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Kennedy Assassination

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I believe Oswald was just a lone nutjob, like Johan Anckarström or J.W Boothe.

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First thing ya'll can do is watch a movie titled "Shooter", on DVD, released in 2007, Starring: Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña, Danny Glover. Director: Antoine Fuqua. That will put all of the useless conjecture on how JFK was assasinated. Instead I would suggest you put the gray matter towards figureing out why JFK would have been assasinated.

JFK issued Executive Order 11110 that would begin a process of eliminating Federal Reserve issued money on 4 June 1963. Upon JFK being assasinated on 22 November 1963 the newly sworn in LBJ immediately stopped the production and circulation of noninterest bearing US Treasury Notes. Since then the Fed has been exclusively printing and lending at interest Federal Reserve Notes to our Government. The Executive order remains in place but no other President has dared to put it into effect. The little known fact of the assasination occurring in LBJ's state of Texas is also of no small matter. Ya'll should also read John F. Kennedy's book "Profiles in Courage" first published in 1956. Maybe you will all begin to see why he was eliminated and why even Lincoln may have had the same fate. Useful link -HERE-

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I think modern evidence/analysis of the Zapruder film is fairly conclusive as to how the "magic bullet" wasn't so magical and confirming the location of the shooter.

However, there are still some strange contradictory events/facts that make me ask why does Oswald have to be the shooter?


Oswald's background does make him look like a lonely loser that could have been a lone disturbed shooter... but if there was a conspiracy, it would have been hard to find a better patsy.

But his background does include something that is exremely peculiar for the time frame: he managed to defect to the Soviet Union (how many Americans did that? and of those how many were ex-US military?) AND he returned to the US to live a "normal" life with a Soviet wife. This was the just after the era of the McCarthy witch hunt and the Cuban missile crisis! Why would the US take him back with a Soviet wife and not even keep an eye on them?


Independent of Oswald, Kennedy was considered at risk and only at his own refusal did he not have a bullet-resistant bubble on his car, yet the Secret Service alters the route to one that permitted the "easy" shot at the slowed down convoy?... Mr. President, we have decided to choose an alternate root that will maximize the risk on your life and we are going to make sure the media broadcasts the new route so that everyone will know when and where you will be.

The number of potential witnesses to various conspiracy theories that met untimely deaths is also still suspicious.

Jack Ruby's assassination of Oswald was just a little too easy and convenient as well.


Finally, for those that are so sure that JFK's assassination didn't involve any kind of conspiracy and was just a fluke, I submit to you the assassination of RFK.


Compare those two situations to the shooting of Ronald Reagan: the lone nutcase was quickly and easily caught, was clearly the guilty party, and can be interviewed to this day.

With the exception of Kennedy's death, Oswald should have been handled and lived through a trial just as John W. Hinckley Jr. was when Reagan whas shot.

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The main problem I have with government conspiracies is that it involves the government being unbelievably competent at something when most of them seem unable to run a postal service to a satisfactory level of service.

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The main problem I have with government conspiracies is that it involves the government being unbelievably competent at something when most of them seem unable to run a postal service to a satisfactory level of service.





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The main problem I have with government conspiracies is that it involves the government being unbelievably competent at something when most of them seem unable to run a postal service to a satisfactory level of service.

One can find examples of well run and very efficient .gov projects ... when they are "needed" that is!


Kennedy need not have been targeted by a "government" conspiracy, but by an extra-government conspiracy (ie...outside the .gov).


To use Roopod's example on this page: The Ussian central bank, the Federal Reserve, is a private banking institution outside the constitutionally defined "government" and controls the nations debt/interest based money -- money never defined in the nation's founding documents -- instead of the Congress or Treasury as required. The Fed lies well outside .gov. Its my understanding that Kennedy's (??) United States Notes (??) *may* have returned US money control to the government, although I never looked into this history very much so maybe I'm wrong (usually the case). Is this Correct Thinking Roopod?


Other examples I've seen thrown about are Eisenhower's "military industrial complex" wanting to get into Vietnam, Cubans or anti-Cubans, Mafia, etc... all of them outside the "government."

Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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So you're saying an organisation unable to tell that the biggest financial crisis in recorded history was about to happen due in part to their policies could organise an assassination and cover it up for 40+ years? And the extra-governmental thing doesn't fly either, seriously show me one large organisation that is vaguely well run or able to react to an external event with any sort of efficiency or without having leaks.

