there's a problem alot bigger than hangovers.

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Seems perfectly sensible to me. Apart from the seeing Slade bit obviously. Did I mention the Wurzles once played at my Student Union?


Yeah, we had the Wurzels also. Don't remember much about that. I think I went. Gary Glitter was pretty spectacular (as opposed to now). China Crisis good too.


Just spent most of the time bopping with friends desperately trying to get girls interested. Long story short.......... not many girls were interested.

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Guest pfunkmusik

Back in the day, copious amounts of Gatorade.


Fun times.



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Another natural immunity to it. Went to the bar with a buddy last weekend. Woke up 8:30am feeling hungry but otherwise perfect, he was too hung over to roll out of bed until 3pm.

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Back in the old days,walk out to the flight line and slap on an O2 mask. Nothing like breathing 100% for about 10 minutes to make your day.

I found out it's whatever works for you. Back in my drinking days,I tried them all.

I am a recovering alcoholic now. Sober for 20 years. That works a lot better. :ok:


No,I am not offended by someone talking about drinking or even drinking in my presence.

It is my illness,not theirs

Edited by ezlead

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That gatorade advice is interesting. I've always heard that we get a hangover because the body is dehydrated, so it makes alot of sense. Maybe the high sodium content also helps. What I find strange is that sometimes I get the worst hangovers in the world (God take me now) and other times I'm completely fine. :dntknw:

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From what I can remember of the lecture and it was a while ago, the sports drinks re-hydrate you and replenish some of the salts etc. What they can't do is help the receptors in your brain that developed to deal with the alcohol in your blood stream which is now missing. The only thing that cures those is time, or more alcohol hence hair of the dog working.

Your hangover is also effected by what else is in the drink apart from alcohol, I get terrible hangovers from red wine or port because of the tannin. Vodka on the other hand because it's fairly pure doesn't really affect me that much the next day. Unfortunately I prefer port!

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for me....bite the dog that bit you.....as Ozzie says"ones to much and ten's not enough"......ohhh my head!

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It's not an illness unless it's out of control. Yeah yeah, alcoholics think they have control over it. Aside from social events I rarely drink....just another beverage. Can't say the same for many of my peers though.

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Guest pfunkmusik

I've cut out the alcohol use. Gives me terrible stomach problems these days.


Nope, it's mostly Pellegrino and lime on the rocks for me.



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Try to cure your hang over by pointing at somebody with a gun and pull the trigger!Maybe that will cure you! :biggrin:




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Nothing works better then a bowl of the red haired.

Rest and lots on non-alcoholic liquids. Better still, don't go there. I don't anymore because I can think of far too many times I have embarassed myself and my spouse under the influence. I love her too much to do that to her any more.

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Those days are behind me now, but early in my fire service career, we would stop drinking in time to put on our uniforms and report for duty..... Sad but true, usually on weekend shifts. We would rob the reserve truck of it's O2, sucking it dry between two or three of us using a nasal canula. It would help you through the day that is for sure. Luckily for us (and the public) we never had to respond to anything serious on those days. Now I try to avoid anything more than one or two, as I have embarassed myself and those around me enough to last a life time.

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Yup, just dont drink anymore other than the rare beer or shot, best way to avoid overhangs. Back in the day it was tequila/mescal, mojo, and uzo...famous for wicked hangovers. Enough of those finally convinced me to not go there...:diablo:


A good louis lamour remedy that really works is to avoid the stupid young person habit of guzzling and as you drink moderately, eat something, espesially bread. This seems to help absorb the alcohol and you maintain a nice buzz without the stumbling, falling down, nausea greased floorslide feeling. As the Greeks say, "Everything in moderation."

Edited by pcpilot

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To quote WOPR, "An interesting sickness...the only way to win is not to get drunk."

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I have a 100% fix for a Hangover .......





Works for me ;)




Serously I have Alway ate some Egg McMuffin Sandwiches and a soda !! The Eggs give you some Protein!! but the Gatorade will Probally work well too ..

Edited by The_Nephilim

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Yeah btw... I hope I din't make myself sound like this big boozer. I rarely drink, in fact I only drink when I run out of drugs.

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