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Got a few PM's people asking where some of old heads have been and what is the status on our projects. Speaking for myself ( I am sure C5 and others might come here and explain their status themselves, or not but I don't want to speak for them) I haven't crank up the sim in about a month, no real motivation right now also busy with the holidays and family. Also start my GS-8 job on the 15th of Dec so time will be at a real premium. But here is the status of a few projects.


B-1B is in the paint barn. (Jats paint barn that is)

EF-111A skin is done and sent to FC for evaluation (Jats skin as well)

F-101B RF-101G/H still WIP with mppd skinning his ass off.

Desert Storm mod is kind of on hold while one of our team members is out of the US.


Stuff will get done. I just don't have any spark right now. Be cool and Happy Holidays all.

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I here ya......


Just started a new position myself. Decided to get back to what I enjoy which is mainframe technical support. (No, they are not dead. We are the B-52s of the IT world. :wink: )


Don't let anyone give you any crap, Dave. Family and work (in that order) are always more important than playing games.


Happy Holidays! Keep your stick on the ice.........

Edited by kirbykern

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Also start my GS-8 job on the 15th of Dec so .....


ooOOOooOOhHHHhHH Big Show GS-8 now! :rolleyes:


haha j/k :haha:

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BLT Statis Report.............. :blink:


Here's a secret film, of Dave undergoing his GS-8 training:

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OK Dave, enough is enough....you can pick yourself off the floor, now.

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:lol: I think I will watch that tonight too.

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I was recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Zur and the Kodan Armada, so obviously my time here is limited.

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Oh yeah, well I represent the lollipop guild! So how do you like them apples???

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We represent the...LEGION.


Wait, what legion?

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Thanks for the compliment Dave, but don't worry, still plenty of a** left. I feel lucky that my work schedule lately gives me several hours in the late afternoon to myself, plus at least one overnight per week at work to play on the computer.


Happy holidays to you all,


Mike D.

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Got a few PM's people asking where some of old heads have been and what is the status on our projects. Speaking for myself ( I am sure C5 and others might come here and explain their status themselves, or not but I don't want to speak for them) I haven't crank up the sim in about a month, no real motivation right now also busy with the holidays and family. Also start my GS-8 job on the 15th of Dec so time will be at a real premium. But here is the status of a few projects.


B-1B is in the paint barn. (Jats paint barn that is)

EF-111A skin is done and sent to FC for evaluation (Jats skin as well)

F-101B RF-101G/H still WIP with mppd skinning his ass off.

Desert Storm mod is kind of on hold while one of our team members is out of the US.


Stuff will get done. I just don't have any spark right now. Be cool and Happy Holidays all.

Best of luck and fortune, Dave, in your new endeavors and thank you for your time spent defending the nation.............

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Best of luck and fortune, Dave, in your new endeavors and thank you for your time spent defending the nation.............


I always get embarrassed when you say that Jug. My career thus far has been a flash in the pan compared to yours. It is I who thank you for all those eayr you spent a THE tip of the spear.


"To err is human to forgive is no SAC policy"


Doing double duty as a uniformed Reservists then a full time ART (Air Reserve Technician) is one of the best decisions I have ever made.

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I always get embarrassed when you say that Jug. My career thus far has been a flash in the pan compared to yours. It is I who thank you for all those years you spent a THE tip of the spear.


What Dave said. I've been lucky compared to those here who've really been in harm's way. From the mudfeet on the ground to the high spy Deuce guy, thanks...we owe you.



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Welcome to General Schedule Pay Grade Dave.

I was a GS-8 from 2001 to 2007.

Currently GS-7 step 9. Took a downgrade to get out of SoCal.

:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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Welcome to General Schedule Pay Grade Dave.

I was a GS-8 from 2001 to 2007.

Currently GS-7 step 9. Took a downgrade to get out of SoCal.

:ph34r: CL


Thanks CL, will start as a step one and will get 2 and 3 on my 2nd and 3rd year and then every other year after that. At least that is what they told me.

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I was recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Zur and the Kodan Armada, so obviously my time here is limited.


WHAT!? :blink:


I'll have you know that I am anti-establishment... The day I sign the Labor group card for the Kodan Armada is that day I wear a set of falsies and a skirt!



... wait... I already did that didn't I?

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WHAT!? :blink:


I'll have you know that I am anti-establishment... The day I sign the Labor group card for the Kodan Armada is that day I wear a set of falsies and a skirt!



... wait... I already did that didn't I?


And you were quite fetching I dare say.Although the dude with the bug eyes was a tad bit cuter. :wink: Now I'm off to do something manly like lay pipe or put up sheetrock. :rofl:

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WHAT!? :blink:


I'll have you know that I am anti-establishment... The day I sign the Labor group card for the Kodan Armada is that day I wear a set of falsies and a skirt!



... wait... I already did that didn't I?


Took 2 years of therapy to get that image out of my head and you brought in back in less than 50 words. :lol:

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And you were quite fetching I dare say.Although the dude with the bug eyes was a tad bit cuter. :wink: Now I'm off to do something manly like lay pipe or put up sheetrock. :rofl:



You said "lay pipe." :haha:

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Uh hih uh huh huh huh....he said "lay pipe" huhuhuhuh..... avatar_1300.gif

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Uh hih uh huh huh huh....he said "lay pipe" huhuhuhuh..... avatar_1300.gif



thats what was going thru my head as I was typing that.It was just to obvious for me to not do. :yes:

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