Like I said an effectively incompetent organisation manages to pull off the crime of the century and keep it covered up for decades, seriously why the desire to make something more complicated than it is?

Edited by SkippyBing

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That's why these JFK bills were immediately removed. There's no covering up needed when everyone's looking in the wrong direction. Just another example to help on this point is that the Nazis continued to make monetary reparations for WWI right up until March 1945. So you can see the power of economic forces over national leaders and governments. Also take notice that most, if not all of the bankers and industrialists that funded the Nazis rise to power are still in power today. But hey watch the movie Shooter to see the parallels. It's easy to cover things up when you're the one writing the history books. But then you've already been to the orientation classes and know the truth, don't you? :dntknw:

Edited by Roopod

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So you're saying an organisation unable to tell that the biggest financial crisis in recorded history was about to happen due in part to their policies could organise an assassination and cover it up for 40+ years? And the extra-governmental thing doesn't fly either, seriously show me one large organisation that is vaguely well run or able to react to an external event with any sort of efficiency or without having leaks.

Like I said an effectively incompetent organisation manages to pull off the crime of the century and keep it covered up for decades, seriously why the desire to make something more complicated than it is?


Crisis engineered change such as the current one or the one in 1929 was created under these guidelines:


Hegelian dialectical formula: Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis


Conflict between thesis and antithesis results in a synthesis, or solution. The solution is actually the target perception or reality that was originally desired.


Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels came up with dialectical materialism, which is the philosophical basis of Marxism. Engels formula was the law of opposites plus the law of negation results in the law of transformation. Understanding this process you will be able to see why it seems that some governmental officials act as opposites and use opposing entities in society to negate one another in order to bring about transformation or "change".

Edited by Roopod

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dudes...the smoking man fired the shot from a street drain and framed Oswald...saw the whole thing...

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Did anyone watch the CBS evening news last night? They had a segment on there about the theories of the 4 shooters etc etc of the JFK assassination. The Discovery channel set up a test, put an exact car with people the exact height, weight, in the exact spot as those who were in it on that fateful day in 1963 when Kennedy got hit. They set up in the exact spots in Dallas to get set up data. Then used that setup data at a range using lasers as guides then did actual live firing.


1. The theories that the were 2 shooters ahead of the car got debunked immediately.

a. One of the snipers TDC used would have had to shoot through the windshield to get the shot. The windshield in the actual event never got touched.

b. The other sniper did not have a clear shot at all.


2. The grassy knoll shooter results were not consistent at all either.

a. Again a sniper was used and in this case the angle was wrong for the injuries JFK received.


3. Finally the shots from the book depository building.

a. The injuries sustained to the test dummy were consistent with the ones JFK received.


I thought this was very interesting. And by far will it put to rest the all the theories out there? No it won't, but it does go a long way in debunking alot of those conspriacy theories. I mean its hard to beat cold hard scientific facts.




The discovery channel debunking was bunk, it has been analized several times and found to be flawed. None of us want to belive what we are foced to come to terms with when we realize oswald

was not who they say he was, he was involved but there is much more to his story than we have been told. Every item related to the evidence in this case has been destroyed or corrupted, to belive

that a group of powerfull people did not conspire to kill this man is to bury ones head in the sand.


It is easy to present a diagram to fool those who do not fully understand ballistics and tactics with junk science, the crockumentary in question only delt with the issues of the warren commission vs the grassy knoll, the areas where your attention was drawn were not the locations that the shots were fired from. If you go to the crime scene and stand on the x you will see three perfect sniper positions that allow a team to set up and take the shots, 2 of them with out hitting the windshield.... however the windshield was hit. You will also notice that the book depository presents a crappy angling away shot on a moving target. look beyond houston street to the dal-tex building and you will find a much more professional shot.



the 6.5 Mannlicher carcano is a pathetic cartrige that is incapable of producing the wounds that were demonsrated on the body of president kenedy. The projectile recoverd was from the standard military

ball style loading of the 6.5 carcano. this ammo very rarlely exeded 2100 feet per second at the muzzle and often failed to break the 2000 fps mark. todays better powders are allowing that cartrige to

achive 2200 fps with a 160 grain bullet. "magic bullet projectile " a 160 grain full metal jacket bullet is a projectile that has a tremendusly high sectional density- it is very long for its diameter. what this means is that it will penatrate extremly well, the fact that it is has a full metal jacket bullet will increse the penetraton factor further, then we take into account the low muzzle velocity of around 2000

fps- this low velocity further adds to the penetration factor.


