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Indian Air Force on high alert

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Real life is not a fu...ing game, people die for real, you cant insert another coin and continue playing...


Was it a game for victims of terrorist attacks in India, do they get to insert the coin and carry on.

Things are far more complicated than that. If India does not respond who knows how many more families will want "the coin" to insert... If they do respond, due to both sides having nukes, results may be chatastrophic. It's really fu*ed up, I have no doubt India would wax the floor with Pakistan conventionally, but there are no winners in a "nuclear conflict"...

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, people die for real,


So did the innocent civilians in Mumbai and all over the country before and on 26-11-2008. For what were reason were they shot & executed? Just because someone does not like the freedom that we enjoy and the way we live?? Now that its proven that the terrorists were of particular foreign nationality, they had support and training from terrorist organisations & that nation's Intelligence Organisation( which by the way has now become a government within a government). These particular people, and i am emphasizing the word "particular", not the whole nation, to be caught and given the severest possible punishment. The terror camps, terrorists & infrastructure must be shut down permanently( and not temporarily).


And no one's taking of killing people of a particular nationality, just probable strikes on terror camps and its supporting infrastructure. Killing innocent civilians is wrong, so was the massacre in Mumbai. Musn't the people responsible be punished and put through the same pain that the people who lost loved ones in these attacks are going through?


Who knows if no action is taken, how long before another 26/11 happens again in Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata or another major Indian city???? The people want answers and concrete action against terrorists and these responsible for the attacks in the past and present.


May be they don't realise it, If that country takes concrete action and punishes the ones responsible severely, that would go a long long way in cementing indo-Pak friendly ties. Ball is their court.

Edited by ghostrider883

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But does the pakistain gave Surety to indian forces strike?


I remember some years ago pakistanian government supporting terrorism or something like that....maybe corruption but i'm not sure.

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obviously, victims of terrorism cant "insert another coin", but is the war I'm against. I'm not defending the position of terrorist, not even close. But i think war never solves nothing. Don't you think that if India bombs pakistan, there would be more people willing to strike back???? War causes more terrorist reclutment, you can't fight fire with fire. If india strikes pakistan, from my point of view, it isn't self defence but Revenge, and thats never a good reason.


Musn't the people responsible be punished and put through the same pain that the people who lost loved ones in these attacks are going through?

That is impossible and you should know it. If we continue with "eye for an eye" we will all get blind. I know thats a cliche but is true.


Please, dont take my comments as against you, your countries, or your way of life... I'm not traying

to make enemys, just an exchange of ideas

I'm just giving my point of view ,Of course I understand that people in India and Pakistan should think different...


I'm sorry, maybe i cant write clear ideas because of the lenguage limitation. But i think you understand my possition:


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The problem is Pakistan isn't really that different from Afghanistan. The idea of everyone within its borders being united is totally alien to them. The tribal mentality is far too strong. That makes it hard for a central gov't to do anything when you risk 1/3 of the country rebelling every time you try and take a stand on something. So instead they just sit there and do little while making bold pronouncements.


I never thought Pakistan a serious ally anyway. They simply figured it was easier to go along with us than not to, they never truly believed that eliminating the terrorists was the right thing to do. "Well, we don't want to get bombed, so we'll sort of go along with their idea."


Honestly, I don't see why we don't push them harder to do things. If the gov't should fall, well, it can hardly become any worse there, can it? It's already the top central location for terrorist training, it can't go anywhere but down on that list.


Right on, Jedi, but please, let the US Specforces do something first - remove Paki's nukes, plz... That should definitely be step nr 1. I mean, since Paki is an unstable country, that should forestall further aggression into indian territory, be it through terrorist or any other means - and I'm hoping cool heads will prevail in the Indian government should a war escalate between both countries, when Pakistand doesn't have nukes on their side anymore - since NO ONE wants radioactive clouds ANYWHERE in the Earth's atmosphere... And yes, India would have to keep it's nukes even if Pakistan doesn't have it's own, because there's a much bigger neighbour of India which could pose a much larger threat than Pakistan, and which also has nukes - China.

