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Just a thought...

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It makes perfect sense.


Otherwise, it wouldn't bother you, and after all that is what this entire exercise is about...or hadn't you figured that out by now?

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NO, the ships are fine EXACTLY as they are (exepting for needed a all gray skin, easy accomplished). They ARE sized correctly


The terrain IS 100% scale....


This isn't CFS2, where the terrains were perfectly sized, and objects perfectly matching.


It's something we've learned to live with, and have gotten over.



Geezer: here's a shot from the Osprey Camapign book on Pearl:




maybe this'll help some



kevin stein

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Guest Stiglr
NO, the ships are fine EXACTLY as they are (exepting for needed a all gray skin, easy accomplished). They ARE sized correctly


The terrain IS 100% scale....


This isn't CFS2, where the terrains were perfectly sized, and objects perfectly matching.


It's something we've learned to live with, and have gotten over.



Geezer: here's a shot from the Osprey Camapign book on Pearl:




maybe this'll help some



kevin stein


OK, if it's all scaled 100%, good! I guess I misread something further up this thread.

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Wrench wrote:




Arrrrrrrgh!!!! How can you TOLERATE this? You're actually considering making the new ships 37% too small to accommodate fitting them into a 63% scale terrain that's been created at 63% scale..... why, exactly????


Is there some "sim lite" rule I'm unaware of that says you must propagate this AWFUL amateurish scale inaccuracy into everything you do in this system???


This simply makes no sense, especially for a very limited (area-wise) mod that has no good reason NOT to be 100% scale.


I think you're missing a golden opportunity to step away from "sim lite" here and do things RIGHT for a change.


(And yes, I'd consider rescaling any work done recently up to 100%; should be an easy thing to do at this stage)


Get over it. If you can't, and you insist on acting this way, we'd be happy to show you the door.



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Geezer: here's a shot from the Osprey Camapign book on Pearl:


Thanks - I have a good map, but this photo will be the best guide of all. Also, I'll recheck my scale and make sure it matches the grid shown on a previous map.


As most Pearl Harbor action will center around this island, I'll take some extra time with the textures - test shot will probably be ready tomorrow night.


Do you need other airfield models?

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Outstanding work on all fronts!Wish I had the programs to help but,as of now.....just a dreamer.



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Now, if I can keep the damn game from crashing out....sometimes getting an 'ntdll failiure' and 'd3dx9 failure' -which is bs, as my dx9 is fullly updated. The ntdll is gotta be a bad thing though...isn't that a core kernal file??

seems to only do it on THIS map....gotta be something with the TFd and HFDs or some such nonesense...


I wanted to take a screenie of Kanehoe for you'lls edification.


back o trark, I created a new terrain tile JUST for Kaneohe, that has the paved seaplane ramp leading down to the sea. It won't be a usable base (as we not flying the PBY/OS2U etc that we dont have..) but it'll make a nice target for the IJN flyers!

I even added 2 of my MG AAAs to defend the place.


if/when I get the objects placed, I MAY experiment with Gepards 'seepiste' , the inivsible airfield used for carrier groups.


I'll try to get that screenie up later.


Hinch: that is BOMB dude!!! :biggrin: I really wish I could 3d model.... I just ain't got the brain talent for it.


Geezer: I'm sure I do....been stuck using the standard BS runway 2 for Hickam, and runway 3 for everything else. These WILL work just fine however; as the biggest plane availabe right now is a 'moded mod' of my A-20A, correcting some things (like I finally figured out which mesh was the exhast nipples on the cowling to remove them) and reskining and redecaling for 58th BS(L). All airfields are on Oahu, so it's pretty busy there!


Since the US forces will mostly be P-40s, P-36s, (what if guys can add F4F-3s from Ewa and the really suicidal can fly P-26s!!) using the small and medium runways pose no issues.



kevin stein

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The really suicidal can fly P-26s!!