Now this bullet is going to have no problem plowing through three or even four men, but if hits any large bone it is going to show deformation. What it is not going to do is act like a hunting bullet and mushroom back apon its shank. Depending on how many bones it hits its nose will be deformed and it may flatten on one side if it begins to yaw sideways. Bullets of extreme sectional density

that are not designed to expand , and are fired from a rifle with the correct fast twist barrel - like the caracano -will zip right on through like a pencil only the largest bones will cause them to yaw and tumble.


the recovered magic bullet was pristeen, the only deformations on it were the rifling marks- this alone destroys the official story - if that bullet with all of the atributtes of penetration listed above was forced to a stop whithin the bodies of 2 men and a car seat, then the forces at work on that bullet( bones/ metal) were tremendous. This bullet would have been seriously deformed.


point 2 the only ways to get the explosive effect seen on the kenedy headshot are: 1- extremly high muzzle velocity 3100 fps+ with an expanding projectile. 2 - A hyper velocity cartrige 4000 fps with almost any projectile. 3-to a lesser degree of destruction -a moderate velocity cartrige like the 30/30 with a lightly constructed bullet of very low sectional density - a bullet with an exploding core - these

were manufactured for professional assasinations and were part of our CIA's arsenal, the KGB, and others. expolosive core bullets did not rely on velocity and were often deployed from handguns.


the 6.5 caracano with 160 gr ball ammo could not create the hydrostatic shock required explode kenedys head with the kind of violence of impact the shot demonstrated. - this 2nd point also

destroys the official story.



The weapon found in the school book depository by dallas police was a 7.65 Mauser, three spent 6.5 caracano cartriges were found by the window. the 6.5 cartriges and the 7.65 rifle are incompatible

later the FBI was presented with the murder weapon- an actual 6.5 caracano whose scope was so poorly mounted that the rifle /scope combo had to be completly resighted in in order for testing to take place.




The part about the that the windshield was not being hit is total bs. Many eye witnesses are on record saying it was hit twice, once cleanly through the shield and once through the frame near the rear view mirror. We are talking about cops and medical professionals who veiwed the vehicle as it arrived at parkland hospital. All of the evidence was destroyed in the limo- it was rebuilt immiediatly this goes beyond suspisious it is criminal.


the zapruder film has been edited and many frames were removed before it was released to the public, watch the driver when kenedy is in the kill zone, he turns around twice to look at kenedy.

watch how fast he turns around and then turns forward. his movments are physically imposible... they are way too fast.... missing frames. Also look at the scale of the people on the grass in the background behind the limo and compare them with the people in the foreground.


I could go on and on and on, but we are not supposed to get political so i won't.

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..seriously why the desire to make something more complicated than it is?


Because the banal truth hurts, so much more humanity to be had in the construction of fairy tales. Sartre would bound to have choked on his coffee reading some of the stories in this thread.


Conspiracies like religion, rely on faith, they are impossible by their own rules to prove or disprove. Any "proof" to the contrary is taken as proof of the uber powerful God/Devil or "government" spinning the self proclaimed truth. Any "proof" of the conspiracy relies on extended logic that almost defies all credulity. It is amazing how far conspiracy theorists will go with their fairy tales when pushed, always making another hypothetical, untestable layer to the onion of incredulity. From Government to economic forces to the inevitable Semites did it to Ancient Egyptians fighting evil Romulan bankers then back through UFO's and earthlights to Amazon breasted Atlanteans before a rendezvous in space with A.C. Clark and another spliff/strong coffee and yet higher will they go without ever once stopping to wonder... what if it actually was a simple nutjob acting on their own initiative? Would that reality be just too boring to live in or is it too scary for them, too scary that life and death can happen to anyone, no matter how iconic, at random, no higher human/alien intelligence needed.