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but if India Strike inside Pakistain territory without permission....


Since when did a country require PERMISSION to go to war ? :rolleyes: Permission from whom, the world ? Clearly recent events have demostrated that certain countries will invade other countries under the most flimsy circumstances. So a country like Pakistan (a cesspool) terror camp needs to be dealt with and represents a clear and present danger not just to India but countries all over the democratic world. The Indians would be doing the world a favour if they eliminated said threat once and for all.

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Since when did a country require PERMISSION to go to war ? :rolleyes: Permission from whom, the world ? Clearly recent events have demostrated that certain countries will invade other countries under the most flimsy circumstances. So a country like Pakistan (a cesspool) terror camp needs to be dealt with and represents a clear and present danger not just to India but countries all over the democratic world. The Indians would be doing the world a favour if they eliminated said threat once and for all.



strike a parallel force inside a other country that is neutral.

as i said above this is buisness of who is on charge in country, not neighbors or everyone else, that's what soberan stands for ...you can't simply get around the world striking every hole that you find a potential terrorist cell(if in this "terrorist camps" were inocent people?).

if they're in pakistain, so PAF should strike, not IAF....if Pakistain refuse to it passes for another level of dialogue and power including conventional war....

there are some rules to follow .If we came out striking everywhere that you find ok to do the world should had ended 50 years ago.

Dialogue, cooperation and bi-lateral deals are the first step.


Anyway....didn't USAF have a Base in Pakistain? i think they could do the job, yet in cooperation with pakistanian forces.

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The problem is Pakistan isn't really that different from Afghanistan. The idea of everyone within its borders being united is totally alien to them. The tribal mentality is far too strong. That makes it hard for a central gov't to do anything when you risk 1/3 of the country rebelling every time you try and take a stand on something. So instead they just sit there and do little while making bold pronouncements.


I never thought Pakistan a serious ally anyway. They simply figured it was easier to go along with us than not to, they never truly believed that eliminating the terrorists was the right thing to do. "Well, we don't want to get bombed, so we'll sort of go along with their idea."


Honestly, I don't see why we don't push them harder to do things. If the gov't should fall, well, it can hardly become any worse there, can it? It's already the top central location for terrorist training, it can't go anywhere but down on that list.


Right on! Every word.

Our PM just went over and though he had the balls to say to them that over 75% of all terror threats to the UK have so far been traced back to links in Pakistan.. What do you think he chose to do about it? Give them millions of pounds that we can't afford so they can please spend it wisely to counter terrorism! They wont even let our intel guys see the suspected leaders. That is at least one thing I admire about the Bush years, to pursue terrorists back to their homes and where necessary bring them into custody. Terror needs to be stamped out and if that means not being entirely PC (sovereignty and so on) so be it.

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..But i think war never solves nothing...


your signature picture speaks for itself

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Some of you are missing the point. Nobody likes war. Has anybody ever said that they hope to be blowed up in a war? That being said, there are times when it is a must. We live in a time where evil people have no problem doing evil things. India has every right to defend themselves. I hope Pakistan was not involved in any way with the terrorist attacks, but there are probably a ton of facts about this that none of us know. For any of you living in the region, I hope you stay safe.



Edited by scrapper

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Some of you are missing the point. Nobody likes war.


Lol, really?

well..i think the LCA and Pakistain Mirage III replacement fleet are very good deal(and other military equipment orders that i have no notion that exist)...

as was mention abve certainly somebody will won something. :good:

Edited by Silverbolt

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Lol, really?

well..i think the LCA and Pakistain Mirage III replacement fleet are very good deal(and other military equipment orders that i have no notion that exist)...

as was mention abve certainly somebody will won something. :good:


Well, this just confirmed what I said about "missing the point."



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They wont even let our intel guys see the suspected leaders.


See? This is exactly what I meant. If they were really sincere and open minded and had nothing to hide, they would have been more transparent in their investigations.

