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When Dave Gets Bored

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37 IN HIGH DEF POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wonder if you can plug ZX Spectrum in there...

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Wonder if you can plug ZX Spectrum in there...


A what?

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You're going to go blind with that screen.


Does Sheila know yet? She's going to make you earn that one ;)



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Just thinking what kind of picture a 1982 PC loading data from a tape would make on such a huuuuge screen. :blink:

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37" ?

big screen (very big).


PS. Nice Ferrrari . :biggrin:


(F430? or 599?)

Edited by Signum

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better give credit to where credit is due....



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better give credit to where credit is due....




Yes you did give me the idea. Only a temporary thing though.

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nice Dave... but who uses ICQ anymore? :biggrin:


Just about 4 out of 5 modders use it. That is how all of the modders stay in touch. Pick a modder I can bet you I got him on ICQ.

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Pffft...got ya beat...how about a Sinclair ZX81 running my first flight sim ever...in basic!



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Just about 4 out of 5 modders use it. That is how all of the modders stay in touch. Pick a modder I can bet you I got him on ICQ.

Count me as number one............I've had it for almost 9 years.

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Sony Tuckson















Wrench, The



Just to name a few.

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Just about 4 out of 5 modders use it. That is how all of the modders stay in touch. Pick a modder I can bet you I got him on ICQ.





<<Zur goes and hides under his tinfoil hat before another instant messaging troll infects his PC>>



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I wonder how many will get that....


probably only us old guys....




Well, actually, it probably will with a coax connector. I had an Atari VCS (2600) hooked up to a 52" hi-def TV in our detachment lounge and it worked fine.

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Very sweet Dave!!! I bought a 37" 1920x1080p monitor several months ago and really love it, the best thing i have done for my gaming yet. The new generation of fps like Far cry 2 or last years Crysis look and play amazing on it,

and you can actually see everyone who is trying to shoot you.

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i'm no modder but i also have ICQ but i barely use it...

i didn'y talk to anyone on ICQ in a while ^_^

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This is why every TV I ever buy always has a PC connection. Our HTPC displays to a 46 inch LCD. Which is awesome for a multiplayer game of Strike Fighters...



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Anyone considerd using Matox Triple head with 3 46" hd lcds, because that must look awesome. Complete surround views, would be great for movies as well.

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You know anyone with three 46 inch 1080p monitors sitting around? Cause I'd like to meet them!



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Oh no, I see where this is going. First person to rent a movie theatre for multiplayer WOI gets a prize.


Jeez, some of those pits are approaching actual size!

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