Reason for edit: To apologise in advance if my comment in any way seems a snipe at people here, everyone is entitled to an opinion no matter how it is deduced and its good to test them in discussion


Although I do have my own theory.. it works if you follow my logic, Aleister Crowley did it using a time machine and a Voodoo doll with loft settings on the full metal backed tarot card that pierced Kennedy's skull, Paul Daniels then hypnotised the entire Coroner's team and their families to lie through their teeth. Prove me wrong and win an Escudo van today.

Edited by Mab Glyndwr

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With all due respect, I present this explanation: The reason the Kennedy assassination will continue to raise questions is because some of the facts left open ended questions. Some examples of which are posted by some members. It has nothing to do with religion, UFOs, Atlantis, in my estimate. But if it is too scary to question authority or look for more answers that might make your world a little too interesting then you have nothing to worry about. Nobody will come for you in the night. I'm happy for you again and good luck to a long life. But to some of us the truth is something more precious then anything else and we will pursue it to where ever it leads. Scary, huh? It seems to me that it requires more faith to believe what the government tells its citizenry sometimes then for those whose faith leads them to believe in UFOs, Atlantis, or God and the Devil. Now, if you can excuse me, I must go outside and play in my sandbox in my own backyard.

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The discovery channel debunking was bunk, it has been analized several times and found to be flawed. None of us want to belive what we are foced to come to terms with when we realize oswald

was not who they say he was, he was involved but there is much more to his story than we have been told. Every item related to the evidence in this case has been destroyed or corrupted, to belive

that a group of powerfull people did not conspire to kill this man is to bury ones head in the sand.


It is easy to present a diagram to fool those who do not fully understand ballistics and tactics with junk science, the crockumentary in question only delt with the issues of the warren commission vs the grassy knoll, the areas where your attention was drawn were not the locations that the shots were fired from. If you go to the crime scene and stand on the x you will see three perfect sniper positions that allow a team to set up and take the shots, 2 of them with out hitting the windshield.... however the windshield was hit. You will also notice that the book depository presents a crappy angling away shot on a moving target. look beyond houston street to the dal-tex building and you will find a much more professional shot.



the 6.5 Mannlicher carcano is a pathetic cartrige that is incapable of producing the wounds that were demonsrated on the body of president kenedy. The projectile recoverd was from the standard military

ball style loading of the 6.5 carcano. this ammo very rarlely exeded 2100 feet per second at the muzzle and often failed to break the 2000 fps mark. todays better powders are allowing that cartrige to

achive 2200 fps with a 160 grain bullet. "magic bullet projectile " a 160 grain full metal jacket bullet is a projectile that has a tremendusly high sectional density- it is very long for its diameter. what this means is that it will penatrate extremly well, the fact that it is has a full metal jacket bullet will increse the penetraton factor further, then we take into account the low muzzle velocity of around 2000

fps- this low velocity further adds to the penetration factor.


Now this bullet is going to have no problem plowing through three or even four men, but if hits any large bone it is going to show deformation. What it is not going to do is act like a hunting bullet and mushroom back apon its shank. Depending on how many bones it hits its nose will be deformed and it may flatten on one side if it begins to yaw sideways. Bullets of extreme sectional density

that are not designed to expand , and are fired from a rifle with the correct fast twist barrel - like the caracano -will zip right on through like a pencil only the largest bones will cause them to yaw and tumble.


the recovered magic bullet was pristeen, the only deformations on it were the rifling marks- this alone destroys the official story - if that bullet with all of the atributtes of penetration listed above was forced to a stop whithin the bodies of 2 men and a car seat, then the forces at work on that bullet( bones/ metal) were tremendous. This bullet would have been seriously deformed.


point 2 the only ways to get the explosive effect seen on the kenedy headshot are: 1- extremly high muzzle velocity 3100 fps+ with an expanding projectile. 2 - A hyper velocity cartrige 4000 fps with almost any projectile. 3-to a lesser degree of destruction -a moderate velocity cartrige like the 30/30 with a lightly constructed bullet of very low sectional density - a bullet with an exploding core - these

were manufactured for professional assasinations and were part of our CIA's arsenal, the KGB, and others. expolosive core bullets did not rely on velocity and were often deployed from handguns.


the 6.5 caracano with 160 gr ball ammo could not create the hydrostatic shock required explode kenedys head with the kind of violence of impact the shot demonstrated. - this 2nd point also

destroys the official story.