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well..i think the LCA and Pakistain Mirage III replacement fleet


My friend, Mirage III , yes but not certainly not LCA. The LCA Tejas will be inducted in the IAF from 2010 onwards. I think you meant replacement of IAF's MiG-21 fleet.

PAF is is no hurry to retire its Mirage IIIs either. Some of them have been fitted with refuelling probes and PAF has reportedly acquired two IL-78 tankers from Ukraine.

Edited by ghostrider883

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My friend, Mirage III , yes but not certainly not LCA. The LCA Tejas will be inducted in the IAF from 2010 onwards. I think you meant replacement of IAF's MiG-21 fleet.

PAF is is no hurry to retire its Mirage IIIs either. Some of them have been fitted with refuelling probes and PAF has reportedly acquired two IL-78 tankers from Ukraine.


Unfortunately the LCA will be like the Chinese F-8 an outdated advanced aircraft.....sad.....but true.

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War will only end when mankind as we know it ends. Whether by being wiped out totally or transformed into something almost unrecognizable to us (like Star Trek), those are the only 2 options.

Man has had a tribal mentality, an "us vs them" based on the flimsiest of differences when serious ones don't exist, since the dawn of time.

Saying "no more wars" is so completely naive and unrealistic that it's not even possible to take seriously. The number of wars may be reduced, but it will never stop.

Pakistan will only do something if they feel the consequences for NOT acting against terrorists are worse than those for acting against them. A threat of all-out war with India may do that. It may not, especially if the goal of funding these attacks is simply to provoke such a war so they can bash some Indian heads for their own delight.

I think the current US policy is working pretty well...just go ahead and attack these terrorists in Pakistan whenever and wherever you find them, and maybe just deny you're doing it. Besides, it's not like Pakistan could declare war on the US for it anyway. The worst that could happen is they decide to expel the US and become unfriendly, and then we just keep doing what we're doing from Afghan bases anyway.

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An airbase outside New Delhi has been re-activated in a hurry. A detachment of MiG-29s have been stationed there. Just goes on to show, unlike previous terror attacks which had roots in a foreign country , India may not keep quiet this time.

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War, war never changes - Ron Perlman, Fallout.


The only things that will end war on this planet is our extinction, some kind of miracle where we no longer need to compete for resources or wealth, or something beyond this world presents itself as a common threat for us to unite against.

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People always say "humanity will evolve away from violence." What they fail to see is humanity evolved TOWARDS violence (see the beginning of 2001).


The non-violent elements keep getting exterminated by the violent ones. :wink:

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Defence meet keeps option of strikes on Pakistan


It was a clear signal to Pakistan that it could not look away from its commitment to take concrete action against terror emanating from its soil soon after India, under persuasion from the West, indicated it would not prefer to use force. Interestingly, the meeting also came a day after foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee declared that India was keeping all its options open since Pakistan has not kept the assurances it has given.

Interestingly, global intelligence service provider Stratfor also declared in its latest report that "Indian military

operations against targets in Pakistan have, in fact, been prepared and await the signal to go forward''. As reported earlier by TOI, the armed forces are keeping their powder dry "to carry out strikes'' if the political leadership "so desires at any point in time''. "The deep sense of anger in India has even been conveyed to US, Russia and other countries,'' said a source.

IAF sources reiterated to TOI that it would not take more than three to four hours for IAF fighter jets to carry out strikes against terror camps and other targets in Pakistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir with laser-guided ‘smart’ bombs. The Army also does not have to mobilise on a large, visible manner as was done during Operation Parakram after the December 2001 terror attack on Parliament, practicing as it has its "cold start'' strategy for rapid and multiple thrusts into enemy territory at short notice.


US unhappy with Pakistani response after 26/11


In a tough message to Pakistan, the US has said it is not satisfied with what Islamabad has done so far for eradicating terrorism from

its soil after the Mumbai attack, which was not an ordinary event which can be "swept under the carpet."