I'd be the guy flying the P-26s!! :lol::drag:



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ok actually got it run without a crash this time, and got some piccies:


NAS Kanehoe:






this is that custom tile, that looks like a seaplane ramp. I have a sneaking suspicion that THIS is the cause of the crashes,so I'm probably going to go back to the stock sea-to grass tile. Problem is, it looks damn good!!


I do have an alternative way of doing it...I've got a square 'slab' that I can place several near the hightide mark, and just toss everything else out, and use runway3 (I have a paved version from another mod.) The only problem is the dispersal parking slots that wouldn't be here (as they are at bellows, haleiwa, ewa, etc)


The alternative would be to have you, Geezer, create a 'new' runway, that's just the runway, based off runway3, but without the other stuff.


I'll try it with the repaved version and 'ramp' object, and retile the map ... again!!



kevin stien

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Wrench wrote:




Arrrrrrrgh!!!! How can you TOLERATE this? You're actually considering making the new ships 37% too small to accommodate fitting them into a 63% scale terrain that's been created at 63% scale..... why, exactly????


Is there some "sim lite" rule I'm unaware of that says you must propagate this AWFUL amateurish scale inaccuracy into everything you do in this system???


This simply makes no sense, especially for a very limited (area-wise) mod that has no good reason NOT to be 100% scale.


I think you're missing a golden opportunity to step away from "sim lite" here and do things RIGHT for a change.


(And yes, I'd consider rescaling any work done recently up to 100%; should be an easy thing to do at this stage)



So, Stiglr, what are you going to contribute? The air must be very rarefied in your neck of the woods.


As Admiral Sir Leighton Arnold said to his flag captain......... 'piss off'.

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As Admiral Sir Leighton Arnold said to his flag captain......... 'piss off'.


Well said. :good:


Progress shot of Ford Island below - basic coverage is done and beginning to add details. Kaga and 1930s hangars shown to give sense of scale.



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The alternative would be to have you, Geezer, create a 'new' runway, that's just the runway, based off runway3, but without the other stuff.


OK - let's get Ford Island done first. Also, I have no idea what runway 3 looks like! :biggrin:

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I been running some test in my SPF1/WOV/WOE oct08b patched install.Added Mike's WWII nations pack and your recently (from Feb '08 and forward) .ini's fixes for WWII a/c and works fine except for just simple fixes such as canopies being open in flight (No big deal,ez fix) and auto pilot landings.I prefer to land manual anyhow.No problems with weapons loadout,using recent "neat" wp 2.52 (Thanks Fellas!),EE_3 affects and merged the WWII weapons with latest weapons editor.Klaves updated speech pack is awesome and sorry I forgot the persons name who did this.Wolf's a/c pack and your .ini's fixes go hand and hand so,"I" for one will be using oct08b just because,don't want go backwards and with some work to stay progressing.There's one thing to complain about problems and another to expect some to fix them for you.When all you got to do is read....read...fix....read..fix,well you get the point.Thanks for the .ini's fixes for these lovely a/c!




P.s.Use alot of Enviro Mods too.

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Guest Stiglr
So, Stiglr, what are you going to contribute? The air must be very rarefied in your neck of the woods.


As Admiral Sir Leighton Arnold said to his flag captain......... 'piss off'.


I'll leave it to you to coordinate with Wrench for the answer to this question, as I have already volunteered my help and files with anyone who wants access to things like... pits for the P-26 and P-35... as well as other things that, so far, NOBODY HAS STEPPED FORWARD TO TAKE ON.


Easier for you to try and discredit what I post about this sim system than to acknowledge it and perhaps work together to solve it, isn't it?


And, whether I contribute anything or not, it still doesn't make me wrong about what I've said about scale.



So, then: YOU piss off.

Edited by Stiglr

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Brady: If the FMs got fixed on the wW2 birds, I'd be perfectly happy with the post-patch environment. But in many cases, it feels i'm fighting MY airplane more than the enemy.

Like you said, the canopy fixes are 'no brainer', either go the maunal animation, via a key, or just comment out the auto-speed sections.