The weapon found in the school book depository by dallas police was a 7.65 Mauser, three spent 6.5 caracano cartriges were found by the window. the 6.5 cartriges and the 7.65 rifle are incompatible

later the FBI was presented with the murder weapon- an actual 6.5 caracano whose scope was so poorly mounted that the rifle /scope combo had to be completly resighted in in order for testing to take place.




The part about the that the windshield was not being hit is total bs. Many eye witnesses are on record saying it was hit twice, once cleanly through the shield and once through the frame near the rear view mirror. We are talking about cops and medical professionals who veiwed the vehicle as it arrived at parkland hospital. All of the evidence was destroyed in the limo- it was rebuilt immiediatly this goes beyond suspisious it is criminal.


the zapruder film has been edited and many frames were removed before it was released to the public, watch the driver when kenedy is in the kill zone, he turns around twice to look at kenedy.

watch how fast he turns around and then turns forward. his movments are physically imposible... they are way too fast.... missing frames. Also look at the scale of the people on the grass in the background behind the limo and compare them with the people in the foreground.


I could go on and on and on, but we are not supposed to get political so i won't.


Dude you realize TDC just did this one, its not the one from a few years ago.


Man I see you buy into those conspriacy theories hook line and sinker.

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the recovered magic bullet was pristeen, the only deformations on it were the rifling marks- this alone destroys the official story - if that bullet with all of the atributtes of penetration listed above was forced to a stop whithin the bodies of 2 men and a car seat, then the forces at work on that bullet( bones/ metal) were tremendous. This bullet would have been seriously deformed.


The magic bullet was far from pristine, as it was actually deformed in slightly banana-like shape. How interesting that it's almost always photographed while oriented on it's undeformed axis. Similar rounds fired into ballistic gels and animal tissue with the same approximate density as (both) a human thorax and wrist have also emerged sporting similar deformations.

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Yeah the "magic bullet" theory has been debunked on numerous occasion.


the 6.5 Mannlicher carcano is a pathetic cartridge that is incapable of producing the wounds that were demonstrated on the body of president Kennedy.


Um they proved in those test that yes it can, and you see it them actually doing the test. And you see it creating the same type of wound. Icarus999, I think your tin foil hat might be on too tight causing a lack of O2 to the brain. :lol:

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the pathology of the conspiracy theorists demands that they ignore factual evidence contrary to their delusion and cite only fabricated "proofs" bearing no resemblance to reality as the further "proof" that their manufactured "facts" prove their "truth".


no factual evidence can therefore be presented to them and be accepted. The factual evidence has always been doctored or planted and is therefore further proof of the depth and reach of the conspiracy.


psychiatric pharmaceuticals are the only answer.


sadly, roughly 1/3 of the population suffers from terminal conspiracy delusional psychosis.



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the 6.5 Mannlicher carcano is a pathetic cartridge that is incapable of producing the wounds that were demonstrated on the body of president Kennedy.


given that this was the standard military cartridge of the Italian Army for almost 60 years, through two wars, and exceeds the downrange energy of the current class of intermediate cartridges used in almost all service rifles and carbines today - a reality based individual might want to review the various baseless assertions in the so-called "debunking" for other, glaring fabrications contrary to reality.


One might also want to review the hundreds of thousands of military graves around the world and note those who were killed in action by such cartridges.

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Here's the "pristine" bullet, properly known as CE399 (Commission Evidence 399) seen from the butt end. I certainly would not call it pristine, though I'm sure that the great forensics and ballistics expert, Oliver Stone, would beg to differ.



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"The weapon found in the school book depository by dallas police was a 7.65 Mauser, three spent 6.5 caracano cartriges were found by the window. the 6.5 cartriges and the 7.65 rifle are incompatible

later the FBI was presented with the murder weapon- an actual 6.5 caracano whose scope was so poorly mounted that the rifle /scope combo had to be completly resighted in in order for testing to take place."


utter bunk.


from the commission report;





"At 1 :22 p.m. Deputy Sheriff Eugene Boone and Deputy Constable

Seymour Weitzman discovered a bolt-action rifle equipped with a

telescopic sight. It was also on the floor of the sixth story of the

book depository, near the northwest corner. Weitzman-though

neither he nor Boone actually handled the rifle-described it as a

7.65 German Mauser, although it was subsequently determined to

be a 6.5 millimeter Mannlicher-Carcano Italian military rifle. It

contained one round, a full copperjacketed military-type bullet

manufactured by Western Cartridge Co."



what this means is that the first report and identification, in error, has been siezed upon by the deranged conspiracy crowd for decades as "proof" that there was another rifle and shooter involved. In fact, the officers themselves stated before the commission that their initial identification of the Mauser was incorrect.