The message was conveyed by top American officials to Pakistani National Security Adviser Mahmud Ali Durrani, who was summoned to Washington as the US government was "getting increasingly frustrated with what it views as Islamabad's shifty and shifting position on the Mumbai attacks and their aftermath", the Daily Times newspaper reported


"Terrorism remains a scourge for our region. If a country cannot keep the assurances that it has given, then it obliges us to consider the entire range of options that exist to protect our interests and people from this menace," external affairs minister Pranab Mukherjee said


Referring to India's assessment of political situation in Pakistan, Mukherjee noted that the internal security of that country continued to deteriorate "leading to emergence of multiple centres of power".


The emergence of multiple centres of power has been reflected in attempts at cross border infiltration as also the increase in ceasefire violations besides the appalling terrorist attacks in Mumbai recently, he said.


Kasab belongs to Pakistan,says Nawaz Sharif. Slams Zardari for denial

"I have checked myself. His (Ajmal Amir Iman alias Ajmal Kasab) house and village has been cordoned off by the security agencies. His parents are not allowed to meet anybody. I don't understand why it has been done," Sharif, who hails from Punjab, said in an interview to Geo News channel.

Zardari, who earlier acknowledged that the perpetrators of the Mumbai carnage could be 'non-state' actors from Pakistan, has now said there is still no "real evidence" that the terrorists who attacked Mumbai came from Pakistan.

Edited by ghostrider883

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Indian Border Security Force Units on border posts reporting heavy movement of Pakistan Army Infantry & Armour at border posts. Though no force build up has been made by the Indian Army. Meanwhile the PAF has moved 3 sqdns each of F-16s & Mirage IIIs to its forward airbases.

In a related event, a suicide squad of three Pakistanis were caught in Kashmir. They planned to carry out a suicide bombing of an big hotel in Srinagar. One of them is a serving Pakistan Army soldier.

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Indian Border Security Force Units on border posts reporting heavy movement of Pakistan Army Infantry & Armour at border posts. Though no force build up has been made by the Indian Army. Meanwhile the PAF has moved 3 sqdns each of F-16s & Mirage IIIs to its forward airbases.

In a related event, a suicide squad of three Pakistanis were caught in Kashmir. They planned to carry out a suicide bombing of an big hotel in Srinagar. One of them is a serving Pakistan Army soldier.


If they have people like that in their army, I hope they don't get close to the nuclear stuff, it is insane that you should have to live day by day next to that kind of situation, this is why the West has such problems with Iran having nukes, or North Korea yet Pakistan continues to hold power of the nuclear button but no power it seems to stop the terrorists in their own country.


My best wishes and prayers are for you and yours Ghostrider, may we all see a peaceful Christmas time in the Asian subcontinent this year and forever. Peace, love and respect.

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If they have people like that in their army, I hope they don't get close to the nuclear stuff, it is insane that you should have to live day by day next to that kind of situation, this is why the West has such problems with Iran having nukes, or North Korea yet Pakistan continues to hold power of the nuclear button but no power it seems to stop the terrorists in their own country.


My best wishes and prayers are for you and yours Ghostrider, may we all see a peaceful Christmas time in the Asian subcontinent this year and forever. Peace, love and respect.


Thank you.

All this war talk is only because they want to some how wriggle out of the hole that they find themselves in. They have been cornered as the whole world is putting pressure on them to act against terrorists. They want to divert the attention of the from the real issue of acting against terrorists, by war talk against India.

They are openly denying that the captured terrorist is Pakistani. Even the FBI is convinced some elements from Pakistan were involved. Instead of investigating them, Pakistan keeps on saying "no evidence" has been provided. How much more evidence do they want? Take the case of Kargil war, Pakistan for three years denied that their army was involved in Kargil. Yet the soldiers caught by the army were from Pakistan army. Yet, in 2002, a soldier was decorated for shooting down an IAF MiG-21 in the war. They even refused to take back dead bodies of their own soldiers. What sort of army does that? Funny, isn't it? Now the latest round of denial is of Qasab.

Edited by ghostrider883

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I just want to say,merry X-mass day,and happy new year.Then,hope for a no-war year. :clapping:

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