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Veltro. As long as your name is in the Freeware Licensing treaty, no one is going to try anything funny, especially concerning payware-nizing your creations. If that happens, there are people who would come down on them. Hard.


It is a matter of respect.

Edited by kct

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I'm a little disturbed about a word used to describe the other Bear,,," PAYWARE" :glare: If you want to make a payware model, fine, But,,,, I dont want to release this model and have any parts ,INI,data ....ect....to improve something thats going to be used as payware....Again all models i release are Freeware to be distributed for Free no charge what so ever , and I absolute do not authorize any use to be part of or enhance a payware Item :nono: if I get wind of such a thing happening my contribution days will be over in a flash



Future payware Pasko's Bear have nothing to do with freeware release. It will have different modell-(superiour to existing one), FM (much better - hey I'm FM guy you know...etc). We released Bear in order to make one more "target" for people, and to be enough fun to shoot it down. Do you really think that Pasko and me (we are here very long time) will do such a thing - use people to improve our modells and then sell them to same people? No no, you don't know me that good my friend. When payware (BiS e.g.) will come out - it will be different story. We have too many modells in pipeline, and not enough time to finish them all, so you can expect more freeware releases like this in future.


I can understand your potential "frustration" that we "beat you" in releasing Bear, but that was not intentional, this Tu-95 release was "last call" - it couldve been Tu-128, and have (again) nothing to do with "competition" at all.


I suppose to be good guy - and always act like one. If you imagine me different - you are quite wrong.




BTW.......I don't care about money(have that enough already) and all payware stuff - that was Pasko's decision and he is my best friend - so I follow him, and if people will act in future like this, both of us can easy quit modding for good - in split second. We are all here one big community, and more modells we have - better.

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Don't worry, we aren't being hostile or anything. Just some worries, that's all.


No hard feelings, and looking forward to the MiG.

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Okay folks, lets take a step back and think about this for a minute.


First, if you have 2 models of the same aircraft built by 2 separate modelers, how much do you think is going to be really transferable.


The answer is, damn near nothing.


The model parts will be named different, the mapping is almost certainly different, hell, it's probably going to be built differently. with different parts cut in different places. So that eliminates LODs, textures, decal placements. Loading, loadout, and hanger screens will be different too just because of modeler preferences (ie it's not much harder to make your own verses doing an obvious copy). Decals could be copied...but why would you want to. It's not like the decals you need aren't already in the game for generics. Again, different modeler techniques would probably end up necessitating different aircraft specific decals.


Which leaves ini files.


Assuming both aircraft have cockpits, I guarantee the cockpit and avionic inis will be different. Again, mainly because of differences in naming techniques, how to animate stuff, etc.


The overall ini file (the ini file that names all the other aircraft ini files) is pretty specific in what files it needs to name...again, no use in copying it because it has to be tailored to the specific model (especially when it comes to naming textures, LOD files, etc).


Now, let's examine the data.ini. The main sticking points are the numbers that determine the airfoil shapes. Why? Because the other entries are either A) exactly the same because it's based on the real aircraft (stall speeds, max G, etc), or B) are different because the LODs or location of the center of the model is different (weapon stations, animation names, part names, etc). Even the hitboxes will typically be different.


So, the overall question...should I be concerned that airfoil data could be copied from one model to other?


The answer is...not really. Something like that would be very hard to prove. As an example, the F-5F and F-5E both have the same horizontal slab. If for my F-5F model, I use the MF F-5E data for the horizontal slab, it would be hard to prove I didn't come up with the same numbers on my own. And this only applies to shapes that are cut at the same points and are the same size. And also, this can't apply to overall moments on the aircraft, for the same reasons as stated eariler (different center points, CG, size of parts, etc).


In addition, if a person changes a few of the numbers by one iteration at the third decimal location, which might barely affect the flight model, but looks 'different' enough, can it be proven that it was copied?


You get the idea. The best thing to do is work on your stuff and don't worry about the other stuff.



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Next version is well on its way



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Veltro have to say it`s a very nice project and damn nice modelling! what happen to your mig31



Mig 31 is being skinned by a friend ,,,he is a bit busy right now but it will get here

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Future payware Pasko's Bear have nothing to do with freeware release. It will have different modell-(superiour to existing one), FM (much better - hey I'm FM guy you know...etc). We released Bear in order to make one more "target" for people, and to be enough fun to shoot it down. Do you really think that Pasko and me (we are here very long time) will do such a thing - use people to improve our modells and then sell them to same people? No no, you don't know me that good my friend. When payware (BiS e.g.) will come out - it will be different story. We have too many modells in pipeline, and not enough time to finish them all, so you can expect more freeware releases like this in future.


I can understand your potential "frustration" that we "beat you" in releasing Bear, but that was not intentional, this Tu-95 release was "last call" - it couldve been Tu-128, and have (again) nothing to do with "competition" at all.


I suppose to be good guy - and always act like one. If you imagine me different - you are quite wrong.




BTW.......I don't care about money(have that enough already) and all payware stuff - that was Pasko's decision and he is my best friend - so I follow him, and if people will act in future like this, both of us can easy quit modding for good - in split second. We are all here one big community, and more modells we have - better.



No Accusations have been made, i was just pointing out my stance on this subject. Pasco is one of the modders that have inspired me to start modeling...and i am not frustrated that you have released before i did,,,i take my time to ensure a quality product trying to maintain the poly count down . I have nothing against people who want to make a quick buck ,because I know the hard work that it takes to bring a model to realization. I am happy for you and respect your oppinion and look forward to all your releases, but please do not hijack my threads


thank you

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I didn't hijacked your thread, just answered to "Thog10" member, and after that we all - hmmm - carryed away - a bit.

I do like your work, and please continue to bring quality stuff.


Thank you

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I didn't hijacked your thread, just answered to "Thog10" member, and after that we all - hmmm - carryed away - a bit.

I do like your work, and please continue to bring quality stuff.


Thank you


Again that hijack remark was not referring only to you. Just that it has been done before to another thread I started and it kind of ticked me off a bit. Now that my Opinions are well known, as far as I am concerned the subject is now closed and let’s use this energy and get some work done :wink:

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What a beautiful plane, Veltro! And how about your Fiat Br 20? My Spanish Civil war install is waiting for it....

Are you planning to make a SM 81 Pipistrello as well? (only an idea, you know...)

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We need someone to make a Stephen Colbert pilot to help shoot down these godless terrors. :wink:

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Uploaded Beta

Edited by Veltro2k

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I want to say one thing, and only one thing.


Amazing work!

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never realized how lethal those tail guns are



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Damn great Addon, I wrote you a PM have you read it?! you know it was just a report and I know it`s beto so... want to help ;-) keep up your damn good work, very very nice detail on this baby!

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Damn great Addon, I wrote you a PM have you read it?! you know it was just a report and I know it`s beto so... want to help ;-) keep up your damn good work, very very nice detail on this baby!



yes Got your Pm , problem was fixed so i could also apply it to this bird :wink:



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