The map will most llikely work in ANY version (and probably FE as well), as long as one the Original Three Terrains ™ are present for the 'cat pointer reach around' :biggrin: I haven't tested this, of course, but other terrains work just fine that way. It uses modified versions of the stock VietnamSEA tiles, and they'll be included, as will any added terrain/ground objects.


Here's the non-historical, revamped NAS Kanehoe, using my 'paved runway 3'




I've set it to have "0" squadrons, so its not really an operational base, just a big fat target for the Japaneses bombers. You'll note the removal of the berm shelters, and the parking slots acting as seaplane ramps. Now, if we had some parked PBYs....


Here's some of Ewa, using the standard or garden variety dirt runway 3: (as does Halewia, Wheeler and Bellows)




Closeup of the infield, with the airship mooring mast:



with a little hex editing, and repainting, one can do just about anything!! I repurpose entire objects!!! I still have some 'fixes' to do there, like move the too-close-together barracks. I tell ya, that Osprey book has been a real treasure trove of 'what goes where'. Schofield will be problematic, but not too difficult. Just have to figure out a few small things, like the Main Gate, etc.



kevin stein

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Now I understand why you like the VietnamSEA.cat for Oahu.The environment looks tropical with the added trees,duh!Got too involved in getting/fixing my WWII a/c and didn't bother to look outside the window so to speak.The karst in the background (screenshot #1 of last post) look perfect.Be a good place to add the pillboxes housing anti-ship artillery,thinking out loud.Because,there are still pillboxes in Oahu yet.Empty,but,their there.Maybe,Geezer already had this idea.Since,he was working on 1930 groundobjects.Hinchinbrooke's IJN ships could pound the shoreline.A good what if scenario anyway.



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Already have working coastal defense artillery/large gun bunkers (along with working MG pillboxes). Right now, they're in the Marianas map. Easily imported mmmmuuuuahahahahaaaaa!!! Simple ini edits of terrain object, turn them into Ground Objects; artillery.


Placement around the Harbor mouth being the issue....as in where the hell can I put them!!! It's damn crowded in there (like do I or do I not add Hospital Point, with it's nearby oil tanks -- and what idiiot puts flamable/explosive petrochemical storage NEXT to a hospital????)



kevin stein

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The devil made them do it Wrench! :diablo:

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Wow guys. I have to say I'm very impressed with what's materialized over the last few days.


I haven't gotten into the WWII side of the TW sims yet, as I've always thought that there are other sims that do it better. BUT, this is looking awesome, and if this comes to fruition, I think I'll have to give it a try.


Keep it up! :good:

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Maybe,Geezer already had this idea.Since,he was working on 1930 groundobjects.


Yep. Most WW2 infrastructure was built in the 1930s. It can also sometimes be used for WW1 (depends). Shot below of repair dock I was working on before the Kaga and Ford Island popped up.



Edited by Geezer

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Geezer,that's more than to be expect.You are a true artist at your skill!Just can't find the right words on how gitty I feel.



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I'll leave it to you to coordinate with Wrench for the answer to this question, as I have already volunteered my help and files with anyone who wants access to things like... pits for the P-26 and P-35... as well as other things that, so far, NOBODY HAS STEPPED FORWARD TO TAKE ON.


Easier for you to try and discredit what I post about this sim system than to acknowledge it and perhaps work together to solve it, isn't it?


And, whether I contribute anything or not, it still doesn't make me wrong about what I've said about scale.



So, then: YOU piss off.


What a hero! Anyway, back to scheduled programming.

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That is just SOOO amazing....the only thing that Woody is missin is Baby Moon hub caps!!! Or A200S American wheels (I always liked those better)



kevin stein

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That is just SOOO amazing....the only thing that Woody is missin is Baby Moon hub caps!!! Or A200S American wheels (I always liked those better)


Thanks. Had a hard day at work and just don't feel up to doing artwork - will get back to Ford Island tomorrow. Instead, I got some time in on the Kaga - that was easier. :biggrin:



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