This of course no doubt merely "proves" that some group got to them and forced them to change their story........................



"later the FBI was presented with the murder weapon- an actual 6.5 caracano whose scope was so poorly mounted that the rifle /scope combo had to be completly resighted in in order for testing to take place."


I have seen nothing that substantiates that particular fabrication. The FBI did test fire the rifle and 2 of 3 agents duplicated the accuracy with multiple shots to acomplish the assassination.

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psychiatric pharmaceuticals are the only answer.

Pretty close. The MiG-29 defector Suyev told of how his mom was sedated when she discovered the bizzare land assest accounting in USSR, and she tried to bring it to the attention of the authorities. They were in on the scam and medicated her down. This could have been Ussian propaganda (I still wonder about Zuyev as VVS pilot trashing PVO pilots...most interesting indeed). I'll bet Russian or post-Communist society is very keen on conspiracy theories, and they have every reason to be.




the pathology of the conspiracy theorists demands that they ignore factual evidence contrary to their delusion and cite only fabricated "proofs" bearing no resemblance to reality as the further "proof" that their manufactured "facts" prove their "truth".



More interesting was why the big K was shot down, and others too in his family. One gun person, 2, or 300 holds little interest for me. Who stood to loose from Kennedy? But you can't blame the theory victims, since its a well earned lack of trust on the part of .gov, and all the underworld stories of Busch Sr. or Air Amerikka drug running and stuff, and poor education as well. The most popular "evidence" of Apollo moon landing hoax is lack of stars seen from the surface of the moon, which anybody knowing how daylight camera exposure and faint stars work can easily avoid that trap.


Years ago I was at a local astronomy club meeting, a few of the younger guys (like me at the time) were sitting at table, a bit of age grouping, and the Apollo hoax came up among us youngens about the lack of stars. I pointed out the camera exposure under daylight, and they were like WOW man your right. Even they having an interest in astronomy didn't figure that out themselves. I can't blame them. Sloppy education was not their fault, which is another conspiracy theory seen running around about dumbing down the American pubic.

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My fave conspiracy is Chemtrails, because chemtrail websites offer great pics of persistent contrails in a heavy cirrus~esque sky. I love the smell of an approaching warm front in the evening.



ah...chemtrails over THE SF = :good:





Highly zoomed in view out of cockpit, toward the setting Siberian sun. The B-47 contrail coming toward the player is about 300km long. Yes this can be done in The Sims, and someday the devs will figure it out. But not today.


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sadly, roughly 1/3 of the population suffers from terminal conspiracy delusional psychosis.

Conspiracy theory about conspiracy theorists? So then anyhoo... learning doesn't end when you leave the classroom, does it? Applying some critical thinking standards can debunk most of the information manufactured and displayed on some of these websites. Trying not to repeat some of these fallacies only compounds disbelief. Any fact checker with the most basic of skills can detect errors, when they put some work into it. A systematic analysis of the data will help anyone come to reasonable conclusions. Until someone else with the minimum knowledge on the subject calls it all just a bunch of conspiracy theories. Ignorance is bliss, isn't it Sgt. Schultz? Thanks to the few people who actually put some helpful information that should dispell some of the misinformation out there and to the one or two people who responded to my other posts. I guess nobody saw that movie either, too bad.


Shooter movie trailer:

Edited by Roopod

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What's the movie about? From the Utube comments...


Greame166 (1 year ago)::

Wtf they dont explain y they wanna kill the president

That should be the core of a good story. Shootdowns are kinda "mainstream" entertainment in a way.


I love how in the Babylon 5 series, JMS had the Earthgov put up early Lennin-style posters to exhort Pres Clark and Earth Patriotism and you can easily see GNN (Galactic News Network) as CNN under control of Earthgov. That series did not have much shooting, but it sure had lots of deep story telling and classical authoritarian imagery.

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